
.Vi‘ni' Spalihlt dlltl l.atm Ameruau lilm I‘L'\Il\;tl Ill/nhnuu. Edinburgh Our Man in Havana «Mi» 0... i('arol Rcctl. I'K. l‘)<‘)i film (IUIIIIlL'\\. \ocl (‘ouartl Burl lxcx llme Sir Hm I\ a llrtlhll \dLUUIII LlL'ilIIL'l \almman abroad in L'\UllL Ilaxana v. ho .illth ltllll\L'lI to he lL'LIUlIL'tI m a xp} in Ilil\ wr}. \cr} tinc \IIII \kr) LUIIIL'tl) .ulaptul h} (iraham (irccnc Irom h|\ our) non-l \i nix/min \r n c'niuu Rim/n. Edinburgh Oxford Murders i IS. 0000 «AIL-x [)c l.a Iglcxia. Spam'l'rautc. 30th I'.ll|.lll \\nntl. John Hurt. Ironor \‘v'atlmg Itltx‘mm l’THIt'\\UI Arthur Scltlom tlohn lItllIl and \IlltlL'III Martin [\Vootli \ltltllllallL'tithI} «humor thc boil} ot an Ultl lad} i\l.i\\c)n and lxxomc cntauglul m \o|\mg an clahoratc pul/lc ot \trangc tlL‘.lIll\ 'I ltl\ Mmit'.iii/Spaiii\h hut t‘antiall} l-nghxh crimc talc pla) \ lth' an L'Phtttlk‘ ot ,Ilidwmt I Ilurdt-n ialhcrt II a partuularl} gootl HllL't. \xrth .ihxoihmg plot .llltl qualit} pcrtormantcx lcatlmg to thc tar trom ohx roux dcnoucmcnt I’art ot latlmhurgh International Stirrin- l'otrml l'i/mhuuu'. ladmbuiuh Paul Blart: Mall Cop «I’m .00 tStcw (Kiri. I'S. SHIN: Kt'xm Jamu. Kcu ()'l)onncll, Ja}ma Map ‘ltlmin Adam Santllcr's rcgular cohort J;tlllL‘\ play a Inge hcartctl. smalltimc lauman \xho who on a gang ol acrohatu~ \lxttlcl‘ttttt'tllltg thiuuw alter a length) wt up introdtu'mg him a\ an ou‘r Icalttttx \IUIL' tlL'Ik'L'IHL'. I)L'\ptlc IIIL' \anilla hlantlucxx ol the conccrt. Jamcx pro\ ulcx a hkahlc enough hcro and \L‘JIIL'IL‘tI momcntx ol \cll-rclcrcntial \HI \iill Iw appicgiatul h} UltlL'l' audience» (it’llt'l‘il/ I'i‘lt'tlu The Pink Panther 2 tl’(i| O. tllaraltl /\\art. l'S. llltlth Stew Martin. And} (iarcra. Jcan cho. ‘)lmm. This firm IIlL' haplc“ tlL‘IL‘L‘IIH‘ Itl\|tL‘L‘tot' (‘Iouxcau t.\lartrni teams up \HIlt a hunch ol lllIL‘l'llttItHllttl crimc fightcrx uho arc ax clumx} .t\ he is. l'unnicr and more uunprchcnxihlc than thc Ztltlo first lilm but still lairl} It'tlltltlx lain/nn’ (in/(bunk. (in/(bunk. Race to Witch Mountain mm 0.. (And) liickiiian. l‘S. Itltltli l)\\a_\nc Johnson. (’arla (iugino. (‘iaran Hind» 03min, Scc rm icu, page 47. (it'm'm/ I't'/('tl.\t’. I’l‘i “Isl/HI Ratatouille (Li C... tBratl Hirtl. LS. 3(ltl7l \oiccx ol l’atton ()xualt. Brian Dunn-h). Brad (Barrett. 1 Itlinin 'l‘hc litIL‘\I l’ixar masterpiece Iolloxh Rom} the rat (\oiccd h} ()\\\;tlll as he thaws hix tlrcam ot becoming a gourmct chct’. 'l'hix l\ l’i\ar at ltx ITLWI. UllL‘t‘lltg titttltCttL‘L'\ hotlt Illt'L‘L‘ tlimcnxional images and \IUt')IL‘lllltg \Hlll its thoughtful consideration ot. the r‘clationxhip hctu cut the crcatiw proccxx and fi‘icntlxhip. Yet Bird's colourful production ncwr stintx on last. lurioux tun. \HIlt plcnt) ol' \lglll gags and chaxcx through the \trcctx. \\;|IL‘I'\\;I}\. scucrx antl tlinncr tabla-x oi l’aris. I‘i/In/muw. Edinburgh. Rebus: Knots and Crosses I IN (Rogcr (iartlantl. l'K. 2(Kl7l Kcn Stott. ('lairc l’rrcc. (iracmc Roottc). o‘hnm. :\n Cpixotlc oi tltc litlinhurgh-xct grimc drama hath on the nowlx h) Ian Rankin. l'ilinliouu'. Edinburgh

