Name Dave Gibbons

Born 14 April, 1949. England Background Gibbons broke into comics illustrating horror and action strips for Dundee-based DC Thomson and London's PC. but his career began in earnest with the launch in 1977 of the seminal British sci-fi title 2000AD. Gibbons pen and inked numerous series and was poached in 1982 by American publishing giant DC Comics. where he began his long association illustrating. In 1985 he drew For the Man Who Has Everything, written by Alan Moore and widely considered to be one of best ever Superman stories. The following year Gibbons and Moore began work on Watchmen, the groundbreaking 12-issue series that deconstructed the superhero genre and was credited alongside Maus with making comics adult. In the early 90$ Gibbons teamed up with The Dark Knight creator Frank Miller on the dystopian sci-ti series Give Me Liberty and began writing, on most notably the Batman- Superman World's Finest mini- series. In 2002. he combined his writing and drawing talents on the semi-autobiographical mods ‘n‘ rockers graphic novel The Originals. which won an Eisner Award (comics Oscars).

What’s he up to now? Gibbons is still creating comics. his prestigious work as a “covers artist' attesting to his popularity. He's also been closely involved with the film adaptation of Watchmen, producing conceptual and marketing art, and he recently published a visual memoir of the creation of the graphic novel. Watching the Watchmen.

On Watchmen the movie ‘From my time on set I can tell you the film looks and feels very faithful to the graphic novel. It was fantastic for somebody who lives in his imagination a lot of the time to see things actually become solid in the real world. It was one of the most exciting experiences I've had connected with comics.’ Interesting tact Gibbons enjoys a third comics career. in the generally overlooked field of lettering. and in 2007 his typographical talents were recognised with an Eagle Award (comics' BAl-‘l’ As). (Miles Fielder) I Watchmen, out now, general release.

48 THE LIST 2-16 Apr 2009

Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

It: Indicates l-litlist entry

Aa Dekhen Zara t I2.-\i iJchangir \urti. India. lefl‘li .\'ci| Nitin \Iukcsh. Iiipasha Iiasu. Rahul Hm. I 17min IioI|_\\sood sci-ti lIick about a talc-changing camcra ('rlli'iiur/il Ii’t'ri/n‘ii .Vl/‘r'c'l. (i/uigim

Aida tI'i iSpain. Jillii I)anic|a I)cssi. I'abio .~\rmiliato. Robcno Scandiu/li IHZmrn Rccor’ding ol a pcrlormanc c of

Vcrdl\ L‘Plc silt/i1 at Ilarcclolta's (itan Icallc

I.rccu. I’crtormcd against thc historic papcr lrompc I‘ocil scts paintcd bctss ccn Ill It» and I045 b} Joscp .\Icstrcs ('abancs. and conductcd b} Migucl .»\nch (iomc/ .\Iarttnc/, I'r/rrrliiiuu'. lat/irr/iirrgli

The Anarchist’s Wife 1 I5i t.\laric NocIIc/I’ctcr Schr. (icrman}i’Sparn/I-rancc. Ziltlh‘i Maria \'aI\crdc. Juan |)icgo Iiotto. Ixana Iiaqucr‘o I Himrn. Spanish ('nrl \Var drama ccntcring on a )oting couplc's unthing Io\ c in thc Iacc ol pcrsonal suIIcring. I’art ol .\'l\;t' Spanish and I.alin Amcrican I‘ilm I'L‘\Il\.’tl. l‘iliii/ioim‘. Ifr/iri/iurjr'li.

Anvil! The Story at Anvil l lfii

O... tSacha (iL‘I'\.’tsl. I'S. .‘lltl‘li ls'llmin. (io on a Journc} \sith thc unluckicst. liaidcst \iorkmg incn in rock in this mining documcntar}. (ii/mun lit/IIII’IU'L'II.

Ayan l I3.»\i tIs'V .-\nand. India. ZINNi Surya Snaknmar. 'l‘amanna Iihatia. Ilfimin, .\'c\\ Kollpsood t'I‘amrl and (‘hcnnai liIm industr} tilinsi lcatui‘c sct in .-\lrica. I.ittlc is knimn about thc plot. btit thc dircctor has promiscd 'onc ol a kind action scqucnccs. (‘irir’iior/t/ Ri'lltn'ii Strict. (i/uwuii. The Bear (L’Ours) il’( il .0. Jacqucs .-\nnaud. I'i'ancc. I‘lhts‘i Bart. I)oucc. Jack \Vallacc. Ichck} Kano. ‘Ib'min, 'I‘his simplc. unscntimcntal narratn c l’ollous thc cspcricnccs ol~ tuo bcars a big adult k'odrak and a young orphan cub as txso Iiuntcrs pursnc thcm. ('Icwrls tilmcd to capturc thc bcars acting naturall}. this insightl'ul and cntcrtaining r'ccord ol’ thcir progrcss makcs a mo\ ing pIca for thc dcccnt trcatmcnt ot all animals. (iliiwoii I’I'Im 'I‘lit'uln'.

