Music Rock&Pop


FREE Classic Open Mic ('1.1\\11 (11.11111. ISJ.1111.111.1S111'1'1.517115211

s 11111111 \\11h11111111111111-111.11} 111//.1'

I The Redwalls 11111} 111mb. 5o 11\\1.1111S111'1't. 24S4114 "11111 U1

I Wednesday 13 1111' ( '.1thou\e. 15 1.11111115111'1'1. 241111111111 711111 {13 (1111 14s \hou \1111111'1111111\1111111111.1111111‘11\ \(1111

I Acoustic Jam \111-‘11‘SI1~.1/}.421 S.1u1'111e11.111 Street. 33311111111 511111. See Mon 23

I El Dog .11111 Old Romantic Killer Band 1111' 1\\1\11‘11 \\111'1'1. ~33 (.1111'1'11 S111'e1.2214.\51 Spin L5 l’oxt 1111111'1x 1:1 11og.11e 1111111'1111) l11uex [1111111\ 1111111 l.k.k.(1\

I Marc Evans, Aames, Tragic O’Hara .11111 Borthwicks Acoustic 1’11111’1111. 15 “.111'1'11111S111'1'1. 5114 H11111.S[11n.\\e1'1111 :\1‘o11\111‘ 11.1/1111l1.1 night

I Michael Simons 1111.11 (1111.1. 42 (11.1g111..1n1'. 357452-1S111n. 1.2 See Mon 2 3.

I Open Mic Repuhlie 1111'1 11.1111'\\'e\1. 372 374011111 \\'1'\11'111 Rodd. 33‘111177. Spur See \1111123.

FREE Shimmer, Richard Cook, Zener Diode .11111 State of Emergency 1111\. 431 S.1111‘111e11.111 Street. 332 5431. Stun Melodie 1111111‘ \oundx. FREE Three Days Born .11111 Master Katana 11m. 431 S.1111‘111eh.11| Street. 332 5-131. Spin. 1\11.ro1'11111|1.

I Gary Go, W Brown .11111 Elviin King 1111\ \\'.1|1\\'.111 11111. 272.1 St Vineent Street. 221 527‘). S311|1ur 1.7 1)11111111'11111ol 1111‘ 1.111‘x1 111.11111‘ 1.1111'1 singerx getttng .1 1111\11. (1.11} (11111111 111' \11ppoi'11ng 1.1111' 111.11 1.111'1'1111x _\1'.11. \111111' \'\' 111‘11111111111'1'\.1 retro 1'111111111'11'111111'x 11111'.

I Same Difference 11111.11 (‘11111'1-1'1 11.111. 2 S.1u1‘hleh.1|1 Street. 353 S111111. (':\.\'(’1-.1.1.1-.1).

Edinburgh FREE Open Mic \\'|11\11e11inl11e\.4 (1 South Bridge. 557 51141111111. See Mon


Tuesday 31 »


I Eagles of Death Metal .11111 The Hot Melts .-\11('. 3311 S.111e111eh.1|1 Street. 3322232. 711111. S1111) (111 (111-1- 14\ \111111. Queenx 111 1111' Stone .-\ge—.11'1'1|1.11ed \11'.1/} 1‘111‘11'11'1'11111'1‘x.

I The Airborne Toxic Event Queen .\1.u‘g.11'et 11111111. 22 l'nnerxlt} (i.1rden\. 331111784. 711111. S1111) 1111 11.1111 1'1111111 111.1 11.11111 taking their 11.11111' 1111111 1111' 111111 111'111111111111'1\Vhile .\'oi\1'.

I Frightened Rabbit 111111 Ross Clark(‘.1111.1i11\ R1‘\1. 11S5 (11'1‘111 \\'1'\11‘1'11 Roud. 332 73114. 731111111. 11111} indie pop 1111111 loe.1| \ueeexx \tor} Frightened Rabbit. \1111111'.1\1ng \eeond .111111111 [111' .1111/111e/11 ()1'21111 Ire/1! on 1111\ ‘Quiet .\'o\\1‘ .11‘1111x111‘ tour.

