
Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.


AIM/1111,11) (11111 1111‘.

FREE Saturday Art Club I 11111 11111 1H \[11 111111.1111 111111 (1.1111'11111 \111111'111 \11. I<11_\.1I I 1111.1111'1'\1111.111' .‘V' 1‘15” \11 .111111111'\ 11‘1.1I111_1.' 1111111' .111 11111111111111.111111111.1“.1111'.11111.11'1'. x11111111111'111.1111111'.111111.'.11111'\ X1211 1 12 FREE Back to the Drawing Board \1111 1”.\ ‘I1 \[11. 2 1 11111111 \111\1'1111111I 11.111\l11111 K1111” 11.111 1 1’ 1111111111“ 1(11111. - 2(151 1)11111111111.1I1\1 11111l1x11111111111'11'111111.111\1111‘1111111111'1lx 1111111xl1|.1_\

Latte and Paint 1111‘ 21 \111 .\ 1111' 2.\ \111. 11.1111 H 1,111.1('11111~11111111\1-. H21 |’11I|11I1\|1.1\1\1111.111.55~I””\1 12111111111: .111111111'xl1‘1111} 1111\1 11111-1 ( 1.1“ \11111111 FREE Toddler Time 111 I" .\ 21 \111. 11 11 15.1111 K1‘I11111'11111 \11Ii1111‘1}1\ \111\1'11111. \11.'\|1 SII1".1I “”5”” \1111;'\. \111111 \ .1111111111

Sail the South Seas 1 11111111 I" \111. I 111111 1.2 1111 1.111 \11111 .11(11.1\_1111\1 11.111111111 1I1I1\111I11111\\ |<11..111 ‘2‘ 2511 (1.111} 1'.1\I111111I111.1_\ I1111I111 11111 111111 111.1xk 111.111111.'1\\1'111\ 1'111111 \1’11111\11.1\\ 1.111111131111111 11111111111.11I\.1111‘1'.

FREE Wild Thing: Live! II111 1(1.\111. .1|111.1_\ 1111111111111(1.1111'111‘1. 1111111111111 8111'1‘1. 111118115. \1111111'1.11‘11\1' 1111111411111 \11111.1\.1111'1111I11111). 11‘111111'11'11 .1I111 1.1IIj._‘1'1I1'I1'.IIIII1'\ \IIIM II 1111 I11 .1111111.111'11111'.1l111\.

Musical Adventures |I111 I11,\111'. III111111\ 11 111.1111 131 (‘11_\ 11.1111. I'.1111111‘111.';.'\. 151NIIIII) .\11111I1'1.11'11\1' 11111x11‘111 .11111'1111111' 111111111311 \111111‘\ .11111 \11111.‘\ I111 1‘11111111'11.1_1.'1‘11 1 I1 .11111 1111'11

FREE Heracles - the Ultimate Superhero 11111 II1.\|11. III.1II.1111. 1411111'11 ('11111‘1'111111. 2III1II 1’111111111\11.1\\\ 1(111111.21\_’ 2501111111111111ll1‘111111111‘11‘lih I2 1.11111111\ 111111111111: 11'1111111'11

FREE Hard as a Hoplite 11111 111 \111'. 2 111111. 11111‘11‘11('11111‘1‘111111.2III1II I’IIIIIII1\II.I\\\ I\’I1.I1I. 2155 255113111111“ 111111111'111111‘1‘11111111111'Ii11'1'k111-1111'» Animation Film Workshop II111 1(1 .\|11.1-I.K11111.111111111_\.\1‘I\(‘1'11111'.5II K111111111111111} .\\1‘11111‘. 111'111\111‘11. 111111; 11111 ”11 5I).\‘1 1(1‘11I\'1I1‘.1\111111.1I11111 11'1111\1111111I111111.1l1\1‘.1111111111111111111111 .1111111.1I111111111111411111 I’1III11/I/11' I’ll/711'! .111111111I111II I1'111111/

FREE Perspectives of a Skater I11 I" .\111. I .111111. (1.1111‘1} 11I .\I111I1‘1'11:\1'l. 1\’11_\111 1:\1‘11.1111.'1‘ 81111411: 25" 1II5II. 1111111 111x1‘xx11111111111.1\1 1‘1I}\1'.1111'\ 111111 .111'11111'1'1111'1'1111‘1111111x. \;.'1‘\ 12 15 FREE Kelvingrove Museum Nature Club \11 |.\'.\111. 11.1II.1111 111111. K1'11111g1’11x1‘.\1‘1 (1.1111‘1'} 1\ .\111\1'11111. .\11:)11' 8111'1‘1. 2"I1 ”5””. .\.1I111'1‘ \1‘xx11111 1‘\l111111111.'.1111111.11I1111111‘x.

