
Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

t Indicates I-litlist entry

All About Alida Valli i I: [\i ll’icipaolo l)c \lcio. llal}. jllllh'i fi‘mm l)octiiiiciitai} about x\ll(l.l Valli madc b_\ thc acticxx‘ ncplicu. ll\lll_‘.,' thc \Nttltlx ot hct unpublixlicd autobiograph} (i/uwoii II/ni l/lr'rllli', (i/uxzjoii, Ii/In/iuuu'. l.i/IIl/'lll1f/l

An Architectural Discourse - Mackay 8. MacMillan ll’(il i. Illll‘li l)a\id Mada}. Mid} .‘xlac \lillan ‘Ntiniit l'llIll and tll‘xL iixxioii c\ciit c\ploiiii;: thc inllticiic c ol liniopcaii aicliitcctx l)a\id \laclka} and '\lltl_\ \lachIllati 'lhc c\cnm_1'\xillalxolaunch\l.ic‘k.i}'x .‘ititobioyiaplt_\ l ll/l' III ('ini'x (i/uwmi Ii/ni llu’ulu'

Asiemut i |’( i l i( )ll\ ict lligyinx/Mclanic (‘aiiicL ('anada. Ilium 57mm l)ocumcntin}_' an thlmkin bikc iidc liom Mongolia to Kitlkola llll\ xciccnmj: \xill bc picccdcd b} xhoit lilm lxi li/m'il' l/ll' ll'tl'."l'l/\ u/ II/H’I l’ait ol lmajacx and Rcllcctionx on l'ihct xcaxon (i/uwoii I'l/Hl Illl'llI/l’

Atagoal: Cat’s Magical Forestil‘i i.\li/uho \ixhikubo. Japan. ltllltii :\_\a lliia}ama. litxuko Ko/aktiia. .\lati \atxuki Hlmiii l'amiI} animation about a Illillet‘lll Japancxc loicxt. aiid a giant nitxcliicxoux cat who al\\a_\x ptitx lllll lirxt. .\ laii'}talc \xhcic human. animal and xpiiit li\c togacthci in tltc touii ol .»\ta3aoa|, l’ait ol l’tippct .'\llllll.‘llll>ll l'cxtixal I'llmliuuu'. lat/in/turqli

Barry Purves: Stop-motion Maestro t Ili illitll} l’ui'xcxi ()tlmm. llaii} l’ui\cx xcicciix xhoit aiumationx .Vt'tl. Si r'r'i'n /’/ii\ and (ii/lu'l'l ll/ll/ Sir/Inuit. aitd .‘iit;i|)xcx tltc pi'occxxcx ol tltc xtop motion tcchiiitluc. l’ait ol l’tippcl .-\llllll;lllttll l'cxtixal l‘I/IH/lttllu'. la/Irt/tiuc'li.

Bass Weight i lxi isiiiitlli lltlxxitll. l’k’. ltlllh'i (iliiim. l'catuic lt‘lllell doctimcntai‘} about dtibxtcp lcattiiing: indcpth llllL'l\|t'\\x \\llll Skicam. llcitga. Kodc ‘l and l’laxllclgtll. ('( .ul. (I/rhqrni.

Black and White t l5i t('i'ixtinx ('oiiiciicmi. lta|_\. lellXi l-abio \‘olo. Ambra .'\ll:_‘lttlllll. lii'iq labouaiic}. lllllmm. Italian i‘om com about a lo\c ti'iaiiglc bcmccn l-.|cita t.-\iigio|iuii. a lict'ccl} committcd \xoikci at SOS Racixm. hcr lL'lIlL'lilllll} xupportnc huxband (‘ai'lo t\'o|o). atid lici'ti'aiid tlzbouanc) l. tlic bcautiltil Sciigalcxc \\ ilc ol' lilcna‘x collcagtic. l’at't ol' ltaliaii l‘ilm l‘t'\ll\lll. I'llni/iniiu’. Inlinlmrc/i.

