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Superstar techno and house DJ Carl Cox comes to Glasgow this fortnight. We grabbed the BBQ loving speed- demon during his tour of 02 to talk Thai food and first loves

What’s the first record you ever bought?

It was in 197:3. It was Tamla Motown, it cost 75p from HMV in Sutton and was Diana Ross. “Love Hangover'.

When was the last time you were chatted up?

Last weekend actually, very nice. I don't really go Out to see if I can get chatted up. but if it does happen. great.

What was the first film that really moved you?

I'm an aVld film-watcher and have been for many years, but I have to say. AM By Mouth, wrth Ray Winstone and Kathy Burke was pretty movmg.

What was the last lie you told? Long, long pause. I'm thinking abOut it. I can't remember.

First thing you’d do if you ran the country?

Now that's a bloody good one. Get rid of the 70mph speed limit. No one does 70mph in a car. Tell me the last time yOu did? The limit was set when cars could barely reach seventy. and if they c0uld. they didn't do it very safely. Today. cars have better lights and brakes havrng to be Stibiected to a

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speed limit when no one's arcane. that's the worst. But that's me. I'm a petrolhead.

What was the first movie you went on a date to?

Crikey. this is gomg back. Poltergeist? Nightmare On Elm Street? No. it was Friday The 73th. It scared the hell out of her, so she was grabbing me all night long.

What was the last great meal that you cooked?

Last week. on a barbecue. Being here in Australia iust now, we always end up domg barbeques. I love domg them and I'm able to practice dorng all sorts of weird and wonderful things on there.

Last time you cried?

I don’t really cry that often at all. But the last time I cried was abOut four years ago when my mum was in hospital. she was haying a kidney removed. That was tOugh. Mum had to get it removed. but seeing her in pain was Just awful. I c0uldn't control myself unfortunately.

What’s the first thing you do when you have time off work? I'm really into my motorbikes. Out here in Australia they have some really amazmg roads. kind of like beach roads. where you go and watch the Sun go down. that sort of stuff. I don't think of anything apart from riding and feeling good that I'm domg it.

Who was your first crush?

Many years ago there was this girl called Dawn Sales. We were about Sixteen. She was absolutely gorgeous. and I thought that she'd never go out

The things making our world just that little bit better

I Did anyone think CS] could recover from the loss of the mighty Grissom (William Petersen)? Well, the

equally mercurial Laurence Fishhurne has stepped into his sizeable shoes and with a few stumbles (dipping your tie in burnt corpse is not a good look on our first day) he's ooking like the perfect replacement. I Similar small screen delights can be

2 THE LIST 2—16 Apr 2009

found on that

Wire from the very start every Monday night. Finally, all us plebs with council telly can see what

uaint televisual bolthole that is BBCZ, w o are screening The

the fuss is all about. I Finding your own personal bit of magic on 600qu Street View has become a national sport. Dave Gorman found himself http://tinyurl.com/db7jfp - although this seems too Dave Gorman to be

With me. because she was Just so ‘.;"‘, srw .i t ' ' . lovely. Really lovely family. We ‘.‘.%2".’. i:;i'. 1 WV. 2'“: .' i-

for about two years. I'll never forge: 8'. l'rv ~ °

her. "1 : w t . l' i’ .:

When was the first time that you realised you were famous?

Many years ago I was on the ljurosfar earth?

to Pans. and this French. lady. this; 7' f "

older lady. she must have been about or: ~ l" i " 2 ' fiftyodd. was reading a magazine art/i 0a" l~." . .' l' '1

she turned arOLind and said. ‘Arr; ,._.r ' .r' I, l' :21 .. the DJ I'm reading about’?‘ It was real;

bizarre. She said. 'My daughter know“. who yOu are. and you obno;.sl, “an: a .y/ .1: .

true. More importantly, we found one of our staffer's local lollipop man . ' http://snipurl.com/ a elivu. We expect a

Fringe show and subsequent BBC4 TV series to follow imminently . . .

I Most of all we salute the over enthusiasm of our fellow countryfolk who ignore the weather warnings and strip down to silly sunglasses and overly styled t-shlrts at the first hint of a sunbeam.