Kids Edinburgh International Science Festival

Evolutionary Computation: The Future of Machine Intelligence Tue 7 Apr. (i 30pm Dr Duyid l-ogcl tulks ubout sell-leurnmg progrums. Ages I2+.

Is There a Future for Robot Companions Wed 8 Apr. (i. 30pm. l’rol Kerstin Duutenhuhn tulks ubotit the Itiltirc til robot L’lilllptlllltill technology. Ages l2+.

Why Robots Must be Relativists Thu ‘) Apr. (i.3lipm. l’rot Alun Hundy tulks ubotit robots' mternul modelling ugents.

I GEORGE SQUARE THEATRE l'niyersity oi Izdmburgh. (ieorge Squure. 553 0322. (‘Iiildren £5.50 tudults £4.50; Iumily ticket £I8i.

Dr Bunhead - YouTube: True or False? Thu ‘) Tue l4 Apr inot Sui

I I .‘ylon I3 Api'i. Thu 3pm; I'I'I ck Tue I Ium. See Aduni House.


55.3 0322. Free

I-‘RI-LI-L From the Earth to the Universe Sui 4 Tue l4 Apr. 8uin. A collection oI~ ustronomtcul imuges: plunets. comets. sltii‘s. nebulue. guluxies und the clusters in Which they coitgi‘cgute.


(ieorge Squure. 553 0322. £30 i£2lir Hauntings: The Science of Ghosts Sut 4 Apr. Ilium 5pm. Psychologist l’rol'essor Richurd Wisemun und u host ol lcuding experts L'Xtilitiiic llIc science tiiitl history lil- huuntings.


Bristo Squure. 553 0322. £2.50. ASIMO Sui 4 ck Stiii 5 Apr. Ilium.

I I.30um. lpm. 2.30pm ck 4pm. Meet robot ASIMD tudy'unced step in iiitioy'uliye mobility i yy hen it \IsIIs Scotlund tor the \‘L‘I'} lirst tittie.


4 lndiu Street. 553 0322. Donutions yy'elconte.

Great Scots who Changed the World Mon () Sut l8 Apr. I Ium 4pm. A sneuk peuk ol' the Mtiseum oI' (‘ominunicution's summer exhibition ubout Jumes (‘Ierk' Muxyy'ell. Ages 7+.


(‘humbers Street. 553 0322. Mostly tree. see exceptions beloyy'.

Brain Busters Mon (3 'l'hu 3) Api‘. Ilium 75pm. Drop in exhibit ol‘l‘ering bruin-puI/Iing guines. Ages 7+. Connect Gallery Mon (s Sui I8 Apr. Ilium 5pm. llunds-on science gullery with exhibits ubotit Dolly the sheep. robots. u l-‘onnulu ()ne rucing cur. outer .spuce und more.

Discover Evolution .‘ylon (s 'I'hu 3) Apr. Ilium 5pm. Drop in exhibit ubottt ('Iturles Durys in. Ages 7+.

Minlpod Puppet Show .\lon (s Thu 3) Apr. Ilium 5pm. Drop in exhibit ubout reneyy'uble energy with puppet puls Ricky und Lulu. Ages 7+. Pop-Up Engineering Mon (3 Thu 3) Apr. Iliutn 5pm. Drop in exhibit ubout 3|) modelling. Ages 7+.

Build a Monster Mon 6 Apr. Iti.3(iuin ck 2pm. 'I'icketed. Workshop led by the (iene Jury teum. Ages 7- 3).

3-D Creations Mon (r-Thu 3) Apr.

1 l.45um ck 2.30pm. £3. .\Iuke muthemuticul .shupes in this 3-D workshop. Ages 7 ~ I I.

Bye Bye Biodiversity Mon (sfl‘hu 3) Apr. l2.l5pm ck 3.30pm. Ticketed. Find out ubout the effects of climute chunge on ang things with (iene Jury. Ages 9—7 I4. '

Show Science .‘slon 6—Fri Ili Apr. 2pm. Science is l‘ull of ‘ologies' biology. zoology. urchueology. Explore u different one may duy. Ages 5+. Meet the Medics and Vets Wed

60 THE LIST 2—16 Apr 2009

8 Tue I4 Apt. Ilium 4 30pm I-md otit \yhut reseurcli und dcyelopments ute iuking pluce in the yyoilds oi medicine und yeterinury medicine Ages 5+. Behind the Scenes @ HMS \\ed 8 ck .\Ion I3 Apr. 2pm A peek into the inner yyorkings ol the ('ollection (‘entre in (irunton. Book in udyunce

Higgs Boson and the LHC I'I'I

I0 Tue I4 Apr. Ilium 5pm, Drop in exhibit ubout purticle uccelerutois und llic eltislyc lliggs Ilosoii. Ages 3+

Our Ever-Changing World In

I0 'ltte I4 Apr. Ilium 5pm. Drop in exhibit ubotit the subtle chunges tliut tillccl llic c'tii‘lli. Ages 10+,

Robot Fun I'l'l Ili Tue I4 Apr.

