
PREVIEW’IIlil'l '1 {MIMI BALLET LORENT: DESIGNER BODY Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Sat 21 Mar

It‘s not hyperbole when I say that Liv Lorent is one of the most exciting, dynamic and emotionally engaging choreographers to have worked in Scotland in recent years. The reviews, awards and audience reaction bear it out, and all those who have seen Lorent‘s work with Scottish Dance Theatre will know what I mean. Both Luxuria and tenderhook filled the senses and reminded you why dance is such a powerful artform.

So, much excitement surrounds the fact that for the first time in the company’s history, balletLORENT is heading to Scotland. And with Designer Body, we’ll see a new side to Lorent’s choreography. ‘When I work with my own company, that's my chance to push myself more radically,‘ says Lorent. ‘l indulge myself a bit more when it’s on my own terms, and take some risks.’

Those risks involve seven dancers performing on continuously revolving plinths, a specially commissioned score by ZovietzFrance played in surround sound, a wind machine, extensive costumes

82 THE LIST ':‘- Man .\ -'~.:" .“ 7'

and atmospheric lighting design. Like giant record players, the plinths turn up to a speed of 20rpm, while the dancers slowly de-robe.

‘At the beginning, the body is the most designed it can be,’ says Lorent. ‘They‘re wearing hats, coats, heavy costumes and make-up all the man-made and artificial things we do to disguise ourselves everyday. Then, over 50 minutes, we take it all away. And because there are several layers, there’s a real sense of metamorphosis.’

Performed in the round, the piece allows us to view the performers from every angle - both clothed and naked. How did Lorent's dancers respond to the challenge? ‘They were all quite nervous and none of them found it easy,’ she says. ‘Which is also important because if they did, it would have a completely different look. This isn’t nudity in dance as I have experienced it before - the dancers are standing there alone with nothing to protect them. It’s an exceptionally vulnerable position to be in and feels quite overwhelming for the dancers - but I knew that aesthetically, it would be beautiful.’ (Kelly Apter)

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es Amou’eux [The Lo .“ersI Is a creepy )‘ f’é HCLI 5001’ LO/e \.'.’hat attracted Llo,d-Jones to the rnagIcal realIst's antes resonated rep-y strongly With me.‘ she sa,s. “And the taut that It's a l.'.’l8l(;d Sleep/ng Beauty and I seem to be eternally The tale centres on a vamprno Countess rLond-JonesI destined to spend her (Ia,s In a tattered weddrng dress seeking blood. until a

onstrarned b, labels or genres.‘ says Lloyd-Jones. sho .2' demands something. then that's what It needs. I love sIngIng and mUSIC and .'.’Ith dance so why not put them together?‘ (Kelly Apter)

REVIEW Tiff)“; .‘t A5826 WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? Dundee Rep. until Sat 21 Mar

0... llz' . l .1' ‘1‘.i\‘t \4 d l'..7 "‘, aid r7x7st people ‘.‘.lll 't\‘.lll the M .I.I.I:1Itr 7r‘ star' "5 Tax'e' t It; ' ‘1‘” ‘lt'tln UT 3"!" ‘.'.l‘ sit-I '7=.I~t.Il sea II elem ‘.'.'we l'z ‘as "eyed COMIC :‘l this l Alhees 7l.".llI"I “l7 "re; ""' 33. ll \.."llll(?, llll’xlxllt‘ il Iss m Irr age as all t C the death, at a transtrona? pant In American histon. packs a muel‘ more powerful punch In the l'llllllaC) of the theatre

l.‘.’here MIke NICths' film had the gram, leak of a .lacumentan James BrI'Ilna's prot'luctron for Dundee Rep .'.Isel, stresses the theatnealr t1, of the preee. The mm of erbal and phIs‘IeaI cruelty and .ahtasi. 'oie-plaI, III George and Martha's rrIarnage. and the blend of realIsIII and fantasy III the play. Is Iohoed In PhIle Whrteomh's stnkrng set - a naturalIstIt: hung room trash anded III the IIIIddle of a barren. post nuclear rubbre littered .‘.’|lll empty bottles The plaoIng of a fullsrxed mirror above the set recalls the bedroom eeIlIng nIIrrors beloved of exlIIbItIonIsts. but Is perhaps rather heavy' syIIIbolIsm for the parallels between the older <:ouple's bra/en squabbling and the burgeoning problems faced l), their young guests. NI<Ll< and Honey.

lnevutably. a play such as Albee's. at nearly three hours long, and subsIstIng entIrely on an undulatrng pace and lIItIng dialogue. stands and falls in, Its performanees. The cast here sneeeeds III pullIng us Into tlIIs fasmnahng, repellent world. wrth Irene MargDougall partmilarl,’ lllll)ff:f)f)|'.’(:.

nIorplIIng from drunken lease to lIIssIng. spIttIng harndan as dreadful. tragIr: Martha. IAllan Radcliffe)

COMPANY CHORDELIA: LES AMOUREUX Paisley Arts Centre, Fri 20 Mar, then touring

The late I7 x. eiIst Angela Carter's W79 book of falrytaIe-den 'ed short Stone The Boon; C'Iam be I has le to a n IIun Ib < r of adaptations. the latest tof thCh Isa rlrh f I,h,srr;a| theatre and opera. Cl Ioreograp hed by Kally Lloyd-Jones

.«ampIre tale based ..’lllCli In turn was InspIred by \V‘Jrjrk?

o'ked as a IrIe.erIIerIt dIrector mth Soottlsh Opera. Lloyd-Jones

r of a lIlIretto and has cast opera sInger, DamIan Thantrey In the 7 le r the s: l II 'r. ‘.‘.“Ith t.-.7o dancers and an actress completing the cast, and f‘iIISlIZ Cl‘me'I, Bartok. Faure and Plirlrp Glass drI/Ing the show along. Les

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