Music Rock&Pop

Rock& Pop

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication for Glasgow to and for Edinburgh to henry® Listings are compiled by Fiona Shepherd and Henry Northmore. For ticket outlet information, see Book Now.

vi: Indicates Hitlist entry



.(‘|'\de .'\lltIIlHlllIlll.

(I. 3IIpIII. £34.47. I‘IIIIII' \Iith hagx nt \nul pnteutral and a natural \tage pr'esenee at Ieaxt enrnpared \\ ItII Sunnn \\'eIIIIe nt lllue.

I The Anomalies I\nr'_\ Illaekx. 5h ()xxxald Street. 343 -II I4. 7pm. £5. .\lu\Ieal ruagprex Intlueneed II} e\er‘_\thing Ir'nrn Inpihnp tn hrg hand.

I Bombay Bicycle Club .\I£(‘2. 33“ Sauehiehall Street 3 33 33. 3 3. 73pm. £3 Ynuthtul indie Ir'rn Irnin l.nndnn.

I Gomez Ilar'r'nu land 344 (iallnxx gate. 553 4(IIII. 7pm. £In. Stun .lll‘llllh nu and \trll gnIng tIInugII pIIIIapx nnI ax \Ir'nngl} ax the} did In their \Ier‘eur‘} Muxre Pri/eMinning earl} (lil}\.

I Gordon Maclntyre I )i'an .\Inr. TH 73.5 (il'ettl \VLNIL'I'II Road. 3.5-,3 7pm. £5. Pnp \IIIunx} Ir'nrn hallhn} Inainrnan.

I The Lonely Souls, Ghosts of Progress and Tragic O'Hara ()2


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\tadern} .3. l3l Iglrntnn Street. ”\44 .1"- :INNI 53pm LII ()\L'l' l—1\ \I]tl\\ RII}IIIIII and hluex I'nek hand headline

I Glider, Little Eye and Of Copenhagen Hope \Iu-‘II’xIea/I. 43I Sauehrehall Street. 333 INHH

3 3Hprn £4 «L 3r .\ IIII\ nt l|\ e I‘.ittd\ pla_\ mg the (‘IIe.ip'rI'.\'.I\I} .Iuh night

I Croc Madame vs Croc Monsieur ’lIIe I'I}Ing l)uek 3 Rentrexx ('nur't. 533 tIItItI .\pIII 3am. £3 \Ilhle. pertnrrnanee art and DJ xkrllx .It Illl\ lll\I IIIItIIda} e\Ir.I\.Ig.In/.I \\IIII II\e \elx trnrn Plaaylnh. Bilge Purnp. I’Iten and Hill} Surnrner. \IIIn are launthrng tIIeIr .Ilhurn. FREE Da Brasilians and Ciaran Mcllwham I3rel. 3” 43 .\\IIIHII lane. 343 twin, hprn ('nnerete ('arnptire I‘t‘ewntx .III .Ienuxtte \L'\\IUII nl lneal talent.

I The Darien Venture, Trapped in Kansas and Esperi (‘aptain‘x Rext. l.\5 (ire It \\e\ttrn Rnad. 3 33 3 3H4. hprn £5. .\I.IIII Itlk IxLI\ IIIL I).tlltll Venture .Ind pnxtvr'nekerx \Ve .\I'e 'l rapped III Kanxax tnur' III \Ilppnt'l nt IIIeII Inr'thenrnrng \plrt I'P

FREE JapanFourIInx.13I Sauehrehall Street 3 33 54 3 I. Nprn. Rauenux Indre I‘nektrx Irnrn I.l\ Ingxtnue FREE Oran Mor Acoustic Sessions and Open Mic ( Iran MM. 35 5.3 5.5 (il'ettl \VLNIL'I'II Rudd. 55,3 (I3lltl. hprn. III \xeekl} \exxrnn.

I Shoshana Miryam It‘ll.” ()\ na. 42 ()Iagn lane. 35,3 4534. Spin. £3. l'nlk r'nek \lllgt‘I'/\tillg\\I‘llt'I'.

I Wrongnote and We the Last Men IIIL' I“ Ned \VIIL‘I'I. 3.5 ()llL'L'II SII'L‘L‘I. 331 4.351. Spin. £4. .v\ pair nI pmtipunk \etx. \\ ith rIInI'e guextx In he eanIir'Ined. I The Big Pink, Loverman, A Grave with No Name and The Ghosties King 'l‘ut\ \Vah Walt lIut. 373a SI Vineent Street. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £(I. .\IueII—Inuted IIL‘\\ Indie-rnek dun. narned aIter' The Band\ thuIII/r‘eeIIrding \Iudin.