Ilium 5pm Tcuch robots neyy tricks. Ages (H.

The Wonders of Optics In It) Inc- I4 Apr. Ilium 5pm. Drop in exhibit ubotit the science ol‘ light. Ages 3+. Creative Computing Fri It) Tue I4 Apr. Ili.3lium. I2.3lipm ck 2.30pm. £3. l'se the S('RA'I'('II progrumming Iunguuge to progruinme unimuted churucters yy ho cun respond to light und the sotttid ol your yoicc. Ages Ili I5, l’leuse book in udyunce.


201i Inyerleith Rim. .553 (I322. .\Ili\ll_\ tree. see L'\ccplitiiis beloyy_

Daily Garden Walks Mon () 'I‘hu In Apr tnot 'l'hui. Wed Tue l Ium ck 2pm. £3. l’erumbulute the gurdens yy ith un expert gurden guide. Ages I2+. Amazing Evolution Wed 8 Tue I4 Apr. Ilium 5pm. Impress your triends \y ith uII sorts ol' interesting eyoltition- themed Iucls. Stiituble I'ot' ull uges.

The Beasts Within Us! Toxoplasma Parasites Wed 8 Hi In Apr. Ilium 5pm. l.eurn ubout toxoplusittu gondii. Ages 5+.

Botanics Basecamp Wed 8 Tue I4 Apr. Ilium 5pm. Tuk'e purt in u plunt collecting expedition und leui'n ubout the equipment tised und yyhut sort ol' inl‘ormution is recorded. Ages 5+. Breaking it Down - Composting at Home! Wed 8 ck Thu 3) Apr ck Tue I4 Apr. Ilium 5pm. Find out hoyy composting cun turn sortie oi your leltoyet's into gi'eut plunt I‘ood. Ages 5+. Darwin Now Wed 8 Tue I4 Apr. Ilium 5pm. An exhibition exploring Duryyin's lilc. Ages I4+.

Darwin’s Journey Wed 8 Tue l4 Apr. Ilium 5pm. Truycl Ill Duryyin's l'ootsteps utid discoy'er South Ainericun I‘oi'ests. I‘ossils uticl insect-euting plunts. Suituble I‘oi' ull uges.

Dig Up a Dinosaur Wed 8 Tue I4 Apr. Ilium 5pm. £2. Dig tip truces ol‘ dinosutirs. Ages 8+. Runs eyery 45 minutes. Booking recommended.

From Stone-age to Obese-age Wed 8 Sui I I Apr. Ilium» 5pm. I.eurn ull ubout the ‘stone uge diet'. Ages 5+. Herbs for Homes Wed 8 Tue l4 Api'. Ilium 5pm. linjoy the .sutisluction oi soyy'ing und groyy ing your own herbs. Suituble Ior ull uges.

Funky Fossils Wed 8 Tue I4 Apr. Wed 8 ck Thu 3) Apr ck Mon I3 ck Tue I4 Apr I lum noon: Wed Sun 4 5pm. Discoyer \y'hut’s lel‘t ol‘ the steuming. gloopy syy'umps und giunt l‘ern lorcsis ot' the prehistoric eru. Suituble l'or ull uges. Lichens - Environmental Traffic Lights Wed 8 Apr. noon— I 2.45pm ck

3 3.45pm. Fitid out ubout the importunce ol‘ lichens in leurning ubout climute chunge. Ages 5+.

The Evolution Archives - Herbarium Guided Tour Wed 8 ck Thu li Apr ck Tue I4 Apr. 2pm. Tuke u tour ol‘ the collection of ubout three million presery‘ed pIunt specimens , including some collected by Duryyin himselt‘. Ages I2+.

Art-tastic Wed 8 ck Thu 3) Apr. 2 5pm. See prey'ieyy. puge 58.

How Did Scotland Get its Fungi? Thu 3) Apr. noon~ I 2.45pm ck 3- 3.45pm. Find out. ulong With other I‘uscinuting l‘ungul tucts. Ages 5+.