I 19905 (11.1xgou Sehool 111. .-\11. 1117 Renlire“ Street. 35.3 4531. Spik}. e.11e11) (il.1\\\egi.1n trio return 1111111 touring 1111' globe to promote their \1'1'111111 .111111111 Ate/1,1.

I David Byrne 11111.11 1'11111‘1-1'1 11.111. 2 S.111ehieh.1|| Street. 35.3 8111111. Spin. £211.37 1234.27.'1‘111'111111ing 111'.111\ frontinun ee1e11r.1te\ 111\ 1111111 111 er the _\1'.11'\ 111111 1111.111 lino. ineluding their mo\l 1‘1‘1‘1‘111 1'1111‘1111111‘11111111. [511711111112 417111! [111/1111711 11'1’l/ll11/1/11'11 [111/111'.

I Fluid BC, Unknown Forces of Everyday Life .11111 Expanding Demands 1’i\o l’ixo. 15 \\'.11e1'111o Street. 5114 811111. .S‘prn. Indie .1nd 111111.111111} 1111111 1‘111i1l BC .11111 .11111111'111 eleetronieu 1111111 1'1"()1{1..

I Heart in Hand .11111 Search Party 1111‘ ’12\\t.\11‘1l \VltL‘L‘l. 7.3 QllL‘L‘lt 511'1‘1‘1. 221 4851. 811111. £4. The headlinerx are .1 melodie 11.1r11eore 11.11111 111 1111‘ 131.11‘11 1:1.1g/(i.11111\\\ win.

I The Magic Carpet Cabaret 1111.11 (1111.1. 42 (11.1g11 1..1ne. 357 4524. 8pm.

74 THE LIST 1:7 Mar—2 411' 21111:“

L2 Jun \11 \11'1'1 [‘11‘\1‘111\.1111:_'111111 \ongu 1'111'1\ .11111 11.1ndx

I The Official Secrets Act, Coriolis .11111 Lions. Chase. Tigers King 1111K \\.111\\.11111111.2"2.1S1 \11111'111 S111'e1. 221 52"” S 31111111 L5 1.1'1'11\ | ondon 11.1xed tour 1111'11' 11111111'1111'1111} 1111' \11111} \11'111111\ol \1-11 \\.1\1' 111111

I The Part-Time Signals .11111 Junkyard Shift 1 1111 \1111-1'.111~. 511 1111 King S11e1'1.553 1113S ‘111111 \1.11n\11e.1111 1111111'.1nd 1111111'1111'11‘11‘11111 l1'\[11'1‘11\1'1_\


I Christopher Brookmyre .11111 Billy Franks 1111' \1111111111 Rottllh. 1‘1.1\\1'\1 Regixter S11ee1.5511 31134 11 31111111 L2 111'111'1'111.1111e .1g.11u\1 111111'11.1\e1 \1111111' he.1de1ot 111111111'1. 11111111 .11111 11111\11 1111 1111' 11.1111'111.11'11 11111111111111111 111 11111111111}1e\ Snuu/uzl/ 1n [/1 11"

FREE Craig McMurdo 1111- 111111111“ 11.11.4413111‘1'11(‘11.11111111'Street. 11'1111. 411" 521111. 7. 31111111 See 1111' 24

FREE Band Showcase \\'111\11e11111111e\.4 11Soulh Hodge. 5.57 51 14. 1111111. 1'1'1'1' See 1111' 24,


I Christopher Brookmyre .1111! Billy Franks \\.111'1\1one\. 151 15 S.1u1'111e11.111 Street. 5511 31134. (1311 831111111. 1.3111'111'1'111.111le.1g.11n~1 [1111‘1‘1111\1'1. See 1111' 3|.

I D12 .»\11(‘. 3 311 S.1111‘111e11.1ll Street. 3322232.,"l1111. {17,511,1111‘1' 14x \111111. 1i1111ne1n\1‘.1111111111111'\111.1_\ 1111'11'1'u\t Seottlxhgig 111x111ne111ne. 1111111111113: 1111' 11111111111 11111'111 1111‘11‘1111‘1111‘1‘1'S. 1’1'ool.

