1— a I.

13:7“ .1

:M I.”

I David MacDonald and The Last Saloon \uc‘n‘Slca/y J3l Sauclitchall \llccl. 333 ”Will Hpm Ui Soul pop \lllL‘L‘l ltotn (ioian \upportcd h} lalkitk \(lllf;\\lllt'l Roxx l'atrucathci'x ncu hand I Foxgang, Any Human Heart, The Sleepwalkers and Sinister Flynn

’l hc \ (‘ltih. 3‘5 Satithichall \licct. 333 ‘l‘il‘l. hpin L5 lndic iotk

I Inner Sight, The LA Barrons, The Die Youngs and Politics of Time \laggic \la} \_ (it) x\ll‘ltlll Sircct. \lci‘cliant ('it}. 51H l 35“ Spin L5 l’ltijJ \Ulllltl\ lioiti lnnci Sight

FREE Jericho Hill 'I ltc liquid Ship. I3! I75 (iicat \chtcin Road. 33I Will. Hpin ,lohnn} ('axli tiihtitc hand.

I Shoes on Fire, Servants on Serpents, Sons of the Morning Star, Dark Past and Brothers of Craig Sotiitdliaux. .1? ll_\dcpatk Sttcct. 33l -l(i5‘). Hpiii. tL'5i. lllllL'\ lock and tiidic linc tip.

I Stackridge and The Halos lllL‘ l‘L'll}. .\lltlt'l\ltlll Una). llrootiiiclau. lllh‘lh 3h” ”.35 Spin. Uh lltc hand \tho hold thc tll\lll|cllt)ll ol hcing: lltc lii‘xt hand to pla) at tlic lirxt cxci (il;t\ltllll\lll"\ l'cxlnal In l‘)7tl.

I Wing and a Prayer 'l'cliai ana. 43 ()tago lanc. 357 .153-1. .‘x'pin. L3 l‘Hlk/l‘llIL'\ dtio.

FREE The Latecomers l.atiric\ Bar. 34 King: Strcct. 553 7|33. 8.15pm. .»\con\lic \cl ol origtnalx and L‘l;t\\lt‘

I Jack Butler King: 'l'ttt‘x \\ali \Valt lllll. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33| 537‘). H. 3llpin. (5. Jack Btitlcr arc a Stirling: hand \Hlll llloc l’art_\/Rapttirc \t}|ing\ aitd lingcr-pickcd gtiitai'x.

I Pinup Nights 'l'hc l'l_\ing_' Duck. 7 Kathy“ (‘ourt. 573 (Hill). 0pm 3am. £5. lndic. punk. \Hlll and clcctro pop lrotn lltc l’intipx l).|\. \\|lll Inc gticxtx 'l‘hc Kttlict‘dlt‘\. \t‘lltlitl' lh‘lt‘lldt'l' tllltl Ititil't'. and gticxl l).l\ \lat‘ko il'angxi and \ltitiii}? tRo/ .\li\\ lltc ()ccttpicr aitd Knit 'l'cri'clli.

I 28 Costumes, Louise Against the Elements and The Strands (’axxcttc. 333 Sauchicliall Strcct. ‘lpin. l.i\crpudlian indic rock hand.

I Louise Against The Elements ('axxcttc. 333 Saticliichall Strccl. ‘lpni. Ra“ \oul poucr l'roiii l.Ulll\L‘ llcndr} and hatid l..-\‘l'l:.

I Washington Irving |3tli .\‘otc ('al‘c. 50 (ill King; Sum. 55.3 |(i3H. Upni. lnlcclioux indic pop hand latiitcli lllL‘ll' nc\\ \inglc "lltc Magician'. l’lux \pccial gillcxlx

I Only Joe Kane lllL‘ 'l‘u l\lt'tl \\'hccl. 73 ()ticcn Slrcct. 33l 4H5l. lllpin. H. l’\}clicdclic indic pop \ongxx t‘itcr launclicx nc\\ \itiglc 'Jcnnil'cr Um".

I Yeh Yeh Yeh Blacklriarx. 3h llcll Strccl. .553 503-1. lllpni. £5. .\lod \Ulllltl\ at l‘rida} Sli‘ccl.


FREE Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery 'l'lic .la// Bar. 1 ('liatnhcrx Strcct. 33H 43%. 5 Spin. Scc 'l’liti lo.

FREE Walk This Way and Shameless Banncrnian'x. \iddi'} Strcct. 55h 33.54. .5pni. Scc l'i'i I7.

