
*Edinburqh International Selence Festival


H'hatiibeis Street. 55 i (H22. I’iices tar}.

I-RH: SCI-FUN at Discover Soience I tie 7 'Itie I4 .-\pr Iiiot Sun/\Iolit. I0am 5pm Drop in e\Iiibit \HIII interactixe science actixities. Ages 7+.

Dr Bunhead - YouTube: True or False? Tue 7 Apr. I Iain. ('IiiIdren £5.50 ladtiIts £4.50; IaiiiiI} ticket £ISI. I)i Iitinhead tries to recteate some ol the scieiitiIic e\peritiients posted on Youtube. :\I'L‘ IIlL'} I‘L'gtI til Iain” Ages 7+.

The Senses Show Inc 7. Wed S. Sat I I t& Tue I4 :\pr. times \;it'_\. Shots b_\ the S('I»I'I ’.\' team abotit Iims otii brain recognises sights and sotiiids. Ages S+. I’ree btit book in atbance.

Bang or No Bang \Ved S is ‘I'Iiu U Apr. Wed 3.30pm; TIiu I Iam. £4.50 (£3; Iainil) ticket £|5I. Take part in an L'\PI()SI\L' gttlllt‘ ttI chance. SL‘L‘ DIM IL'\\ page 58. Ages 7+.

The Chemistry Show In I0 'I‘ue I4 .-\pr tiiot Sun/Mont. I..i0ptii. 'I'icIseted. (‘oIourl'uL chemical Itiii. Ages 7+. Blood, Bile and Body Bits Sat I I Apr. I Iain. £4.501£3.50; laiiiil} ticket £I5I. Take a mess} tour inside the human bod}. See pre\ 1C“. Ages 7+.

I CAMERA OBSCURA AND WORLD OF ILLUSIONS ('astIeIiiII. Rosal .\li|e. 22o 370‘). Inclttded in admission: £8.50 t£(i.75; children £5.75).

Come on a Secret Science Mission! Mon () Sat IS :\pt'. 0.30am (ipm. ()ptical illusions and \sondrous detitoiistralions oI' science.


2 Mat‘kel Sll'ct‘l. 5.53 0322. I)a_\ I’ass £050 (£5: ages 7+ £S.50; ages 3 (i £5; tinder 3s IreeI.

Audio Visual Area .\lon (l TIlll It» :\pt' (not Sun). 0.30am 4.30pm. Videos and ps_\chologicaI e\periineiits \\ ith I’rol Richard \Viseinaii. Suitable I'or all ages. Cyberneering Mon (3 Thu Io :\pt‘ lllol Sun). 0.30am 4.30pm. Three science ttL‘li\ ilics based on [he (‘IIIK‘ \IIU\\ lininnmk' I)esign a look tl'ot' ages (i+t and (iollcl‘t‘lcx‘ttIstct's II'ot' Iii—TS 8+) IlL‘L‘tI to be booked on the da}. Imagineering tl‘ot‘ ages ~i+t is a drop-in exent.

Dare Protoplay .\Ion (i Thti Io .-\pr (not Sun). 0.30am 4.30pm. A chance to pla} B.-\I-'I'.-\-\\inning and nominated

\ ideo games. Ages 5+.

Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions .\Ion b Thtt lb .-\pr (not StmI. 0.30am 4.30pm. lid and ”who present some bi/arre inxentions. Ages

b I2.

Is There Anyone Out There? Mon b Sat I I :\pr. 0.30am 4.30pm. .-\ hands- on e\Iiibit abotit e\traterrestriaI Iii-e. Suitable hit all ages.

Madlab and Madlab ROV Mon

o Thu lb .-\pr tnot Sun).

0.30am 4.30pm. Drop in and solder ati electronic to}. Kits from £3. R()\' .subiiiaritte £22. Ages 7+.

