

FREE Northern Streams: Duodji Saami Exhibition Scottish StoriiL-Iling ('L-nlrL'. 43 45 High StrL'L'I. 550 057‘) In Mk Sat 4 Apr IIIain (ipin szhihition ot IioinL-Lialts. IiandiL'ratts and \UNKI\\()II\ h} IIIL' indigL-nous \aaini pL-opIL's oI northL'rn SL'andiiiaHa. I'inland and noitImL'st Riissla. ’4“! u] (i'i/Irl/i (ii/lulu

FREE Portrait Gallery Farewell Weekend National I’oitiait (iaIIL'i’). I ()uL'L'n StiL-L-L 024 (i200 Sat 4 A Sun 5 Apr IIain 4pm. Ilaiii 5pm. A Lt‘It'I‘lulHl} \\ L't'IM'IliI I‘L'IHI‘L' lIlt' IL'inpoiai} L‘IosuiL‘ oI lIIL’ Scottish National I’oitiait (iaIIL'i‘) Ioi a inaloi LIL-\L'IopinL'nt and iL'storation proiL'L'l L'nIiIIL'd I’III‘I/IIII it] [In .Vriliuli. \IL'L'I poitiait aitists and \L‘L' IIIL‘III at work. haxL' )(Illl ouii portrait inadL'. IiL'ai‘ Il\t‘ music and IL'aiii \xhal thL' lutui'L' holds Ior IIIL' gaIIL't‘}

Ialks Predators and People: Living with the Enemy Mon 0 Api. Izdinhuigh Zoo: IzduL'alion ('L'ntiL‘. (‘oi‘storphinL' Road. 55 3 0 322. 7 Spin. £0 (£4i. ‘I’L'ssa \IL‘( iiL'goi. [Ilt' natural Iiistor} hroadL‘ale‘r. L'\|II;IIII\ \th-rL- Iiuinans lit into IIIL' tood L'Iiain. III/I u/ film/Hugh IIIII'I‘IIIHIUIIIII 5i II'Ili I' I‘IWIIIIII. FREE Stills Artist Talk: llana Halperin Stills. 23 ('oL'ILhurn StrL‘L't. 553 0322 7pm. Slills‘ i‘L'sidL'nt artist talks about ph)siL‘aI gL'oIogiL‘al tiniL'. \VL' ai'L‘n't L'\L'II piL'tL'nding to undL-rstand \xhat “C iust \xi‘otL' tIiL'i‘L'. ’iiri u/ lailm/mig/i III/(’I‘IIIIIIUIIII/ Si li'lIl (' [TU/HI]. FREE Artists’ Books in Focus: Antoni Tapies 'I'hu 0 Apr. I)L'an (iaIIL'i'). 73 IiL'IIord Road. 024 (i203. I I30ani I2.30pin. ()nL' oI' lhi'L'L' sL‘ssions toL'using on indi\ idual artists and hooks. I’IL-asL- hook in adxanL‘L' h) phoning or L'inaiIing gniaintow nationalgalIL'i'iL‘sorg. lce, Mud and Blood IIIII ‘) Apr. Indinhurgh l'ni\L'rsit_\ Inl'oi‘inatiL‘s I‘oruni. I0 ('iiL'hton Sti‘L‘L'I. 55.3 0322. (i 7pm. £7 (£5I, I’rot'('hris 'I'urnL'} taIILs ahoul t‘\llt'lllt‘ L‘IiinatL's in IIIL‘ L'arth's past and what L'IiinatL' L'IiangL‘ inL'ans tor thL' tulurL'. I’Iir/ of lat/iIi/iiu'g/i Iiilr'rnulmnul Si'ivnn' l‘t'WlI'lll. Coping with Climate Change 'I‘hn () Api. Ro_\a| Botanic (iardL'n. 20a IinL'i'IL'ilh Ron. 5530322. 7 8pm. £0 (£4 I. 'I‘III'L‘L‘ IL‘adilIg sL'iL‘lltisIs disL‘llssL‘s IIIL' L‘utting L‘LIgL' plant sL'iL'nL'L' hL'ing lth‘tI to hL-Ip tIL‘ilI \\ ith L'IiinatL‘ L'hangL'. and thc i‘oIL' ol plants in Ioilioi‘l'im 's \HII'ItI. AgL's I4+. I’iii‘i u/ Int/in/mrg/I Illlr'l'llilllnlltl/ Si ll'III'I' /'('\/ll'tl/. It’s My Skin IIIlI ‘) Apr. SurgL'ons' IIaII .\IusLuni Rmal ('oIIL‘gL' oI' SurgLons ol' I \IlllI‘lII"II .\iLoIson SUC'LI 55 3 0322. 7.30 0.30pm. £0 i£4i. .\ p incl ot L\pLits. It‘tl It} I’i'ot'(‘olin Jahoda. talk about IIIL‘ Il\t‘\ ot skin \th‘n )iiti'i'L‘ donL‘ \sith it. Il'UllI \lt‘lll L'L‘II rL'sL'arL'h to L'osinL‘tiL' surgL‘i‘}. l’uri u/ l-.Iliii/mrg/i Iii/I'mulimuil .\i run I' I'I'xlii‘Iil.