I Lee Patterson and Bullfrog Brown \Vlttxllchinkicx. 4 (3 South liridgc. .557 5| l-l. (ipni. l'rcc hclorc midnight; L'J al'lcr. (‘owrx and originalx I Broken Family Band and Dan Michaelson 8. The Coastguards ('aharct Vollairc. 3h 38 Blair Slrccl. 33” M70. 7pm. t.‘ It). ()l'llkiltcr alt.cottntr_\ l‘roin ('anihridgc‘s Brokcn l‘atnil} Band. I Errors 'l'ltc Bongo (‘ltih. Mora) llouxc. .37 llol}l‘tiud Road. 553 Will-l. 7pm. £8. (ilaxgoxi clcctronica trio pla} trackx l'roin tltcir ncu Rock Action alhuin It '\ .Vu! .S'onit'I/tinc Hit! it ix [Mr ll'lmlt'i'c'r.

I McFly (‘orn li\cliangc. l l .\'c\\ Mat‘kct Road. 477 3500. '7pm. £33.00. Our l4x \hou. l’op \\ ith a punk) cdgc l‘i'oin llil\ \tcrling l'K quartct \\ ho arc \tai‘ting to Ulllgrtm tlicir ho) hand rootx. if not tltcir atidicncc.

I Senses Fail and To Catch a Thief Studio 3-1. 34 3h (‘alton Road. .558

72 THE LIST ‘o—St‘ At‘t .‘.\‘:‘t

.t"- 3 .A ._ 1:. y r'. .; ; ..: ".g. 1.. .; 7'? ,'_»-’. “hi" '4,~ .'. i

It“ OCk 1 O

3 .55 ~pin Llll. l 5 rock duartct llll\lll‘_' punk. haidcotc and poctic ctiiotioit

I Yusuf Azak, Enfant Bastard, Steve Heron and Debutant \iicak_\ l’clc‘x. "3 (‘ougalcx 33.5 I55" “pin Ll \lcllou aconxlic indic tolk

I Douglas Kay Band, Citizen lane .llltl Alan DaVidson l ilk” \Htltltil‘ RHHlllN liltl \VL'Nl RL'L'hlL'l \llk'k'l. Sgli “llhll \l‘l” S( )l .I) l )l "l \couxtic-lcd \Hlllltl\

FREE Transmit ( ..tllt)ll\' (iall. 3 33 (’anongalc. H394 l‘)3 V3 3‘) .\ptn l)(l\\ll tcinpo clcctronica.


I Abba Mania ('au-tl Hall. (in Stitiarc. ill 383 J 3Alli-ll) " 3llpni L lo .5”

iL'lJ.5ll. lainil} ttckct Ll5i (‘clchtating ‘stl wan ol goldcn llll\ \\llll a l.llll.l\llc rc-crcalion ol tlic Inc :\hha \liou


FREE The MeatMen \laggic .\la_\ \. 5H 'lrongatc. .\lcrchant ('it}. 543 I35” 5.|5ptn. Scc Sat IN.

I Basement Jan: ()3 .-\catlciu_\. Ill lagglinlon Strcct. HX-H-l 7730”“ "put. U053. llascincnt .|;i\\ ;Il\\;l}\ ptit on a tcrrilic Inc iatnhorcc cilllll‘llllllj: ltouxc. clcclro. ragga aiid ainlhing clxc lltc) can pull out ol tltcir ho\ ol \ontc trick» Scc prc\ icu. pagc '.".’.

I Illicit Still, Painfish, The Lewds, Bake Sale and The Storeys 'l'hc l‘crr}. x\ndcr\ton Qua). Brooiniclau. nlmx 3h“ ()85. 7pm. £5. l‘nxigncd hand \llt m L';|\L‘.

I lnMe and We are the Damned l\ot'} lllltk‘k\. Sh ()\\\;iltl Sll‘t‘t'l. 313

4| l4. 7pm. L"). l'.\\c\ lli‘ilrock trio uho ha\c ncxcr qtnlc rixcn to lltc hciglitx ol l‘llllL‘l'lll lot a l-ticnd and l.o\tprophcl\. I James Apollo lltc 'lix t\lcd \thcl. 7% ()uccn Strccl. 33l -lH5l. 7pm. £5. lirotit poi'clt tnclancliol} and itink_\ard hlucx lroin llll\ tram-Hing: l'S trotthadotir and hand.

I McFly Sli('(‘: (‘l}dc .'\lltllltil'llllll. l‘illllit‘xloll Qua). ()370 (Ht) Allintl. Tpin. HUM) £343)”. Scc l‘ri 34m.

I Must Be Something, The Nisted Melons, Casino Brag and The Patriots .-\B(‘3. 33H Saucliicliall Strccl. 333 3333. 7pm. U». ()\L‘l'- l-l\ \llt)\\. (ilaxgou -ha\cd all.i'ockct‘\. citing: .\lll\L‘. Radiolicad. l-‘oox ax inllticnccx. licttdllllc.

