
ulIIclI thcn unmxclx (it III :II/ I! [I an EK - The Power of One I IS, ISIIIIgcctlI SIIIIII. lIIdIII. th‘t‘h llohh} l)col, S'hrnII \(tldllI \IIIIII l’illL'lxdl 1.1(IIIIIII -\ llIndI rcnIIIl.c ot thc 'lclugu llllll l/IIIII/u. xIIIrIIIIg l)col .Ix .I protcxonIIIIl IIxxIIxxIII \IlIo lx urongl} IlLLll\L'tl ot toppIng .I polItIIIIIII (III: on .1! [III QIIIII, (i/mc/m Eyes Wide Shut I Is» 0. IxIIInII-I Kuhnclx. l'SI I‘N‘II 'lonI (‘I'IIIxc. .\'Icolc KIdIIIIIII. \Idnc} l’ollIIck l5‘lllllll llIId Klll‘lltlx cloncn to xtIIgc lIIx IIdIIptIItIon ot :\lllllll SclInIt/lct'x I)n um XIII: / III Itx oIIgIIIIIl [in (II \Il'l Ir \'Icnncxc xctttng. .IudIcIIch InIghl ll.t\ c lound thc \klittlk‘ pIIIIIIlIIc l'lL'lltlIIlll Incxx cIIx} to xtonIIIch 'lIIInxpoxIIIg thc \Iould hc dchIchIt pxj.IlIIIxc\IIIIl \llt‘ll.llll_".tll\ to coIIthIIporIIr} .\1.InlIIIttIIn. honcch. ptmcx deIleroux \VlIIIt lll.tl\C\ I‘.\¢'\ llII/t' .SIIIII put about \IIItchIIhlc Ix tlIc chccn pI'cchIcc ol Itx tuo xtIIIx l’III’t ol KuhIIck chIxon l‘l/HI/IUIHI'. I'I/III/Iu/‘c/I, Fast 8 Furious I HI 0. IJIIxtIII l.In. l'S. NW“ VIII l)chcl. l’IIul \VIIllth. JoIdIIIIII lltC“ xlcl llljllllll SL‘C :\lxo RClL‘Ide. ltIth J" (iI'III'III/ I'I'lruu'. I'll Illsl/II 50 Dead Men Walking I ISI 00. IKIIII SkoglIIIId. l'K/(‘IIIIIIdIL JINIKI llcn KIInglc}. Jnn Sttngcxx. KcHII /,cgctx_ ll7IIIIII. Scc IcIIcu. pIIgc 44 and prolilc. pIIgc -1(I. SI’II’I Iu/ I’I'II'IIII'. I'I'l Ill I-l/n: Film Discussion Group .\th-I up \Hlll lotx ol otth llllti hutlx to xIIIIp opInIoIIx IIIId pctccptionx ot hoth III't houxc IIIId htg ltlocklttlxlct‘ I‘L‘ccnl rclL‘Ith‘x. llcld on lllL' xccond \VchchdII} ot cxcr) Inonth (i/mcmt I'll/II Ir/ll'lllll' A Fish Called Wanda I ISI 0... I('hIII|cx ('I'Ichlon. l'K. l‘lh'Xl .lohn (‘Iccxc. JIIIIIIc l.cc (‘uItIx. Kcun KIIIIc. .\lIchIIcl l’IIIIII. It).\‘IIIIII. Stull} lzIIglleI III\\_\cI' :\I‘chIc lt‘uclt t( 'lL'L'xL'i gclx In\ol\cd \xlllt It gang ol dIIInIoIId thch cx. Including hI'IIxh .-\IncrIcIIII KIIIIc IIIId IIIIIIIIIII loxcr l’IIlIII. hchquc lIc lIIIx Iltlttllllzillttll that “I” hpr tthII lI'l_\ Ithr hIIIIdx on thc quIg. (iIIIIIIoI‘otIx \\'IIIIIlII I('III‘tIxI xtcpx III to I‘onIIIIIcc lIIIII Into tIIIkIng. hut lo\c I'cIII‘x IIx lIcIId, RcInIIrlxIIhl} cl'lcctn c cotncd}. \\ IIh thc hIIIck humour ol' thc l’}thon gcncrIItIon gncn II IIIII‘I‘IItII c control and xcnxc ot Inning that old) II \cch'IIII'x xthId} hIInd could pI'o\ Idc. .-\nd ll IIIIIkcx II uondcrl'ul I‘oIIIIIIItIc IcIId out ol' thc t'ItlltL't' ltltlllu‘l} (.lL‘tWL'. (i/IHQMI I'II/m HH’IIII'I’.

