
FREE Bags of Art 81111 2 \l.1111111 111111 8111111\I1\.1111111.1I(1~I'1'\111 \I111I1'111 \11 II1'I11111I I<11111I '3-1'1311H ('11II1'11.1I1.1211I11111.1111'.1111'\11111111I11' \13 81.1111111.11 1I11'11111111 1I11' \1.111\,1I11'11 '.|.111I>. )11111 11”,} 11111111I1I11'13.1II1'1). \;'1'\ 1 1‘

Turreted Castles and Daisy Lawns \Inu I8 \111}. I11 (11.1111 I: it1111111\ L1111'1.11I11II,1I1111I

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Spring Parade 1111- 1‘1\l.1},

III.1111 I: “111111 1.1111'1.11I11II.1I11I1I

I .11111x11111l'.1\1I1'. 3.1('1.111111111I I<11.11I 811111I1. 5‘." “111* I1'.1111.1I\11111\piiuj: 1'11'.111111'\.1111I111'.111'_\1111111\\111’I11) 11I1' 1I1'11111111;' \1I1111 _\1111‘\1'|1'.11111'1I \qu1I11' I11111I11'1I111.11I\.11111'

Nature Detectives 8.11 :1 \l.1\.

III “1.1111 11111111 I111i111I1'1I 111.11I1111\\11111 1%"111U311_.|11|1111111 133111 II11111'1111111 II1111x1'. 8I11111' |<11111I. 811111I1(‘)111'1'11\l1'11_\. i1" “186 \\1"11'j_111111;:1111.111.111111'I111111 I111 1111111I11'.1\1\.1I1'1'1. I1111I\.1111I111.1111111.1I\ Iiiiiikllljg 1'881'11l111I I 111I1'l II1811111\I I‘1‘ .111'1111111.11111'1I

FREE Clan Warriors 8111 3: 1\ 81111 31 \I11}. I.‘ ‘Il11111.l I1111111.3111111\ i111“ .\.1111111.1|\\111 \Ius1'11111 111 81'111I.1111l. I1I111I1111u|1('.1x1I1'.335 ”5 H |1'.1111.1I111111 I81I11‘1'111111'} \11'11111111x .1111l \1'1' .1 \\\1111I\111.111\l11p1I1~11I.1§


Theatre 81 Dance

His Dark Materials - Part One

II111 .‘l 81111 11 \I.1}. 'I I111 ~[1111; I11/8.11 311111; 81111 I11111. [IS 511 1’3; I‘1'\II\11I‘I'I11'11Il1'. I V3” \11'11I\1111 .8l11'1'l. 52‘) 6111111, II11'111111uI111111 R1'p1'1‘1111} 'II11'.1111' (11111111111) .1111I \\'1'\1\'111I1\I111‘1' I’I.1}I11111\1' 111111111I1111I111111'1\11I 1I11' \111u1'111I1111111111111 111 I’I11I1p l’11|I1111111\ 11111'11111111'1111II) \111'1'1'xxl11I 111I11'1\\111'I1II_\ 1'1111‘. 81'1'1H1'\11'\\ 111 I'I11'11111'.