The Boat That Rocked i ISi

O. tRicliai'd ('ui‘tix. l'K. Ilium (icmma .'\l'lt‘l'lttll. l’htlip Sc} mour llol‘l'man. llill Noah}. IR-lmin. l.ilc onboard lltc lictional I‘ltio pii'alc radio \lltp Radio Rock I'L‘xc'ttlltlcx .'t l\\U lttttll' xkctch xhoxx hcld togcthct’ b} popular xoiigx of thc cia ('ui'tix clcai'l) ixii't aiming l’oi‘ t’calixin. htit hix i‘ctut‘n to thc big xct‘cctt ixn‘t c\act|} i'ockm'. \\ith a \Vaxtcd caxt ol' chat'aclci' actoi‘x and onl} (‘lii‘ix ()'|)o\\d t I‘lic ll ('Imiili xlimmg in a i‘ai‘c momcnt ol' citiotional dcpth. (icncru/ I'l'lt'll.\('.

Bolt ll’(il C... tll}i'on llo\\ai‘d/ ('hrix \Villtgttttx. lb. 200”) \otccx ol .\lilc_\ (‘)i’tix. John ‘l‘rmolta. Suxic l'.\\lll;lll. HBmiii. ”cart-tugging |)ixnc_\ animation about child actrcxx l’cnn} (\oiccd b) (‘y‘tixi and dog Bolt t‘l‘t'aioltai \\ ho xtar in a hit TV xci‘icx. 'l‘lic dog bclicwx tt'x all rcal. xo \xhcit hc cxcapcx l'i‘om liix trailcr and cndx up thc othcr xidc ot' the cotton} lic ix III for a l'cxx i‘udc ,xttt‘pt‘ixcx. lint/iirt' (Tu/chunk. (Tu/chunk: \iu' I'filiIt/tirrjc'lt ()t'i'urt. [flint/turd).

Bolt 30 ll’(ii O... tll)rott lloxxai'd/ (‘hrix thliamx. l'S. SHIN) Voiccx ol' Milc) (3 mix. John 'l‘raxolta. Stixic lixxman. ltlfimin. Scc aboxc. ('im-imrltl Ri'n/r‘i'ii‘ Slrt'c'l. (i/rncuii:

The Bug Trainer i IZAi tRaxa .‘xli.xkin_\tc. Lithuania. 2(Kl7l 53mm. Docuiiicntar} abotit littlc-acknoxilcdgcd

l‘lllltlk'all animator l atlixlax \t.iic\\ itch l'cattitm: ltH‘l.l_‘_'t'. aii cxplotation ol \tatcn itch'x ctcatnc idcax. and opinionx ltom tilm ctiltcx lhix xciccmng \\lll bc lolloucd b} ()xcat \xiiiiiiiij; piippct .itiitiiatioii I’M” A t/ii llu/t l’ait ol \c\\ litiiopc l'lllll l'L‘\l|\.tl Il/I'I/II'HH. Ii/ni/iiiI-a/i

Ceol’s Craic: Second Sight il‘i lx\ll\ttll .\lc ’\l[‘lllk'.l lx. ZlNl‘li l)oii .\n;_'ic \lac lcan. l achlan \Iaclntoxh. l achlan (iillicx g l llllll \lonthlx (iaclic c ltib and plallotm lot (iaclic art and ttilttitc, \\llll thix c\cnt xctccniiiy .\( 1 null \ig/it \cI m Hkxc. Sn uni/ Mia/ii lolloxxx Hli xcai old (iaclic xtoi_\tcl|ci l)onald :\n;_'tix \lacl can ax hc ititiodutcx cliaiat tcix \\iltt claim to ha\c had contact \\ itli tltc \pllll \xoild

(t l, (i/rnurni

Changeling i lhi C... i( 'lml lzaxtuood. l'S. Ittlixi Angaclina Jolic. (iattlm ( illllllll. John .\lall\o\ ich H l llllll \thn ( ’htixtinc (‘olliiix‘ iJolici xon \\altci l( iiiltitlii gaocx llll\\lllj_'. xltc ix iiiitiall} icli\cd \xhcii thc l.:\l’l) xa§ thc_\ can ictuin thc ho} to lici. bill on xccmga him xltc docx not iccojanixc thc child llci \tllt\t‘tltlt'lll itccllxttllitltx til conxpitac} pioiiipt tltc atithoiiticx to takc xliockiiiga and radical action lhc xtolcn child tlicmc ma} bc a iiiclodiamatic xtaplc. but l'..|\l\\HU(l.\ itltl lil\lllllllt'(l .tlttl tlccltl} claxx_\ \xoinan'x pictuic ix a timclcxx allaii ll/iinlun I/li'rlll’r’. /.i/in/iiu'uli

