t‘c'tli~ttii.:rtc.'s. time-gt? r‘:;‘.'.‘ l. s ..: S 'r 1' :'~ -~ _ -: 'e‘ :; it»

COMEDY THINGS by l\,l\l. \luliatid. \tls.; l-Vtit‘sfw lasui‘ .:.e"i l."e ' l.’~. ".\','l‘\.\ c \j. To WATCH . . . Glasgow \tttsleii: .:tid llaittel \\el‘stet 52.1 .' ~.\:1' ".- The Thursday Show llie \latltl. 1‘1 .-.’~\ .- ... . .2. ~. ’. \Voodlantls Road. “55” till” ““55 s of I":e:: \l .'f l. «S illpm LS it". members L-lt llost \ .-.' liWV‘g l_::t‘.'s t r. V" .e .‘L' w: Stisan Morrison \ielcotiies \llxllll legend Outfit} \l.. " ls’. l'l‘r“ .i Junior Simpson to llte Stand. alongside Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance ll‘e Joe llecnan. lloll} “alslt .ind \litliael Stand. ii; “midlands Rudd HS '1‘ (a... l"l 2" Adams lot a packed weekend of touted} (M55 s lilpni 1.1 See \lwr. .‘t' Best of Scottish l".. S‘..:'.‘. Yr hit all palates l'. “S 5‘ \ My" 1" 2‘ . l:tltttt;titrtt‘ i .. \ -. Edinburgh Fit 0’ The Giggles Absolute .. *i - 'llT Heresy lllc Jck}ll tk llstlc. ll: ll.itlii\ct Beginners lieelme ll‘i". fir..ssit‘.;tket liete \‘!l w .' '.:' .:s 7:. \t Street. 335 3ll33 ”put 2.: Sec lllll lb ‘35 5151 Spin 2.‘ til ( etc Hutu \t.\.1ll \lwt'sw" ';.ti.~.'.t.. e l{.:\ll l

... il,‘ The Thursday Show llte Stand. 5 \l\l)\‘ll.lltl .itid llt'.ltlllllt'l l'l'.. l’.:i-, .1l.‘ \le.:rtis lurid. lit-Mel :' .'\ .iv'.

York l’lacc. 55H w353 ‘lptti Lb it“. turned b_\ iiioietaxs talent lt-‘l‘lll1'7«'fl...r.t' \l..:f:tt \lt \li'stu rtterttbct's bit 'I lie \scekettd \Hll be .i llteit mark on the totticdt. s. eite .is i glittering aria) ot talent liom around the .is some l.illllll.il fates tis :n-g out ttext

countr}. \sitli Rttdi |.ick\sood. \eil stutl \ loxels sl.ill to the week \lcl'ai'lane. Jonathan .\l.i_\oi and tip and Red Raw llic Stand. York l'l.i. “S 2:.1‘4 } .. corner John \Vltale ".353 S Illptii 2,3 .9 It (‘litis llctiix iottis The Thursday Show l'f..- \t...:..'

The lnbetweeners Series two gets into its Stride as Will's birthday looms. He's planning a sunably grown-up dinner With a few close friends. and. naturellement, any girls they can persuade to come. E4. Thu I6Apr, 70pm.

Reno 91 1! More spoof mockumentary mayhem as Deputy Jones takes a job as a crossing guard after his suspen3ion from the force for punching Garcia. E4, Thu 76 Apr, 77.05pm.

Genius Johnny Vegas breathes life into Dave Gorman's least excellent venture to date as they meet people whose leftfield inventions include a torture box for inanimate objects. two-way ladders you can go down as well as up and a conveyor duvet lOr maximum coverage. BBC2, Fri

7 7 Apr, 70pm.

Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle In the last of his series, Mr Lee ponders over the very nature of his job. wondering where comedy is going, analysing his biggest influences and revealing that a firefighter once told him that going on stage is probably more scary than trying to put out an inferno with yOur hose. 8802. Mon 20 Apr. 10pm.

Reggie Perrin All we're saying is that this better be good. The Leonard Rossiter Obsessives will be poring over every little gesture of Martin Clunes' performance to see if it can in any way match their man‘s iconic portrayal of a suffering sales exec on the edge. BBC 1, Fri 24 Apr, time tbc.

(Brian Donaldson)


Benefit in Aid of Diabetes UK Scotland The Stand. 33} \Voodlattds Road. 0870 (\(X) 6055. 3.30pm. £7 (£5). Diabetes l'K Scotland helps those al‘l‘ected by diabetes. aiming to improve their quality of life. Tonight is all about raising funds for the charity. \\ ith a top line-up of comedians (all doing it l'or tree) to be announced.


Benefit in Aid of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 9pm. £8 (£7; members

£4). With comedians such as Joe Heenan.

Vladimir McTavish and Jay latterly performing tree. this promises to be a brilliant night of fund-raising tor a worthy charity.

44 THE LIST 16—30 Apr 2009


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longleuis. l'(i(‘ liiiildittg. ll Rerttieu Street. llSl-l S14 tNlJJ. Spin l’lttlll t’l3 .loe lleciiait. Rick Right and (‘i'aig ('atiipbell are among the comedians set to entertain _\otit tights oll this \seekend. will the cliante to eat below and dance .ilterxxaids lot a complete night otit to tell soui grandchildren about.

