Visual Art

mm W GROUP SHOW ARTIST ROOMS Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, until Sun 8 Nov 0000

One of two flagship group shows to stem from Anthony d’Offay’s gift to the National Galleries of Scotland and Tate last year (the other is at Tate Modern), Artist Rooms is bright and inspiring and bulges with defining work from some of the 20th century’s finest artists. It may only be after a second look and much consideration, in fact, that it becomes apparent that the show’s over-riding theme is death.

One of the first artists to be presented here is Francesca Woodman. Active as a photographer through the late 19705, Woodman killed herself at the age of 22; the majority of works here belonged to her boyfriend Benjamin Moore, and it’s the largely nude self-portraits of Woodman which remain in the mind. Lying prostrate and vulnerable next to a live eel or crawling on all fours over a mirror, naked from the waist down, her complicity in her own death and in images which might otherwise be exploitative lends the art we see here a kind of unimpeachable conviction.

For the artist’s stubborn adherence to the same old Pop Art ideas so late in his career, at least, a similar effect is inherent in a group of ‘stitched’ photographs by Andy Warhol, from a period in 1986 when his interest in photography had reignited. Essentially sets of four, six or nine identical photographs sewn together in grids, the series includes striking portraits of Grace Jones alongside a homoerotic male nude and a skinned cadaver being examined in a mortuary (more death, then).

There’s also a certain defiance of mortality to Vija Celmins’ charcoal drawings of spiders’ webs and the night sky, and to the high-concept racial commentary of Ellen Gallagher’s paintings, but mainly in so far as each is painstakingly executed. An extensive selection of Damien Hirst’s work is the inescapable centre-piece of the show, however; particularly the formaldehyde-dipped sheep and fish of ‘Away From the Flock’ and ‘Something and Nothing’, and the innocuous but horrifying photograph ‘With Dead Head’.

Whether you like or dislike his controversy-courting persona, the emotional impact of Hirst’s last taboo-crushing best work is undeniable. Afterwards, the simple landscapes and portraits of Alex Katz act almost as a decompression chamber back into the world of the living. (David Pollock)



88 THE LIST 2—16 Apr 2009


lnverleith House, Edinburgh, until

Sun 19 Apr 00

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REVIEW: '1 \


Hunterian Art Gallery. Glasgow, until Sat 30 May 0000

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Dundee Contemporary Arts, until Tue 21 Jun 0000

The DCA celebrates 11s tenth annwersmy weaned on Its doorstep at Duncan of Jordanstone College

the most flamboyantly hr1ll1ar1t pop grOup ever srred 111 the 1,11,, through thls lov1ngly crafted affalr, from 1111;1s11113.1,13;1or13; ..3111h111 811 111111.

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vrdeO p1ecefeatur1ng a yOung and hugely 11reter1hour;l .111 McKellen 111111111 :1

Shakespeare masterclass. to Katy Dove’s name ar11111atror1s.


recall yet another Dundee 111st1tutlon, Jack/e magazme. Wlth many art1sts connected to c11nten11'1orary hands 1111;!111111111 The 13111111111111

Band and the late. lamented Uncle John and Whrtelock aDOund from the collage of Kewn Hutchescn's ‘Badgewearer't

1, 111115511; referer‘rcef. 11 L 1111;913:1111”

photographs of ex Cabaret Volta11e member t.urne11 3211111111: 301111111 re 1 11111131 011:1“ Watson and the Bohman Brothers. Scott My'les orange day— (1111 91111. recall .he

Nevrlle Brody deS1gned font for 19808 style 111hle The Face. 1.111111:

{gr/1,111 Calrrls'

vrdeo prece sets footage of the Berlrn Wall to a glossy syntheslsed dance heat.

This. then. 13 New Pop art. the Slghts and scunds 01a whose 1deas were blgger than the plac

COuple of gerrerat1r1113,

61 they may or may not have been 11181111914

by. yet who found some sense of belonglng wrth1n rt. Much of that. one Suspects. came from the 1nfluence of lecturer the late Alan Woods, for whom Paydale Dower hung an 1mpromptu homage at the show's openlng. Those tlrst

1mpre831ons. 11 seems. st1ll keep you guessmg after all,

(Ne1l Cooperl