Visual Art


ll (iatlield Square. <<8 ‘I ll! ltre in Want (rpnr. Sat noon Spin

run Neil Clements: Built. Lacking. .0. l rrtrl Sat (r Jun See

retrett. page 88

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 3i l'rrrorr Street. ‘5" 3-1") ltre Sat lllarrr optrr.

PI- Jenny Smith: Incise Sat 3* .\la_\ Sat 4 Jul. lilarrr (rptrr. Reeerrt \torlt h} Jenn} Srrrrtlr exploring the trreatrx h} \tlrreh the ttadrtrorral and lorrrral elenrentx ol drautng ean he re-exarrrrned tlxltl}: neu teehnolog}

FREE Katsutoshi Yuasa Sat 3*

Ma} Sat ‘1 Jul. llarrr oprrr, Natural lttl'IIIS and landxeapex depreted rn large eorrrp|e\ \toodeut prrrrtx.

FRI! Studio Demonstration Sat 3* Ma}. I larrr nooanoktolrorn artrxt Katxutoxhr Yuaxa detttotlxltttlex hrx hand pr'rrrtrrrg teelrrrrque.

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY ~15 Market Street. 335 3383. Mon Sat llarrr (rpttt; Strrr noon Sprrr. nu Willie Doherty 0.. Strrr l3 Jul. See retreu. page 88.


I THE HENDERSON GALLERY 4 ‘I‘lrrxtle Street l.arre .\'\\'. 335 MM. 'l'ue Sat llarrr (rpm,

FRI! Lest Bogles Catch Him Unawares: Elph versus Robert Burns l'nttl Sat (r .lttrr. llot lrorrr \llL'CL‘SSllll \lto\\\ ttt l.ondon. NC“ York and ller‘lrn urth lellou heroex ol the \lt‘eel \eene tllarrlw}. :\datrt Neade and ('onnot' llarr'rrrgtorrt. \tr‘eet artist lilph mrt e\arrrine hrx relationxhip \\ rtlr Seotland'x national poet.


l5 ('altorr Road. 550 4-14]. Illarrr Spin. nu Billboard tor Edinburgh: Bob and Roberta Smith l‘rrtil Thu 7 Ma}. The eonluxingl} *rrrorrikered artixt umeilx hrx rte“ l_\ eonrrnixxiorred \eeret painting on tlte eit} at large.

FREE Francesca Woodman l'rrtrl Sat l3 Jun. laxhihrtron ol‘ \xork h} dixtinetix e photographer l-‘rarreexea \Voodrrrarr. She dred in NM aged juxt 33. but durrrrg her hriel' )et e\traordinar} eareer \he ereated an enduring hod} ol' photograplrre \\ot'k that eorrtinuex to laminate and rrrl'luerree toda}.

FIE! Tommy Grace: Dummy l'trtil Sat l3 .lurr. (iraee\ lirxt \olo \hou \\ rth the Ingleh} ix a \eriex ol' graphie and prrrrt eollagex artd t\\o rrett lithographx t'L‘lL‘t‘L‘ttetttg \ltt‘ltt‘lttttgclo.


l3 Randolph ('rexeent. 335 53%.

Mon \Ved tk l-‘rr 0.30am 5.30pm; 'l'hu rroon 5.30pm; Sat 0.30am 3prrr.

FRI! La Fontaine’s Fables l'rrtrl 'l'ue lo .lurr. Jean de la l-ontarne\ \hort \toriex lired the imagination ol‘ lirerreh artixt and prrttrar} teaeher .-\rrraud lixeno t l‘)(r()-3()()8t, More than 30 lllllxll'illltllh r‘e\eal the artixt'x paxxiorr l'or‘ anirrralx artd eostutttex.


(r5 The Shore. |,erth. 553 5355. .\lorr l-‘ri llatrt 5pm; Sat llarrr 4pm.

FREE New Work by Michael Ewart and Patti Yuill l'ntrl Sat 3081a}. l‘iguratne painting»


4 (irassrrrar‘ket. 335 0033. Mon Sat llarrr late; Sun 13pm oprrr.

PI. Lifelines l'ntil Thu 38 Ma}. Photographer \Verrd} Ball eollatex an intriguing eolleetion of hand portraitx gathered in .-\lriea.


5t» \Vatrender' Park Rd. 3388338.

'l‘ue Sat ltlanr (rpm.

