
Letthe RightOneln

Last chance to see the horror film of the year (with the exception of Sam Raimi’s

Drag Me to Hell) at the cinema. This eerie Swedish vampire drama set in

the 19803 delivers a sucker punch. I .‘So/mrtod l'O/OHSU t/ntx/ Thu 11 Jim.

hoxx the iixiiig xtai'let dealx xxith laine. \th. hx hanging out xx itli a hunch ol i'edneckx in 'l'eniiexxee and realixing xx hat inattei'x iiioxt. ol coui'xe. Ahxolute crud. (ii'ni'ru/ re/mxi'. ‘9, Helen tl’('ii O... t(‘hrixtine

'3‘ \lollox/Jiie l.a\xlot'_ l‘K. :(KJM :\ltnlL' 'l‘oxxiixend. Sandie Malia. l)ennix Johling. 70min. .-\ xinartlx conceix ed and inaxterl'ullx e\ecuted drania lliat oxx ex a deht to litiropean cinema. A local \l\lll torin xtudeiit goex iiiixxiiig in a park. and l'elloxx xtudent. Helen i'l‘oxx iixend i. agreex to help the police

inx extigation h_x plaxing the girl in a i'econxtiiiction. 'l‘hei'eal'tei‘. the film explorex llelen'x changing identitx ax xlie coinex to axxiiine more and more ol the xanixhed girl'x ll’ttllx Strangelx engi'oxxing xtull. at once mundane and iiixxtc'i‘iiitix. (iluxemi l-i/m Iln’uH‘e.‘ (omen, Iai/iIi/iure/i.

Home l l:.'\l tYann .-\rtlitix-Bertrand. l-i'aiice. 2000) 02mm. (ilenn (‘loxe narratex Yxex :\t'llill\<lJL‘l'll‘;llltl'\ niox mg documentai‘x on the xtate ol the planet, Shot ll'ttlll the air. lilininaker Artliiix-Bertrand iiax igatex the

x iexxer ox er more than 50 couiiti'iex. See

xx xx xx .xci.il'.ot‘g.uk and

xx xx xx ,ldle‘tHlL‘ilClItillfll‘gllk. l'iliii/muxe. lat/iii/iureli.

Home tl’(ii i.\lark lluxkixxon. Scotland. ItitiM ‘lllinin. Docutnentarx about Scottixh mountain hike ridei‘x and their breathtaking ti‘ackx and ll‘;tll\. 'l‘hix xcreening xx ill be t‘olloxx ed h) l)axe Soxxerh} 'x xliort tilm Irix/iin-i/ “It‘H'ltW l'eatui‘ing lidinhiirgh xtunt c_xclixt Dannx .\lac.-\xkill. lidinhurgh Bike Week l‘lilni l't‘\ll\;ll. l'i/ni/iuuxe. Ifdiiiliiireli. Howl‘s Moving Castle ll)( ii 0.0 tllaxao .\li_xa/aki. Japan. 2005i \'oicex of (human Bale. Lauren Bacall. Blll} (‘rx xtal. ll‘linin. .\li_xa/aki. the director of Spirited .-\xxa_x returnx xx ith a xerxion ol~ Diana \V} nne Jonex' children'x hook Hun/a Minute (int/e. 'l‘he rexult ix a xtrange h} hrid that xtartx out ax a cheer} kidx adxentiire then changex direction haltxxax through to em ixage the hell ot‘ a d} xtopian tuturexxorld ruled h} xxar. lk‘xpite .\li_x;i/aki\ undoubted gil‘tx l'or xtor). character and cute animation. the dixerxe cultural agendax Viar hadl}. liaxt ineetx \Vext xo axxkxxardl} here. (iliixeou I’ilni Theatre. In the Loop 1 15) O... t.-\rmando lannucci. l'K. 2009i Stex e (began. Jaiiiex (iandolphini. .-\nna (‘liulinxkx 105mm. When the ['8 prexident and [K prime ininixter tout the dexire for more xxar to quell inxurrection their underlingx and eix il .xei‘x‘antx go into

ox erdrix e on aggrexxion. appeaxenient and

logg) ctinimunicalioii in thix hilai'ioiix addition to that much neglected genre ol apocalxphc \tllll‘t‘. l‘oul-inouthed to the point of 'l‘ourette'x. In the [xiii/l ix a celebration ol irrexei‘ence and a xei'x ahxurd and peculiai l} DC til~ ltillllUUlL'l'}. .Vi'lt't li'i/ I't'lt'ilxi‘. Inside the Circle it’(;i i.\lai‘c} (ittl'l'liill. l'S. 3007i lllllllllll. 'l‘alented 'l'exan h-hoxx Joxli and Omar hecoine i'ixalx xx hen the) join competing dance ci‘exx x in thix iiiox ing graxx-rootx docuiiieiitai'x l’art ol Dance: Him 0‘). l'i/m/iuim: lat/iIi/iiire/i.

Is it Dance? il’(ii tVai'iouxi ‘)t)inin. l’rogi'ainine ol dance tilnix \Hlll a x ixual ai'tx einphaxix, l’art ot’ Dance: l'ilin ll‘). l-ilni/iuuxe. Ifrliii/mreli.

The Italian Job il’(ii O... tl’etei~ ('ollinxon. l'K. 10m» Michael (lime. Benn} llill. Noel ('oxxard. Ral \'allone. ‘Nmin. Seminal (itix caper lieixt inox ie. .lailhii'd (’aine takex lilx xelllprexei‘xation xiiclel} til eriininalx to Rome to rob the place \lll_\. Altogether noxx: 'You xx ere onl} xuppoxed to hloxx the hloodx dooi'x ol'l'l‘ (ii'eat action. great tnnex. a elaxxic ikind ot'i. (i/uxemi I‘ll/n ‘I‘lieulre.