Bedtime Stories mm 00 i.-\tlaiii Shankman. I'S. leilh‘i Adam Sandlcr. Kcri Russcll. (‘ourtcncy (’o\. ‘lllllllll. I-amil} tantas} about a man \\ ho can makc bcdtimc \Itll'IL‘\ CUIIIC ltl IIIL‘. Xr'lt'r’lt'r/ I‘r'lt‘rlu'.



Band on Ch: DIX.“

On Monday 13 April Optimum ReleaSing WIII release the complete trilogy of the films based on Daxid Peace's ‘Yorkshire norr' series. If yOLi missed these excellent films On teIeViSion do not fear because The List has five copies to give away. To be in wrth a chance of winning one set VISII wwwlistcouk offers

Better Things . 1* oooo iI)l1.tllC Hopkins. I K. ZlNlM I iaiii \Iclltaliick. (‘hc (Kiri. Iaia liallard ‘Hllllll Ihc I)aidcnncs brothcrs mcct \Iikc I cigh in Iiiit

\krlIt'l dircclor IIt'PkIIIs c\ccllcnt lcaturc dcbut about drugs and doomcd Il\ cs in thc (\its\\oltls Iri'irilri 'ItH. I'u’i'Itt'rirrc'i'i Beverly Hills Chihuahua it

.. IR.t1a(iilslchI. I.\ \Ic\lco. _‘titl\. I)rc\\‘l}llltllL' «\oicci. I’ipci I’ciabo. Jamic I cc (‘urtis hlmin Ihis brrghtl} lit lamil} comcd} is a \apid lisli out ol ssalcr conlcction. ic\ol\ mg around posh pooch (‘hloc isoiccd b} Ii.iii'_\iiioici \\ho gcls kidnappcd liom Rachcl iI’ciaboi during a [L'stll'I Mtc‘dlltlll Itt kccp ('Illitc.s lL‘aI il\\llcl. Rachcl's atiiil \'i\ran II cc ('iittisi. in thc tlalk. Racllcl \L'Is HUI Ill lt'sctlc Illc pampcrcd pct liom hcr potcntial talc at thc hands of \Ic\ican doglightcrs Ialcnt Iicass onc-iokc talking dog mox ic Iiu I-i/iri/iiug/i ()t ( tUl. Iii/iri/iirr 3/1

The Boat That Rocked l lSi O. tRichard ('ur'tis. I'K. Illll‘li (icmma .-\rtcrton. I’hilip Scunour Iloltinan. liill \igh} | Nmrn Scc lIlIL'l\lt‘\\. pagc II and tc\ic\s.pagc»1(i (it in m/ It It (In

Bolt tI’(ii O... ill)ion Ionsard (‘hris Williams. [8. Ititl‘li \'oiccs ot \Iilc) (’_\ius. .Iohn Iraonta. Stisic I'issman ltlsinin IIcart-tugging I)rsnc} animation .iboiit child actrcss I’cnn} isoiccd b_\ ("Hun and dog Iiolt iIia\oltai \\ ho star in a hit 'I \' sciics Illc dill: IX‘IIC\L‘\ ll's .lII IL'dI. \H \sllcll IIL' cscapcs liom his lr'ailci and cnds tip thc olhcr sidc ol thc couiili} hc is in lot a lcu rudc surpriscs \i'lu In] ii-li tru-

Bolt 30 iI’('ii O... illiron Ionsard ('hris Williams. ['8. Illll‘li \tlch'\ ol \IiIc} (‘_\rtis. John 'I‘raxolta. Snsic Izssman. Illimin. Scc abox c (‘im-iiui/t/ Rt‘llf’l Il .‘Il'i't'l. (i/tlu'riii,

Bridge to Terabithia il’t it .00 i(iabor ('supo. I'S. ZINIW ,Iosh IIutchcison. .-\nnasophia Robb. /.ooc_\ I)cschancl

”5min .‘\l'Il\Ilc kid .Icss iIIutchcisoni is gcttrng bullicd at school and at hornc urilrl otilsidci' I.cslic tRobbi mo\ cs in ric\t door and thc t\so bcgin to build an imaginar} \sorld in a ncarb} \Mitltl, Ihis laithlul adaptation ol Kathcrinc I’atcrson's coming oI agc clllldi‘cn‘s book is “HI'III a look Iot' adtills and kids alikc. I'Jlll’ll‘t' (’ln/rlnmk. (‘lii/i'liurik