FREE SAC Goblets and Goblins 8.11 I.\' .\[11‘. II111111 511111. (1.1111'1‘} 11I \111111‘1'11 \1'1. R11}.1| 1'\1'I1.111g.'1‘ $1111.111‘. 2S" .1II5II.


_\11111 111111 1.1111111'1 11x1111.' 1111\1‘111111‘111.1. .1\1.'1‘\ .1 11. 1)1'11p 111

Music for Theatre Workshop $1111 1” 1k 2I1.v\111. 11.1111 I2..1I111111. 1.151111 \1'\ 1'11 111111. ('11_\ 111111\. ('11111111‘1’112121. 1.51\'IIIIII 1)1.1111.11.11111111I111 1'1111111'1-11.1111I 11111111: 111‘111111‘. .\1.'1‘\ 15+.

FREE Storytelling and dance S1111 I”.-\.|11 2.1I1111111\.1 1(111111 111111111 ('11111‘1‘111111. 2011” I ’\11|111I1 11.1\1\ I\’11.111. 28" 255”. l c.1111 \111111‘ .r\111‘11'111 (111'1'11 \1111‘11'x 1111'1111g1111.1111'1‘. 111111111111; 1'1'111111'1‘11. Handmade Art Club 1111' 21 1k 2.\‘ .»\111‘. «I (111111. {(111 I111 11‘11 \11‘1‘111. \V1‘x11‘1'11111 11.111. .\‘2 .\111\\\ 1‘11 .\\ 1‘11111‘. liL‘.ll'\111‘II. ““538 .52 I 5N1. \\1‘1‘le\ .111 1‘111\\ 1111‘11121N N 12. ' Handmade Theatre 11111 2.1 1k .111 A111. I1 811111. {XII 1111' [1'11 \11‘1‘1.» K11111111‘1111111} .-\1‘1\ (‘1‘1111‘12 5II K11111111‘1111111} .-\\1‘11111‘. 111‘111‘1111‘11117588 5212106. Ii\pl11r1' 111111 [‘1‘111Ill1'1111n. .-\1.'1‘\ I I 15.

The Scottish Baby Show I 1: .‘l \1111 2'1 \111. 1".111. 5;1111 1'15“ 15111111111 I'm 1111- \1 I I .I1111:11‘xI-111I‘I'11a1.1'55“”1” 3111111 I 1.1111111111111111 I111 1111'11.I111111\.1111i 111111111‘11111111:1.111\.1111I11111111\111111' FREE Wacky Animals! \11 25 1\ \1111 2I1 \111. 111.1111 11111. (‘1.11111111 111'.111111. 2"“ 1111111ka \111'1'1. 25(1‘I5IW \11'1'1 '11.1'1111.11111'.1.1111.11'11111111'.1I1111'\

FREE Arty Weekend \11 25 .\ \1111 211 \111. 11.1111 211111 K1'1'1111.'111\1‘ \11 (1.1111'1}. .\ \11111-11111_\1_1\|1 \111".1I 2V1 ”5"” \II} .1111\III1'\.141111.11111 11111111111\11.1111111\

Music for Early Ears \1111 211 \111.