Clara 3 (lii ts\lc\.indtti Solomon/('oimnc lbi‘am. Romania/laaticc. loom 52min. l'xin): [llltllik and otlici aichnal iiiatci'ialx. ('Iqu ll aitlull} dcpictx Iltc lllc til it photogiaphct NL‘H‘I \aitxllt'tl “llll hci natioiialit}. tltc cpoii}ittoiix chai'actci ti'axclx through ttiiic to \xitncxx \xai toi'n lzutopc. lhix xctccnmg \till bc lolloucd b} xliott lilm lx’u/u' u/ Iziu'u/n'. Iatlt'lil. (.( i-l. (i/rnurm‘.

Crank 2: High Voltage i lxi ooo tMai'k chldtttc/llt'ian la} lot. IS. 30””) Jaxoii Stathani. Am} Smart. ('liltoii (‘olliiix Jl'. 05min. Scc .-\|xo Rclcaxcd. pagc -l.\', (it'm’m/ I't'li'uu'.

Cyberworld 3D tl’( il iVai ioux, l 'S. lletli .Iciuia lilllllilll. Matt l'ic\xci. Wood} :\l|cn. -l-lllllll. Jcnna lilllllilll ix thc c_\hci lioxt \xho ittltoduccx tix to \at'ioiix tiniclatcd xcgamciitx ol c_\bct animation I'lir' SIM/mini and .‘llll.'. makc ll) appcai‘attccx tn a xpcctacular tll\|tl;l_\ ol toda} 'x moxt itnpi'cxxi\ c graphic tcchnolog}. l.ll.-\.\’ l'lit'um'. (iluwoii. The Damned United i l5i 000 (Tom lloopci‘. l’lx'. 2000i .\lichac| Shccn. Jitti lii‘oadbcnt. ’l‘imoth} Spall. ‘)7mm. liroadl} cntct'tainiiig il’ higlil) xaiiitixcd adaptation ol l)a\id l’c';ic‘c"x |ll\ll_\ acclaitncd nox cl I'lit' Hunt/ml ( 'Iiirt'il. uhich allmxx tix to xcc thc \Htl'ltl ll‘Ulll tltc tormctttcd pci‘xpccth c ol' l’ootball managci' Brian (‘Iough tllll'lll}: liix 4-1 turbulciit da}x iii chargc ol l.ccdx l'nitcd during: l‘l7-l. Slimci‘uu' (’int'ntu. I’uixlm'.’ ('umcu. lat/ni/tiujc'li.‘ liu' ()mni. I-a/iIt/mrc'lt.

Days and Clouds i ISi iSilxio Sultlini. Italy/S“it/ci'land. 3007i Mai'glici'ita Bit}. Antonio .-\lbancxc. (iiiixcppc Battixon.

l l(imin. .'\n ltaliaii uppcr middlc-claxx lamil) ix ””0“” into turmoil \xhcn pttlrtltt'cll Nllcltclc t:\lbancxcl lx Util- matiocttxi'cd b} hix pai‘cntx arid ptixltcd otit of thc \cr} bttxiiicxx ltc hclpcd l'oi'm. .-\ poignant xocial drama uphcld b} xtt'ong lcad iwt‘l’ormanccx. l’ai‘t ot ltaliaii l-‘iliii l‘cxti\al. (ilmuoii' l'i/m I‘ltcutn’. (i/uwmc; l'l/Hl/IUII.\('. Iz'ilI'It/mru/i.

Deep Sea 3D il’(ii illimartl llall.