' A? I


x..- 1.

me” \firgins

I The Rakes, Sky Larkin and Official Secrets Act ( llall Vol.

.3 I] T 3‘; (ilL'al \\L'\lt‘lll Ri‘atl. 13—l‘3ll‘l ~pni Ll l l lclllll indic punk liozti lhc l\’.tkt'\

I Sons of Noel & Adrian, We See Lights and The Ten to Five Project \ict"it'\lt'.i/_\. -13l \aticltichall \ttcct. 333H‘Nlil “pin U3 Brighton haxcd ll piccc [‘lit;‘lt‘\\l\t' li'lkk \llll\-\ll\k- \\lli‘ inc ludc l ichtxpccd (‘hainpion ll‘. tltcti nniiihci

I The Answer and Swanee River ('laxxic (itand. l5 .l.tlll.tl\.t \ticcl. N1" ll.\_31l _ 3llpm Ll] l)\ci le \lltl\\ \oitlicrn lll\ll outlit. nc\ct aliaid to rock lllxk' ll.\ l"_-l

I 7Things launch \tt-ico. 3H 3\ chlicld l anc. 333 335-3 3 3llpni (icinian horn \l\ll.ll .llll\l li‘l\lt'll l..tll\tlllll.tlill and actot laiti llcan lltnn loin tlic ltkc\ oi \ll.lll_‘._'t‘lllll\lk. \lttxclctnxk and lltc i\'\llll laiko ditiiiiincix at tlnx launch cxcnt lot thc lahcl 3 l lllllj_'\

I Staid as Quo l\’HckL'l\. ll \lltllalltl Sticcl. 33l ll33h .\piii \l.illl\ ()tio lrihutc in c [‘lL'\lllllt'l

I Jeniferever, Zarif and The Whisky Works KIM“: lut'x \\ah \\ah lllll. 333a St \ inccnt Sticcl. 33l 533‘l N. 3llpni. to \Hh} and tlioticlitlnl pml iock tn a Stunt Rm \t_\lc

I Bridge and Tunnel (aw-tic. 333 Saticlnchall Slicct. ”put I .\ cum

I Music for One, Hanna Tuulikki and Boom Edan 1 ill) \ott- (thc.

5t) (ill King: Sticct. 553 lh3t\ ‘lpin U |)ti\tho\\l j_'llll.ll lllll\lllf_‘\ hour I ondon. pltix \allc \ocalixt and px}clt |.tlll\

I The Veils 'l ltc \ ('ltih. 335 Sauchichall Sliccl. 333 ‘l‘ll‘l \m /caland indic ottllit liontcd h) l'tnn .-\ttdrc\\\.


FREE The Rab Howat Band llannci'inan'x. \iddi‘} Sttcct. 5.50 3351 4pm. Scc Sat IN.

I Georgia Crawl, Streetcar, Harijan atid Hostile Ska \\Illl\llt‘l3lllklc\. -l (i Stilllll lllltlyt'. 3;“ 5llJ.(ipni.l'i'cchclotcmidnight;L31 al'lcr. .I\cotI\lica. indic and \ka.

I The Dirty Violets ('ahaict \oltaiic. 3o 33 Illair Strcct. 33H (rl‘li. "pin. U». .-\lt.punk pop and \tnninci'} iiidic,

I Frightened Rabbit, Tom Brosseau and Jesus H Foxx Sucak}


o-Q. . " A ‘A - “- _.’. - .4 34.‘ $“‘

Their name may suggest an aura of the un-cool but New York trio The Virgins are far from a group of

fumbling, sweaty palmed boys with who look like their Mothers dress them. Their new-wave inspired rock with tangible dancefloor potential is sure to go down a treat with the Scottish punters.

I Cabaret ‘i/O/m/re. Edinburgh. Fri ’TApr; King; Tut's. G»:ts;.;::.'., Sat "-2 AIM.

l‘cch. "3 (‘ougatcx ”5 l35“ “pin \( ll l) l ll l \pccial \olo acouxtit \llt‘\\ ttoiit Zoiki tittltc popxtcix l tigltlcncd lx’al‘l‘tt \cc tc\ ickk. pagc I Stillmarillion lltc Mk. 3 \\atciloo l’latc. “33 “l 13 3pm to \lattllton ltzhttlc all I Village Kollektiv & Joint Venture Sound System lllt‘ Bongo t‘luh. \li‘l.t_\ llt‘ll\\'. :3 lli‘lkli‘i‘tl l\,|‘.l\l. 33-\

I l ll\li'll i‘l lit‘ll\ll lt‘lk and clct tionita I'm: .'l:t l'ufim't ( .‘t.‘.';t't.. l( \f/‘...'. I The Assassination Ot lltc ”H c. l5 l‘ \iddi} \uccl. 55h Hill \pin Llht \lclal and \cicatno hill. \\llll niotc

