

I Saw You cont. .

V I Saw You u'II'IIIulIn}: lIIc IlI\I (III) (II IfIIlhII \nnnncrlnnc III .I III;I\\l\t' \\ IIIICI InnIpu ch’ I (I:(\ K

V I Saw You lll;lI\lll_L' lII//_\ lcll pII'lIIII'x :Il lIIc Innl'kcl \nn IIHIkCtI \cl} \HIII I ('3“ I)

V I Saw You \IIII’Ixu IllIlleIIL' IIUI In .uun _\L'lI uml IIN )IIII (Inna-II likc :III L‘lllll on hml' \L‘nII Imh} I' (Ch Ill

0 I Saw You Inll}

\Id inthnx InluIInnxic the ;III IIInIng: nn lInc «luck and IIIInkInj: llIc IIIIL‘\I (‘;I\;I' \VnnIII \n‘ IIIw :I lnp up I V (I30 II

V I Saw You calm}: :III HI In} k'LII’xL' “IIIt'II I Icll lll IIlL‘ lI'IIIggc w I CUIIIII lnkc II In :I purl} lIIc llL'\I Ila} )IIII :II‘c lll lmnhlc IIII\\}' I IIcnnnIII _\nn cook up \IflllL'IIllllfJ cqnull} \pculnt'nlnr. :InII pmxihl} Inmlc HI L'Imcnlzilc .. I' (I30 I3

V I Saw YOU I SUV \Hll .IInIIn}, I' (Ch I3

V I Saw You \\ lIIlUllI :I un‘c III the “mid and [lit .-\It('3

\\ lIIl _\nnr IIIIn' IIIm ll In _\()lll' il\\ IIIIIIcIIIg Ilkc ruck lmllcl llL‘\Cl' “cut out nl I;l\IIIHlI. \ lIxLNI

I ' (I26 H

V I Saw You my _\nn talking; to Inc',’ \nn lllll\I be talking In ”It IICL‘IIllw I Ilull'l \L'C LIII_\(IIIC clxc IIcI‘c. \n. I‘c;III_\. lthl'x 1|le i InzInncann I' (I30 I5

VI Saw You \\;I|kIng_' :Ilnng \\ IIII zI \zul luu' \wrc _\nII Il\IL‘lIlllg In lhc Snnlhx on _\nIII' IpIIII'.’ 'I‘I'} \UlllL‘ ( in‘Is .-\InnII. or II _\nn pI‘I-IL'I‘. (iI‘ccn I);I}

:Il Icuxl IIICII' llllg.‘\l l\ upltcul?

I. (Ch III

V I Saw You Dunn} CI of \VIH'IIIM IIUIIIL‘I' HI IIIL' RQIIICII I)I‘L'\\Ill:_‘ :IIIII lord III IIII Imk luhlcxI :\III\ In} chlpx. I" (I36 I7

O I Saw You In the East...

O I Saw You

Wi gling your

ba coke and I loved it you remind me of a frankfurter with the shakes xxx U/626/29


V I Saw YOU (IIH'gCUllN Ind) \\ IIII hInIIIIc \IaIx} IIun' lll \Inurl t'nlc It) lhc \Cil lll \mxhuxcn I'II low In gcl to anm )nn hcllcl'. Itnl )IIII pI'IIIxIIII} :Il'cn'l 3;;1} w ncwr nnnII I' (Ch IN

V I Saw You ('IIlc. Ilgn'k

IIQIII'CII. \lm'kIng \L'QIIIIL‘II ()II ll\Ilt‘l'CIIL‘ :Il anlm (XIIIcnlc gig: I gin c _\nn :I prcxcnl ul t'IIIPIIL'\ on III} \\;I_\ out. So,

\\II;Il \wrc )nn funding. :III} \III} .’