(‘anada/l'S. Zoom Voiccx ol~ Johnn} l)cpp,

Katc melct. 4lmin. A 3-!) digital cxploration ol' tlic occan'x dcplhx and itx c‘t‘cultlt‘Cx. [WAX I‘llr'rlll'r'. (i/uxuuii‘. Devil’s General tlii tllclmut Kautncr. (iL‘rlllilll}. NSS) ('urd Jtirgcnx. \‘ictor dc Koua. Karl John. lltlmin. 'l'hird Rcich ct'a drama lroin lcgcndar} (icrman dircctoi' lx'autnci‘. (incl/1c Inxrirul. (i/uxc'mc

Dolls (Pusinsky) l ISi iKarin liabinxka. (‘Icch chublic. 2007i Sandra .\'o\ako\a. l.cnka Vlaxakoxa. Maric l)olc/alo\a. 00min. (’Icch rom-com about a group of xcliooI-Icaxcrx \\ lio dccidc to takc a xutttmcr trip to Holland. l’art ol .\'c\\ liuropc Film l-cxtixal. l-i/mliuuw. Ia'tliIt/mrelt.

Dr No il‘( ii 0... nlcicncc \oung. l K. l‘lhli \can (‘onncty l l\lll.t \iidtcxx. Jim-ph \\ ixcman. Jack l oid lll‘mm lhc lllxl llontl mo\ ic. and a \ intagc onc at that \ \ci} )outig looking; and Scotx xouitdiiij: (‘onnctx \xoikx hix c harittm; land in hmdxigaht \ttlllt‘\\ll.tl campi xxa} thiough thc diabolical bac k paxxagcua} x of Hi \o‘x c\ il cmpitc and thc tctiuixitc numbct ol llooxicx. pauxmg oiil} to takc out lltc occaxtottal latanlttla attd takc itt tltc ('aiibbcan xccnci} lo xax nothing; ot \lx \iidicxx‘ xpct taculai appcaianc c on thc bcach \xitli that Ll‘ll\ h xlicll lhcx don't makc "cm likc thc) tixcd lo l’atl ot ('ubbx lltoc \Ull xcaxon I I/III/ll'ltu I i/in/tiuc'li Dragonball: Evolution il’t ii 0 iJaiiicx “one. I \' Japan. Jill‘ti Jtixtiii ('lialuiii. ('ho“ \tin lat. Joon l'atk h-liiiin l’ucrilc llttll}\\itit\l liltii \cixion ot thc Japancxc maiiga phcnomcnon that \\lll dixappomt laiix and nc\~cotiicix alikc (ii'ni'rul It‘li'mi' DupllCthl3.\t.. i'lonx (iilioy l‘lx'. llNl‘li ('lixc ()ucn. Julia Robcttx. lotti \Vilkmxon lllnun -\ Ur it lln Muir/i txpc cioxxd plcaxci \\llll ()\\cn and Robcitx iii thc icxpcctnc lliangclina iolcx. thc lilm ktckx oil in l)ubai lll SHIN “fill a mcctiiig: bctwccn ('l:\ xp_\ ('laitc Stcmxick iRobcitxi and Niki agcnt Ra} Kmal N Null :\ paiiixlakiiiyl} coiixolutcd xtoi} lll\ttl\ lllf,_‘ a complicatcd con to xtcal \lll itiillioit dollat'x liom a \c\\ Yoik baxcd mcga coipoi'atio uhich tlicti tiniaxclx (illi‘HU/‘lrl [\li'Il/I’r'li .VIi‘r‘l. (ilrhc‘utt. ('ini'iim'li/ Ia/ui/im‘c'li. lat/in/nuc-li. Encounters at the End of the World il'i I... th-iiici llt‘t/ttg. l'S. 2007i “L‘l'llcl llcl'ltth. Scott Rowland. Slclan l’axhov ‘Nmm. Scc t‘c\ 1c“. pagc 47, (i/mcoii I'll/II I'lu'iitli'. (i/uxguii ; I'l/IH/IHHH'. I‘a/iIt/mrc/i. The 400 Blows (Les quatre cents coups) (M ii ooooo ll'l‘allc‘oh 'l'i‘ullaut. l‘i'ancc, 1050i Jcaii l’ici'ic l.caud. :\Ibcrt Rcm}. (‘lait‘c .\latiiici1 llllmm. Still aina/iiigl} li'cxh altci‘ all tlicxc )L';tl'\. 'l'i‘ullaut'x dcbtit about a l )cat' old l’aiixiaii bo) 'x othxxc} tliiotigli liix dcpicxxiiig laiiiil} lilc ix iiitciixcl} mining: and xtaitlmgal} pciccptn c about childhood A maxtci‘ptccc. \cn print. I'i/m/iouu'. Itt/in/tm'c'li. Fast & Furious l l5i oo tJllxIIll Ian. [8. lllllln Vin l)icxc|. l’aul \Valkcr. Jordana lll‘c‘“ xtci. lll7mm. .-\n upgradc ol thc original lilm “Illl almoxt thc xamc plot and caxt pltix a higlict' budgct. 'l‘liix ix mot'c iii a rcbit'th than a xcqticl ltcncc thc llL'\\ abbi'cnatcd llllL', Ax xucli it‘x L'\Cl"\ bit ax thrilling. dttiiib and occaxionall} dull ax thc original. (it'm'rul I'i'lt'rlu'. 50 Dead Men Walking t lSi ooo (Kari Skogland. l'K/(‘anada 2003) ”cu lx'mgxlc}. Jim Sttii'gcxx. chm /.c3:crx. ll7llllll. |,ooxcl} baxcd on tltc lilc ol Martin .\lc(iai't|aiid. thc lilm lolloux Noithci'n li'ixh (‘atholic \\llL‘L'lL'l-tlt‘illt‘l Martin (Sturgcxxi tui'iix undcrcox ci‘ titt'oriiicr at thc hcight ol 'l'hc 'l‘roublcx m l‘).\'llx ucxt licllaxt: tt'x cloak and daggci‘ tiiiic lrixh xt_\lc. (’aiiadiaii xcrcctm ritcr and dit'ccloi‘ Skogland'x adaptation ix bi'cc/il} paccd atid intriguiiigl} plottcd )ct ultimatclx lailx to com mcc, Sc/t'clul Ilt'll'UH'. Finding Nemo il'i oooo imitlmi Slttltlttlt/lcc lillkl‘lL‘ll. [-5. 200.“ Votccx ()l .-\|bcrt llt'oolxx. l‘illclt l)c(icttct'c\. Almandcr (iould. \Villcm l)aloc. Brad (iarrctt. :\lll\t)ll Jannc}. lleiniii. l’ixar‘x latcxt no“ that it ix lrcc l’rom thc umbrclla ol l)ixiic_\ ix thc dcligahtl'til talc iii a littlc lixh arid hix dadd} ‘x attcmptx to litid him \xhcn hc gctx xcoopcd out ol thc \xatcr b} a human. ('|c\ cr. limit} and bcttcr than The [alt/c .llrrmuul iltixti l'l/nlhrtllu'. lat/rit/mrult.

