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Name Ron Peck

Born 15 May, 1948. South London Background Even in his bookish. middle-class youth the now-sexagenarian Peck was determined to become a filmmaker. 'It was three strands that made cinema very vital and alive for me.‘ he says. citing as major inspiration the often socially-conscious oeuvre of Elia Kazan. Nicholas Ray and Ida Lupino (particularly The Bigamist). the street-wise New York of Paul Morrissey's films and Antonioni. He subsequently formed Four Corner Films with fellow film school graduates. Three years in the making. and co- authored with assistant director Paul Hallam, Nighthawks was the feature length debut in what Peck describes as ‘my all-too-thin filmography.‘ As the UK's first major gay movie it remains a seminal work.

On Nighthawks “It does seem a long time ago. finally. There were many years when I thought I’d never get past it. I think it still feels truthful, which was the essential purpose. and that‘s partly because the actors improvised using their own language. What interests me is how much identification non-gay audiences seem to find in it. as if the situation of the schoolteacher transcended a gay context.‘

On load Ken Robertson ‘He did a fantastic job for us. and was excellent playing Chaplin in a stage show he did immediately after Nighthawks. But Ken didn‘t have the chances he should have had as an actor. I don't know why.‘ (Geeks take note: according to imdbcom Robertson was a cast as Hrchek Kal Fas in the original black and white footage of the cantina scenes of Star Wars.)

What’s Peck up to now? ‘l‘ve shot a film called Cross Channel. a speCulative mystery about two East London brothers who take a ferry from England to France. Like Nighthawks it was largely improvised with non-professionals. I‘m currently editing.‘

Interesting fact Nighthawks camera operator Joanna Davis was in her seventh month of pregnancy during the shoot. ‘l've always loved the image of a large pregnant woman with an Arriflex strapped above the bump.‘ she says. 'being pushed in a wheelchair around the set of a gay club by a six—toot straight bloke.‘

(Donald Hutera)

I Nighthawks/Strip Jack Naked (BF/), out now on DVD and BIu-ray. See review next issue.

58 THE LIST ‘itl-JQ Apr 1709

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t:dlr‘liurt;“ College of Art releases this; lol. fiudget. yet charriiirig limited editiori DVD iri (it)i(?l_)filll()ll of fariious LIII‘. \ertue. the \‘Jee Red Bar. Filriied m 2007. ECAE; ce'iteriam .ear. it iritersrierses ll“. e (mrfarriiarices \.'.'If) .ritt:r‘.i£2‘.‘.:s that D'Q‘JC} ,- ari irissight irito If": tit..‘.ti".‘. and fee: at'iioscrie'e o‘ o"e .g' Edinburgh's riiost iritiriiate muSlC \6ltLlBS. Iritelligeritly compiled particularly the fruit-

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.‘xhi’jr. xigrialled the ‘ll..'f..".‘:.'1‘..‘lffl'xétlfllfli‘; Mad l‘/7.’l/ pl lf:llf)'li‘:l iii The ‘>‘:’/).'l(l div, extras. f‘ior/e/er, are a V3,. Piichar/l Kuirier'j fasciriatir‘r; arid lori'} fit/gliflieritar/ about Stone's place to Australian society puts tfilfig‘) lfi {)f;f8f)‘:’,ti/‘:. ”J74 TV (lUCUlfI‘fllTEN, Tf‘f; UMP/rig of Stone. rriakeug. tests and the director‘s production snaps are also included. Reconwnended. (Paul Dalei