F— Art on show: Regina Fernandes l'ntil Fri 30 ()et. l()arrr. .-\n opporturrit} to look at \mrk from a range of Scottish :tt'ltxls.

90 THE LIST 51—35 Max 3m}?


'l he \lound. M34 (Coo \lorr \\ed A in Sun lHanr <prrr. lhtr lttatrr “prrr Turner 8: Italy l‘tllll Sun _ .lurr :8 t‘th -\ rrrator e\hrhrtrorr eelehratrng J.\l\\ lurrrer‘x lo\e altart urth Ital}. leaturrng \xorkx loaned lrorrr eollettrorh all o\et the \xotld

Robert Adam's Landscape Fantasies l‘rttrt Sal IS .ltll tollettrorr ol \ketehw and \tatereolourx produeed h} Seotthh arehrteet Rohert \darrr

I PATRIOTHALL GALLERY \\'.-\Sl’S l’atrrothall Sttrdtox. oil 48 llatrrrltotr l’laee. 33h "13h

FREE Common Ground Sat 34 Sun il .\la_\. (iroup \lltr\\ ol eight .ttlt\t\ eorrrrrrerrrtrratrng l)ar\\rrt \ hrterrterrar} Illt'llltlt'S l.trerlla Srrrrix

rnxtallatron '.\lr\ l)ar\\rn\ la\orrorrr} (iet\ llurrg Out to l)r_\' l’leaxt' telephone lor opetrrrrg tune»

I THE QUEEN’S GALLERY l’iliilk'k' ttl llt)l_\t‘oodlttttt\e. 55‘) Slllll l)arl_\ lltarrr 5ttrrrt5tt~15ttt

The Conversation Piece: Scenes of Fashionable Lite l'rrtrl Sutr 3o Sep. :\drrrr\\rorr ehargex appl}. l'.\hrhrtrorr e\plor‘ing the tr'adttrorr ol 'eorrxermtlrorr preee‘ parrrtrrtg. and high \oeret} \l}lL' artd llt.tttltL‘t\. lrotrr the tune ol (’harlex | to the rergrr ol Queen \'retor'ra.


3 Ro\hurgh l’laee. l)arl} llatrr Sprrr. FREE Andrea Bruce: Unseen Iraq l'ntrl 'l‘tre ‘) Jun. 1 Spin. .-\rrrer'rearr

tournalrxt tn lr'att. Andrea lh‘ttee. er‘eate\

a eonxtantl} updating \ieu ol the eountr} lt‘otrr dail} neux eox er'age.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (INVERLEITH HOUSE) lrrxerleith Ron. 3.18 3071. ltre Strrr Illarrr 5.30pm.


FREE Cerith Wyn Evans l ttltl \trtr i .lul llre \\el\h toneepttral .ttllxl. \xllil‘llll and l‘rlrrrtrraket. terrouned tor hrx uve ot a xtrde range of ttredra. hax \eleeted a utlleetrort ol \xorkx lot hrx ltr\t \olo ttttt\t‘ttttt(\ltll‘tlttttttt1\et‘ll.tltd

I SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART a; lleltord Road. (‘31 “3”“ Want *prrr FREE No Horizons om. ltrtrl Sun 1" Jul \\orl\\ hour the tolleetrorh ot t‘harlex \xpret and \le\arrder \hroder are hrotrght together rn arr e\hrhrtrorr \\ltrt\e torrrpelhng tu\tapo\rtrort\. \trt ol\\er\atrort\. and \trrprrxrtrg \i|\\l‘\k'llk'\ rexeal llIllkI‘\1I\“ll[ reeetrt de\eloprrrerrt\ rrr eotrterrrporar} art FREE Artist Rooms l trtrl Strrt \ \tt\ \rr otrtxtarrdrrrg ettllettron ol torrterrrporatx art teterrt|_\ aetttrrred h} the \atrorral (i.tllt'llt'\ ol Stotlarrd and the late. through a gerreroth dorrattorr h} lilllhlt tollettor and dealer. \nthon} d'l that [It the opening drxplatx rrr ldrrrhurgh. \toth h} \nd} \\arhol. \ rta (‘elrrrrrrx l'llen (iallagher. llatttlett lllt\l. \|e\ Kat/ and I rarrtexta \\oodrrrarr tan he \ re“ ed


ii 45 High Street. “h ”5") Mon Sat Warn -1 illprrr

FREE Legends of the Minch 1 till] Sat liltrrr. lHarrr (rprrt \larrort \lael’hee pit-\errtx a eolleetron ol \e;r\e.rpe prrrrtx and etehrng\ ttrxptted h} the ttl_\lllo|og} and errxrtotrrrrent ol the Seottrxh \\e\t (ioaxl.