FREE Glasgow Jam Session Samuel l)n\\ \. (I7 7| \itlhdale Rnad. 433 ”NW. 8.30pm. \Veekl} \L'\\IUII. FREE North Atlantic Oscillation (‘axxette 333 Sauehiehall Street. ‘Iprn. Pur'e pnp and eleetr'nniea.

FREE Sparrahawk, Patrick Bullen and Jonny Jack The l)r‘a\\ iIIg Rnnrn. III55 Sauehiehall Street. 33‘) 88M». Uprn. Singer-mug“ I'llL‘l'\ at llII\ Quiet Rint \Ilti“.

I David Thomas Broughton 'I’he .-\I'e|Ie\. 35.3 .»\r'g}lt' Street. 565 IIIIIII. lllprn. £5. III'nughtan er'eates IeItIield IlIdIL' littlk .tltd lumped I‘L‘L‘Ul'dcd \ntludxeapex. tixing de\Ier'nu\ dela) pedal \\tir'knltl\. nld I‘adinx and t'nund nIIieelx. I’ III III III lllll IIIIII'.

FREE Bazodee the Hall Bar. Hill \Vnndlaudx Rnad. .353 9000. l.i\ e reggae and daneehall \nundx.


FREE Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery The Jan Bar. I ( II. unherx Strett 33“ 430.3. 5 Spur. ()pen \tage tnr \inger- \nngm'iter'x In \Iinueaxe their material t'l'hui and hand\ tl-I‘i I.

FREE Soul Foundation Ilte Jain llnuxe. 5 Queen Street. 336 4.3.3”. (IpnI. \'ight nt \Intnxxn-xt} le \nul.

I Astral Social Club, Fordell Research Unit and Dora Doll 8. Ali Robertson Sneak} Pete'x. 7.3 ('n\\ gate. 335 I357. 7pm. £5. Punk mum“ and P‘.‘ Ch [Inst-Ieehnn t'r'nrn .-\\tral Sneial (3Iuh at thix night nI~ e\per'irIIeIIIal rnuxie. FREE State of Affairs and Thieves in Suits (3ahat'el antair‘e. 3h .38 Blair Street. 330 (IIT’II. 73pm. Iieketed. Alternatix e I'nek at the Mill. lnt'n and Iieketx a\arlahle II'UIII \\ \\ \\.tIIerniIl- |i\e.enIII.

I So Cow, Zoey van Goey and Local Livin’ Guy \Vee Red Bar. Iidinhur'gh ('nllege nti. \I't. Laurixtnn Plaee. 33‘) I443. 3 ...3lenI £4. \Vnnk) indie pnp and art punk tInIII Ir'ixh trin Sn (1m.

I Limbo IIIL‘ \Imdtm Rnnrnx. I‘)’.t “LNI Regixter‘ Street. 556 70M). Xpm laIII. £4. The Blaek Spring DJ\ and Ii\ e ;IL‘I\

\laI‘IIIa .\ lIIe I)I.tIIIUII\I\ and \I} (’nuxrn I Bid Inu l-ar'exxell I III \pr. pleme nnte £5 £0 entr} tnI IIII\ date anI} I. the

l Irnhn (3|) launeh. .Ietx the I33 .\pI and tinall} the pnxtrpunk neu \\.I\e nt \ \eetnrx. S(‘lf\l and lhe Inundlrng

\\ IIL‘L‘l ' ill \Plt

I The Humble Hoax, Olmec Diagram Ind Hitcher llenr'_\ \ ('e II II ”at. .\ lint \IIIIIIMIII SIICCI. 33\ ”3‘” 5pm £Ihe Prngr'uxne metal

I The Daze I3.IIIIIeIrII.IrI\. \Iddr} Street. 55h 3354 ”pm £4 lIIdIe Inek FREE Echofella, Turnbull Threory, Voodoo Fire in Haiti and The Neon Alter \\ III\IICI‘IIII\IU\. 4 (I Snuth Bridge. 553 5| I4 ‘IIVIII. Rnek tI'nrn lIeI.IIItI\ \nndnn I-Ire III llaItI

I Drum Club llIe Ilnngn (luh. \Inra} IIHtIxe. 53 IIHI}I'IIIId Rnad. 5.5.5 ~llll~l

I lprn 3am. £5 I'I\C Irxe dI'uIIInIIIIg er'exu pnundrrig nut I~\er"\tIIIrIg tInru Sarnha In .-\r'.IhIe l'll_\lllllt\ \HIII I).l l.e l.Ie\r‘e.

I The Freaky Family IIIL‘ .la/I Bar. l ('IIaIIIheI‘x Street. 330 4305 I l l5pIII £|. ()Igarne IIIp IInp .Ind I.I//_\ «'rnmex.