II II 15.11111\ 11111111 121511111 115 I111 1111'11.1'1'11\ (111 11.111» I ‘.1111111'111.'j.'\. 151 \IIIIII \11\1' \‘.1‘1'I\1‘11I1'I\HI111'.111‘11' 11111x11 11.1\\1'\ I111 11111111.:1'11111111'11.11111

1111'11 11.111111I\ 1.111'1\


Children’s Classic Concerts - The Wow Factor \. 11- 5 \111 111111 L|I11LI1. 1.1111111111111112‘11 Ix’11}.1|(111111‘11 11.111. 2 \.1111’1111'11.111 \I11'1'l. 511111111 111111 I )111'11 .111111111 \111111.‘\.111.1\\. \111111.11111 111‘11’11\\11111.1;.'.1111\l1'.1111111111'1 \1'1'111111111 11111111111

I 1112111112 111111 [31111013

The Book of Beasts I 11111 5.11 Ix .\]11. 2 1II1111111'11\.11111.11 11.1111115 11.111111} 111'1111‘l\ LIN 11111 ('111/1‘111' 1111'.Ill1‘. 11‘) ( 111II\111\ 31l1'1'l.1112211 555711. ('.11111'11111' \\111‘1'I\ [111'x1'nlx 1' \1-\|111\I1111'11I.1111'1'11111 11111111111'11x .1 11111111111111 111111111 .11111 111111‘.1\111'\ .111 111.111111'1 11I 111‘.1\l\ '1II/1IIII11'I’11/1/11/ 1111/1111/11111 I1 \IIIIII. Hotel Marionette I 11 I“ \111. [-1 K11111.111111111} .\11\ ('1'11111‘. 5H K11111.111111111_\ .\\1‘11111‘.111'111x111'11.11122»1 5‘52-11 \ 111.11111111‘111‘ 111'1'1111’111.1111'1‘ 1‘1111111'\_\ 11I 81111111111111 1111'.1111‘ ("1111111.1111. ;\_1.'1'\ 1+. I’11/‘I11/I/11'I’u/r/n'l .1/11/1111/111/1/1'1II111/.

Major Mustard’s Travelling Show presents King Arthur 111 I" .-\111'. 1111111. L-I.(1111111111‘1111|(112.” l’111\1‘1‘\11.\ .\\1‘11111'. 1”15522. 1.111111111111111: \111111 1111 1111 [111‘ 11111111}. III/I 11I I/11' I’ll/I/H’I 11111111111111] /1‘1//111/.

Iqbal the Child Weaver I11 17 .\111'. 111111.131. K11111.111111111_\ .\1'l\('1'1111'1'. 511 K11111111’1111111_\ .-\\1‘11111‘. II1‘111’x111‘11.”-12 25(1I1. 81111111111111111111‘1 11111x11'.11111 1111111111111 1111111 1111' \1111‘1 11I 11111.11 .\l.1\111. .-\;.'1'\ X +. ’111111/1/11‘I’11/1/11'l111/11111111111 I111/1111

Cinderella 8.11 IN .-\111‘. 211111. 1.31. (111111111'1'11111 (112. 1111111111} .v\\1'11111‘. 1.1115522. 81111111 1(1‘11111‘ 11‘ 1111.1121111'1 1111' 1'1.1\\11' 111111111112 [’11111111/11 /’11/1/11I .1111111111111/1/1'1II111/.

Rumpelstiltskin 51111 I” .-\p1'. I 111111. 131. (1111111111'11111 (112. l‘11111‘1‘x11) .\\1'11111'. III 2211 5552-1 1. 112111111111: .11'11\1 11I 1'1111111‘\ 1111.11. 11 11111121111: 1111111 1111\111‘1 .111111111'11111I\ll’.1_\ \111‘11..\j.'1‘\~1+. IIII'I WI [/11 I’M/711! 111/11111111111 I111/1111

The Postman $1111 I” .1\111'. "11111. (J. (1111111111'11111 (112. 1'11111'1'111} .'\\1'11111'. .1,1II5522..\1111\111111111I1\1‘11\1‘1\ .1 111.11211'111 11111111 11111111'11 11111111‘1111111‘1‘1‘1. .\:.'1'\ 5*.

The Sleeping Giant and the Garden Guzzler .\l1111 2II .'\111. 1111111. U.(1111111111'11111(112.” l’111\1‘1\11_\ .\\1'11111‘. .11” 5522. \1'\\ 11111} 11111118111111 11111111 1’1111111'11. .\1.'1'\ 1+.

The Frog Prince and Other Tales 1111' 2| .\111’. 11.1111. {-1. (111111111'1‘11111 (112 1’11111'1\11'\ .\\1'11111‘. .1111 5522. \\111 1’1'1111‘1‘“ 511-111111111' 111111 .1 11.1111lx111111' 1‘1‘1111'1"\\1111111111‘1 1'1111111‘1'11K \1111'11'x. \f.‘1‘\.5+.