II (I20 I‘)

0 I Saw You You \\L'I'L' lIlc IlgInIIwIIw lcllu on IIlL' \n 33 hux. IiIIInhnI'gII. on .\Iulhcr'\ I);I_\. \w \IIIIIL'II 4” each UIIIL'I'. .\I"I’I:R I'II gill IIII gcl In IIllchl'.’ I. (I30 III

V I Saw You In IIlC gn‘l \\ IIII IIIc Inml IIIIIII‘Ing gum. IIIllI \\illII\ In clnnh Ilkc :I 'I‘nzn'cg rock I‘IIthl. (’IIn'l \\;III In \Inngglc _\nu Inln dccpml IIIII‘kcsl .-\Ii'lt‘il In mm \IIIII .\

I' (an 3| '

V I Saw You In Italic»

I IlliltIC IIll\ l'nI' _\I)ll. | Ilnpc \IIIIIL'IIIIIC I uni hung IIll\ In Slum IIIIII IcII. I' (I30 33

V I Saw You Innklng curl} In IIlL‘ Huxcmcnl. )Iln gnrgcnllx \\ I' (Ch 33

V I Saw You unc ItInnIIIL' ml IwInnII .lIlHIIIL'l I‘IIIIIIIIC .Il IIIC \thIIIIIllll}.lIl\I1Il\\ \un II.I\I IIILL' mm and .I nItc IcII PIIIIICKI has. kind of “.lIIICtI lIIcIn IMIII l by. 3.:

V I Saw YOU IICIL' \\ CCIn nun. hnl )IIII \ct'lll In II;I\c dunppuncd I lInnk )nni n.nnc l\ IIpIIqult'I} \ I (Ch 3i 0 I Saw You In \ncnk} l’I-Ick .Il IIc Rum. lap [up Iill‘plll}' «In IIIc \\ undo“ \\I (I30 3“

V I Saw You In IIIC Slut-l Sail \‘(I\t'I\. “In-Iv Inc )IIII nmx I'II Ilkc In \II on .‘l‘l' \\\ IlHI ;l\\

I (I20 I“

V I Saw You ('IIIII‘IIICI' III IIIc Ituwmcnl I Inc .\““ IIIInIIwInc \\\ I (I30 38

V I Saw You \\ Iggllng IIIIII Imhnnkic and I IlHCII lI )nu I‘cInInII Inc of :I lizniklnrlci \\ IIII IIIL' \IlllIxL'x \\\ II (‘3‘) 3‘)

V I Saw You Rum and Scull. \"(HIfJI'iIIIIIilIIIIII\ on _\nnI I'ngugcincnl lI'nIn ilII _\nIn' II'IL‘IIIINL (I3!) ,‘~ll

V I Saw You IIIIIIIKIII; (II .‘l‘I' \U lllllt‘Il I.L'C :lllII ('Ill'h fJCI \\ CII mun hi}: mun ch '77 low .III )IIIII‘ InulL‘xI' (I36 3|

V I Saw YOU I IIIIIll'I \t‘L' )Hll I.;InI‘;I. SII/I. Rzit‘hcl. wa. I'.II|(III. Kurt-n llll\\ \nn gals like IIIIIII .I \ l' (at. 33'

V I Saw You IIIIpp} IIII'IIIIIu} Duncan .\I Inuchm low and \IiaII'kIL'x ilII )IIIII' mum \

I. (I20 3:

V I Saw You \xcll \w IIIIIn'l hnl \Ic heard about )IIIIT ('nngrulnlnllnnx and II III}; \VL‘ICUIIIC IUI' \IilIlItIll HIM III the “mild. Inukmg l'nI'uIII'II In Inccllng )nn \\ l' (I30 33


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I Saw Yous are a fun way to let someone know you’re thinking about them. be it in a witty, cheeky or sexy way. You might have seen someone you fancy, want to post a message to a friend or even propose to a loved one... The only limit is that you have 30 words to express yourself. After each issue of The List recipients can reply via email or post using the box number at the end of each message. Set the ball rolling today by placing your I Saw You at

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