
REVIEW 8 ’.‘f ;E i“ E; ;.. EMMA CURRAN The Mill at Oran Mor, Glasgow. Wed 25 Mar .00

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Kor and BoneSaw.



Captain‘s Rest. Glasgow. Sun 29 Mar 0...

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How did Ingested get started? What’s the difference between metal and death What attracted you to death metal over rock and metal?

Do you feel the mainstream press ignores the skill involved?

ls death metal an acquired taste?

What can we expect from your headli


ning show?


Captain‘s Rest. Glasgow, Thu Apr 2 0..

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A, 1' 'WKHA . (I i.» ' : ' V. A| ' . ' "A Hit," .1 l' i J' "‘2'! i‘ A. " ”MW in A. 9" 't (1'1. 1 A tA“ AA A ! l‘i{.(}(’1 A A A ‘A“ '.. O: K 1 "' (iv! " A) K‘ : t ' 4 1):. t, f'uauwuz :auxl' it". ”NT". T'Tglf URL-”'3'" Z 9'1"" 'A’:‘)A.' ,‘L: f‘\‘/ (;§7:)‘l [Lh‘fn‘l/Ai "'(1' .il' v.3 -4‘,‘,A~ ll‘l‘H l""f 1A\r~4-.A4 ';A in”, T'l H ' :3"‘A1ff(llfx,

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.“.. .r\A'-‘l_‘(.l: A'E, [)'.’ AI A)’.{A(1).(3 (A A ) A '\'( ) \A' A H .' I l A) A, \ll (AN) )A" A \‘I' K A )A I T" "" A l_A AA' A [3,“) ' .f 4:.J f~ l‘, Jan 1,”. 4‘ A‘ A‘(: {(‘A A f A’ rhAA

If you're finding metal just isn't doing it for you any more, why not delve into the brutal world of death metal. a hardcore body blow of sound accompanied by guttural vocals? This fortnight there's a bumper bill of extreme noise with Manchester‘s Ingested heading a line-up of Dyscarnate. Neuroma. Cerebral Bore. Nurrus

ill \‘lll‘fil " FRIGHTENED RABBIT Captain‘s Rest. Glasgow. Tue 31 Mar 0....

1 " 'A ‘7': . A ‘l , ‘{.l /, ,.: "AI‘AA- )A-r ’r " IA

.2 am: LIST 65