The Friday Show lllt' Stand. i” \Viiiitlltllltls Rtt.itl_ l).\'—'ll (\llll (ill55 .\' illpm. LS iL'7; members Hi. Sec lllll 31


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longleiiis. ()mni (’entt‘c. (ireenside l’lacc.ll.S.1-l Srl-l (NH-1. 7.45pm. {I I. Mike \Vilkinson. Simon Bligh. l)aliso (‘liapoitda aitd ,'\nd_\ :\skins are all aboard the .longleuts boat. setting sail lor the land ol laughter \\llt'l\‘ people chuckle itiiglitil} before taking to the tlttltccl‘lool'.

The Friday Show 'l‘lie Stand. S York Place. 553 7373, 0pm. till (U); members £5l. See Thu 33.


Ken Dodd l’a\ ilioii ’l‘lteatte. l3l

Rt‘tlllcltl Sll'L'L‘l. 553 lH-lh. 7pm. U7 U0 t£l7l. Staiidtip from the slioxsbi/ legend \ilio's \ei‘} lond ol e\tended. llll‘t't‘rlittlll'»ttlll\ sets. Jongleurs Comedy Club .longleuis. l'(i(~ Building. l l Renl'r‘exs Street. llSll 8-1-1 ()(l-i-i. Spin. l‘rom U3. See l'll 3-1, The Saturday Show The Stand. 333 \Yoodlatttls Road. 087“ (ii ll) (ill55, 0pm, {I}. See Thu 33.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longleuis. ()mni ('entre. (ircenside l’lace. llS-l—l Nil (Kl-14. 7.45pm. {I I. See l-‘ri 3-1.

The Saturday Show The Stand. 5 York l’lace. 55S 7373. 0pm. {I}. See Thu 33.

Glasgow Ken Dodd l’a\ ilioit 'liltealt'c. l3l RL‘llliL‘ltl Street. 353 ltSJh. .qpltt. {I7 {l9 (L'l7l. Sec Sat 35. l’Rl-Ll-I Ha Ha Raw Comedy l\ttl'} llotel. l.angside :\\enue. Shim lands. S.3llpm. See Sun ll). Michael Redmond‘s Sunday Service The Stand. 333 \Vootllatttls Rtiéltl. “37” (till) 005.5, 8.30an LS ([4; members L'l l. More ll_\pllt\ll\lllg rambles from Mr Redtnond. as he introduces his guests tor the ewnmg: .loe lleenan. Ben Verth. Robert (irahaiit and .\lartin ML‘:\llisiCt'.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 "3‘3. lpiii. See Sun Ill. The Sunday Night Laugh-In the Stand. 5 York Place. 553 7373. Sfillpiii. £5 (£4; members L'l l. Another chance to see Jottathaii Maya alter his neekend ol

.itt .isswtliiictit ul never .itts Tut alas! paced lllt‘lll ol \t‘lllt’tl\ .tllil

t‘\[‘t‘lllllt'lll.illt‘ll\ You know. \t‘ll lone t'

when the} :‘o \sioii:'

Glasgow Red Raw llic Stand ll; \\iuttll.tlltl\

Roml tls"ti litlll till5\ s “'l‘l" e" .g t.

\lt‘lt‘ I\)\'\l l\).l\‘. l‘lll t'.i'.'\‘l .l\ ls l‘i‘llllil t'llli‘

the stage lll .i series «it \llllx l. lite sets sou \llllltl lielp distinct .i llt‘\‘. ttllllt‘tl\ sl.tl \\llll \1(..lllk‘llk'k'llJllJlllld prolessioiial lieadltiiei

Glasgow Best of Irish Ilie Slatitl. 1H \\oodl.inds Road ils“ti (illll i.i iss

\\«w-rll.::i.ls l\‘t‘.l.l "\ 5" (it'll “"5‘

\ With. t\ 3‘ tr'eiitbers 9'. \\tt itietstei llf.;\ .' lle‘.li:i .s lll fl' :e this weekend ‘ie .Y'l'llt‘lls ll. 'iell \Ilt‘ll \atitlx \clsw' .z'ii l.llll.‘\(rt' ib.ii\ or to

tilt“: .i'vtlt

Heresy lll.‘ l.~l».ll ll~..€. S':.'.'l “5 ‘llH ‘ll‘lll 9‘ \cc llitt l'~

The Thursday Show ll. Stain!

3\illl. l'l.:\t‘ \\‘ -‘-\ |’i‘llr ‘\.‘

.‘ ll,:::u\.'t

tiietiibetsfl l'. ’.'.ll:‘.

.it.il llie l‘lltl\ .ite -Ei:"!l‘i’ Si» lo: . llie . l\'\lll . tttit. li. lot-'et tli. 'Zwoiii .lllil llll \o.it ltle '-‘-Illl the .'l littic ol .i‘lllt'tl‘s titllllt'\\ ml lit~-' In. llcettati. \lisl.iit li.1lll.' \l. liael

l-.'-.'e. lilll\ l\1ll.'.‘.t\tttl .llltl \l.tll l’re‘..:ti

Local favourite Vladimir McTavish, topical

comedian and regular star of the ‘Best of Scottish' showcase at the Edinburgh Fringe, launches his new show The 50 Greatest Scots of All Time. . . Ever! this month.