(irottttd l'ltrttt' North. 33 “ml llat'ltotrt Road. In Sun rroorr (tplll.

FREE Cursed Sleep l'ntrl Strrr 3-1 .\la}. (‘openhagen haxed artrxt Srarr Krrxtoller‘xerr prexerrtx a \eleetrorr ol next \MH'hS eorrrhrnrrrg tr'adttrotral \eulpttnal rrraterralx \\ ttlt eorrterrrpot'ar} etrlttrral reotrograph},


33 (‘oeldturrr Street. (r33 03“”. llarrr (rprrr.

FREE Barbara Probst COO Strrr I‘) .ltrl. l'rrxettlrng. rrrtrrrrate photographte douhle portrart \\ttt‘l\\ and \treet \eenex are doeurrrented \\ rtlr lor'ettxre trrterrxit}.



l trrxerxttt ot l drrrhurgh. \otrth lirtdt‘e. 't‘t‘ 33!” ltre \at ‘.tt.;rr‘. *pttr

FREE Desire Lines l :ttrl \lott 3" ltrrr ()tt \tte art \\orkx in art trotted \elettrorr ot .llll\l\ t\lrratrda liierrtrethaxxett. \let ltt‘.i.:§ (liner (iodow lartr kettlex. ('had \let .rll, l lletr \ltttlltt‘ tart he totrrrtl

.lxll'\\ thel rrr\er\rt\ ,atrrptrx


trr lltllltl.t\ \tteet. *‘\ t.‘oo \lorr ltr lHarrt trprrr. \at lt'atrr lprr;

FREE Frances Priest: Objects of Touch and Travel l trtrl \at lo \l.t\ lattrie tollet ttott ot ohtee tx \ teated .rtrd lotrttd l\_\ the rrrtrth e\hrltrted torrrrer

l (' \ \ttrdetrt

FREE John Houston: Memorial Exhibition l trttl \at in Max lx’etttupettue ol the trrtrt h trrtxxed .tlll\l \tho \houed hrx \ tl‘t.tttl e\pte\\t\e orlx and \\.ll\'l\l‘il'lll\ uttlr the \ottrxh (raller\ ltorrr the I‘l‘ttx

Isle of Bute

I MOUNT STUART GALLERY \ltvtrrtt\tt1.rrt.tll‘tltl‘llfih llarlx IHartr trprrr

FREE Katja Strunz: The Great Bear Sun I i \la\ \\ed itt \ep lrrxtallatrotr tellet llllt' the .rrtr\t\ orrz'otrrz' etrtlurr\ rrrto tulttrral lll\lttt\ and the

o\\ tlt'l\ltl[‘ ol \pate artd tollet ltttll\


I THE CHANGING ROOM loltroottt. Jail “out. ttI \tr .‘ tom ltre Sat Illarrt hptrt

FREE How Children Learn - Part One: Killycode l trtrl Sal tr lttll. lllarrt (rprrr ('ollaltoratne protett hetueetr Strrhrrt' hawd .rrtr\t\ Rue | r\e .rrrd l)a\rd ( ialleth lrrlltrerrted lr_\ Seottrxh lolklore .rrrd t trlttrre. the part [tlt‘\t‘lll\ dtaurtrgx. \t lllttllllt'x arrd ttl\l.tll.tlttttl\ rn a hrd to \ reate t harat tetx and ermronrrrerrtx that tellett lotal

FREE The New Spirit Happening l'rrtrI Sat 0 Jun \rt e\hrhrtrotr ol eolletted eplrerrrera. \\ lt't‘lllttlllh .rrrd rrro\rrrg rrrragex produted ltt ltrltarr llouxe. t'o lotrtrdet ol retord lahel (ilttt\llttt\

Last chance to catch this exhibition exploring the relationship between visual art and the stage, testing the nature of theatricality within the framework of a gallery. Curated by acclaimed experimental theatre company Suspect Culture, the show features work by artists from both sides of the divide, including Luke Collins, Dan Rebellato, Graham Eatough, David Greig and Sharon Smith and Felicity Croydon (working collaboratively as Max Factory). I CCA. Grasgon. uni/r Sat 23 .78).;