The 400 Blows (Les quatre

cents coups) women. ll'l'illNUh 'l'rutlIIut. l‘I'IIncc. WSW JcIIII- l’IcI‘I'c l.cIIIId. Alhcrt chI). ('IIIIrc .\1IIuricr. llllllillt. Scc .»\lxo RcchIxcd. pIIgc-17. I'I/nI/Iumc. III/Inlnu‘c/I The Fox and the Child ID 000 tl.ltL‘ JIthllCl. l‘l‘ItltL‘C. 3007) \IIIL‘C Ul KIIlL‘ \Vinxlct. llcrlIllc Nucldll‘llllt‘ull. 'l'hoIIIIIx l.II|Ith'tc. UZIIIIII. .-\ gIggl) cight-_\cIII‘-old l"I‘I‘IIc‘lI child thK‘hllrllliL‘ulll xtrilxcx up It t'I'IcIIdthp \\llll II lox xhc Incctx oII thc \III} lIoIIIc t'I'onI xchool. 'l'hix IIIIII'kx II xtcp t'oI'xxIIrd III IIIII‘rIItix c xtor)tcllIIIg lor JIIcquct. \IlIo xucccxxl'ull} dcpIctx llIc l‘o\ IIx II \xild IIIId uncontrollcd torcc III II littli-l)|\llL') IIIIIIIIIcI'. .-\II ol‘lcn hcguIling account of how IIIIIIIkiIId IIIId IIIIIIIIIIIx cIIn Mix! in lIIIrIIIoII}_ (il'nH‘r’llU/L (i/mcuu. Frost/Nixon I ISI 00.. IRon llou'IIrd. l'S/l'K/l'lzlllt‘c. SIMS) l-‘rIIIIk l.IIIIgcllII. .\lIchIIcl Shccn. SIIIII Rockwcll. 122mm. l5IlIII IIdIIptIItioII ot‘ l’ctcr MorgIIn'x two- hIIIIdcr. \Ihich drIIIIIIItixcd mm of thc moxl t'IIIIIoux intcr\ chxx III thc hixtor)‘ of thc\ ionn hroIIchIxtiIIg hctwccn populIIr Britixh hroIIchIxtcr l)II\'id liroxt IIIId dctcxtcd cx—prcxidcnt of thc l'S. RIchIIrd Nixon. l"IIIc Iwrt‘oI‘IIIIInccx t‘roIII Shccn IIIId l.IIIIgcllII IIIId xolid coIItc\tuIIl pIIddIIIg hclp ll0\\£irtl Inoid thc pItt‘IIll ol~ II xtIIg) tilIII. ()Ilcon .‘l! 'I'IIc QIIIII'. (ilm‘cou: (Mum. IiIII'IIIIIu'I'lI. Full Metal Jacket I IS) 00.. tSlulllC)‘ Kubrick. l'K. 1987) .\lIItthcu Modinc. DorIIIn llIIrc\\ood. l.cc lirmc}; ltNIIIIII. 'lcchnicIIll} ct‘t‘cctixc IIIId IIIIrrIItivcl} hIIlIIIIccd dcpiction ot‘ rIm VictIIIIIII rccnntx IIx thcy cndurc hIIxic training and thc c\ cII grcIItcr horrorx of thc l‘lhh‘ Tct ot‘l‘cnxch. ()nc ot~ thc hcttcr VictnIInI Inox ch ot' rcccnt )cIIrx. l’IIIt ot‘ Kubrick .chIonI. I'l/Irl/IUUM‘. IfdithIu‘g/I. Cazwrx - The Films of Jeff Keen tlSI IJctT chn. l'K. \'IIriou.xI 90min.