His Dark Materials - Part “no

I'll 33 8111121 ,\I.1} I11/81111111; 81111611111. US$11 ‘43 .I1'1\Il\ 1I II1111111 I V3” \lL‘HIMIH .8ll11'l. 53‘)(1Illlll. 8LT 11I\11\1‘. Thick Skinned Things Mon 25 1\ II11- :11.\1.1_1.\11111111111131‘111- IIII511111. £18 1l111111|} 111'k1'1\ .1\111I11I1I1'1. l1‘11\1'1'\1' IIII11‘11II'L‘. (‘.IIIIIH'HIL‘L‘ SII'L‘L'I. 338 Ill”. III1‘ \1111'} 111 11;:11‘I M111 I1\1' 11111I1'1'g1'1111111l I1k1'11 11111I1' \111'I1 1x I11'1 1‘111111I111u \I1\111'\\..-\g_'1'\ I I+ I11/[11] [/11 [NIH/1 11181111/1II11/ Inuiumuh /1 WIN”. Péro or Mysteries of the Night I111‘ 30 Ill” :18 .\l11_\.\\1'1l1\ INC 18111111; \\'1'1I II111 “131111111. 1‘81I111111I} 111‘I11'1\11\111I11l1l1'1. Bruulnn I‘I11'.111'1'. l 111I_\\\1'II \\‘.1_\. .\Iu\\1-II\111';_1I1,66S 33.111 .\ 1111\111 puppclx 111'1111\ 11111| I1\ 1' 11111~11‘ 11'II1I11\ \1111'} 111 1111111le1111 11111] I11\ 1' 1111' il:_‘k‘8 Ii ‘2 Ill/'1 U/ [111' lid/IA 11] 51 111/11111/ /11111111111111' /'('\Il\11/. Story of a Family (and Everyday Things) I111‘ 26 8111 ill .\I11_\. \V1'1l 1k I111‘ 1.4511111 1\\'1'1I 111111 III. ‘1)111111; II111 "11111; In 1111811111; .8111 211111. 1.18 11111111I\ 111‘I11'1\ .1\.11I.1hI11 I\’11_\. 1| 1 _\1111111 II11' 1111'. (illlI1II11_\ 8111”.11 :15 I1\ lb \ Iimlx 11l I111111l11'x. 11111II1I1111 \I111p1x11111l 1111111x. lIlUllgII II11‘ 1‘} 1‘8 HI ‘.11‘I11I1I..\f_'1'\ III+. P111111! {/11' Hun/1 111.81111/11111!/111111'1111il1 I'1'\11111/. Ugly Child luv 26 'l'I111 318' .\I11_\. 'I‘111' I.~1511111;\\‘1'1I 111.45.11111k "31111111; l‘hu “131111111. [.8 111111111} 111‘l11'lx .1\111I11I1I1'1_ 'l‘1‘11\1'1\1' 'I'I11'1111‘1'. (‘11111I11‘11Ig1' 811'1'1'1. 3318 lJll-l.I.11'\1'I1\1'\1111‘11:_'11'Iil1'11111l1111l} \1'1'111\111 11111I11' 1I1111g\ \x111‘x1'1111l11\pI.1} about 1111 111111161 child It} l)ul1'I1 11111111411} 811'Il.1 [)1'11 ”1111;; .1\:_'1'\ l 1+. P1111111 1/11' Hun/1 11/ 81111111111! [11111111111111 [11111111. Queen luv 36 “111 28‘ Ma}. 1111' "pm; \\‘1'1I 'I'l1u III.l5111111\\1'1I111.11 1311111111. {.8 11111111l_\ 111'I11'lx .1\111I11hl1'1. 'l‘1'11\1'1\1' 'I‘I11'1111‘1'. ('11111I11'11lg1' 811‘1'1'1. 3218‘ 1411-1. I‘I11' I'1'111'x11n11' x1111‘11'x 111 .\I111‘_\ ()111'1'11 111 81'111\ 11ml Q111'1'11 liI1/11I11'1I1 I 11\ 1'11111'11'1I 111 .1

11'11111I111; \1111I111‘1'. 811.1“ III1‘11I1‘I \,‘.11.'11111\1I. \'_'1'\ I". /'.' '111 II..1-1 \1 .11: /11'... '1 l1 ' The Tragical Life of Cheeseboy \\1'1I I" 81171 *1 \I.:j. \\.'1I .\ I1' I'II<.111:_\\1'1I II111I;\111 II:.. ::1.;' III 1911111. I11.\ 81111 I: I‘;'::1 8.1.3 8 .Y. 311111'.1I\118.11~1111 :8 11.111.1Ij. ". .1.."1\ .1‘..1|I.1I‘I1'1 I).11111' “.181“. I; I“ (11.1\\111.11l.1'1. .‘78 I111; \\.V1.';':11r:,:\.'.‘. '(11'1I11111x1111'1'1xI1I'.'..111I811\\11:I1.1:.11\ IIII8I1I1'1‘I111I1'81‘1‘111I1'IIII‘I“ 111.1111'1I1.1\1111I11'1I111111.1111I11 \ 11. I'M; 11' {1:1 [11.1 11‘ \1 111.11/111.; .'1 /1\1'1111'.’ Lying Down “1.1?" \.11 :11 \l.:j1, \\,.1 1\I11I111*.11111.1I\11I1111'111.\\.'.I II111 I “)11111. II1111\ 8.11 I11 181111181 111.11 i111111 1811.11111I}111I11'1x.1'..:1I.1I\'.'1 I111... II.1\1'. I-l 111(11.1\\111.11I11'1_ .‘.‘8 11111 |1.' I1.11I.1111.1 111.11111'xx.111111'11111j1 II111111'II11111I.1I111111I11'1I111111'\111111'\.1:11I1I1.' 1111.1;1114111111 \~_'1'\ *1 ’..'1.' .'.'1 l1'..1:1 8111/1'11'1.'1/hung/111111 l1

Museum of Dreams 111:: '1

.\I.1_\ \I1111 I qu |I111.‘8 \I1_\ IIII§.1111.II111 \I1111.111111811111.11 III iIl.1111..1I\1181:11 1 “1111111 9.811.11111Ij. 111‘I11'1\.1\.11I.1I1I1'1 “1111111111 II11'.:111'. I111I}\\1'II \\.1}. \I11\\1'II1111:'I1. 66* .‘.‘ 1‘1

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tqu \I11w. In

\1‘1'III11\;'11\\. Iii/1'11! I111 H1111? \111.'...1'1.'