Nina and the Neurons Mom is Tim lb .-\pr tnot Sun). 0.30am 4.30pm. .-\ IiVL‘ version of the (‘Beebies series :\L'es 37b. I Scotland: Powerhouse of

Genius .\lon b Thu lb Apr tnot Sun). 0.30am-4.30pm. :\eti\ ities abotit energ} for Homecoming Scotland 200‘). Shadowgrams Photolab .\lon o 'I‘hu lb .-\pr (not Sun I. 9.30am 4.30pm. Iixpose images on a glass plate iii this hands-on photograph} “orkshop. Ages 7+.

Soundscapes Mon ()wTItll It» .-\pr (not Sun). 9.30am 4.30pm. Listen to

Edinburgh International Science Festival Kids

electronic sotmdscapes atid take part iii cotiipositioti -\ges 5+

Star in Your Own Video Mon

b 'I Iiti lb .-\pi Ittol Sun I.

0.30am J. ‘~0piii Stat iii a \ideo PHHCL‘IL'tI Ullltt .t \c'lL'L'll Ill IIIL' Science ('aIL' :\_L'cs 7*

Tiny Toys .\lon b 'I Illl lb .\pi iiiot Stiiit. I) ilIain 4. illpiii. I)iop~iii acti\it} to make a iiioxitig to}. Ages 1+

Wee Wonder World \lon o IIiu Io .-\pr tiiot Sun I. ‘I. Want 4.30pm I:\pIore a \sorId ol science and a \inoIe IIoor ol drop in acti\itics. Ages 0 b What Makes You So Special? .\lon b 'I’hti Io .-\pt Itiot Stiiii.

0.30am 4.30pm. I'llltI otit abotit test tube babies and I),\';\ in .i Medical Research (‘ounciI Iab. .-\ges 7+.

/‘ r,

.. /

Edinburgh lntemational Science Festival: Brain Busters

Lab in a Lorry \lon h I‘Iiu Ib \pi Itiol Stini. IlIatit I2 ‘IIptii .\ I Jplll .-\ mobile science lab parked outside the ('it_\ .'\it (‘eiilre I’rerbooking ad\ised _-\:_‘L‘\ III+

Adventure-Bots and the Temple God “on b I'hti Ib \pi tiiot Suni. I0atii 4pm lake part iii a iobotics iiiissioti using I ego \Iitidsloiins \.\I \gt'S «\s I’IL‘I‘HUIxIIIfJ .I\I\I\L'\I

ER \Ioti b Thu lo .'\[‘I Iiiot Sun». 10am ~Ipiit Become a surgeon at this iiiteiactixe acti\ II_\ Pie-booking ads ised .'\:..'t'\ .\+

Imagination Garden .\loii o I’Iiu Ih ,-\pr iiiot Sun». I0am 4pm Iliop in acti\it} .ibotit ctitteis tIiat Inc at the bottom ol the gaiden Ages i b I’te booking ad\ ised

It's through events such as this that the Science Festival really comes into its own: activities that bring the whole family together, teach you a

bit about science and give you as much (or little) fun as you can handle.

Drop into the National Museum's Exhibition Gallery on Level 3 anytime between 10am-5pm and try out a range of brain-busting puzzles. There's something to challenge all ages from 7 upwards, so give your

grey matter a stir and get down there.

I Nat/Ona/ Museum of Scot/and. Edinburgh. Mon 6-T/m 9 Apr.

Jungle Safari Hon 0 I‘Iiu Io .~\pi lllt‘I Stitit. IIIaiit 4pm Put on tour salat‘i gear tor a iungIe iotiine} \ges in Pics booking ad\ ised

Lego Robosports \Ion o Hill to .~\pi iiiot Stiiit. I0ain me Robot ptogiaiittiiiiig ltiii using the \\ I' generation ot I ego \Iitidstoim \ges u+ I’ierbooking ad\ised

Rampaging Chariots \lon o l‘liu Io .-\pi tiiot Stttit. Illaiii -lpiii Iiuild a robot then race it around the arena Racing :\lL'll.t ages 5+. Iiuild Your ()\\ll Robot \\oiksliop ages .s'. \\IIII pie booking

.ttI\ ISL'tI

Storytime Space \lon o Hill to -\pl tnot Stmt. I0am ~lpin Iliop in actutt} about music and \ibiatiotis -\gcs i o I’I'L' I‘Utlklllg .ILI\I\L'tI

Unwrapping the Mummy .\Ion

b I'Iiti Ib ,~\pi tiiot Stitit. IIIam -lpin I‘nxsiap an I:g}pttaii iiitiiniiis to see Ilti\\ lI dtcd x\ges 7+ I’ie booking

.ltI\ I\L‘tI.