I The Mean Tambourine Scene .11111 The Kamillas .\'i1‘1"l1‘Sl1'.1/}. 421 S.1ue111e|1.1|1 Street. 33311111111. 731111111. 1111' K.11ni|1.1\.1re .1 the-pieee with 11111'1‘xe 1111'1111-111-1-\.

I A Place to Bury Strangers Stereo. 211 2.\' Renlield l..1ne. 222 2254. 7.31111111. 1111111. 11'1'1111111‘11~111'1‘111'111'11 1‘111‘11.

FREE Colin Hunter Bo\. 431

Eagles of Death Metal

S.1111111e11.111 Street. 332 5431 Spin S111ge1 x1111g11 1111-1 troin -\_\r\hue

I Josh Pyke Kuig 1111\ \\.111 \\'.111 11111. 272.1 S1 \1111’1'111 Street. 221 527‘)

.\ 31111111 LS Shoo/1 .»\u\tr.111.1n troulmdour 111111gxhix 11111 11.11111 \1111\\ 111 1111‘ 1 1\

FREE Open Stage 1111- 11.111 11.11. loo \\1111111.11111\ R111111. 52.2 ‘l‘l‘lh .\ 31111111 51‘1“ \\k'11 :2.

I Apollo Bay 13111 \1111- (.1112 511 1111 King S11ee1.553 1113.\ ‘111111 Selt- 111'\1'111‘1‘11.1\ ‘111111'11'111 11111\1e 111111 .1 “1111.


I Jackson Browne 11111.11 (111111-11 11.111. 2 S.1111‘1111‘11.111 Street. 353 S111111 511111. 1; 34 27 L311 111. (‘1.1xx11‘,-\1ne1'1e.1n \1111gur11e1. \111111x.1\ 11111111111 .1\ 1'11'1‘ 111' \1.1\1ntlie "11\.t11111\ \\1111111\1.111'\1 1111111111 [11111 l/h' (om/1117111

FREE Oran Mor Acoustic Sessions and Open Mic (11.111 M111. 7 31 7 35 (i1‘1‘.11 \\'1‘\l1'1‘11 Rodd. 3.57 (121111. Spin. See 1111' 24.

FREE Glasgow Jam Session S.11nue| 1111\\'\.117 71 .\'1111\11.1l1' Road. 42 3 11111". S311pu1. See 11111 1‘).

I New Adventures, The Zonules of Zinn .11111 Any Human Heart K1113; 1111\ “.111 \\'.111 11111. 272.1 S1 Vineent Slreel. 221 52"”. 5231111111. (5. 1".1111' .1111'1‘11.1 roekerx lroin 1.1111111111 11111'1‘ .1111'.1| 1‘S1'1'1111\111.

I Painfish, Super Junkie .11111 Junkyard Shift 13111 Note (3111-. 511 111) King Street. 553 1(13S. 1111111. Roek 11.11111 1111111 A} r headline.

FREE Bazodee 1111- 11.111 11.11. 11111 \Voodlundx Road. 352 ‘1‘)‘)(1. See 11111 1‘).


FREE Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery 1111' 1.1// 11.11. | ('11.1nil1er\ Street. 2211 42118. 5 Spin. See 11111 1‘).

I The Generous Things 1111- A111. .3 7 \Vulel‘loo 1’1111‘1‘. (12.3 7147. 751111111. 14. Rouxing. hitterxueet indie rock.

Sleazy kings of turbo charged, sexually salacious rock. Frontman Jesse ‘The Devil’ Hughes and his compadres will once again be preaching to the perverted at one of their raucous, rabble rousing hard rock sermons. IABC. Glasgow Tue 31 “.136


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.

11! Indicates Hitlist entry

Thursday 19


FREE Art of Sound THO: Contemporary European Jazz (il.t\go\\ 1'11111'1xn} ('oneert 11.111. 1'11111'1‘xit} .-\\enue. 3311411‘12 1 11111111. 1’1.1111~1 John 1.111. 11.1\\1\1 S.un 11111321‘\\ .11111111'111111111'1'.1.1n1e\ .\1.1ddren 111-11111111 .11‘11111'1'111111111 11.1unting 1'111111111\111on\ 11} John 1.111.