//11111'11111'1'1 /1 \111111'

Under the Carpet 1111138 \111 \11111 1 Jun. II1111\ \I1111 IIII*.1111.\ I.‘ 1811111. 8.11 III “1.111181111311111 1811.11111I1111k1'lx .1\.11|.1'1|1'1 |\’11}.1I I 111'11111 II11'.1111'. (111111I|.1§ 8111'1'1. 31.8 1.818 \\1'I\I1 11111111111} I|11'.111 I11I111111'x1'111x 8.11.1I1 \1331-111‘1 pl.1\ 1I111111\11111111 1111I I 11I..111.111 11111I1I1111'111I\ \\I111 I11\1 11' “111 \111111'\ \311'\ i 1/11111/11 /)’11'.'11.111 8111111111’ bin/111111111 /1 1111111

Lava - 3 Soil Investigation 11111

38 81111 iI .\l11_\. II111 I11 III§11.11111I11 111111111111111\1111111. II111}.8 \I.1_\ I11111 1811181111 I I.1!11. 8.11 i111111 L18 11.11111I} ll1'l111‘l\ 11\.11I.1I\I1'1. I\’11\.1I “01.11111 (i1111I1‘11. 3WI11\1'1‘I1'11I1I\’11\\.1‘18 I-IHI I\\11 1111'11 1'1111\11'111‘1111§_' .1 \11I111'11.1111'.1111.11 11.11I11 \111I1I1'11I} I11'.11 1111'\|1I11*.1I1I1'11111\1'\ \1‘11111'I11'x. 1‘11'.1|11\ .1111I 111111111111\ \\.111|1.1\ 1I11' 1111\11'1} 1111111|1Ix \f_‘1'\ (1. /’11'1.' «11 [/11' “1111/1 111.81111/11111///1111':11.'111'1 /1 111111! Peter Pan II111 :8 8.11 l11\l.1_\. II111 I 11 “131111111 1'II111 111.11 I.111111111.|118.11"11111 18111111.11 3 “1111111 [1811.11111I_\ 111'I11'1\ .1\111|11I1|1'1. I\’11_\11| | _\1'1'11111 II11'.1111'. (i1'1111ll11_\ 811'1'1'1. 311.811.8118, ('11111I1111111; \I1111I1m 11111111111} .1111I \1I11.1111 \I11I}I1‘IIIII}I. 1I11'1'I11\\11' .11I\1'1111111' 1x I111111gI11 111 I111' I11 1l11'1'11111I11111'1II111'1‘1'x111\1x1I1I1'I'11'111111\. 1I11'(‘I11I1I1‘1'11'x'I‘I11'1111‘1'('11111p.111_\ .1111I I'11I11‘1/111.\I111111'11‘I11..\;:1'\ .81. /'111.'11111'11 Ila/IA 11/ .8111I/1m1//m11;'1/11111 /1 \111111’. Brilliant II111 2.8 8.11 311 \I.1}. II1111\ 8.11 I.31)111111'I'I111111.11 i. ;1111111. 8.11 111.11 I113H111111; I'1‘1 0.3111111 1\ I 131111111 L8 11.11111l} 111k1'1\.1\111I11I1I1'1_ \1111I1 I'1I111I11113_'I1 \ll8 (111111: I511 I’1'1111_\\\1'II (111111 32> 1811511. l'1'\1'11'1I8I1'1'11I’11II1.1 lI"1111111 1111x111lx11111111.1g111.111\1-\I111\1 11I111111I11'1I111111' 1111 .1:;1'x i 5 II111/l1 111.81111/11111/hung/111111 /1 \111111'

