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:' 1 " Name llr.’ Alrrriint ' H I H -. '1 " ' ' ' ' ' . I Born 1 Deomvrlier 1083 . Background 1 i‘lliltill Ha . . , ,l .. '1 , .1. '_ , '_1 l I Ahmedgraduatedtrrnilxttvrl . H i I 1 t I. 1 ' H I I V I With a degree in philosophy. I H i.’ ,, ,, ,. , . -.. , , . . ' ,l ' ... . lielrtrr‘s and r-r‘tinrinrips lwlrrre ' .1 . I . 1'; ' U. '1: I, i I" ., : H training} as (in .rr‘tor tit llli‘ iii-ntml

School of Summit and [ )r.rrrr.i ll».-

ttarne tr) l‘lrlllllllt‘l‘r‘l' rrlayrnrl

'_ . .. .. ; Shatrilllastrr,.rv‘rerrrlwr (\lllli‘ ENCOUNTERS AT THE END OF THE WORLD THE UNINVITED lrriton lhree 'rr Murmur (U) 99min 0... (15) 87min .0 Wrrrterlrettnrri'~; l/‘e li‘r nit) to

(ii/.rrrtt’rru/rto Hi‘lzlllllllll in min lllr' world premier oi the trlrrr at the Berlin l>rlrn l-estryal. Ahrrred intuit, hrrrrselt detained and questioned lllt(ll,'l the prevention ()l tern rrrsun

At the outset of his extraordinary, Oscar-nominated documentary about the life and landscape around the Antarctic community of McMurdo Station, director Werner Herzog announces that this is not a film about fluffy penguins. Sure enough, Encounters . . . is no soppy zoological adventure. But neither is it a serious study of flora and fauna in the style of David Attenborough. Instead, it is an idiosyncratic take on an already pretty out- there subject, the kind of bonkers endeavour with which Herzog has defined his wonderfully weird career.

Gobsmacked by a friend‘s series of photographs taken beneath the frozen Ross Sea, the intrepid Herzog hitched a ride with a planeload of some of the 1100 inhabitants of McMurdo Station, home to the National Science Foundation. There, he interviewed scientists, technicians, plumbers and truck drivers and ventured into the awe-inspiring continent to see what brought these people to such an inhospitable place.

The results are astonishing, illuminating, hilarious and sobering. Far from being a paradise away from the rest of the planet, McMurdo looks like a rundown mining camp. On the other hand, a trip beneath frozen sea unearths an alien environment straight out of a science fiction film.

act and asked why he'd want lrr be in a hint about the lrpton lhree. It was then that Ahrned (:nrnbrned lll1;( ixl'ird education Willi a hitherto hidden rrirrsrr, talent. Under the rrrnnrker llr/ M(l. he recorded the satirical ‘1(><erll cornrrrentary rap ‘l’ost E) ii Blues'. [he nlaytul §$()llt_l was initially banned from irrtrsh airplay because the lyrics were deerrred ‘l’iolrtrcally sensitive.

What’s he up to now? Ahrried

Climbing up to the rim of an active volcano, Herzog is instructed by a l\ " , ... l‘. .. ' ~ . 'rw ' ””8 '” a ”"’“”“"'i"”‘~l volcanologist not to turn and run if it erupts but to face the exploding m .r i- .. ; .. " -- rt .. : ”(E'IRN'j'l‘HC‘f '” the m" ”"f" "' magma and dodge the red-hot globs. Back at base, a biologist tells the Mr r: .. ~ : =-r~' r r' : ‘. F‘W‘ ({rWVVE; ”0”” m'" f’l'm‘" director mankind is headed for extinction. What unites this motley crew is i _ w .. 7' l " . “‘0 QUIVU‘I’lm“ ”‘1‘” WW“ " their passion for the place they‘ve found themselves drawn to and the hard i-‘w : ‘1' : ~ -r r .r t : luton ("“9 dealer WM” 'f‘ mm” reality check it's given them. , x: .1 i r , : , ,1 :, lrlw' set up for a tall It s a remarkable

Ultimately, the initially sceptical and scoffing Herzog is won over, which 055“” 0“ ”l‘l‘i’wm‘“ “W‘ml provides this otherwise dazzling film with emotional clout. He even finds . .. ,.,. ,. , "f?”"ll'S‘LWll 0‘ HWVW Kttllfll S “H” time to film a penguin. Though this being a Herzog film, it’s a clinically »'\'17‘ r ... r : ut .. ' : fir ”‘ Mean SM'WS' H“ W'” ””0” be insane one. (Miles Fielder) ..' , .. g, , - 1, 800” Dbl/”‘9 U DINO (lUIIVOf‘i’ “W I ,.- ' , . ; ,r y . _. .. __; In,” , ., ., ,1“ 1,, , .. , turned fashion model inSally

mm: 1, , 1., '4‘”: Potter's Rage, As it that were not ...” ,. ,, ., . . 3nough. he's currently part of the i K, ,A , ., 1, ”at, r excellent ensemble c; st in Neil ,. 2.. ., , Marshall’sCenturion. M,“ , 7. ,. ,L. . ‘.~ K ,. .rsd i,. What he says about . . . r . m... , ;,. . it ‘. . :,rrrr,.,., cultural identity on film 'I K... K. [vi 3“,. ,_ , , ,. think something that is really y... 5,. ..., 3: ' p .. r . - , exerting about Shifty and also . :i .7 . . s y... ..., 1., :' , about Rage rs that you have ,e, , -_. J. .. ..J ,. characters who are trrst and , ,,, 7, ,. - r I. foremost characters. they're not , . _ 1.: . ,. .. ... .. crphers representing any social .... f. A, z ,1 ,. y. .1 , group. There is not this idea that , 1. r,. .1 this guy rs a Cipher for Muslims. In r “,1 .. ,g... p , ,r ,r‘ ,. ._ ,. ; Shifty. the guy rs only concerned ll- r ,W ,. , 3d... wrth knocking out hrs crack and d3” 1,; , .... it .W a. ,. chopping it up. i think it's excrtrng . ., , ,. I .,,_ for an audience when you get to r .. : ; ., 4 r ,1 -r x ' .. ,.., . ; relate to characters as people first .14.. ... I ;...I ,. t, 1,. y; .. 1' , rather than as stereotypes.‘ nu ' " ~r:..~ ; in: ix. Interesting fact er MC (in: 1 unfit contributes to the soundtrack of r'r rt .r .r‘.«- ,. :. r a we at Shifty. lrre Unrnvrted's twist - "..lltlt) from the I Shifty, selected release from get go. rEddre Harm» . [-7124 Apr. See review, left.

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