Willi pin Lll

atix ll‘t

I Down to Kill, Overspill and Malfunction llt‘lll\ "x t'cllai llai. .\ loa \loiiiwn \licct. 335 ”W3 .\pni :5 it it l’tink

I Transgression Sessions ll.lll\f,‘lt'\\li|ll \kalc l’atk. ( it can lcinnnal. l citli. 555 3355 .\pnt {5 lllll\l\ at ll.tll\_‘.‘lt'\\liill \katc l’aik ('lict k \\ u \\ ll.lll\j.'lt'\\li‘ll\t'\\|\‘ll\ to ttk lot linc tip dclailx \j.:c\ \. \tiitlh no tll\l‘lll‘l

I Sad Society llt‘lll} ‘\ (It‘llal litll.

\ lha \lttlllMlll \ltccl. 33.\ ”3W3 llpin 15 till lcccndat} local punkx



I Rumours of Fleetwood Mac ('and Hall. ('ttl \tpiaic. (ll 3.\3 rl ill‘llll 3 3llpni Ll“ 5l|itl5 5th lltc \ll\l\

l lcclmiod appimcd lithnlc act \xlio co\ct lltc j3.lllllll ol \lat inatciial ltoiii lllt' l’t'lt'l (ilt‘t'll t'ltl ltl lllt' lltickinggliani/\ick\ da_\\

I Underground Heroes l at \aiuk. 3l \tilllll \\.tltl Rlltltl. lll iN3 33NI‘Ni

" 3llpni L33 l’tiiik/\k.i,‘indic lllll\l\

St Andrews;

FREE Live! in The Quad St .\'al\aloi\ ()tiad. St .\lltllt'\\\ l nncixil}. ill 33-1 Alh33llll ~l|llll l'icc lt\c lllll\l\ corny; oil into lltc llllell I’m! u/ on [/It It'm kx

Sunday 26 ,


I Camera Obscura .tnd Attic Lights llaiiou land. 3-H (itlllll\\j_'.llk'. 553 lolll 3pm Ll3 ()xci l-l\ \Itou

\\ lllxtilllt'. |.lllf_'llllf..' nidic \oundx lioiti (ilaxpou \ lllt’lt'.l\|llj3l_\ coinpcllinj: (‘aincia ( )hxctna. pioniolin): lhcti ncu alhtiiti l/i l/tnu/m ("it/w: (imp). ntclodic indic pop ltotn .'\lll\‘ l,lj..‘lll\ Scc ptcx ll‘\\. payc

I John Alexander, Jamie Flett and Jill Leighton ()3 \cadctti} 3. l3l l‘.f_'llllltill Sliccl. UNI-l 437 3llllll, “pin U) local hlucx and littll\ \tillf._'\\l'llt‘l\ pla} ax part ol lltc \o \lcan ('it} lllllt‘N l'cxttxal I Elvis Costello with the Brodsky Quartet Ro_\.’il ('oncctl Hall. 3 Sanchicliall Sticct. 353 Nllllll. 3. 3llpni.

L' l 5 L35 lt'tlllL'L‘\\lHll\ a\ailahlci. 'l'lic intci'natioit.ill_\ icnoiincd lltodxk} ()tiartct l\ iotncd h} lltc cclcctic \ingct \Ullf3\\lllt‘l l-.l\ l\ ('oxtcllo in cclchralion ol tlicn longxtandiny collahoi'atnc llL‘\

'l hc Pl'tlletlllllllt' \xill inclndc picccx lroin tlicn lll;t\\l\t'l} \lch'L'\\llll lL'L'Ultllllj3\. l/it' .lIl/It’l III/(WW and ,llumlxiitnux. ax \icll ax othci niatci‘ial lroni lltc paxt l5 )t’ltl»

I Kashmir Bed, Social Schism and Port Cullas l’t\o l’l\o. l5 \Vttlcl‘liio Strccl. 5h~l Nllltl. Hpiii. \Vcckl} .\'o 'lrihc night.

I The Detours, The Ideals and Marvel Heights l 3th .\'otc (MC.

50 (M King: Slrccl. 553 lh3h'. H.3llpni. lron .\laidcn \t} lc coinniitincnt to loot- on~thc»inoniloi' rillola.

I The Von Bondies and Goldhawks King 'lut'x Walt \Vali lllll. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33| 537‘). 3.30pm. L'll). Hip girl/ho} l)clroit garagc quartcl. \klio haw hccn quict ol latc.

FREE Vakunoht and Your Loyal Subjects ('axxcttc. 323 Sauchichall Strcct. ‘)pni. l’rtigrL'xan' \pacc rock and hard rilling lroni lornicr inctnhcrs ol Macrocoxnnca and Post l)ilti\ian.