History of the Vibrator 'l‘hu ‘)

Apr. Iidinhurgh l'nixL-rsit} IIIIUI'IIIQIIIL'\ I‘oi'uin. I0 ('i‘iL‘hton StrL'L‘I. 553 0322. .\' 9pm. £3 (UH. SL‘L' IIitlist. FREE Guardi’s Venice Hi It) Apr. National (ialIL‘r) ot' Scotland ('oiiipIL'\. 'I’IiL‘ Mound. (124 (i200. I245 I.I5pin. I‘i'iL‘ia AIIL‘rston LIisL‘ussL's thL' gallL‘r} ‘s L‘oIIL‘L‘tion oI~ paintings h} I"i‘;iiiL‘L‘sL‘o (iuai'di. tainous tor his \ lt‘\\\ ot‘ \'L'niL'L'. to 0c in with Mic IiIrm-r Lt- lIu/r L‘\hihition. Royal Institution Christmas Lecture: Hi-tech Trek l-‘ri I0 Apr. Iidinhurgh l'niwrsit} lnl‘orinatiL‘s I-oruin. I0 (‘riL‘hton SII‘L‘L‘I. 553 0322. (i 7pm. £3 (£0). I’roI ('hi‘is Bishop talks about th‘ progress ot' L‘oinputL‘rs. their limitations and lIlL' sL'arL‘h tor lIlt‘ ultiinatL'. And. _\L‘\. \\L' knon it's not Christmas. Part or lat/inhiIIg/i IIIIt'I'Illllllllltll .S'i‘n'm'v I‘i'\III'(l/. Darwin‘s Worms Sat 1 I Apr. IiLIinhnrgh l'niwrsit} IntorinatiL‘s Ioniin. l0 (iiLhion .Sllt‘Cl 55‘ 0‘22 2 3pm. £7 (£5I. I iL‘uLI. I).ll\\ in and dL'ath in a sL‘L‘uIar age from Richard Ilollona). the former Bishop ot‘l‘dinhurnh and Adam Phillips [is}LliLiILig'ist and \\ ritLr I’ II'! of ldinlnug/I InII mammal 5‘ It In t It .\Ill (1].

FREE Curator‘s Talk: Eduardo Paolozzi Beginnings Mon l3 Apr. I)L'an (iaIIL'r_\. 7.3 IiL'Il'ord Road. 024 0200. I245 |.I5pin. I)aniL'| IIL'rrinann. (‘urator oI thL' I’aoIo/li ('oIIL-L‘tion. lL-ads a tour ot thL' L'xhihition tIlspItl}. The Future of Cancer Treatment: Can We Afford it? Mon I3 Apr. Izdinhurgh l'nixL‘rsit) lllltlrlllilllt\ I-oruin. III ('riL‘hton StrL‘L'I. 553 0322. 0 7pm. £0 i£4i. I’rol John Sunni talks L'thiLs I’m! 41/ l'x/lII/Illl'u/l Irilvrnulmnul SI Inn 1' l't'\lll(l/. Cafe Scientifique: A Consumer’s Guide to Making Sense of Science in the Media Mon | 3 Apr. Izdinhurgh l'nixL'rsit} Int'orinatiL's I'Dl‘lllll. I0 (‘riL'hton StrL'L'l. 553 (H22. " 8pm. £0 (£4). SL'L' IIitIist. Alternate Anatomical Architectures: Fractal Flesh, Chimeras and Extra Ears 'I‘uL- l4 Apr. 'I‘hL IIuh( (‘:istIL'.InI| Roin MilL‘. 553 (H32 7 \piii.£ £8 (£0). SLL IIitIist. Dynamic Simulation at Pixar Animation Studios Inc l4 Apr. Iidinhurgh l'nixL'rsit} InIorinatiL's I'oruin. III ('riL'hton SII'L'L'I. 553 0322. R 9pm. £8 i£(ii. l)a\id Iiaratl. SL'nior Animation SL‘iL'ntist I'or I’i\ar. gixL's an illustratL'd talk about lIlt‘ LTL'illI\L‘ and tL'L‘hniL‘al diIIiL‘uIliL-s ot' bringing their L'uddl} L‘rittL'rs to IiI'L'. /’url of I-[ilIIi/mrg/i lnli'niulimm/ St'lt'lll‘l’ I'r’\lll'(ll. The Secrets Behind Science TV 'IuL‘ l4 Apr. Iidinhurgh l'nixL'rsit} InlorinatiL‘s I'orutn. III ('riL‘hton StrL'L‘t. 5530322. () 7pm. £7 (£5I. A panL'I (it 'I'\' t_\pL‘s ti'oin hotIi sidL-s ot' lIlC L‘ainL-ras IIIL' L‘aIIIL‘I‘as dlsL‘liss Ito“ Io turn sL'iL‘IIL‘L' into good tL‘IL‘\ ision. l’url of lzrli'Ii/nuju/i liili'riiulimiu/Stir/1w l'i'siii'ul. FREE An Night in Nowtopia 'I‘uL- l4 Apr. I'orL‘st ('at'L‘ (l‘pstairs hall I. 3 Brislo I’IaL‘L‘. 220 4533. ”pm. Author ('hris ('arlsson. L‘o»I'oundL‘r ot‘('ritiL'a| Mass. talks about l'i‘L‘L‘ Sottnarc. (iiiL‘riIIa (iarLIL‘ning and other I)IY projects around the \HII‘ItI. In the Mood for Dancing 'I’hu In Apr. Iidinhurgh l'niVL'rsit) Informatics I-‘oruni. III (‘t‘iL‘hlon SII'L‘L'I. 5.5.3 (I322. () 7pm. £8 (£0). YL'ah. “C arL'. non 'mu lllL‘lllItlll it. I’rot Richard WisL'inan and Dr I’L'lL'r |.o\att conduct an L'\pL'riinL'nt about dancing. .\'o danL'L' skills are nL'L‘L‘ssai')‘ hut )ou ina} \xanl iojoin in. Part of Izilinl’iIrg/i IIiII'rmIIionu/ Xr‘n'nu' I'I'slii'ul.