Horrible Histories I111- 21 $.11 25 .\111. 1111‘ "11111; “C11 5111 III.11111\\1‘1I 11111 111111 ..1II11111..11\11I'1'15._‘1I111111.S.1I111.11 -5Hp1111. K1111.'\'1111'.1111‘. 2”" 11.1111 81111-1.111‘11111111111145. 111-~1-x1-II1111; 1‘11111111'11'1.111111111 '11'1'1‘) I)1‘111‘_\ 11111115 111x [\III‘IIIJI' \1‘1'11‘\ 111 III\111I'_\ 13111111\ 1111111‘ \111121‘.

The Witch, the Wizard and Little Red Riding Hood 5111 25 Apr. 2pm. £4.”5 114751. .3111111111 M11111 111111 1’1111111‘1 ('1'1111‘1‘. .\' III li;111';11'1'1-\ .-\\1‘11111‘. K1‘1\111111111‘. 55”(111\’5. 1111111111: 111‘1111\


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1:11? ' The ‘7 Prof maniac Fer. North

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REVIEW1’211111)I1‘I 1.851111411111111 NI N11 THE SECRET OF THE BLACK MOON MOTH Faber. £6.99 0000

John Fardell must be responsible for an awful lot of frustrated children at bedtime. Whether they’re being read to, or reading alone, when the end of a chapter signals lights out it’s almost unbearable. King of the cliff-hanger and a master of anticipation, Fardell closes each instalment of The Secret of the Black Moon Moth with one tantalising teaser after another.

The third in a series of adventure novels, which started with The 7 Professors of the Far North and continued with The Flight of the Silver Turtle, this enjoyable story may be set in present day but has a charm more akin to fiction from the 19405 and 505. Set in the UK and the tropical jungles of South East Asia, the action is peppered with surprises - both good and bad - that cause wonderment and worry in equal measure.

The three boys and two girls who dominate the story are so capable, you’d quite happily let them run the country. This famous five can construct canopies in the rainforest, fly planes, rescue other children and have a moral and social compass that could lead us all. Fardell’s capacity for descriptive text fills your mind with amazing images of exotic animals, underground cities and incredible boat planes, never once boring us with unnecessary prose.

If there’s a criticism, it‘s that he wraps up the action too swiftly towards the end, when the story could easily have withstood another chapter or two. As much fun for parents as children, The Secret of the Black Moon Moth is hopefully just the latest, not the last, in this exciting series.

(Kelly Apter)

27I1 ”(1”(1. (11111-111111! I’uppci '1‘111'11111‘ 1111\1'1111 111'1111r1111111.’ [2111‘ 111 g1‘111111111111h1‘r‘x \1-111111.’ \11111».1\g1-s 7+. Purl 11! [hr Pup/11'! :111111111111111 I'i'xliml. The Garden Guzzler Wed 2‘) Apr. 103011111. £2.51). 1’1111111r111f1‘h1- Bridge. IIXII) Weslcrhuusc R11111I. Izuslcrhnusc. (11224 575741 81111111101111 Smric prcwnix .1 plmlul [1111‘ .‘\L’L’\ 3+. I (If! u] {/11 Pup/u I .1/1in1uIm/1 I1 smul.

[Illplkh 11‘11\ [111‘ 1.111‘ MI 1.11111‘ RL'II R11I1111.'. .\.'11 1+.

TWO Little Pushkin Tales 8. 11 25 \111. 2. 1“11111125” 1’11111111111. 1111 111'1‘1111: . IINIII \\1\I1"'11111U\1 1(111111. 1.11111'1‘11111111'. 25(1‘II1‘N1..-\ Rll\\l.1n l111111 I1111‘pr1‘x1‘1111‘11 I1} K111111111 1's 1’11pp1‘lx.:\1.'1'\ 5+.

A Stitch in Time Mon 27 Apr. III..1I)11111. £2.50. 1’1111I11m1. 1111- Br111g1‘. IIIIIII\\1‘\11'r111111\1‘ R111111. Ii11\l1‘r111111\1'.

’: THE LIST 59