FREE Instrumental Masterclasses RSI-\MI), loo Rentre“ Street. 332 5115". 231111111. ”1111\11 11.1\\1\1 .11111 tree unpronmtion \[11‘1‘11111SI 11.1111 (111_\ \1111\\\ _\11ung 11.1w pl.1_\er\ 111111 111 get 1111111'11111111 1111'11 g.1nie. Happening \nnult.1neou\1_\ 111 dillerent .u‘e.1\. 11.11‘1111111' 11111111 \[k‘L‘lithl .\1.1_\.1 111111111111'ge1 .11111 .\'or\\eg1.1n11.1\\11l.1}1'1' 11.111 S1_\111' gne their 111\lg_'111\ 11111111|.1}111g 1111'11 rexpeetn e 111xtr1unentx.

I Glasgow lmprovisers

Orchestra RS..\.\11). 1111) Renlreu Street. 332 51157. 731111111. 1.5.1111‘ (i1;t\g11\\—1111\1‘111‘11\1'11111l1' 111.1) their euxtoinur} lree 1111111'11\1\11111111\. 11111 1111' eentrepieee ot 1111' eoneert 1x .1 111'“ graphie wow 11} ii11111\.1ti\1' l1.1\\1\1 13.111} (111}. .11111 the) hope 111 111' .111le to projeet the more 111-hind 1111' 11.11111 .1\ the} 111.1}. 111 .1 post-eoneert e\ent. the 1.1111 ('ruxxlord [121-111(11111111l1L'S 1111' 111111111 111111.111 inlorrnul e1 ening 111 111// lllll\1L'.


I Andi Neate ('.111.1r1'l Voltaire.

3(1 311 111.111 Street. 2211 (11711. 711111. 17. A mix 111~ 111111 .11111>1.1// 1111111 1111\ Highland 111m tts \111' [11.1“ 1111111 her 111111 .111111111 (‘nm 1, [(111111 11" [61111711,

I Jools Holland and his Rhythm and Blues Orchestra 1111- 1.1111 Home. 5 Queen Street. 4117 521111. 11pm. £45. Britain's biggest 111111'\ 1'1'11'111'11} 1111.111} putx 111 .111 .1ppe.11‘.1n1‘e .11 his 111111 111111.

I Sheila Jordan 1111- 1.111. 4 (ir.1xxn1.1r11et. 225 11112. 8pm. £12.51). 1iu111r.11'1ug .1udieneex 111111 her unique xettxe ol oeeusion 111111 \1}11‘. 1111' \enxutionul Ne“ York \oeatlixl'x \houx relleet .1 111etiine 111111111. blues .11111 112111.111»

I Art of Sound Trio 1111' 1.1// 11.11: 1 ('huinherx Street. 221142113. 3.1511111. £4 11231. Seeond gig ol the 11.1} tor 111M London-11.1\L'd trio. See .1111111'.

I The Freaky Family The Jun Bur. 1 Chambers Street. 221142113. 1 131111111. 12 1. ()rg.111ie hip hop .111dj.1//} groo\e\.

St Andrews

FREE Poetry and Jazz Jam Byre '1‘l1e.1tre..’\h11e_\ Street. 111334 475 11111). 1111511111. 1&1r1'_i.1//er\ pertorin in the hair. l’url u] 51.111131: .Srullund'x lute/711111111111! I’m'm 19111111111.

Friday 20


I Stringfest Evening Concert RSAMI). 11111Re111're11 Street. 332 51157. 731111111. £5. Tim (111111. the Principal Double BLISS 111Nev~ York's Metropolitan ()per.1 Orchestra is Joined h) RSAMI) Buss Fellow. 51.11111 Martin. Followed 11} .111 e1e11i11g otjun with Norwegian \irtuow Dun Soil—e.


I Dino Baptist and The Flavours The 1.1111 House. 5 Queen Street. 226 4.381). (1.3011111. Free before 8pm; £5 after. Blues and funk keyboard player