
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to theatreGlist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Kirstin lnnes.

* Indicates Hitlist entry


I THE ARCHES 2S * 3\l_'—'_\lt' Stu-ct. SM IHHH Ill. “1'. \mt

Behaviour l ‘nttl Sat 25 -\pr.

'lnncx \ar} L§71L27t lt‘SlI\.’Il paxx In! all \ltt)\\\ l'Ht‘lllCll) klltmn ;t\ lllt' x\tcllc\ 'l ltcaltc l‘c\lt\al. [fr/rm HIHI chtISL'S on tnnmatn c contcmporat‘} pctlotmancc. actoxx thcatrc. tilm. lllllSIt‘. |t\c att and club ntghtx. The Library l'nttl Sat IS .\pr. S-Hpm. 17pm on 'l'hu lot. Ht) «£71 l)trcctor Sacha K}lc. ottc ot thc No \ttnncrx ol lltc ;\rchc\ ;\\\artl lot Slagc llll'cclot'S 2111 1‘). plL'\t'ltl\ a tlarkl} lttllllnl‘HlIS. llllllll»‘t‘ll\ttl"\ cxpcrtcncc that c\p|orc\ thc \lHl‘lL‘S that t'\l\l “lllllll all ol llS. I’url u/ [fr/tut mm: Town Bloody Hall l'nttl Sat IS ;\pl'. 7pm. “(11927).'l'hc\ccontlpart ol (ilaxgou pcrtormancc artnt .\'tc (irccn'x ottgotng Iii/um attcmptx to tccrcatc a lt‘lllllllSl pancl tllSL‘USSIUII lrotn l‘)7| that tcatttrctl (icrmatnc (ircct and Norman \latlcr. l’rcxcntctl ax part ol lhc .»\t‘chc\ :\\\artl tor Stagc l)trcclor\. I’m/'1 u/ [fr/tritium: David Thomas Broughton 'l‘hu to Apr. Illpm. £5. Hrottgltlon ct‘calcx lcltltt'ltl Illtltc lolk and loopctl l'ccol'tlctl \Hlllltl\CilPt'\. tlSlllfJ tlc\tcrott\ tlcla} pctlal \ktH‘lelllS. oltl ratlto\ and humid Hl3|L‘L'l\. l'tll'l Hf Ifl'lltll'l-l’llr. My Arm ‘l‘hu Io tk Hi 17 Apr. 'l‘htt 3.301111]; l-rt ltlpm. [11119271. 'l‘hccxcr» c\ccllcnt 'l‘tm (touch (.11: (ML lit-('1 l't‘ltll'llS to thc Archcx mm a \hou that “on httgc acclaim at lhc litlinhurgh licxmal l'ringc a cottplc ol' wan ago and hax lottrctl c\tcn\i\cl_\. l’url or Ilt'ltttt'mm‘. Holdin’ Fast l'rt l7 tk Sal l8 Apr. 7.l5ptn. £11) (£71. Sc\_\ ptccc ol modcrn dancc h) )ttttttg. lk‘tltlllltll (‘/cch cotnpan} l)()’l‘5()4 that ltiokx at thc logic and llttllltt‘llltlllc’S hchind \L‘\ll;tl rclalionxhip» l’url of [iv/tumour. John Moran and his Neighbour, Saori Sat IS Apr. Itlpm. U1) (£71. (‘aptixaling mi\ ot' lllllSlC. sound. chorcograph} and thcatrc. Part of li’t'ltttt'inmt Ann Liv Young: The Bagwell in Me 'l‘uc 2| & WM 22 Apr. 'l'nc 0pm; \Vctl ‘lfitlpm. “01(7). l’t'tnocttlh c .\'orth ('arolina chitrcographcr and tlanccr .'\nn l.i\ Young lacklcx lSSllL‘S ot~ racc. \|a\cr) and h_\ptic‘t'ix). Shc \xill tll\U hc aPhcaring at .'\rchc\\ club night l)cath l)i\co. IS Apr. l’urt of li't’lrttt‘rour. Drinking Dust 'l‘uc 21 & \\'cd 22 .-\pr. 7.15pm. [Ill 1127). llattnting dancc thcatrc piccc trotn .lunk linxcmhlc. ’ur! (l/illl'lltll'l-Ullll Scc pt‘c\ ic\\. pagc 33.