*Frlday 1'7 3 f .- ' Glasgow

I And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead and So So Glos ()Ian \IIII. 33.3l 33.5.5 (il't‘gtl \\L'\ICI‘II Rtmd. 35—3 03””. 7pm. £lll. 'l'e\au IIIdIe punkx \\IIII a enr'uxeating II\ e \hnw

I Das Filth, The Dirt and The Cadillac Coffins Ihe l'lxing l)uek. 3 RLIIIIL“ ( nurt. 573 IIIIN) prn. £4. (il.t\gti\\ \l\-[IILtL \IIIn \xrite hanging lllll\lL‘ tnr' penple tn hang tn‘ headline IIIl\ .\lutant .\qure night.

I Marina 8: The Diamonds, Zonules of Zinn and Da Brasilians The I“ ixIed Wheel. 7.3 Queen Street. 33I 485i. 7prn. £(I. Iileetr‘n pnp and piann \nngxtr'exx.

I Nimmo Brothers and Sherman Robertson ()3 .~\eadeIII_\. |3I Iiglrntnn SII‘L‘L‘I, ”3444 7730””, 7pm. £43.50. (ilthgtm '\ Inp hluex hr'nther‘x.

I The Skitten, The Tenements, John Neville Junior, Yo Mama and The Variety Suite Hat'r‘nu land 3. 344 (iallnugale. 553 4(II)I. 7pm. £6. ()\er‘~ |4\ \IIII\\. Iileetr‘n headlinerx.

I The Trade, Universal You and Junkyard Shift .\B(‘2. WI

8 IllL'tlllLII Ill SIIeLt. .333 33.33 pm. £(i. ()\er— l4\ \IIU\\. Inrlar hard Ineker‘x Itetldllltc.

I Punto the Feet, The Sky Mangle, The Wandering Rocks and Coward Niee‘n'Slea/y 43I SaueIIIeIIalI Street. 333 (MIN). 7.30pm. l‘unk) I‘neker'x t'r'nIn I‘it'e headline.

I Carol Laula and Sandra Brown ('it} IIalIx: Reeilal RUUIII\. ('andler‘rggx 353 XIII)“. 3pm. I; I 3. The (ilaxgtm \nngxtr'exx prnx idex the IlIll\lC;tl pnrtinn III the exening. uhile Sandra Brnxxn pr'exentx IIeI‘ nne-aet pla} ()m' n] ()lll' xllII at thix .-\enu\tie Altair night.

FREE Dead Sea Souls and The Shermans Hm. 4.3l SaueIIIeIIaII Street. 3.33 54.3]. Spur. Indie \ingalnngx and guitar \nundx.

I Dressed to Kill The l'er‘r'}. .-\nder'\tnn Qua). lirnnrnielau. 0109.3 .360 ()85. .\’prn. £l4. .-\ trihute In the r'nek gndx in make-up. Kixx.

I Eskimo Blonde and The Jack Knives Maggie 51a} 'x. (It) .-\IhInII Street. Merehant ('it}. 54.3 I.35I). Is’prn. £5. Rnek and a little hit nt' rnII t'r‘nni the )nung lixkimti lttdx.

I Four Day Weekend, De Jour, The Rudiments and 60 Persons Ihe \' (‘Iulx .375 Sauehiehall Street. 3.3 UUI‘). .\‘pru. £5. .-\lt.r'nek and ernn trnrn the headlinerx. launehing their neu IiP. I Nevada Base, Alkotron and RBRBR (3aplain'x Re \I 185 (ireat \\C\ILIII Rnad .333 73.04 ‘s’prn. £5. II\L Inuxie .II Pinup \IgIItx Ilnt in the ( ll_\ night.

FREE Trembling Bells .\Innn. 12 King\ ('nurt. King Street. 55.3 3400. Rpm. Ihe Ineal p\_\eII-t'nlk nuttit Iauneh their album. (3(11'hl'l/I.

I Black Heart Fire, The Deletes and Sideline (‘mninpnk III5 Ilnpe Street. 3.3I ”13H \ 3tIprII :3 "IR and .\II\»IIItIueIIeetl Inek hand head the Pill I Esser, Young Fathers and Jesus H Foxx king lutk \\ .III \\ III Ilut. 333a 5t \ Ineent Street 3.31 53 ‘I .\ 3Hprn MI I lettrnurta nne Inan hand \xhn l\ Intlueneed III In II Indie \nngurrter I).IIIIeI .lnltrhtntt and HR ptndueer .lne \Ieek \uppnttetl I‘_\ I.II\ I'dIIIIIngII hip pnppen and tnIIneI [HI en\er \tarx \nung I .tIlIt‘I\

I Unearthly Trance, Rameses and Black Sun I 3th \nte (Lite.