Bronson t IMOOOCO t.\'icolas Winding Rcln. I'Is'. Zillllli 'I‘om Hard}. Kat) Iiakci‘. Iiduar'd Iicnnctt-(‘olcs 02min. Ihc brutal tr'uc \ltll'} ol Britain's most notorious and dangcrons prisoncr ('har‘lcs Bronson is Iicrc giscn an c\prcssionistic makcoxcr. I‘rom his rcspcctablc \Vclsli upbringing to pctt} crimc. prison. solilar} conlincmcnt and tabloid Il}\IL‘l'Iil. Iirorison‘s tr'aicctoi‘} through thc sccond hall ol thc leth ccnlur} is uniquc. .\ ctilt liIm lor sur'c. Anthropoliigicall} it is inxaluablc; artisticaII} it is a complc\ and unlorgcttablc lllilslcl‘plCL‘L‘. Sir/H It't/ I't'lr'rltr'.

Calamity Jane (Singalong screening) il'i iI)a\id Ilutlci'. I'S. I‘lfiii I)oris Ha). llo\sai'd chl. :\II}ll Ann .\IcI.cric. I’hilip (‘arcy Illlmin. Indian scout (‘alamiu Janc il)a} l is hard-riding. boasttul and hand} u IIII a gun. Shc has to bc. Ii\mg as shc docs in I)cad\\ood. Dakota. a placc \ihcrc mcn arc inch and \somcn arc toothsomc. \thn Janc lalls in low \HIII a soung arm} Iicutciiant shc rcaliscs shc ma} hax c to changc. bccausc hc rcall} docs not apprcciatc hcr morc butch qualitics. Iinio} singing along to this classic camp musical in rccognition ol’ I)oris I)a_\'s ITITIIItlit}. (iluwoii I’rlnr Al-hl’tlll't'u

Che: Part One i ISi oooo tStmcn Smlcrbcrgh. Spain/I‘rancc/l '8. Zoom Iicnicio Dcl 'I‘oro. Rodrigo Santoro. I)cmian Ilichir. Ilbmin. I’art onc ol’ Sodcrbcrgh‘s structurall} magniliccnt 'lilrn dipt_sch‘ about ('hc ('iucxara tl)cl 'I’oroi unfolds in a rioti- Iincar Iashioii This biopic dctails his Inc as a coIlcction ol~ incidcnts rathcr than a cohcrcnt \sholc “ith thrcc L‘\cms arc Uscd to highlight ('hc's philosoph} his initial mccting \‘srth I-‘idcl Castro; thc lighting in thc Sicrra .\Iacstra mountain rcgions; and his contros crsial I‘m-I spccch to thc l'nitcd Nations. (Hawaii I't/m I'lli'illl‘i’..

Che: Part No l I5i O... iStcxcn Sodcrbcrgh. Spain/Francc/I'S. 2008i Bcnicio [)cl Toro. Rodrigo Santoro. I)cmi;in

liichir I:~Illlll ("ht- (iiicxara‘s linal talal campaign in Iiolixia gcls bold and blcak lrcatmcnt in thc sccorid part ol \tcscn \tslcrbctglis mtiaorduiarrls bio historical cpic about thc ultimatc icsolntionars \ rigorous da_\ to da_\ actount ot a guciilla campaign. \odcrbcigh cschcus thc gidds rigsaxs anIc structurc and collcctrxisl optimism ot thc tirst tilm tor soniclhing morc torcnsn and lalalistic \ trantc trorii \shich sou cmcrgc saddcllcd. hopctul and

\\ ith .i hungcr to lcarn moic tiling-on lifivi [in an:

Cherry Blossoms (Kirschbluten- Hanami)il.‘\ieee IIb‘llls Ib‘lllt‘. (icrman). .‘lNlhi I Imar \M‘ppcr. IIanncloic I Isnci. \sia Iii/uki Ijflllllll \cc rc\ic\\, pagc ~14 (iltrxct iii Ill": It'll an.

The Class i I‘i 0... il aiiicnt (lintcl. I'raricc. .‘INIM I I.lII\Hl\ Iicgaudcau.