Fall Of Adam lllL‘ 2l «Q \Vt‘tl

22 .>\pr. 'l'ttc (v.5(lptn tk S._‘~()ptn. \Vctl (tfllpm. 8.15pm & 0pm. (Bail Snctltlon prcxcntx thix urhan rctclling ot' Atlatn'x tall t'rom gracc tni\ing tilm. animation. \onic art and chorcogmpln. l’urr of Ilcliut'iuur. Bullet Catch Wed 22 Sat 25 .-\pr. \Vctl l'ri 7.15pm; Sat 7pm. £7 11251. .-\\\artl—\\ inning \tagc dircctor Roh Drummond rcturnx mm a \tor} about William \Vontlcr ax hc attctnph thc rixkicxl magic \llllll ot~ all. l’ur! or li’t'lmt‘iuur. Gregor MacGregor \\'cd 22 Sat 25 Apr. Wed. Thu & Sat 8.30pm. l-ri 8.45pm. [ll t£81..-\l Scott and hi\ collahot‘atot'x \\ ill prcxcnt a lcclttrc and \litlcshou on Nth ccntur} \oltlicr and c\p|orcr (it‘cgor .\lac(it‘cgor. I’url of Ifc/mriotu‘. Scratch Night 'l'htt 23 Apr 7.30pm. l’a} \\ hat _\ou can. Join \\ cll knoun and


up .lll\l coining [\t'llultllch a\ tho :ct tcn lllllllllt'\ cach to It} out ttcxk l\l\'.1\lll ltotlt ol an .llltllL'lk c .lllkl \cck tccttl‘ac k I'll/l H1 [3'4 [114". {I‘ll/

Little Red ll! 21 .\ Sat 2* \pi

" l‘pttt L1H Mfr l)llk'\ll‘l \itola \ottt .llltl \lltl ('otttpatt} .\ ('o I‘lt'Sclll lllt\ .tllctnalnc lllSlHl} ot \xhat \‘llllkl ll.t\c hccn 'uhcn )ott low a tttopia‘ I’m: u! If: lit/t rum


‘511 ~Sattclitchall \ltccl. 1‘2 WM“ ;ll. \\(‘. \\.\l

Stage Frightl ttttl Sat 2‘ \l.r\ Ittot Sun/Mott» lllam (rpm. llattt (rpm \cc tc\ tc\\. pagc Si

I CITIZENS’ THEATRE ll‘l (itll'ltttl\ Slit't'l. ~12” ”“22 ll'. ll. \\’( ', \\.:\l The Book of Beasts 1 Hill Sat IS .\pt. Scc Kltl\ hxttngx Spoonface Steinberg lut- 2l \al 25 .r\|‘l "V ltlpm, t I 2. 'l lll\ htghl} acclaimctl protlttcttott ttotn thc pcn o1 lit/Ix /.///ut \ctthc l cc llall IS an mltmatc tnonologttc toltl ttom thc pct‘xpccm c ol an .lllllSllc chtltl ttantctl S \tttlllltlct'. Wuthering Heights lllt' 2| Sat 3.221".é."ll|\llll.\'.lllll.ll 2 illpmr LUSH L l _.' SUV l'c'\ |t'\\. [‘ttjit' 3z Singin’ l’m No 3 Billy He’s a Tim “ml 2‘) .'\|‘l Sat 2 \lay " illpnt t.\al tttal2.3Hptnrt'0511 L'l‘, l)c\ l)tl|on\ clavtc anti \cclattan pla}


('antllcrtggx. ‘5‘ 301111. Il’. ll. \\('. \\‘..\|

One of our Ain l'rt I," .\pt. Spin {12 Sandra Brown phi} c\plotc\ chtltl ahttxc antl alttlttctton. tlclatlmg thc NS"

tllMlPPL'All'tlllk't‘ ot )otttig (‘oathrnlgc gttl.

