Timothy Neat - Film Retrospective 1965 - 2009: Saturday Programme tl'.) t\'ariott\i ‘lllllllll. l’rograititnc lllL'llltIL‘\ Ncat'x \hort \tudcnt \Hil‘h Sit for u Ito/t. a black and \ihttc stud} of thc Victorian Maria-t ill l.ccd\. Ila/lain ilti' l’m'irt' tllli/ Iumlwupv o/ Stir/m Mai/um. collaboratin- work “till llttlllt\ll chdcrxon 'I‘liv .S'ummi'r Willa-rt Ii‘ui‘c'l/ing l’i'u/ilt' [/1 Hit IIig/t/iuti/x it! I’i'o/tli’. and 'Iinii' l\ (I (him/rt 'I'lii' .lli'niorim tint! l'i'it'nilt u/ .llurgun'l (iii/'i/i/ti’r. l'lti' I.<‘l!ll :lgi'nt \' '\ .llttrt it] (iii/w litirgi'. IZi/lllblll‘g’ll.

Timothy Neat - Film Retrospective 1965 - 2009: Sunday Programme lli) (Various) ‘lllmtn. Sct'ccning ol' Ncat‘x \llltlcitl \llttt'l 'I'lii' Iii/gr n/ Illt' l'iii't'xi. lll\ I‘lh") lcaturc \hot on Barra and iii \t‘lllL‘L‘. l’lm .lli' .X'untt'i/ting. 'l‘\' tltK‘tllllL‘llltlr} Rut/tail mm (‘t'tml and .luiiriii'\ In (1 Kingdom Huntit/t Ili'mlt'rwri n'tiirm In llll' North km! of Scotland. 'I'Iti’ lullt .‘l gi'ni'v'x .llurt' u/ (;lll.\(' Hit/jut: lit/inlmrg/i

Tormented t ISI 0 (Jolt Wright. l'K. 2000) AIM l’i'tt}t'ci'. April l’carxon. (icot't Bull. ‘lltnin. l’oorl) pitchcd sccondar} \cltool coincd) honor in Mitch pupilx gutting tit} \lt‘t'lttthl) ltlllCtl till tti-lc‘t' lllL‘ rL'L‘L‘nl tlL‘tIllt of thc \chool lat kid. l5-gradc. (ii'rii'rit/ H'lt'tlH'.

sleep furiously

the occloimed film by

W11. -. C L:

with music by

.. ophex twin

orts 29th may

60 THE LIST 28 May—t 1 Jun 2009

Trainspotting t I8) 0000 tl)aitii} lio}|c. l'K. 1995i it“ an .\lc(ii'cgor. liucn Brcmncr. Rohcrt ('arl_\lc. Jonn} [cc Mtllci: 93min. John Hodgc‘x \crccnpla} pci'lcctl) captures thc dmpcratc hiiinour ot In ”W Wclxh'x nowl. kccping thc L'phtttllL‘ \trticturc ot'ttinkic \ccncx for thc tirxt halt hcl'oi‘c conccntrating on chton in London in thc Iatcr \tagcx. last and \i} ll\Ii direction, mm a ci'catiw soundtrack attd acting that‘x oil-thu- t‘ttll\ L‘\CCIIClll lllix L'lllL'lllilllL‘ hltixl l'roltt hcginning to cnd \Itt)\\'\ a contplcx and trtic ttndcrxtanding ot' the lurc and t'atal conscqucnccs ol' drug-taking. Sir/i \. Edinburgh. Trilogy: The Weeping Meadow (Trilogia: to livadi pou dakrisi) tl’(il O... t'l‘hco.»\ngclopolous, ItaI)/(ircccc/Francc. 200-1) Alcxandra .-\ldtni. (iiorgox Arincnix. lo‘linin. Angclopoulox' tirxt talc ol a lrlltig)‘ about (ircck histor) which \lttl’ls in ()tlc‘\\;t tn WI‘). mining through (ircccc and on to prcxcnt tItt) NC“ York. ll. lli'i'pmg .Ili'uilmi' l\ anything to go h) it\ going to he a long. \Itm. bcautil'ul. lilCtIllillHC jotirnC}. Bcauttt'ul Iilcni (Aidinii and :\IC\I\ (Pourxadinixi arc tno )oung lm'crx tlcctng trotn spurncd cldcrl) huxhand Sp} rm tKolovoxi. Thcir jotlrtlc‘} takm them through a kind ol‘ musician's undcrground rcl'ugcc


