
Name Felicity Jones

Born 19 January 1984. Birmingham.

Background Felicity started acting classes at the tender age of 11 in the Central Junior Television Workshop in her home city of Birmingham. Before long. she was a regular on children's television programmes The Treasure Seekers and The Worst Witch. At the age of 15. she was cast as Emma Grundy. the woman everyone loves to hate. in Radio as The Archers (a role she continues to play). Acting always remained ‘a hobby' throughout childhood though and Felicity went on to read English at Wadham College. Oxford. Since graduating in 2006 she's starred in Andrew Davies's television adaptation of Northanger Abbey and Julian Jarrold’s lavish adaptation of Brideshead Revisited.

On playing the role of Edmée in Stephen Frears’ Cheri “She’s very much a representation in the novel and the complete antithesis of Lea. Colette gives you clues to this abused character though; I read the novel very closely and thought a lot about what it must have been like to be this character growing up around these courtesans. Edmee actually has an incredible determination.‘

On working with Frears and his cast ‘lt was excruciatingly nerve wracking. On my first day. I had to do a scene with Kathy Bates and Michelle Pfeifter; they had to move the microphone away from my chest because it was picking up my heart beat. Stephen has an incredible sense of humour and is able to out everyone at ease though. We had a very open and communicative environment on set and everyone was ready to share ideas.‘

What’s she up to now? Next up is Julie Taymor's idiosyncratic adaptation of The Tempest and Sou/ed Out. a drama about northern soul music set amid the strikes and power cuts of 1974.

Interesting tact Taymor's The Tempest was filmed on location in Hawaii. so days off were spent on the beach. which made working with a 'visual genius' like Taymor ‘even more pleasurable'.

I Cheri is on general release from Fri 8 May. See review, page 45.

48 THE LIST SO Apr—14 Mat 2'309

who became his couiiti} 's l’rime \liiiister oii se\en occasions betxseeri W“: and W”: l'or those not \ersed in the |ab_\rriithiiie details of Italian politics. II How might seem a forbidding prospect. _\el the incident~packed drama is e\cel|eritl_\ anchored b_\ 'loni \eixillo‘s minimalist central [X't'lt‘rlllallce li/iiii‘iiiiixi laiiii/iirrg/i in My Father‘s Country . t:s\» i tom \lurta}. \tistt‘alta. Zoom Mltltlll \ rate glimpse into the life of an -\borigiiial famil} in \oitherri -\ustialia's -\ritherii Land region Part of the I oiidon Mistraliari l'lllll l'eslnal (in low I‘ll/ri/IUIIH'. lat/rIi/iiri'e/i in Search of Beethoven . l: \. ... il’hil (it.il\sk).l ls. Iflfl‘li llu‘llilll III hr'illr ll 4‘] ‘lrlfrll/ tlllk'clttl (irabsk) takes on the deal (iermaii coriiposer iii illuminating docuriieritar} (i/ll\L'lili l'l/HI Illi'u’ll'r' in the LOOp l5i .... tkrmatido Iaiiriucci. l'K. Itlfltii Stese ('oogari. James (iandolphirii. .-\iiiia (‘linlriisk} lflSmiii When the l8" president and l K prime minister totit the desire for more \\.tl to quell insurrection their underliiigs and cod ser\arits go into in er'drix e on aggression. appeaseriierit and fogg} ctiiiiiiiuriicatioii lll this hilarious addition to that much neglected genre of apocal)ptic satire. l‘oul mouthed to the poiiit of 'l‘oiir‘ette's. /ii the [no/i is a celebration of iri'exererice and a \er} absurd and peculiar t} pe of lttlltltltllet'}. (ienem/ It’lt'tlu'. is Anybody There? l 13m .0. tJohn (‘roxsley 1K. 20le Michael ('ame. .‘\lilie-.\lttl'lL' l)uff. Hill .\li|riei. ”5mm See feature. page 4-1 and re\ lt'\\_ page Jo. M'Ir'r Ir’r/ I'r'lr'rlu'. Jan Sikl Double Bill il’(ii iJaii Sikl. (‘/ecli Republic. ltitlTi ltlJmiri .-\triiosplieric films that offer an insight into those li\mg through the political uphea\als of 20th ceiitur} (‘Iechoslmakia l'eaturirig Sikl‘s See You III I)(’Ill'¢’l' arid ll’II/i Kinex from Your Lure, Part of Made iii I’rague. I'i/ni/iouxe. lat/iIi/iirre/i. Knowing t l5i .. t.'\le\ l’l‘ti};l\. l'S. Illll‘h Nicolas ('age. ('handlet' ('aiiterbur'). Rose li}riie. Illmm. 'l‘his iiicredibl} sill} .\'ic (‘age thriller has liirii as a maths teacher \\ ho disco\ei's that a receiitl} unearthed sheet of paper holds predictions of man} upcoming disasters “but could ha\ e been a sophisticated dialectic on imrttmable forces and fate qtllekl} descends into bad ('( il set ups and portentous. hysterical e\changes. Se/ei'ri-i/ I'l'l('(l\('. The Leopard tl’(ii .... tl.uchiiio \'iseoriti. Ital}. I‘lffii Htll‘l l.ancaster. (‘latrtlia (‘ardiriale. .-\laiii |)eloii. l.\'7mm. ('haracter'istrcall} la\ isli Viscoiiti adaptation of(iiuseppe l)e |.;iriipedtisa's classic iio\el of' the ltaliari Risorgiiiierito has a splendid Lancaster as the prince of Salina reflecting iiioiirnf'ulls on the rise of the bourgeoisie “hen his nephe“ l)e|on marries merchant's daughter (’ardmale. Part of Italian l'ilm l‘estixal. I'i/m/iiiim'. Iz'iIiIi/iirr'eli. Les Ballets de ci de la it-Li f:\ltllli l’latel. Belgiurii/l-‘rance. Zflllbi l lllllillt. Documentar) about l.es Ballets (' de la B. one of the most recognised eottleltipot‘ttt’} dance and theatre companies in the world. (‘( i-l. (ilrherm.

