ébécrAL PEOPLE (12) 81min

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i), ...ili‘," (iw', frlgar. 8:,” :l’w 2: w (t 'lr'll‘:.'. 1‘. Nil WHY“! anrl armatu'rtr. {irrirr‘.'r;; i‘i"°r“.." I M'r‘wl. Jasper carter Dornnrr,(Lmlerrran Ira struggling tlrrrt,s;ir':r:trrrrrg ii‘fr'tiirf, r.‘.’hr, ha". rim-n hrrr- t b. a londonuor'rrrrunrt. centre teach frlrnrnakrng toagroupof wheelrharr 'rround

teenagers \Jessrltobxn

l’rarrrptonr. f‘coft illarad Proudr. Dave ulason lvla/ar. and Anars rSasha llardw; ‘,r. Seeing the opportunity for prolessronal advancement. the (‘ondescenrling director urges hrs apathetrri students to ‘make a fitttron film aborrt real life". ‘.‘.'ili(lil wrll draw on their personal experiences. Actuallt frlrnrng thrs 'vrsual poem‘ on location in the countryside however proves disastrous.

The drgrtalh shot Special People rs a lrkeably guts\ depiction of disabled teens which explores the merits of ilt‘iltflldi and documentan. approaches in conveung 'realrty. ‘.‘.rtl'r Scott's behind the scenes footage providing a more truthful version than Jasper's pompous efforts. Extras include t‘.'.o short making of docs and arr on set report,

(Tom Dausan



(15) 98min

(Second Rur‘. DVD retail: 0...

The quiet beauty and forensic rnsrght of Ann Turner's 1988 film only senes to deepen the mysten of its directors subsequent career. a Sporadic affarr most

58 THE LIST 14—38 Max ._‘

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C.“ A him by Ann turner

(Lt-lra makes a strong florid. lhesubseguertt

tragedy rs a vrsuall, beautiful affair set :n outlying Melbourne suburbia. ‘Jrhrch rs (‘aptured gorgeously rn Geoffrey Srmpson's crrrematography. lhe frlrn asks guestrons of a society increasingly asked to trammel its political rrnagrnatron in exchange for the extended affluence consumerism can bring. and features a standout performance from Nicholas Ladle ast 1(' girls rr‘:actronar‘.. troubled father. The package Includes ar‘. rnter\re\.'.' With the director and a fascinating booklet about the films historical background.

rSte‘r.e Cramer


THE DECAMERON (18) 107mm

.Bl-‘I DVD retar' 0...

Pier Paolo Pasolrnr's rrLJatlrf gtrfatrttgttrttrt L" Boccaccro's pxr‘aresoue classic has lost none or

rts ibugh appeal a; er the

years. Through its tales of corrupt clerics. lustful nuns. hucksters and thugs. and even tnroogh its interpretation of


in v‘. 7‘ ' ‘\ 'v d 1 D’Kr t? ' ' o v‘ r r : I" v , ' v , , 0' i' .QO,' 0 .

‘rr'r 'rakr'u t'ta‘. 'x» '.é:r-."."‘rrt'tlll‘rtilar.‘rr.“’ the first r.'. Ll" lair“. i)ilfr’l’r"'“f§ .rsrv‘ r modern ‘rl r-ral ‘rfr‘ rriakrng to st‘arne. J: point e‘.rnr:ed no‘. or, by this piece. t of also t2“. his (lot urner‘tar,

rut/.es iri'.'.a'r.., a? /‘r",t:a" ()resfe-s a ritlll‘l“z:'l’.d". \"lt‘s attt>rrtr>t to rrsr'take a r’tLassrri r.“- A‘rrrta rnr:r;rporated rrétr, I"... extras. ibis latter rm.- «w affords rnsrgnfs rrtfo the director's partrruiar genius and rdr:oi;.grr:;r- insight. Stexe ()rar'w

SCl f TIMECRIMES (15) 88min r()t>t;"‘ul‘t DVD 'efar .0.

Nacho \r/rgalortdd's Spanish thriller brings nev. rnea'trng to the term not; rn ssed yourself there.

In it Kar‘raEierardes middle aged bloke. bloke finds hrmsel‘ per‘ang through binoculars at a nakerl girl rr‘ a zatley titrr:,."rrir_; hrs ceuntn home Finding hrrrxserf exerted by t'te exit-errenr‘t: W: goes off to ingest gate. anly to sturnbe t izlSi d l'ltilthl. “Y?" r: tinie 'r‘raclrr‘e. .'.'M;". firth 1710 "till “)f (: sr.r;jrrs:pgl, ur‘de'rranstrataé: "at scientist. proceezs is create sexera. .e'sor‘s cf illl“S€‘lf .r: We sa":~ hour.

Vrgaronoo‘s Obiect lesson on voyeursm manages to amuse ‘cr


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Hey. Alice. how w0uld you fancy a trip 'undergrounrl'9‘ Why not snap on a parr of Andy Warhol shades. don a black polo-neck, park your backside on a half-opened crate of imported beer. and get ready to flip your wrg' to the vep, best rn experimental cinema. Once upon a trrne you had to mix wrth unwashed. pretentious film students to Clley a walk on the wrld side of frl it. thanks to the rnternet yOu can turn on. tune in and drop out Ill the comfort of your own home.

Ready to kick back against the Man? Thought so. brother. l, et's begin wrth some 19608 American New Wave thanks to Leon Prochnrk's The Existentialist (trnyurlcom cghtpz). Is this man progressive. or rs rt rust that the world rs gomg backwards round him? Occupying the rntellectual netherwodd between Albert Camus and Buster Keaton. Prochnrk's film says more about alrenatron in seven mrnutes than most Beat authors drd rn a lifetime of self regardrng prose.

Let's take if to another level wrth a one—man freak—out named John Smith. Hrs nine-minute Opus Chewing Gum Girl (trnyurl.r:om cyifiiltfl could well be the ultimate comrrrentary on how man shapes art. or maybe that should be. how an shapes man. Or rt coold rust be a poseur talking over a random piece of camerawork. Art or tossery’? Only you can decrde.

Head spinning? Then let yOur bottle crash wrth Anthony Mrnghella's frlrn version of Samuel Beckett's Play (trnyurlconr/cgvygrl. Kristin Scott Thomas. Alan Rickrnan and Juliet Stevenson are the actors. they're planted lll earthenware pots like flowerpot men, and the language is exgursrte. obscure and classrc. If you thrnk the late Mrnghella was only capable of chocolate-box romances Irke The English Patient or hrs rnfarnous Gordon BrrmrvTony Blair party polrtrcal broadcast. thrnk again; when Mrnghella put hrs mrnd to rt. hrs counter culture credentials are second to none.

Finally, let's get verbal with Beckett's Not I ltrnyurlcom dciuzwl. featuring the celebrated mouth of Billie Whitelaw. Swrtch to full-screen. srt back and set yoor phasers to stun: if you thought the rnternet was Just for watching cats falling off curtains. it's time to let the world of experrmental film strrp the scales from your eyes. Can you dig rt? (Eddre Harrrsonl

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