
F**K (18) 93min : '|(//‘ [Jr/:1"f.r1 .. I ,. r ._ . ~{ , l, (H ' g \ r vr 1,." i l' ::' .i . I " v I n ”want—n...“ ‘( ‘t ‘I v v I Z: :nnwwn-“ an... E r; ' IL GRIDO " 12 116mm I" ll." I ' ‘i o l (I ) n v) I ‘i " ul ) : 1,.11l'1.., littlrii:il',riii ‘i ~ 5‘; '1 ' . . ';.‘:l iiiwuiiigr- . . w. Mww .. l' 0000 (If; ’l'if,lil'l“lllitl, til i' "‘1' i «I " :l()/).'/ I!‘(”,Ir“lJ"/’ (‘ ll",t)<)..l\,‘ 'l'(":.,‘ 1 v r tiriiiiirtl, 'lfrfjitl‘ rtl‘l- ‘mfii'lw" l '- w 3‘. ;. t i,l:iiti;iliiriiiit tlitit tiv-t (ii-.4; I w .. '1!

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lnmmumtinn ol the Pleasure Dmnp

Film historian. writer, avant-garde underground filmmaker and occultist Kenneth Anger is one of the more interesting indiViduals to have emerged from California's Santa Monica hills in the second hall of the 20th century.

Anger and his work were adored and eulogised by. among others. Jean Cocteau, Dr Alfred Kinsey and The Rolling Stones. but his films have always been surprisingly hard to get hold of for the home viewer. Kenneth Anger: Magick Lantern Cycle (BFI 00000) on Blu-ray and DVD goes some way to rectifying this Situation. Containing much of his short film output from 19A7-81. this is probably as complete a compilation of Anger's slim but seminal oeuvre as we are likely to see. Restored in high definition. Anger's best known films Scorpio Rismg and Luc/fer Rising look fantastic and still hold the power to shock and impress. His debut Fireworks is also a toy. as are art school favourites Eaux d'Ani'face and Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome. Brilliant extras include new commentaries by the great man himself. his 2002 dOCumentary The Man We Want To Hang on the art of Aleister Crowley. a documentary about Anger and an illustrated booklet containing old and new articles by and about Anger. For anyone interested in Anger and his undeniable influence on the greats of world cinema (Scorsese. Lynch and Fassbinder among them) this is a very necessary purchase.

The Film Noir Collection (Glass Key coco ) brings together three rare American noirs. They include excellent 1947 heist thriller Fear In The Night starring a yOung DeForest Kelly (later to make his name as Dr McCoy in Star Trek), 1944 psychodrama Guest in the House. starring the venerable Ann Baxter. and fine crime caper Hollow Triumph, starring Casablanca's Paul Henreid. All these titles are also available to buy separately.

Hellboy/Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (Universal 000 l finally go head to head in a set With a disappomting lack of extras. Predator Quadrilogy (Fox «0 ) brings together the best and worst of this monstrous franchise with diminishing returns. Finally The Michael Haneke Trilogy (ArtifiCiaI Eye om l places three of the Austrian auteur's early polemics up for grabs. They include his 1992 cinematic debut Benny’s Video. a chronicle foretold of youthful dyspepsia and the massacre of innocents. iPauI Dale)

66 THE LIST .‘8 Ma;


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