'(IVI.I 1', {Hi

Stem/telling FREE Adventures and Expeditions 8111 I6 .\I11}. 331111111. 81'11111xl1 81111}11'II111§_' ('1'1111‘1'. .11 ~15II1;_'I18111'1'1.5511‘15_‘1 IiL‘IIl (‘IH\\ l1'II\ \111111‘11I\1‘III1H1' \l11111'\ I11'I1111 I1'111l111u1\\111I1 I111|1111111.1I1111__'.1 I1111111I 2 111111. \L‘u + Saturday Stories 8.11 1* \l.1_\. II11111. 14511.11. I111111I_\ 111'k1'1L151 l1‘11\1'1’\1' 'II11'.111’1'. ('.1111l11'11lg1' 8111'1'1. 338 I~lII~I.81111'}11'II111;;1111111 '\111l.\ (1111111111, ('I11I1I1‘1'11 1111M I11'.11'1'1111111.11111'1I Tiny Tales 1111' 311 .\l.1_\. 111 111.1111.\ I IV 1.1111. (3 111'1‘ 1'I11I1I 1.11‘1'1111111.111_\111g_' .11I11I1 I1‘1'1'1. 81'11111\I181111'}11'II111;_'('1'11111'. ~31 45 Illgh8111'1‘1.5511‘l5"" 8111111'x. 1‘I1_\1111'\11111I“111151111 \11'1'1.1111I11111\11 \\1'1'11'.11\. .\;_'1'\611111111l1\ 1}1'.11\

Outside the Cities

Activities and F1111

Day Out with Thomas 8.11 111 \11111 I8 .\I11_\. I1131111111 .‘~.,‘~11pu1. LI) li11'111'xx 1k K111111'1I R111I\\.1_\ [1111111 811'1'1'1.

”U “C \\ Ill‘llh 5““’1\ Ill‘ lIlL\ \\IIIl

Museum of Dreams

The Citizens‘ Theatre’s joint director, Guy Hollands joins forces with puppeteer Ailie

Cohen to create an innovative new work for 6-8-year-olds. Using not a single word, this multimedia performance takes us into the world of a lonely museum attendant who pushes open a dusty door to reveal something far more magical within. Part of the Bank of Scotland lmaginate Festival the show is performed in a specially built ‘museum’ in the Citizens‘ main rehearsal space before transferring to the Brunton.

1111'111II} 1.111'\ .1111I1I11I1I11'11K 1'1111'11.11111111'111 I111 II111111.1\1I11' I.111I.

I 11:1111'1.111\

Baby Loves Disco 81111 1"\l.1}.

I -111111 181111111'1'..1II1111;'I1.1I111'\111'1'1 \I.11111I\.'11.I111\.1'1\11}1118111I111§_'.I1I"8(1 11111111111 [111111115111111111k11I\.1;1'1I(1 11111111I1x }1\ .1111I 1I11'11 11.111'111\. '1'111I1 I‘llI‘I‘Ic 111.11I11111‘x. .11I11II 11111 .111'.1.1111I I11'.1I1I1} \11.11I11\ I11I11'1\1111111

'.x '.1. \1. I\.1I1_\ I11\1'\1I1\111 111 11k Wild About Art 811111‘ \I.1}. III1III1I1'1I 111 1I11I1I11'11 11511. 11111I1'1 .11 111'1'1 8111111~I1 81'.1I\111I ( '1'11111'. II11'II.11I\11111.\111'1I1 II1'1\\11R. MIC“ ““13“: \11'111I1'1I.111 \1.111I~.\I111;1I1'1II11. \I1I11':11j. \11~



11I1111\~11111 L~ "i 1:

Theatre éé Dance The Ugly Duckling 11111 1.: 8.11 111

1".' {211‘} {1‘}.ny

\I.1_\. II111 I11 III iII111111I‘I111111111

I “1111111. 8111 I I.11111k 411111. {OIL-51. \I.11111I11-11.l 111\1-1\11_\ 1118111I11131. 11|”8(1-1(16(16(1 (‘1111111I11111111111111111} (‘.11 I’11I1I11 [111'x1'11lx11111'u1 pi'111l111'111111 II111I 1111'lj_'1'\III1‘I11IL'811I lIIC ,4‘1’/\ /)1111’1'11111.1111I 8111111 [1111 1111'1‘1'1111' 1111 1'111I1.1111111;_' .1111I I111111111111111x1111'1'1' lur .1_'_'1'\ 4+

Red Riding Hood’s Magic Purse 8.11 I(1.\I.1}. I ‘Ilplll. I.“ I’111\I1\ \rtx (‘1'1111‘12 .\'1-\\ 8111"11 I’111\I1_\ 887 IIIIII (‘I_\1I1-I1111I1 l’uppch 111181116 1I11x 1I;1xx11 1.1I1' p1'1‘l111‘1111'1I with 11 1l1l11'r1'111'1'. \HIII 11 1111\1'1111131 13.11111} 11111I11I11111gr} v.11ll. .\f_'1'\ I _.

Peter Pan 8111 3% 81111125 M11}. ‘I11111'\ \11r}. {(11L51.81111'r11bcn.

l 111\1'r~11} 111 811rl111u. 111786 466666. 81'1' I.1Iu1I1urg_'I1.

1 L/ '1: ’.‘z1. THE LIST 61