Let the Right One In f Lil

.... llltotttas .-\llt‘edsotl. Sweden. Itiflh'i Kare Hedebrarit. |.ina Leandersson. l’er Ragiia. 1 14min. Adapted from his debut noxel b} Snedish horror writer John .-\j\ ide laiidcp ist. this chilling coming of age stor_\ breathes next life into a tired \ampire genre. It's the earl) l‘ih’fls in tlte Stockholm suburb of lilackeburg and a life-changing friendship is struck beNeen lUllel) llaear-old ()skar tlledebranti and pale new comer lili il.eandersson l. .-\ work of nuance. sophistication and calmness the blood soaked poetr} ol' “hieh is not eas} to forget Sr'Ic't‘lr’rf I'i'lr’rlu'. Lionel t l2.-\i iliddie Martin. .-\iistralia. leih’l 83min. Docuriientar} chronicling the impact of‘ Aboriginal bo\er l.ione| Rosc"s 1968 World Bantarnxs eight \ictor_\_ Featuring pristine archi\ e material and

personal iriterxieus Part of the l oiidori \ustraliari l’lllll lt‘\ll\.tl (lit lour [Hill/Ir ’lf\t lii'ltil‘i'l’;'l: Little Old-Fashioned World (Piccolo Mondo Antico) l<i ... i\latlo \oldatt. llal}. l‘Nli \ltda \alli. \lassitiio \erato. \da lb‘lltlllll. \ririibale Hetroiie llfiiiiiii l'tallc'o. a sonrig man of noble descent. marries ltllsa. the daughter of a humble clerk Hut a terrible tragedy soori challenges their marriage. sending l iiisa teetering on the brink of madness Part of Italian l'lllll l'estt\al Ir/Iii/ioiiu [it"iiirirrIe/i Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa it’( in ... «l'iic l).tlllL'll.l \. loom \oices of Herr \tiller. ('hiis ls’oc k. l).i\ id \ hxs imriier. \ac ha Haiori ('olieii .\"llllll r\|e\ the lion lM‘lck'tl b} \tillei i. ( iloiia the hippo iSmithi. \leliiiari the giraffe iSchisiiiiiiier i and Hart} the /ebra iRocki are ptit on art lliglit back to their /oo home, oiil} to crash land lll \lllca lhe going iiati\e theme is e\paiided. “1”] good time fascist lemui t('oheiii getting the best lines and the penguins the best laughs \\ itli cle\er iills and une\pected poeti}. this is .i \\ elcortie prospect (blilt'll (”Iii l’trIk/lr till. (i/iixgiiii. ('iiii H4"/(/ [thrilling/i. la/iii/iiiidi