Rctroxpcctnc chchIIIIg ot 4H Marx ot lIoIIIc-IIIIIdc .Irt tilIIIx h} lirtghton-hIIxcd coIIIIngt Jclt chn lirIIIIIII‘x Kcnncth -\IIch (i/IIIImII l-II'nI IIIIIIIn Genova I IV 0000 t\ll\ll.tL'l \VIIItcrhottonI, l‘lx', SWIM (‘olIII l‘lrllt. (‘IItthIIIc lx'ccnct. llopc l).I\Ix ‘HIIIIII l-ollomng thc xIIdchI chItlI ol hIx nutcc uptIght BIII ptotcxxor Jo ll‘ll'llll Inmcx lIIx dIIuglItctx to thc lIIIlIIIII ctt} ot (icnoII to xtIIrt II IIcu lIlc .\\ lhc} xcttlc In, thc l.Ih_\IInlhIIIc hIIIoIIIIc cIt_\ hcgtnx to h.I\ c .I pcculIIII cllcct on L'IILll ot tthII. .Ind that thc )oIIIIgcxt \lIII'} IllIIIIc} JIIrdIIIcI xIIIItx xchng chId pcoplc Slou. thIuIItIIl. gI.I\ c and II IIttlc hIt lorhodtng (rl'IlI'ltl Ix II IcIIl oddIt} loI II Inoch‘II .IIIdIcncc ('IIII‘IIm/II Krill/HI \lI't't'l. (l/11\L'4'l\

The Good, The Bad, The

Weird I ISI 0... IKIIII JI-uoon. South Ron-II. zoom Song KIIng-ho. l cc llIIIngrhun. Jung Woo—mu}; I iIIIIIIII (iIttcd South KoI'cIIII lilIIIIIIIIlIcI KIIII .ll uoon IIIkcx on SL‘t'gIII l.CIttII"x gIcIIlcxl \\ cxlcln .Ittd IIIIIthIcIIIhl} I cIIIchcx \ IctoI‘Ioux lt'x tlIc l‘) illx tlt lltc IlL‘xcll \\ tltlct'nt‘xx Itl ,lIIpItttL'xc coIoIIIxcd (‘lIIncxc \lIIIIclIurIII .IIId tlIIcc ll‘L'Itxlll‘L‘ ltllltlL‘tx IIIL' Hi It tItct‘ lItl' ltINIl}. ,-\ll IncI‘chhl} cII|o_\IIhlc .Id\cIIluIc IlIIIt pullx III thc .tl’lll}. Manchurian hIIIIdItx IIIId llIc IIIlIIIhItIIIItx ot II In) xthIotIx ghoxt IIIIII'kct (I/Ihmm I'll/n HII'IHI‘I'. Gran Torino I ISI .00. II‘IIIII l'.;l\l\\tuttl. l'S/AIIxtI'IIlIII. ZINIKI (‘hnt l'.;txl\\IIIId. ('ltl'lxlnpltcr (.Itl‘lc}. ”CC \I’Iltg l|(IIIIIII_ l'.;t\l\\tttt(l IItthIIptx II IIght-thII‘tcd I'cpI'oIIch to onnc ot llIc Inorc I‘cIIctIoIIIII‘} \IIlIch ol hIx prc\ IoIIx tilIIIx III tlIIx. lIIx IIctIng xIIIInonIg. ()ldrlIleIIoIch pIItI‘Iot \VIIlt‘x IlzIleuoodI IIoIIchIIlIIIIt I'clIItIoIleIIp touIIrdx thc llIIIoIIg llllllll} \\ ho hxc nc\t door chIIIIgcx \Ihcn lIc cIItchcx xh§ )oIIIIg ’l‘lIIIo Ilicc \'IIIIgI tr} mg to xthIl lIIx car. A llllll I'Ich III IIlluonn. prIdc IIIId \IIII'III (UlllCtl'M (it’III’I'II/ I'I’II'IIH'.