Body Builders .\Ion b I’ll I0 .-\pi. I0am. I0 45am. I I.i0aiii tk I2 ~15pm I'ast paced \Iltl\\ about uhat keeps the INKI} lttgt‘lIlL‘l. ,-\§_'L'\ it

Good Vibrations \Ion o I‘ll I0 .-\pi. 2pm. 2.45pm. i. illpm tk ~l 15pm; .\Ioti I3 Sat IS .-\pi. I0atii. I0-l5ain. II i0ain & I2. I 5pm. .\Iaestio and Iits assistant IieIIa introduce concepts ot sotittd in a \er} lltlls} \Ilti\\. Ages M

Dr Austin and Doug’s Time- tastical Time Tale Sat I I :\pt'. I0.l5am. I lam. noon. 2.I5pm. .Ipin & 3.45pm. .-\ llt'\\ science SIltm about time traer. .-\ges 3+.

Seeing Life Through a New Light .\Ioti I3 Sat IS .-\pr. I). Want -1. i0pm I:\p|ore light iii tIns c\ent presented b} the I'mxersit} oI St .-\ndie\ss .-\ges 3+. Space Show .\lon I l Sat IS .-\pl. 2pm. 2.45pm. i30pm & -I.|5pm. A SIN)“ about the e\lretiies ol' teiitperattire. pressure atid grax it} in outer space, .-\ges 3+.


IIoI}rood Road. 550 7S00 Included lll admission: £0.50 t£5.‘)5 £7.50; tinder 3s ITL‘L‘I.

Dino Dig Mon () Sal IS .'\pt'.

I0aitt 5pm. I)rop iii actisil} \HIII the tipptil‘llllllI} to dig into I)}ll;llllIL‘ Iiarth's ‘pit oI e\tinctioii'. Ages H


I0 ('richton Stteet. .553 0322. £2 Surfing the Solar System with Lucy Hawking Sat I I .'\pr. I0am. Stephen IIass king‘s daughter talks about her lather and the children's booIs the) \\ rote logclhel'. Ages 3+.

Felicity Frobisher and the Three- Headed Aldebaran Dust Devil, with Marcus Chown Sat I I Apr. noon. I‘ind otit all about space at this aslro shtm. Ages 7+.


('orstorphine Road. 55‘ 0322. Prices \ar}. see thots.

Living Links to Human Evolution Mon (i I-‘ri I0.-\pr. I0aiii .5pm. Included in admission: £ I 2.50 I£I0.50; children £8.50; tinder 3s l'reei. Learn about human ps}cI10I0g} and behaxiotir Irom capuchin and squirrel monke}s. Madlab Thu ‘) Mon I3 Apr.

I Iaiit 4.30pm. Admission applies: £12.50 I£I0.50; children £8.50: under 3s I'reei. Make lt)_\‘s tisiiig soldering techniques. Kits from £3. Ages 7+. Science Festival Sleepover 'I'hu ‘) Apr. () 9pm. £40. Spend a iiigiit with the animals. Bring a sleeping bag. pillow, torch and u arm clothes. Ages 9 I2.



Ricearton. 553 0322.

FRI-iii Souls in Steel: How Science Fictions Has Imagined Al Mon 6 Apr. b.30pm. Mr Ken Macleod talks about sci-ii imaginings ol‘ artificial intelligence. Ages I2+.

Z '0 Av 273’: THE LIST 59