The Man in Grey il’tii .00

ll eslie .-\i|iss. l'ls'. I‘l-iii Margaret |.ock\sood. James .\lasoii. l’h} |lis (‘al\ert. Stenart (iiariger llbrriiii l'lorid. fiill blooded costume melodrama so belo\ ed ol \sartime liritish audiences. in \shich iriipoxeiished. \srcked lad} l.ock\\ood is befriended b_\ school clitirii ('al\ert and later iepa}s the kindness b} it} mg to lure anas liei husband (iood ltiri and a maioi step in the adsaiiceiiieiit of all coricerried's career Part of James Mason season I‘ll/)l/lrtllu'. lat/rIr/iui'e/i. Marcello Marcello tl’( il ilienis Rabaglia. ltal). 2“th l’i‘ariccsco Mistichelli. lzleiia (‘ucci 07min Romantic l‘)5(i-set tale told against the backdrop of the fictional islarid ol .'\tlttlll'ellti Part of ltaliaii l‘lllll l‘e\li\.tl Dimitri/vii. lar/rIi/iiire/i. Marley & Me tl’(ii .. tl)a\id l‘i'aiikel. lb. 30th ()u en \Vilsoii. .leiimfer .-\nistori. :\l;tll .-\r'km. llflmm. :\ rexoltirigl) reactioiiai‘} tale of a schi/ophreriic dog. the model .-\riiericaii aspirations of his blaridl} uninteresting ti\\llei‘\ and the compulsion to ignore the L‘Ulllllltllill} and mo\ e to suburbia to make )our’ brood sale in toda} 's \sorld. liased on a bestselling hook hie/er Ir‘r/ I‘r'lr'tlu'. Men’s Group t lSi i.\lieliael Jo}. .-\ustralia. Ifltlh’i (irant l)od\\ell. l)on Reid. l’aul (ileesori. lll~lmm Drama about a group of men \\ ho meet regularl} to discuss then problems .-\lthough the} find it difficult at first. the men graduall} reseal touching tales of \ulnei‘abilrt) and pain. 'l.lli\ screening “ill be folloued b} .-\liil;l .\lc( irath’s short .Smii/l (‘liiirieih Part of the l.oridon :\li\ll'ttll.’tli l'lllll l‘estnal (in Tour. I'i/iii/iorm'. lzi/in/iirre/i. Monsters vs Aliens 20 il’( it ... tRob l.etteriiian. l'S. Stillfii Voices of Reese \Vlflterspoott. Seth Rogen. Htigli |.aurie ‘Hmm. (‘an a self-doubting btit iridi\idualist team of monsters o\er‘coriie a mob of self-confident. mass- produced alieris ' li} epoppmg to watch. lea\ erred \\ itli self-referential humour that makes it eas} to digest. but also pla}mg things so pairistakirigl) sale that an} resonance e\aporates the moment the end credits roll, (it'ltr'l‘rl/ l't’ll'tlu’. Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium tl'i .. tXach Helm. l'S. Jim-Yr Natalie l’ortriiaii. Zach .\lills. l)ustiri Hoffman. ‘Mmin. .\loll_\ Mahone} il’ortmarii is the aukxsard and insecure manager of' Mr Magor‘ium's \Voiider liiiiporiuiri. the strangest arid iiiosi fantastic to} store iii the world. But \\ hen .\lr Magorium bequeaths the store to her. a dark and ominous change comes in er the limporium (inure/rm: (i/uieon. Mystery Screening l t2.-\i Next monthl} m) ster'} screening at \ue. If )ou're not eoiiipletel} satisfied. _\ou can claim _\our mone} back during the first 30 minutes of the film. “it Iii/irrliiire/i ()niiii. Iz‘r/iriliirrg/i,

O’Horten l.‘\- oooo ilic‘lll Harrier. \oixsa} tieiiiiaiix lrarice foo“. Haard ( inc. l speri \kioribcig tiliita

\orbx \‘hiiiii \ee leatnie page H .flltl re\ ie\s_ page Jo r;...-\.-. 'n In": Ira ..ii The Oasis . IV I\.tsclla t iiiiigc-i

lpstem laii liarlirig. \iistialia. ,‘oos

\.\imii liociiriieritmg \s'\\'ll teeiiaeeis o\ei .i tsso sear period~ .is tliex tretiueiit a south refuge in inner t ll\ \‘xdiiex li'.""’§i'.i\r [dirt/Hirer:

Observe and Report ism COO

l.'\‘\l\ lllll l \. :lhl‘“ \t‘lll l\’\“.‘\'ll l\'.i\ liotta. \iiiia l aris \briiiii \lisiiidgetl character stntl\ ot a ilt'lll\li'll.tl shoppzi‘g iiiall \t'slllll\ t‘lllst‘l \lthoiieh llill cari't titiite get the balance right betoeeii soiiie iiiitleiiiabb dark iiiateiial .lllxl ls’oeerr s ion l.tl tariadiari ewrnnarr persona, there s still plerit_\ to euro} (it “t ra.’ It I. an