Gun Crazy I P( I I 00000 l.lt)\t‘[tll

ll. l.C\\l\. 1'8. 105“) John Hall. l’cgg) (’uIIIIIIIIIx. licrr} Krocgcr I’7llllllI Scc lt‘illlll'L‘ pIIgc 43 and :\lxo RClL‘IIxL‘d. pugc ~17. I’I/m/quu'. I-[I/IrI/nu'clt. The Haunting in Connecticut I ISI 0.. tl’ctcr (‘ornucll l'S. 24mm \‘IrgIniII MIIdxcn. K}|c (iIIlIIIcI'. .\lIIrtIII l)IIliU\‘;tll. HDIIIIII. thn II t’IIIIIIl} mm cx lo II IIcII xuhurhIIII lIoIIxc. than onI hccoIIch II tIII‘gct l'or thc unchId. Soltdl} IIIIIdc. \IIItclIIIhIc horror hIIxcd. IIllcgcdl}; on rcIII cu‘ntx. (iI'III'rII/ I‘I'II'IIII'. Heart of Time tl’(iI I.-\|hcrto (‘oI‘tcx. MCXlL‘U. lell‘H Roclo llIIrt'tox. l'il‘ultclxctt JiIIIcIIcI. MIIrixclII RodI‘I'gtIc/, ‘lllllilll .-\ cloxc lIIpIItIxtII \‘IIlIIgc coIIInIuIIIt} Ix put I rka \thn II young girl'x chIIIIcc IIIcctIIIg with It rchcl t'Ighth' throu x hcr IIIIII'I'iIIgc plIIIIx Into deIIrrII). l’IIrI ol~ ;\'i\II7 SpIIIIIxh and [mm :\llit‘rlL‘;tli l‘ilIII l'cxInIIl. Film/mun: lat/Inlturclt. High School Musical 3: Senior Year Il'I O. IKcnny ()ItchI. l'S. ZIXIXI ZIIc lit‘ron. \'IIIchxII Annc lludgcnx. .-\xhlc) 'l‘deIIlc. ll lIIIiII. 'l‘hix IiIIIc high xclIool chIIorx 'l'ro} Ilit‘ronI IInd (‘IIIhricllII Illudgcnx) prcpIIrc t'or .xcpIIrIItioII hct'orc thcy lIcIId oil" to dit'l‘crcnt collcgcx hy xtIIging IIII clIIhorIItc xpring IIIIIxIcIII. li\cr_\' hit IIx IIIquL‘IIting IIx It xoundx Iunlcxx )IIu IIrc II child undcr ilx thInIIIIIixtic pow cer. HS.” 3 docx. ho“ cx'cr. lIIkc IIleIIIItIIgc of thc hIg xcrccn format with onIIc iIIIprcxxn c cnchIIhIc IIquic IInd dIIIIcc IIuIIIhcrx. (‘I'Itt'ii'nl'ld l’urk/Icud. (Mummy: llu’ lit/Inhurult ()I‘um. lit/Inhm'uh. Hotel for Dogs It'I O. I'I'hur l-‘rcIIdcntlIIIl. l'S/(icrIIIIIII). lell‘N liIIIIIIII Rohcrtx. l.IxII Kudrou. him 'I' Auxtin. ‘Nmin. ()rphIIncd xihlingx turn tthr ncu t‘oxtcr lIoIIIc Into II dog rctrcIIt, ('IItc t'IIIIIily coIIch} hIIxcd on thc nox cl h} [.on Duncan. undonc h} lIIIIIc diIIloguc IIIId l‘llllttttlihll IIdult [x'rt‘orIIIIInccx Sc/ccmi rclmun Hush I 15) O. IMIIrk 'l‘ondcrIIi. l‘K. ZIXNI \VillIIIIII .-\xh. (‘hrNinc Boltomlc}. .-\IIdrcIIx \VIxIIIckaI. ‘llIIIiII. BlL‘le'rllig couplc ZIIlch I.-\th IIIId Bcth lBUllUllilC}'i Inc on II midnight cIIr joumc} doun thc .\l l. \thn thc xhuttcr of II nut in front of thcm IIIoIIIcIItIIril} tlicx up. ZIIkcx Ix com inccd hc'x x’ccn xomcthing and thcir prohlcmx IIrc rcIIlly juxt about to hcgin. 'l'ondcrIII IIIIIlch hix lo“ hudgct go II long \Hi}. hut too IIIIIn}

xcctIoIIx IIIclI thIonII .Ind hill to cIIgIIgII: It'x IIIxt not that chIt} ( Im not}! A'( n'n ~.-.

\I'II I.’ (iI'IM‘c'II‘I'.