Jonas Brothers: The 30 Concert Experience «ti o l Bruce llendi‘ickx. l'S. 2009i Kexin Jonax. Joe Jonax. .\'ick Joiiax. 75min. See i'ex iexx. page 5-1. (it'lu’l'tl/ I't'li'ilu'.

La Scarla - Don Carlos tl’(il tltal}. Ztitltx‘i 200mm. Verdi’x epic ‘l)on ('ai'lox' ix a dramatic xaga inxolxing three generationx ot Spanixh roxaltx Filmed ll\ e at the opening night of the HMS/0‘) La Scala ()pei'a xeaxoii and digital!) protected onto the big xci‘een. l'l/Hlllt’llu'. lit/iri/mre/i.

Last Chance Harvey I Rm .0

tJoel llopkinx. l'S. 3008i l)uxtin llol'lnian. liinina 'l'hoiiipxon. 01min. See i‘ex iexx. page 5“. (ienerul I't'lt'ilxi’.

Leith Short Film Festival iti. t\'ariouxi ‘ltlmin. .-\ xelectioii ot local and international xhortx ranging litilll docuinentariex to thrillerx. Dun] an I’lai e Resource Centre. l'a/iiiliiire/i.

Let the Right One In t is. 0000 t’l‘lttitttax Allit‘xlflln. Sxx eden. :llllh'i Kare Hedehrant. Lina Leanderxxon. l’er Ragna.

l l-linin. Adapted from hix debut noxel bx Sxx edixli horror xx riter John :\_I\ ide

Lindqx ixt. thix chilling coming ot~ age xtor} hreathex iiexx life into a tired xainpire genre. lt'x the earl} I‘lb‘lix in the Stockholm xuhurh of Blackehurg and a life-changing triendxhip i.x .xtruek hctxxeen lonel} ll-xear-old ()xkar

Illcdehianti and pale nexxcoinei l'll i|.e.indeixxoni .-\ \xoik ot nuance. xophixtication and calinnexx the lilood xoaked poeti‘x ol xxhich ix not eaxx to loiget (ii/mm l-,(liii/iii/e/i

Looking for Eric i 15. tKL‘tt t oach. t'lx‘. IlNNi Stcxe laxetx. l’.llc ('antona. Stephanie liixhop l-Uiiiiiii \lanchextci l nited legend (‘antona plaxx a lite coach to a toothall lanatic poxtiiiaii on the xeige ol .i neixoiix hi'eakdoxxn in l.oach'x latext xocial iealixt \xoi‘k. l’iexiexxx onl_x Rexiexxed next ixxue (i/iixemi I'll/H I/n'iiln. (ii/inn, li/iIi/viiIe/i

The Magic Lantern: Nords it ~ \aiionx. l l'xi ‘li'inii‘. xhoitx hx \oidic inaxteix including -\ndeixxon. lieiginan lliexet, l\aiiixiii.iki .iiid \loodxxon (( l Ii...\"."-\

Mark of an Angel l.‘ \ oooo \ehl‘ou, l iance. HUM (atheiine l tot. \andiine lioniiane. \\ ladinni \oidanott ‘llniin Ihix iini‘iexxixelx executed l tench

\ raie xcieeningx ot


lilin heginx ax an engioxxing \ ll.tl.lclx‘l xtudx and cone index ax a iixcting xli‘lltt‘\llc thiillei lliciting a pan ot tinclx modulated [witoiinanccx tioin hix talented leading ladicx. \ehl‘ou c‘xlal‘lixltex txxo compelling inothci liguiex xxho .iie hoth tieicelx protectix e ot their cllllxllt'll. hoth ieal oi imagined. \\lllcll laxx the gioiindxxoik toi the thiillx to \i‘lllx‘ in the chinax (I...\\'i'i\ Ian: Ila am Iran/:4 '.'I\t lain/nu 4/: Metropolis Video Dance it‘tiu it‘ailux lhtthoin ('allciax. (hile. :HH‘» zllnnn lngaging genie cioxxing l‘lx'xx‘ ot choieogiaphx part lllll\lx x ideo and pait xlage [X'lli‘lllldllxt' lam/maxi lilin/‘suel: Modern Life Il‘l ii 0... «Rax niond llcpaidon. l iance. .‘HHM \Mnin lhe thiid pat! ol \lagniiiii photoiouinalixt .iiid tilininakci llepaidon'x tiiloex ot tilinx .ihout the Iixex ol liance'x highland taiincix ieccixcx a xtandalone ieleaxe lhe (‘exennex iegion in xouthein l-iancc ix a iegion ot hillx paxxex. lonelx laiinx and loneliei taiineix l'li‘ltl thix einhitteied. entient lied .iiid haide \eihal coinnninitx llepaidon c ieatex a poitiait ol hope. gutx and gieat hunianixni (ifmeun lii'ni lite iii/i

Monsters vs Aliens 2!) :l’(ii 000 «Rob | etteiiiian. l S. .‘lNl‘li \oicex ot Reexe \\ itheixpoon. Seth Rogen. Hugh l aiiiic ‘Hinin (‘an .i xell doiihting hut indixidiialixt teain ol iiionxtcix oxeicoiiie .i nioh ol xell conlident. niaxx piodiit ed alienx ' l'_xe popping to \\.ll\ll. leaxened xxith xell ieleicntial hiiinoiii that inakex it eaxx to digext. hut alxo plaxnrg thingx xo paiiixtakinglx xale that anx iexonance exapoiatcx the moment the end cieditx ioll \i [it It i/ Ii ll int

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