Chinese Landscape Painting Sat 4 Apr. WL'ston I.inIL. IlauihornLlL‘n I.L‘L‘lurL‘ 'I'IIL'atrL'. National Gallery. the Mound. 024 (i500. |0.30;nn 4.30pm. £30. A ino- da} praL‘liL'aI L‘oui‘sL' L'\ploring [IlL‘ tIIIIL‘l‘L'IlL-LN IX'I\\'L‘L‘II (‘hinL'sL' and \‘I'L'stL'rn landscape painting. with artist Sit/antic (‘hong I’IL'asc hook in aLIVanL‘L'.

Dr Sketchy’s Anti-Art School Sat 4 Apr. 'I'hL' Ja/I Bar. I ('hainhL'rs Slrt‘t‘l. 220 4203. I 3pm. £7 (£0). Maya Minx prL'sidL‘s ox L'i‘ thL' how). hurIL-squL‘ IllC- dran ing L'IassL's. I-‘or IiastL‘r. thL‘) ’rL‘ otlL'ring _\ou lIlL‘ L'hanL'L' to get your pL'nL‘ils (matron) round 'lhc ultiinatL' rampant rahhit'. What is it “uh you [X‘UPIL‘ and \ ihrators this I‘orinight‘.’ Shoe Swing \VL‘dnL‘sda) s. ('ounting IIousL‘. \VL‘sI NIL‘oIson SIrL‘CI. ()07 7533. 7pm. £4.50 £7 (£3.50 £(iI. A suing LIanL‘c \xoi‘kshop run h) Iidinhop L'sL‘r) \VL'dnL'sda} night. 'I’uiorL‘d L‘IassL's lit)!" 7pm and social dancing ITOIII 9pm. Sn ing danL'L‘rs. Iind} -IioppL‘rs and jl\Cr\ of all pcrsuasions \L‘r) “CICUIIIC. .\'o llCCtl to hook. and )ou don’t C\ en haw to haw a paitnL‘r.

The Influence of Japan liri I0 Apr. \VL‘ston Link. llauthorndcn l.L‘L‘turL' 'I'hL'atrL'. National (ialIL'r). the Mound. 024 (i500. 2 4.30pm. £40 (£30). :\I‘Iisl ('ainphL'II Sandilands taILL's a tour-xx L'L'k L'oursL' L‘\p|oring thL' JapanL'sL' IIIIIlICIlCL‘ on \VL'stL‘rn an and introduces \arious JapanL‘sL‘ an t'orins.

Bass Masterclass with Janek Gwizdala Sun l2 Apr. The Jan Bar. I ('hamhcrs Strcct. 220 4298. 2—3.30pm. £25. The famous New York clcctriL‘ bassist ott'crs tips and individual coaching (bring _\our hass. bah} I.

° ' As part of Darwin 200 (a dual

Dal-Win and EVOIUtIon celebration of the 200th anniversary of the naturalist's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his groundbreaking and controversial On the Origin of Species), Kelvingrove have a new exhibition opening this fortnight. Find out more about the great man's ideas, our place on the planet, and what we have in common with amoeba.

I KO/VI/Ig/OVO Art Gal/cry 8. Museum. Glasgow, Sat ‘1 Apr Hii/ (II {)m; [WU/(I III/i) about Div/Win 2( )0 (it Wit/w.(/(irWi/i2()().org

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