
I Saw You

O I Saw You in the East...

OI Saw You Leggy and lovel on the morning 5 bus; do you notice me from behind your sunglasses?

think you work in media or writin ? You are or eous! U/6 8/ 6


V I Saw You trs ing to danee to impress at lisol on l‘ridas

llltli AprilYour nanie‘s Stes en. ironi (ilenrotlies and sou're gorgeous. 2\nd I am Sarah. I \s as drunk lorgot to get sour number? I. (CK 3:

V I Saw You at lirol Alkali. ('ali Vol. sou \sork at lidinliui‘gli liotanie gardens and gas e nie sour nuiiilier. \sliieli l |ost...l‘ni tlie lira/ilian girl \\ illi tlie seottisli aeeeiit. renieniliei' nie'.’ l' 623 23

V I Saw You I sass sou Maiiioiise. looking lor liats. kicking lir eones and salisaling os er elioeolate traelors sou knoss lit)“ to gise a little

loss latid erealure C(illlltil‘l. .\

l. (CS 34

V I Saw You ('raig. l’ulled sou at the Bongo eluli. l lelt earls as I had to look alter ins friend. We said is e \sould meet the neu das '.’ (iutted it nes er happened? l' (le4 25

V I Saw You [eggs and losels on the morning 35 bus; do sou notiee iiie lroni lieliind sour sunglasses'.’ I think sou ssot‘k

in media or \\ riting‘.’ You are gol‘gL‘otlsl X\\ 1' (CS 2o


V I Saw You I hope I \\lll

see son. at the spring speed dating niglit " | \sould lose three minutes \\ itli sou ll eould lie the start ol soiiielliuig speeial' \ l' (CH 3"

V I Saw You Stealing all the .-\uliergines at ('liop ( 'liop \\ [3 (CS :3

V I Saw You alilililili

ll le'Cps lo go Soiillipoi't \\ L'ClsL'llthl‘ (Wu K 2\\I_-\\ l. (i:.\' 2‘)

V I Saw You at the Han ke and Hunter \\ itli sour onls liiend “hat a niunterl l' (CH ~it)

V I Saw You gtiss eating a losels stir lrs niininnini suninis lets do it again soon. 1' (s38 3l

V I Saw You ()u en eooking up a storm ol a BBQ tlianks tor a \\ Icketl das ...... l. (CK 33

V I Saw You To nis \luni. Jo Jo. .loanie and all the lainils lose sou all to hlls... l' (CS 33

V I Saw You on a plane

to \ess York on out \\as

to lianilioo/lel Here's to suigalongs. girls aloud eselaslies. sneaks “eapri suns". & lun & josl \\\ l' (CS 3-1

O I Saw You llitltls liagliands. \\ itli a rather eonlusuig admirer. ()oli errr. I'll he the Margaret lo sour .-\|aii. \ l' (CS 35

V I Saw YOU \lkt Hoslc oil a lioat lllUIllL‘l'l' 'kerl It‘s as real as ll gels. \\ l. (CK 3(i

V I Saw You rock t'aliliil elieering me on and lending

nie pretts red rain iaekets.

'l‘liank sou tliank sou l‘or sour [wiseseranee and all the hush tea \ \ \ l' 038 37

V I Saw YOU looklll l. (CS 33

V I Saw You ltee and Some getting me leads loi seliool \s illi poiiidge and pat'ked luntlies \ou .ue tlie niost plas lul pretend paienls a gnl tould esei \\ isli lot and l \Clltl still all lllt' lI.IPPlllC\\ Ill the land lot the uptoniuig niose' \\\ l (CK 3‘)

9 I Saw You leam \elliie lliidge ioaniing the hills. liias ing the ssalei's and liioadening niinds illltl lNNllL's \\ Illl I (NC ll lllc

lips \ou roek nis \soild lint iiol lll\ kasak and I salute sou all

l "ass”.in

V I Saw You liellsdaiieei lias ing the eiappest \seek es ei liul still managing to keep sour lieali held high I'm proud to be \our lileeoaeli. sou‘re a legend l' (CK -1l 3

V I Saw You sou liig lal sniells person llalialialialia. ()k lssas olils iokilig. \o. walls

I (CS ~13

V I Saw You us ing desperatels to get eserstliing done lielore sour dentist appointment sadls it “as not to lie. .\lind sou. tliat's prolialils a good lliiligl l. (CH-13

V I Saw You liigli lise' Run the lllk genius. .-\|| good. I. (CK-14

V I Saw YOU Ill lllc Voodoo Roonis plas ing the roek eleetrie llule sou \\ ere t'iglil. ll \\ as \ei's iiiipressisel I hope sou guss all do ssell l' (CH ~15

V I Saw You Ill l'.lllpll'L's talking aliout us in (Eernian and ealling iis airlieads. Slianie lor sou llial 3 ol us aetualls spoke (ieriiiaii... l' (‘38 4o

V I Saw You helping me out at isork tliank sou all? leouldn'l do it \\ illiout sou. llL‘l‘C's to it good lllglll olll toniorross? l" (i2.\' 47

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I Saw You

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