Name Jodie Whittaker

Born Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. 1982’

Background. Whittaker sprung to immediate fame as l’etei O'Toole’s mouthy muse in Roger Michell's Widelyseen 9006 comedy-drama Venus. Whittaker's portrayal of Jessie made a strong impression and helped O'Toole to an Oscar nomination.

What’s she up to now? After appearing in the St fnnian's remake. Whittaker has been working non stop in teleVision with substantial parts in less or the D'Urt)erVi//es. Wired and Consuming Passion among others. She also made a film Good. an adaptation of the acclaimed stage play by CP Taylor. Set against the growth of Nazism in 1930's Germany. Viggo Mortensen plays a distinguished academic who leaves his Wile for young mistress Anne (Whittaker).

On Good and Viggo ‘It's not an eaSy play, so I don't think many people have seen it; t happened to have seen it as a student. and I think Viggo had also seen it in his 20s. The character I play. Anne, was someone who genuinely didn’t know that concentration camps eXisted. Looking back today. we can wonder how people could let the Holocaust happen. but all someone like Anne could see was that the upper-middle-class world around her getting stronger. So the play helps you understand how everyday domestic deCisions can lead up to wider historical significance. There's no sense of disrespecting history. we're trying to explain how things like the Holocaust happen. and I think saying this difficult thing is what's attracted the cast.‘

Interesting fact Co-star Viggo Mortensen kept the crew happy with regular confectionary. ‘Viggo was such a generous person to work with. quite literally, he'd have chocolate for everyone but he was also generous in his performance, he had a very detailed approach, yet he wouldn't have it all worked out in his head before he came on set. he's sit and work it out with you bit by bit.‘ (Eddie Harrison)

I Good, selected release, Fri 17 Apr. See review, page 48.

1‘; gr] Apr 2’20“.) THE LIST 49