I sinciclda (Incilam. Itanck Iscita litliiiin (Ilit‘ It'dcllt‘l. Hllt‘ \ I.t\\. Ullt‘ It'llll .III\I .l “IIUIL‘ It‘dkl til [‘lilI‘Icllls Rt'llldlkdl‘lt' slit tcalist drama li/niiiosni. Illiri/iiricii Confessions of a Shopaholic il'tii C «H Ilogan. I \. .‘llll‘li Isla I ishci. IIugh Ilaiic}. Kisstcn Rittci Ill-1min \‘acuons consumcr porn adaptation ol Sophic Kinsclla's book about a \csx \ork lourno \\ ith a pcsk} plastic habit. lla\scd bx misguidcd product pIacciiicnt. boidcilinc racist portrasals ol comcds loicigncis and Iitlct'il slal‘sllck \c t'llt‘s \i lit in] It It mi Consequences of Love i lit .00 il’aolo \oriciitino. Ital}. JIM-Ii Ion_\

Scn iIIo. ( )li\ ia \lagnani. -\driaiio ( il.lllIIIIII lllllmin I'Itia scll UHIM’IiHhI} diicclcd. Iooscl} c\islcntial thrillcr liom Italian lilmmakci Soircnlino Iitta iScisiIIoi. ll\t’s arioii_\iiiousl} in a holcl. [\l.l}lllj: cards. \satching othcis and taking tIL'IHL‘I} ol snitcascs containing millions ol dollars SIouI}. thc rinslcr} bcgins to unras cl. rcwalmg his isolatcd c\islcncc I‘llicicnt bill minor \Ialinccs onl_\ (trim o. l‘a/llll’lll'g/I

Cosmic Africa I I .‘ -\ i i( 'raig I'ostci/Ihrnon I~ostcr. South '\lllc.l. Illllli "2min I)ocnrncnlars \shich c\ploics traditional .-\lrican .lslltilltilll} through thc c_\cs ol astrophisit isl I'hcbc \chupc (In his iournc}s through Namibia. Mali and lIic Sahara. 'Ilicbc cncountcis cosmn shamans. di\ iricr's and .‘incicnl ccrcmonics \shcic thc la“ sol thc sccond alIiancc bctuccn '.'.llIll and sk} still hold tr'nc I’art ol thc Izdiiiburgh Inlcrnalional Sctcncc I‘cslnal l‘l/HI/lrlltu’. l'a/rri/iurg/i

Cyberworld 30 mm i\'aiioiis. l's. Ztliltii Jcnna I'.IIIII.'|II. .\Ialt I’lt'\\t‘l. Wood} .»\Ilcn 44min .Icniia I'.II|II.‘tIl is lIic c_\bcr' host \\ ho introduccs its to \arions unrclatcd scgmcnts ol c_\bci animation lllt' Slur/mini and .Iii!.'. makc il) appcaranccs III a spcclaculai dispIa} i~l [inlays most imprcssn c graphic tcclinolog} /.II.I.\' l/lr'itln'. (i/rlxg'riii

The Damned United i lii 000

i'Iom IIoopci. I'Is'. ZlNl‘h .\Iichac| Shccn. Jim Iiroadbcnl. 'I'imoth} Spall 07mm Iiroadl} cntcr'tainmg it highl} sanitiscd adaptation ol I)a\id I’cacc's iustI) acclaimcd noch Illt‘ Huntllr‘t/ ('iirrnl. \s Inch allous its to scc lhc \sorld trorn tIic tormcnlcd pcrspcctix c ol loolball managcr Ilrian ('Iough during his .14 tur'buIcnl da)s iii chargc ol I,ccds l'nitcd during l‘)74, (ir'ni'ml r't'i’r'irxt'

Dinosaurs Alive 30 dd ll)a\ ItI (‘Iark/Iia}|c) Sillcck. I'S. 3Iitl7i Jilmin I-olloss palacontologists as thc} scour lhc globc lor sonic fantastic dinosaur tinds. thcn \Httcll IIlC crcaltll'L's burst ltlto 3|) IlIc III/IX I'lll'tlll't’. (i/rnmm.

Dragonball: Evolution lI’( ll 0

tJamcs Wong. I'S/Japan. 2009i Justin (‘hatuiir (‘hois Yuri-tat. Joon I’ark X—Imin Scc Also RL‘Icascd. pttgc ~17 Min Ir't/ I'¢‘/t'r1\('.

Duplicity l I2.-\l .. I'Itlll} (ilIrti}. I'l's'. 2009i ("Inc ()ncn. Julia Robcrts. Tom Wilkinson. IZJmIn. A Mr A'- .Ilrx .S'nrirli typc croxs d pIcascr \HIII ()xscn and Robcrts in thc rcspcctnc Iirangclina rolcs. thc tilin kicks oil in Dubai in 3003 “Hit a mccting bctuccn (‘IA sp} (‘Iairc Stctmick’ lRobcrtsi and Mlb agcnl Ray Koval (chni. A painstakingl} conmlutcd story imoIs'ing a complicatcd con to stcal $40 million dollars from a cht York bascd mega corporatio