



The appliance of science

Learning about science used to mean Bunsen burners and lab coats but not anymore. Kelly Apter talks to some of the people making it fun

ith |7ll e\ents taking place in lo \enties.

its sale to sit} that lidinhurgh International

Science l‘esti\al has got e\er}thing prett} much co\ cred. ‘l‘hc star ol' the sho\\ this _\car is :\S|.\l(). the \\or|d's most adxanced rohot. .»\ppearing lotir times a da} at the .\lcli\\an Ilall t4 & 5 .»\pri. it can run. climh steps. shake _\our hand. dance. recognise people and speak.

l‘or the lust time. the (‘it_\ .-\rt ('entre is ioining in the inn too, ol‘l‘ering se\en liltltll\ ol' lamil} lun. l'nder—Ss can drop into lli'c lli’llt/(‘I' lliir/tl. \xhile 3 h-)c‘;ii‘-olds can \enttu'e inside the liiitiemutioii (inn/mi or make a mo\ ing mini-machine at 'li'iii' [in \. pltis a \xholc lot more.

Once again. the l'iii\ersit_\ ol lzdinhtiigh will he running its popular 'l)isco\er Science programme. Along mm a host ol~ hands-on acti\ities tor lamilies. the l'iii\ei‘sit} has recruited (ilasgim Science (‘entie It) tlL‘ll\L‘l' some til~ lls lll\l\l stlcccssltll sllti\\s, including the lantasticall) titled Hung or .\'u Hum i4 «Q 5 .‘\[‘ll tllltl l))/(’(’(/. lit/c and l;(’(/\ HI.“ ll l l“ KPH :tl .-\tl;llll lltlll\L‘.

"l'he_\’re great sho\\s lor all ages.' sa}s lara (iihson ol' (ilasi—‘on Science (‘entre. 'llo\\ much ol the science aspect _\ou get out of them depends on hoxx Ultl )UU ill‘L'.‘ B/i’ittl. [ft/C (UH/ Him/t /))Iil\ g‘l\L‘s ttll o\er\ie\\ ol' our digesti\e s} stem. l'rom \xhat \xe ptit in our mouths to \\ hat comes out the other end. and ho“ it helps our hod} litinction. .-\udience [nirticipation is high on the agenda. including the daring '(‘ream (‘racker (‘hallengef ‘lt's one ot' the most popular hits in the slioxx.’ sa_\s (iihson. "l‘he

\oluntcei‘s ha\e to eat too ('ream ('rackers in less than a minute without an} \tatcr. It shims the importance ol sali\a and gets the audience cheering along to help them.' .-\udience memhcrs are also im ited to help squish timid and turn it into poo.

.\lean\\hilc. lit/lie or .\'u li’tnie teaches its all ahotit risk and chance something \\c‘ encounter e\ei_\da_\ \sithout e\eii noticing it. 'lt's done in a game shon \l) lL‘.. s;t_\ s (lll‘\tlll‘\ colleague. .ltl l'tltl. 'Stt people ttl'L‘ contestants rather than audience members. We talk ahout the maths hehind 'l'\' \ll(l\\ s such as l)m/ or .\'u l)('(l/. What of [wit/inc arid I’ltii liiiir (tin/x Rig/it. and get e\et‘}hod} in\o|\ed. l:\en little children ha\e an understanding ol' whether the} sliotild guess higher or lo\\ er. heads or tails and each time the pri/e is to launch a rocket.’

l’roxing that the ai'ts and science can \xork hand in hand. .-\lchem_\ .'\l'[\ is running its popular ':\i't-tastic' \xorkshops at the Rtl};tl Botanic Garden is ck U .-\prl. .-\l| ol' the materials tised h} :\lchcm} come l'rom scrap he it manmade or natural and hoth children and adults can make kites. huttert'lies and other creatures \\ ho change.

"l’he \\ot'ksltops tit heautil‘ull} \\ith the l'esti\al‘s theme ol li\o|ution and ('hange.’ e\plains .-\lchem_\‘s Kate \lacls'a}. ‘Because .-\lchein} .'\rts is all ahotit taking something and transtorming it. You transliorm materials. but at the same time _\ou translorm _\ourselli.‘

Edinburgh International Science Festival, Various venues, Sat 4-Sat 18 Apr. www.sciencefestival.co.uk or see listings.

>l< Puppet Animation Festival llt)lll ioltttivef. huiiitilo t_)ogii‘iniiigs. the l’tippot l-estiyal has blossomed iiito a tully grown national event with shows taking place across, the country. Visit wwwpupptt aniinationtestival.oig to find out what's happening near you See prei.'iew. Various venues. unti/ Sat S) Mn.

* Edinburgh International Science Festival the Science Festival ()()lllz:S of age this year, celebrating its 2 1 st birthday l-roin [)arWin to DNA and robots to Hetius. the two week long event has never looked more exciting. Set: our Soieiice Festival [)r(-2\.’l(?VV. left. and listings for more details or visit www SCIHl(;(}lt-,‘t$ll\’éil.(1().tll<. Various vent/es. [:d/nhurgh, Sat 4 —Sat 78 Apr.

* The BFG Stage adaptation of Roald Dahl's popular tale about a little girl and big friendly giant who ]Olll forces to defeat the Daddies. See pit-mew.

King '5 Theatre, Ed/ntmrgh, Tue f—rSat 7 7 Apr.

>l< The Book of Beasts Children’s tl'ieatre company. Catherine Wheels adapt E Neshit's charming tale of Lionel. a young king who opens the forbidden ‘Book of Beasts. Only to unleash some unexpected creatures. Citizens Theatre. G/asgow, Wed 75»—Sat t 8 Apr. >l< Baby Loves Disco Havmg children doesn't necessarily mean your clubbing days are over -~ they Just take on a different look. Grab yOur little one and prepare for an afternoon of disco dancuig and fun activities. Corn Exchange. Edinburgh, Sun 5 Apr.

=l< Zest Holiday Programme Once again. Glasgow Museums come up trumps With free actiVities for the Easter hols at many of its venues. Go to wwwglasgowmuseumscom for details. Various dates <3 venues. Glasgow.