tic xx

Wm f". Em Preview screenings of Ken Loach’ s Cannes Film Festival crowd pleasing comic fantasy about a

depressed postman who summons the spirit of his hero Eric Cantona to

help him through the bad times. This film is released on Friday 12 June

and will be reviewed next issue. A live satellite link up to Loach and

Cantona in conversation will follow selected screenings.

I GFf, Glasgow Cameo Edinburgh and se/ectert ( ‘i/nen {15; from Fri 4-88! 6 Jill).

\cttlcincnt in 'l‘hcsxaloniki Part of Scrccntng Histor) courxc. l-ilnt/tuiiu'. Iii/iii/tiirg/t.

12 Rounds t BM 00 1'3. 3000i John ('cna. .'\ltltllt (iillcn. AthC} Scott. IllHintn. So-had-it's-taintl}~atntixing traul through a rag-hag ol' action-inox lL' cltchéx. tcaturing non-acting lunkhcad ('cna ax dctcctiw Dann} l‘ixhcr. chasing a tcrr} iii lllx \ptirl\ car. bringing a runavta} \trcctcar to a standstill \iith lilx harc hands and gcncrall} Icax ing a trail ot‘ dcxtruction around New ()rlcanx. (ii'rti'l'ill I'i'lt'uu',

X-Men Origins: Wolverine l Ht

0.. t(ia\in Hood. [8. 2009i Hugh Jackman. R)ttll RL‘}lit)ltI\. l,tc\ Schrcihcr. 97min. I’roticicntl} dircctcd h} Hood. llll\ mplorcx a politicall) -corrcct hitch-\lttt'} lor Jacktnan'x mutant \\'ol\crtiic. uho \ports a conccalcd cxo-xkclcton uhtch prm ttIL'\ hitii \Hllt not on!) a t'orintdahlc Pll}\lt{llc. but also

or? of

iohn bonville, sight 8. sound

- ' . ”stunningly photographed (end at times glor 9,,

‘42:,” t" {Vii-,l

EDINBURGH 0911-704 2052;

tchn) Harlin.

a pair ot rctractahlc aitd htghl) lcthal ntctal clans. l)c\pitc Il\ tllHHCltl) llllL'. .\'-.'lIi-Ii ()rigim: llit/ii'ri/ti' trattxccndx II\ ”“31”“ to pro\ idc a conlidcntl) handlcd action- hloclthtistcr. (ii'rti'ru/ I'l'll'llH’.

Zodiac t 15i O... (”and l‘lllL'llL'l. l'S. 3007i Jakc (i)llCllll(tltl. Mark Rtillalo, Rohcrt Domic) Jr. l57inin. Truc ltlc crintc thrillcr \NlllL'li l’ollous lnxpcctor l)a\id 'I‘osclti thillaloi and alcoholic [titlrllttlhl l’aul Awr} t[)ou.nc§ Jl‘l as the) tr} to tlt\c‘t)\cr thc idcntit} ol the Zodiac killcr. Ax thc qucst rlllll\ thc carccrx ol all lll\t)l\Ctl tn it. San l-‘rancixco ('hroniclc L‘arttmnhl Rohcrt

(int) \ltlllli 1(i) llcnhaali begins to unrawl thc cr)ptic llicxxtthN, THIN poltcc procedural ltitn lL' IN thc .S'i'7i'n director's lnthl adult and inaturc. rathcr than ll|\ moxl cntcrtaining. \xorit to datc. St nit/mm Si rim/ting Rmmi. lat/tithurgli.

.o gorgeous, moving and deeply art...protound and utterly beguiling...”

”SUBLIME...gideo‘n koppel’s record of life in o small welsh community" ionothon romney, the independent on sundoy