The Evolutionary Secrets of Birds Fri IlivSun I2 Apr. IIum—noon ck

_ 3pm I-ind otit ubout it. ulong \\Illl the cyoltition oi other untinuls. With the RSI’B Stiituble tor .ill .tges

The Beasts Within Us! Toxoplasma Parasites In 10 Apt. noon I2 45pm ck 3 3 45pm. l‘tnd ottt ubotit the purustte toxoplusiiiu gondii irotn Dr lnnes Ages 8+

Food Fantastic Sui I I Inc I4 Apt. Ilium 5pm Join Soil Associutton Scotlund to lind ottt lioyy oiguntc turmmg utid locully sourced produce meuns Ii‘eshet iood und lcss dumuge to the em ironment.

Kinetic Catering Presents . . . Science Snacks Sui I I \pl.

noon I245pm ck 3 3.45pm I‘oody science in bile si/cd chunks.

Garden Birds vs Dino Birds:

Who Will survive? In to Mon I 3 Apr. Ilium 5pm. lloyy yyill toduy‘s blue tits utid spurroyys lure W hen Iuced \s tilt the urchueoptry \ u bctoothed dmo-bird yyhich liyed I50 million yeurs ugo‘.’ Changing Energy Supplies! Sun I2 Tue I4 Api'. Ilium 5pm. Join the Reneyyuble Iinergy Routlsltoyy III u duy ol‘ hunds-on uctiy ities exploring climute cliunge und reneyyuble energy. Ages 3+. The Hungry Stone Giant Sun

I2 Tue I4 Apr. Stilt l Ium noon ck

I 2pm; \lon/l‘ue 2 3pm ck 4 5pm. £4 l£2 £3 i. ”cut” the [tile oi. ()tiltt Killtt. .Sciilltititl's eut'liest giuiil then look til rocks. Itissils und some umu/ing photos. Ages 3+.

Evolution of Communities: Grassroots Responses to Climate Change Sun I2 Apr. noon lpm. Find out “but lile could be like ‘post oil'. Ages I2+.

Renewable Energy - Cleaner Energy Sttn l2 Apr. 3 3.45pm. l.curn ubotit ull dillerent types ol‘ reneyyuble energy. Ages 5+.

From Slime to Flowers Mon l3 Apr.

noon I2.45pm ck 3 3.45pm. l’lunts huy'e endured toxic utmospheres. het'biyot‘otis beusts und ice uges in the pust 450 million y‘eurs. Find out hoyy. Ages 5+.

The Evolution of Community Backgreens .\Ion l3 Apr. I 2pm. Find otit hoys to muke the most of the city's green spuces With the Iidinburgh (‘ommunity' Buckgreen Associution. Ages 8+.

Getting a Buzz Out of Flowers 'I'ue I4 Apr. noon I2.45pm ck

3 3.45pm..\luny Iloyyel‘s rely on insects l'or pollinution bul/ oy'er und lind out hoyy und yy'hy'. Ages 5+.

Thinking Like a Vegetable,

How Do Plants Decide What to Do? Tue I4 Apr. 7pm. £6 (£4i. Find ottt more With l’riil'essot' ()tioline l.eyser. Ages l4+.

Talking Trees Storytelling

Fri Ili ck Sui l I Apr. I~ 2pm. Tulk'ing Trees ure buck With some speciul stories to entertuin und uinu/e. Ages 5+.


l lnlirmui‘y Street. 55.3 0322. £Ili Hidden Edinburgh Sui lI Sui l8 Apr. I 3pm. Discoyer the Iocutions behind Iun Runkin's Rebtis noyels: St l.eonurds Police Stution. the Old Medicul School und (ieorge Squure. Ages I5+.

The Body Politic Sut I I Sui I8 Apr. 4- ()pm. Discoy er the locutions behind Iun Runk'in's Rebus noyels: the City Mortuury. ('unongute gruyey'urd. Ages I5+.


Blucki'ord Ilill. 553 0322. £4 i£3: luinily ticket £Ili.5tii.

Mapping the Night Sky Mon () at Tue I4 Apr. 2pm. Stur-gu/ing und constellution uctiy'ities. Ages 7- l2. Blast-off! Rocket-Making Workshop Wed 8 Apr. 2pm. Muke u rocket yyith your yyhole t'umily. Ages

7—- I 2.

Ingredients for Life Wed 15 Apr. 2pm. Find out hoyy to cook up u person. or unother lil‘et'orni. Ages 7. I 2.

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.