5” NI KIIIg Street. 553 In3.\ .\ 3tIpIn £4 .\'ln\\ enre hill IIeadlIIIed II} .I l3InnkI_\n hand hnaxting ‘lIeaxrer than \\.II drurnrning'

I The Destroyer \‘Ieren. .‘H 2.\ Rentield I am. .333 3354 ”put £tv l'ttteeurpreee Ilalkan III\I‘II\‘\I e\Ir.I\.ig.IrI/.I .It IlII\ llalkanararna IIIqu

I Straighten Out lx’nekeh. l t \lltll tlItI hllL't‘L 3l ll Strangltrx trthute

I Wooderson, Avast! .llltl Citizens (3.I\\ette. 3.33 Sauehrehall \Ireet. ‘Ipru l’nxt ptrrrk and hardenre \nund\

3h ‘Iprn


FREE Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery 'l'he .I.t// liar. l ('liarnherx Street. 33“ 439.3. 5 .\'pIn See lhu In

FREE Walk This Way and Shameless lIaIiIIeIIII.III\. \IddI} Street. 550 3354 5pIn lneal InIker\ I Lee Patterson, Chil .mtI Beau Nasties \VIIIxtlehInkIex. 4 n .\nutII Bridge. 553 5| I4 (Iprn l-Iee hetnre rnIdrIIgIII. £4 .rtter'. Rnek and pnp emerx and nIIginalx

I Yashin, Mindset a Threat, Your First Mistake and Mufasa Stutlin 34. 34 3h ('altnn Rnad. 55.5 335-5 (rpm. £5. l‘urIeraI Inr a l-riend \IIIe ernn I'nek Ir'nIn Yaxlnn.

I Sharon Shannon Big Band featuring Shane MacGowan III.- ll.\l\' Preture llnuxe. l.nthran Rnad. 0.344 847 I734“. 7pm £|.\‘.5II. (t'lCl‘l'ttIL'd aeenrdtnuixl Ilk'ilkl5 IIII\ lull. l'eatur'rng 'IIIe Pnguex Ir'nnInIarI ’.III III (II/II”) ('rI/IIIII'.

I To The Bones, Unknown Hagana and Autosafari Sneak} Pete'x. 73 ('nxxgate. 335 I353 "prn £5. linltnn punkx dexerrhed ax ‘PI\Ie\ Inauling Mntnrhead'.

I The Virgins and Chew Lips ('ahar‘et antarr'e. .3h 33 Illarr Street. 330 (Il7h. 3pm. £(i. Ne“ an'kerx Inllnxxing In the Inntxtepx III 'I he Stt'nkex.

I Illegal Eagles l’l;t_\ltntt\e. (ir‘eenxrde I’lttL‘L'. ”37” WI“ ”34 7.30pm. £I‘I5II £33.5l). lxxtahlrxhetl rnuxreal tr'IhuIe tn the Izaglex.

I Kim Richey and Joan Coffey ’l'lIe Pleaxanee (Erhar'et liar. (III Pleaxauee. (I50 345%. 3. 3lern. £ I 3. (‘nuntr'} r'nek Ir'nrn IlIl\ \axIIxIIIe tt.tli\e. I’III'I III ('i'I/Ir/lr (II/IIIII'

I The Axidents and Ugly Baby llenr‘) .\ ('ellar‘ Hat. 3 HM \lnrrrxnn Street. 33K 0303. Nprn. £5 t£4i. Punk. ptixl punk and ueu wax e.

'5 3‘


I Darvel Homecoming Music Festival: Fringe Event "Inuit Hall. I” I3 \Vext .\larn Street. “.5444 "3 lt)()(). 7pm. £7 I£5I. .‘\ warm up \L'\\IHII Inr the real textixal deal III \la}. IIII\ I'I'inge exent \Iagex the great handx: “In” the IIL'I'IICx Sgt}. Ilte (illt)\I|L‘\. Streetlight ('nnxprrae}. 'llIe l.;tIUlll.tlIIL'\ and the I.anglInr'n\. I’III‘I n/ l)(ll'\ ('l IIIIIIII'I'IIIIIIIIe .llrrsrr /‘(’\Ill(l/.


I The Fence Collective’s Homegame \ar‘inux \enuex. £045” I‘IIL‘.\ l‘iL'IICL' C(IllL'L‘IHL' lake InL't' Anxtruther and ('ellard} ke tnr the \keekend \Iith \arinus gigx In \arinux \enuex. Line-up ineludex Pip D} Ian. Lnne Pigenn and man} rnnre. See mm m. page '.".’.