
olourl'ul. doun-to—earth. and Lt\ proud

0i [lie Slitll'e‘\ L‘liL‘qllCl‘L‘tl llislol‘} it\ il l\

of the MM} de\eloped areas housing hright _\oung things in penthouses. Leith eoinhinex gritt} eharni \\ith the l'ruitx of urban regeneration. ()ll‘ lllL‘ top (ll. Leith “till-x. eloxer to the .\'e\\ To“ n. liex Broughton Street. the hustling eentre ol‘ lidinhurgh‘x ga} quarter. \tudded \Vith laid-hack eal‘ex and harx and quirk} houtiquex. Both areas are fertile ground for independent business. men in spite ol‘ the \\UC.\ lllC I‘L‘L‘L‘lli ll‘le \\Ul'l\.\ ha\e brought to Leith Walk. because both on e their \ ihrane} to a strong xenxe ol' eonununit}.

()l‘llieat eeo-l‘riendl} Shore \hop Flux (\ee page 18) and liaster Road\ e\eellent Eero and Riley. reeentl} runner tip in the l'K-xxide Best Independent Shop .-\\\ard\. are great \pots {or unusual gil‘tx and home“ are. ax are Broui—‘hton Street's Bliss (\toekixt ol‘ eult beauty hrand Paul & Joe Beaute) and Concrete Wardrobe (see page 2-1). l‘ull oi~ innovatiVe Scottish designers.

26 THE LIST n3. -\:" .i i1


unprepoxsexxing. hut thoroughl} reuarding l.eith \Valk \litl[l\ World of Pine and Crawford’s Furniture Salesroom are alxo \xorth a dig through for une\peeted bargains; the latter ean throu up \tllllL‘ interexting seeond-hand pieeex. Broughton Street Bookshop xells an impresxixe \L‘lL‘CllUli 0'. second hand hoolm'. Elvis Shakespeare (\L‘C right) \pcclilll\C\ in rare hooks and rarer punk and dance lahelx. .-\nd il‘ tnuxie'x )our thing. the legendaril} dark Vinyl Villains on Izltn Rim ix al\\a_\\ worth a look.

()ther one oll‘x‘.’ Threadbare Vintage. or Joey D‘s Broughton Street \tudio shop of l'L‘L‘)L‘lL‘tl lWLWplec ll‘ttxllitin design. Laiba boutique hax a good xeleetion ol' ethnie fabrics and laxliioiix. Royal Artizana has l'ahulouxl} mad textile\ and art pieeex \uitahle l'or hipp} prineesses.

Broughton Street. as you would expect. ixn't

David Griffin runs the much-loved book and record specialist Elvis Shakespeare on Leith Walk

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the Clock l'n: or. 5/, e'xer‘,’ticri; is

user: :71 W; 29am; 0‘ "Urina- "ennui, has ‘,‘-/lll De llie first opening four years ago]

I O7 37 567 7 363. www.el-x/ss/iakespeare.com

rear Ie made a was fur/x;

\l]_\ on \e\ \htlpx. Organic Pleasures ixee page IN is a luxurioux. eeo-erotie boutique lor \HllllL‘ll. \xhile near-h) 0 Store ix a rather more hardeore. licensed \ex \lltip. I)elinite|_\ not for the faint hearted. «('arine Seit/i