Activities and Fun

FREE Saturday Art Club l'ntil Illll 3li:\pt'. Ili 3lium Ipiii (iullei'y ot Modern Art. Royul ltxchunge Scittuic. 2S7 3050. Art .ictiyittes iclutmg to the ui't on displuy \\ ith diuyy mg. collugc. scttlptute-ttiuktng .ind guities \gcs

3 I2.

FREE Back to the Drawing Board Stiti 5 ck I2 Apr. 2 3.30pm \Iuseutn oi 'l’runsport. Kc‘lyttt Hull. 1 litinltoiisc Rodd. 237 20.51. A ci'euttyc \yoiksltop to sketch sottic ol the obiects on displuy Latte and Paint Inc ck l-l -\pi. lltilII. £4. 'lltiptt ('tillc‘c‘liiillsc. all l’olloksltuyys Roucl. 554 0081 l’uintiitg uctiyittes led by llusy liees (‘tult Studio FREE Toddler Time III 3 ck I0 Apt. II I l.45;mi. Kelymgioyc \t'i (iulIc-ty ck \lttsetmt. Argyle Street. 27h ”500 Songs. stories und Ittii.

FREE SAC Moody Scenes Sui .1 Apr. I0.30uin Ipiit. (iullei‘y ot \lodctn Art. Royul szchunge Scltiui'e. 287 30.50 szperiittent yy ith \yutet'colottrs und dry brush techniques. Ages 3 I l.

FREE Reality v Imagination Sui

4 Stiit I‘) Apr. lIum 4pm. Kclyingioyc An (iullei'y ck .\ltisetim. Argyle Street. 270 95‘)”. l.eut'n ubottt t'eul und imuginui'y unimuls through ui‘t. obiect bundling. storytelling und demonstrutitins.

FREE Kelvingrove Museum Nature Club Sut 4 Apr. | l.30utn lpm. Kelyingroye Art (iullei‘y ck \Itisetim. Argyle Street. 27!» 050‘). I.eurn ull ubotit the Scottish yy'ildlile thut ltyes on otii doorsteps. Bring u .iucket und coinly shoes. Weuther permitting

FREE Storytelling, rap, song and sport Stiit 5 Apr. 2pm. litii'rell (‘ollectioiL 20(i0 I’ollokshuyys Roud. 287 2550. Join Fergus .‘ylc.\'icol uttcl Ron Fuii'yyeuther Ior sporty stories. Book III udy unce.

FREE Creative Creases Sun 5 Apt. I 3pm. (iullei'y ol' Modern Art. Royul lixcliunge Squurc. 287 3050. Drop in und muke your oyyn 3l) puper urtyyork. Ages 3 I I und I'umilies.

FREE Sound Machines Mon (i Apt. Ilium ttoon. (iullci'y ol~ Modern Art. Roy ul lixchunge Squure. 287 305‘). A noisy session exploring homemude sounds creute your mm sound muchinel Ages 8 I l. Book in udyunce. Sail the South Seas .\lon l) Thu lli Apr. l 3pm. £2. The Tull Ship ut (ilusgoyy Ilurbour. I00 Stobct'oss Roud. 222 2513. (’rulty liuster holiduy I'un tor kids yyith ittusk-iituking (Mon. Wed ck Fri) or scrimshuyy cury ing i'l‘ue ck Thu i. Book in titlytittcc.

Music and Light Beams Tue 7 Apr. I07 I Ium ck I I.30um l2.30pm. £4. (‘ity Ilulls. (’undleriggs. 353 8000. The ()ptimusic system turns light into sound. to comic or melodic el‘l’ect. Ages 5 7 ut Ilium und uges 8 I I ut l I.30um. FREE Kinetic Sculptures/Mobiles Tue 7 Apr. Ilium noon. (iullery ol Modern An. Roy'ul szchunge Squurc. 287 305‘). Muk‘e kinetic sculpture mobiles by responding to dillerent types oi music. Ages 8 l l. Book in


FREE My Glasgow Tue 7 ck ll) Apr. Ilium & 2pm. People's I’uluce ck Winter (iurdens. (ilusgoyy (ireen. 27I 2962. Help creute u mup ol‘ your l'uyourite pluces in (ilusgoyy. Ages 5 l2.

FREE Buried Treasure Tue 7 Apr. l0..3lium. Burrell Collection. 2060 Pollokshuyy's Road. 287 2564. Discoyer ancient Chinese buriul objects and make your own \‘Cfsitin otit of cluy‘. Book in udyunce.