Religulous I IS) .000 tl.arr_\

(’harlcs. l‘S. 20th Bill Mahcr. 06min. Sec l'caturc. page H and rcx ic“, page ~15. (ilrhgrnt I't/m “trill/1'5 I'll/nt/tutlu'. Edinburgh The Rocky Horror Picture Show t 18).... Mint Sharman. l'K. HHS. 'l'iin ('urr). Stixan Sarantlon. Barr) Boxtuick. Meat l.oatI Itltlmm. I‘lu' cult film to Ctkl all UIITL‘B. Iltt\ rock \pmtl. on Old horror mm in has created a hrccd ot' Rock} Horror crazies. and packs them in at late \lttt\\\ cwr} where. The film llth II\ momcntx. and (Eur) ix splendidl} camp ax thc bisexual l‘rank N. liurtcr: ("u/rim. Edinburgh Round No t IS) tl)anicl ('chrian. Spain. 3005) Alex (ion/alw. Dario (irantlinctti. lint Marcicl. Ill-1min. When \ulncrahlc ho\cr Angel (Gonzalez) \atll} succumbs to peer pressure and participates in a series of bank robberies. an intimate portrait of a youngster \\ ith torn sensibilities cnxum. Part of ;\'i\a? Spanish and Latin American Film Festnal. Eilmhorm'. Edinburgh

Seven Pounds 13 \. O. I(ldhrlClL'\1U\\IIII‘_l \_ jtlix. \\ill \mith Roxaiio Dan \utt. \Mmtl} llarrulwn

l3<mm l)c\prtc a pionu~mg pry \IL'klII xcqucntc m “high \mrthk thaiattt‘i Hen 'Ihomm tlctlarm lick gum: to u'lltlllll \UlkltIC. Iltt\ l\ a hug- tlixappomtmcnt \\ an IRS llhpCLIUl mth a pmrtrw llll\\|ittt xxc wc hiru lwratc a blind \\ootl} Harrclwn. .IlltllI a \rtk RUMIIIH l).i\\\nt1 antl \hoxx pupp} gym at lux girltrrcntl «l cc» lhc film‘s tII‘lllI‘UIHI\ .hhk'tl trmm not to rural ‘thc tuixt‘ it‘s not worth knoumg In: Edinburgh ()t (rill. [din/tuiuii

17 Again tl’(ii 0.. din” \tcch. [8. 31mm /.u l1lion. \Iatthcu l’crr}. I C\llk' Mann ltllmm Scc -\l\o Rclcaxctl. page I” (it nmr/ I‘r'lt UH. I'll I“ thn

Shorts Programme 1 it H\.irroti\. .‘titlm htlmm .-\ quirk} L‘ttllL‘L'Ilttlt ot shorts in ru'ogmtion ot thc m}rt.ul tu‘hmtiucx yurrcntl} a\ailahlc to thc \ttlllk'lllpt‘ldl) animator l’art ot tlic I’uppct ,-\ttlltl.iltnlt I‘cxtnal l'i/In/iuuu‘ Edinburgh

Shorts Programme 2 ll “\aunm. ZtltlHi ottmin. .-\ sch-(lion ot \horh L'xpcuall} tor the \L't} young l’art ot tht' l’uppct .-\nimation I't'\Il\.ll li/m/ruuu. Edinburgh

Shorts Programme 3 II t tVatioux Itltlh'i ()(lmm :\ \clu'tion ot humouiom \hortx tcaturmg Ilill l’l)mpton\ Hum lbw l’art ot thc I’uppct .-\nimation l-cxuxal l'l/Hl/IUIIH‘. ladinbui'uh

Sita Sings the Blues i ll: t\ma l’alc}. l'S. ltltlh’i H7lllllt llumouroih autohuigraphical aiumatcd .ulxcntuic trom thru‘lor Pale). tlcltl} hlcntlmg thc Illt'lllt‘llt'\ ol her real lilc hrcakup \kllll thc Intliau talc ot Raina_\ana. l’art ol thc l’uppct .-\mmauon l‘cxtnal l‘l/Hl/Itlllu'. la/inburuh