Moira .'\lltlL‘l'\tlll.


‘) l'ttt\ct\tt} .'\\cnttc. “(15522 l\\'('. \\‘.1\|

Steadfast Tin Soldier 'I'hu It» .\pt Ham. [4. 'l‘hc pl;t_\ttt| rc tclltng ot llanx (‘ltrixttan .-\ntlcr\cn\ pocttc \tot‘_\ \tartx \\ ith a pair ol \ctxxot‘x and a ptccc ot‘ chalk and on a hlackhoanl tltc \tor} hcgntx .

Major Mustards Travelling Show presents King Arthur l‘l'l I" .\pr. SL‘L' Kltl\ llxllllg'S.

Funny Bones Sal IN .r\pr. llatn [-1. 'l‘hc l’uppct l.ah hrtng to lttc .lanct and .-\l|an .-\h|hcrg'\ tlcltghllul talc ol thrcc \kclcton tricntlx and thc ct'aI) lhtngx thc} gct up to. Rccotnmcntlctl tor agcx 3 7.

Shona Reppe Puppets presents Cinderella Sat IS Apr. Scc Kltl\ |i\ting\.

The Postman Sun I‘) Apr. Scc Kltl\ ll\llllf_‘\.

Rumpelstiltskin Sun 1‘) ;\pr. Sct- Kim li\ling\.

The Sleeping Giant and the Garden Guzzler Mon 21) .\pt1 Scc KltlS ltSllllgS.

The Frog Prince and Other Tales lllL‘ 2| Apr. Scc Kltl\ lt\ttng\. L’Amour Fou ’l'hu 23 Apr. ". lupin, (5. .\ \hou h} l)ancc \lanta. .\ll llc‘kt‘lS l'rom tlanccmantal (u ltottttatl.cotn


2‘)? Bath 8”ch (Hall llhll (i043. [ll \\'(‘. \\'_'\I

Hot Flush! l'nttl Sat 1S .\pt.

.\lon 'l‘hu 7.30pm; l'l'l «K Sat 531mm tk 8.30pm. U251) £28.51). lint/x of (l l-i'ulltt-r. ah. \attccpot. l.c\lc} .loxcph lakc\ o\ cr t'rom Rttla l.L‘ll\l\;l tn thc onc and onl) tncnopatrxc lllllSlc‘dl.

The Witches of Eastwick 'l‘uc 2S .-\pr Sat 0 .\la_\. .\lon llttl ".Rtlpm; l'l'l -..“llplll tk S311ptn t\\'cd x Sat mat .Rtlptnt. {I2 Uh. ()o/_\ ctooncr \lat‘tt l'L‘llU“ ltlle‘S up lllL‘ .lgtc‘lx \lc‘ltulxnn t’ttlc‘ a\ _\ottt‘ a\cragc horn} ltttlc tlL'\ il. tn a muxical \crxion ot’ thc \tttch}. hitch} mmic.

Horrible Histories 'l‘uc 2l Apr. SL'L' Kltl\ lixtingx.


Sat 25

TRAVERSE THEATRE COMPANY and THE llSTIllllV. am "if in assocratton with TRON THEATRE. GLASGOW ' present the world premiere 01

By Gregory Burke :wo' C, \‘l'it‘H‘t’ \ dark w :1 about 1“: mm

FRI 1 - SAT 23 MAY 2009

7 CM 78 8 INFORMATION 0131 2281404 www.traverse.co.uk (no track ‘3; fees‘

tdlkltk town hall

Tuesday 5th May

7.30pm £10 / £9

Natasha Gilmore Dance

with music by Quee MacArthur (Shooglenifty)

«'2 .


FTH, Westbridge Street, Falkirk. l-alkirkt‘oum .1 01 324 506850 r a

fail 7/1’1 THE LIST 85