II Divo . l‘I O... Il’IIolo \oIIcIItIIIo. lt.I|_\. Zoom loII_\ \"crxtllo. \IIII.I lloIIIIIIIto (illlllH lioxctII ll~InIII [MIMI .IIIquIIIg .IIId ottcn c\lIIl.Ir.IlIIIg polIIIIIIl l‘lt‘l‘lk .Ihout IIoIIIIchIIIIIIIII (iIIIlIo \IIdIcottI. oIIc ot thc

Falkirk Council

Falkirk Town Hall

gIcIII quxIonx ot lIIIlIIIII polItch. \kllI‘ hchIIIIc lIIx count!) 'x l’IIIIIc \lIIIIxth oII xcxcn mcIIonIIx hctxtccn I‘VE .IIId l‘N.‘ l'oI thoxc not \chcd III Ihc l.Ih_\IIIItlIIIIc dctIIle ot ltIIlIIIII polItch. Ii I’llt' IIIIghI xchII II loIhIddIng ponpcct. 3c! thc IIIcIdcnt pIIIlch dIIIIIIII Ix cucllcntl} .IIIclIoch h} 'loIII \cn Illo‘x IIIIIIIIIIIIlIxt cCIIIIIIl IX'IIIIIIIIIItIcc (r/(-'\‘c"'l‘ III/II II'II IIIII


Road (15) Mon 6th April 1:30pm 7:30pm

Weds 8th April 1 7 am 7:30pm

(tum l‘. [I/lIl/Wllg'll I Love You, Man I 1*: COO III»hn llIIIIIhIIIg. l'S. IINNI l’IIIIl Rudd. RIleIIdII JoIch_ lIIonI \‘cgcl lit-1mm \‘cc chchx. pIIgc .lh (iI'III'IIII II [I an. I‘ll III .\,III

In the City of Sylvia mm.

C... I.loxc l.qu (itIcIIII. Spun. .‘lNNI l’IIIII l opc/ dc ,-\_\.IlII. \Imct l .ItIttc. 'IIIIIIII ('/Ich} S-lInIII l’.l}lli:_' gIcIII .IIthItIoII to tlIc nghlx .IIId xoundx ot SIIIIxhoIIIg. (iUL'l'lll cI‘cIItcx lcxx II ccntIIIl clIIIIIIcch Il.IItiIIcI tlIIIII II pIIxxn c I'cccpIIIclc loI tlIc IIhonptIon ol thIIt lllllllt’ prIcc -\x thc _\oIIIIg .IItIxt \\.llltlL'l\ I'oIIIId le xtIcclx. xItx III cIItcx xkctchtng tlIc tIIccx ot pcoplc who hold hIx IItIcIItIoII. oI chIIclch toI thc X'\l\l.l ol llIc tIllc. xo llIc llllll olthx .In cxxII} on pcrccptton A tIIchIIIItIIIg .Ind hIIllIIIIIt IIIIlIuI'rch dchght l‘l/HI/II'HH‘. II/III/IIuc/I Inkheart Il’( it C IlIIIII Soltlc}. (icI‘IIIIInV'l‘K/l 'S. :llllHl llIcndIIn l‘l.l\L'l. lill/It licIIIIctt. l’IIul licttIIII} ltIonIIII lIIIII SoltlL‘} 'x long»xhcl\cd IIdIIplIIlIon ol (‘orIIclIII l'unkc‘x clIIldIcII'x no\ cl xccx l'I‘IIch‘ pIII}x .\lo l'loclxIII't. IIkII Sthcrtongnc. hlcxxcd \xItlI thc IIIIIgIcIII IIhIlIt} to hI‘IIIg xtoI'ch to IItc h} I’cIIdIIIg tthII .Iloud \VIth dIIIIghth' \lcggic IlchItIcttI III hm. .\lo trIIxcrxcx lilll'HPC III chII'clI ot IIIl/II-III'I. .III IIIII'II»I‘III‘c hook .»\II IIlIth'IIIc .Ind c\hIqutIng C\Pt‘l‘lt‘ll(t‘ ltil' Illl iljJL'N Sl'll't II'I/ I'I‘II‘IIH‘

Summer (15)

Sat 1 1th April 4:00pm

the door trorn FTH Cinema

01 324 506850

the CFOVE‘OQTaf/‘T/ 9'" YES

Sunday Herald


Metro 4-stars


1, 2' . 2 SH/ 5,, ., 0141 429 0022 \ WEDNESDAY 22 APRIL



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/ 4'H'r

2-—"', AU 27/: THE LIST 49

Tickets and turther intormatlon

from The Steeple Box Oflice or on