Sleep Dealert I2:\i t:\lc\ RHCIJ. I'S/NICUL‘U. :Illlhl I.L'Uttttt‘ \ittlcltt. .lat‘HI‘ Vargas. l.ur\ I'crnantlo l’cna ttttmm Sufi drama that imagincx a luturc m uhu‘h \\.iIL'l has hccn [ll'l\ilI|\L'tl and thc poor haw hccomc tlttlttL‘lL‘\\ \irtual \xorkcr» Rmixtancc rcarx ax thrcc \trangch attcmpt to connect. I’art ot .\'i\a' Spanhh and l.atm American l'lltll l-cxtnal. I‘iliiiliuiiu'. lidrn/nu'u/i.

Slumdog Millionaire t IS» 0000 (Dunn) Iio}|c. I‘K/I‘S. SWIM lrtan Kahn. .-\nil Kapoor. l)c\ l’atcl, lltlmin .-\tlaptctl trom \ikax Suarup'x nox cl UAR-I h} Simon Bcaulo}. Ito}lc\ film chronicltw a \Iumhai \II‘L‘CI ut'L‘lttll IXKIIH. I)L'\ l’ult'll \klto tlt;tl\t‘\ II to the final round ot' lntlia\ \L't\lttll ot ll’lui Ilium In be' A .Ilillimmm' ' .-\|tcrnati\cl} lttlttl‘lttlh and heart “rt-itching. griml} rcahxtic and dream-liken romantrt' and rcxoltttcl} non-\cntimcntal. \xatcluug Slumdog .Ilrllimuun' t‘cclx llhk‘ \xatchmg \l\ Illlltx ill tiltL'L‘. (it’llt'l'rl/ I‘i’ii'rlu'.

The Tale of Despereaux ch 00. 18am liclI/Rohcrt Sicxcnhagcn. I'K/I'S. 2”th Voters ot' Dustin llottman. .\Iatthc\\ lir‘otlcrick. limma Watson, 03min. lIl‘lIhll animatctl lcaturc about thc iuctlimal atlu'ntttr'L‘x ol a mouxc. a rat and a \L'Hant gtl'l. (ilihtritt I'll/It [Ii/It’tlll't': (illlc'uul‘ld Edinburgh Edinburgh

Tasveer t l2.-\i tNagmh Kukunoor. lIltlld. ltltlth .-\l\\ha_\ Kumar. .-\_\ c~ha ’I‘akia. llh'min. Bollxuootl thrillcr about a )oung man “ith a \ttpcr'natural gilt. wan .1! l/u Quin. (i/tiwiiii.

This is Spinal Tap t 1M 0000 Rcincr. l'S. NIH! ('hrixtophcr (Burst. Michael McKcan. lIarr) Shcarcr. RJ l’arncll. Iitl Bugle} Jr. 32min. (‘crtamh the most ttthlllUlh. accurate and lunn} ot all \poot rm‘kumcntarim. \\ ith \xontlcrtullx \pttllltlltcttlh dialogue. com incmg II} ~on» the-“all camera \mr‘k. wlI-pcntiul hum} mctal parodies. and ot courxc the amp that goes to l I. (Timur. Edinburgh

Three Monkeys I lit 00.. «Nun Bilge (1') Ian. 'l‘tirkc)/lta|_\/I5rancc. SIMS! Yaui/ Bingo]. llaticc .-\\|an. Ritat Sungar. lllQITTIIT. Turkish autcur ('C} Ian aiiihitiouxl} branches out into film noir tcrritor) \\ ith this \upcrhl) crattcd. contcmplauxc and elliptical _\arn. I‘nt‘olding o\ er a muttering. cncrg) «appmg \ummcr in a clau~trophohic t'ainil) tlat. drixcr lather li)up tliingol l. INN \xit‘c Haccr I:\\l;inl. and their tccnagc \on lxmacl tSungari hccomc embroiled in a \\ ch of deceit. guilt. and ultimatcl) murder. ('unmr. Edinburgh




Utterly riveting”


“Larrain’s dark

thriller is a beastly good film”

James Christopher. THE TIMES














IIII “l0 dance "00!...



GM with

Altru- (mm

min 13 March 6.15:1. show But now!

“may Pablo larrain



‘4, Apr 1/9)") THE LIST 51