The Others i ll» COO \Ieiaiiaio \rtletiabat. l \ \paiti. .‘Hfll \icolc l\l\llll.lll liormula l l.tll.t‘.‘.tll. \lakiiia \l.lllll. lames lieiitlex ltlliiiiii leise\. at the end of “odd “at ll lsidriiari plats ( irate .i high|\ \llllll‘.‘ \soriiaii \sbo keeps her children lot ketl up lll .iii old maiisiori because she belie\cs tliex \\lll die if e\posetl to the suit lloxsewi llie\ do ttot d\\cll there .iloiie \ ofwitii:

\ Ii i'riiiie Rim/ii Iii/infrared:

Outlander 1*: O. tlli‘\\.tl\l \lcl'aiii. l'.\' (it'llll.tll_\_ ,‘lltlki laiiies (Kore/cl. .lack llitstori. ls’oii l’erlmaii ll5miii lhe latest eritr_\ til the oft rieglec tetl \ ikirig alieii crossmei siibgeiire is about space pilot lsamarr il 'a\ ie/eli \slio t rash laiids on earth circa "ll” \l) and finds he's not alone 4\ straiige iiioiistei escapes and attacks the local \otse population and its tip to (Kore/cl to iom tortes \\llll the indigenous \\.tltlril\. and kill this i.i\erions starbeast l'tlll. biit iiistaiith forgettable

M‘lr t It i/ Ir‘lr'rlu

The Paradine Case «M ii 000 f.'\lll'L‘tl llllcltcot k. l 5. l‘l-lbi ( itegott l't‘tk. .-\lida \alli. '\tm lodd ll‘mm liaiiister l’eck falls in lose \sith the murder \ll\l‘t'\l he is defending. and so puts his o\\ri iri.irii.i-.'e .it risk Hitchcock‘s take on bliiid passion is rather bleak and the coiiitiooiii steiics are .i bit laborious Part of Italian l'lllll leslixal Il/Hl/lrtllu'. l'i/iii/iiiie/i

Paul Blart: Mall Cop tl’(ii COO tStexe ('arr. lh. Ilifl‘li lsexiri laiiies. Keir ()‘|)oririell. Ja_\ma \lais ‘lllmm \darii Sattdlet's regular cohort .latties pla} s a biL' hearted. sttiall time l;t\\lll.tll \sho takes on .l gang of acrobatic skateboarding llllt'\ es after a length} set up introducing him as .iii ”\el‘lettltttls \lolt‘ detecti\e lh'sptle lllt' \ariilla blaiidriess of the concert. laiiies pio\ ides a likable enough lieio and scattered iiioriieiils of self referential “it “ill be appreciated b) older .ttltllt'llu's .Vi'lt't lr'r/ It'lr'riu

A Perfect Day i Iii ll't'l/all ( l/petek. ltal}. Illflh'i Isabella l'ettaii. \aleiio Mastaiidr‘ea llllmni l'ather. husband and abiding citi/eii :\lllttlllrt i \lastaridieai becomes d.irigeroiisl_\ stressed \ilieri refusing to accept that his riiarriage is o\el Part of Italian l'lllll l‘esll\.tl (ill/wort li/iii Hit ii/ii Race to Witch Mountain il’t it

... f.'\lltl_\ l'lLlslllalLl \. Iflfl‘li l)\\tt}liL‘ Johnson. ('arla (iiigirio. (‘iaraii Hinds ‘lb‘riiiri S}iiipathetic te\l\.tl of 1075's [1H rifle to llilr It .lliiiililiirii as a \ehtele for lhe Rock Jack Hrtltio. .i l as Vegas lit\l*tli’l\ er pic ks tip tuo alieii children f.'\lilltt Sophia Robbi arid t:\le\ander laidxsigi and attracts the attentions of l-lll-iiiaii Henr_\ liiirke illiiidsi iii this solid llllle<ptt\\el that ttiakes up in speed arid slick production \alues \ilial ll lacks tit character. (ii'Iie/ti/ I'('/(‘ll\(

Rats and Cats i lfii i'l’oii} Rogers. Australia. ZliflTi Jason (iariii. .-\dam [on .-\ri}a Be}ersdorf HHmiri Black coined} about a has-been :\ll\lr.'lll.'tll film star and a nos} reporter \\ rrtmg a '\\ here are the} now expose. 'l'his screening \till he follimed b} short film .lli Rah/iii Hop/r. Part of the London :\ti\lr;tll;tll l‘lllll l'esll\al ()ti 'lotir. I'r/m/iiiriu'. lat/iii/iiug/i

René t 13M tlleleria 'lrestiko'ui. ('lech Republic. 2”“in 33min l’onerlul docurrientar} that follims a repeat offender as he is shipped in and out of prison fora period of tuent} }ears. Part of Made in Prague. I'i/Iii/iriiiie. Iii/iiiliure/i