
Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanneOlist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.


Activities and Fun

FREE Toddler Time In 2‘) Ma}.

I Iain. Kelxrngroxe An (idIIL‘I') it Muxeurn. Arg}le Street. 27!) 950‘) A morning ol \oiigx. SIHl'lt'S and Ill” .\‘o need It) book

FREE Saturday Art Club Sat 30 Ma} & Sat b Jun. l0 30am (ialler) ol Modern Art. Ro}al I:\ehange Square. 237 3050 Art itL'Il\ lllex run b} a diller'ent art edtteatot eat'I) \keek Age\ i I2 Handmade Art Club Tue 2 .Iun & Tue ‘) Jun. 4 hp”) £00 lor ten \xeekx Wextet‘ton Hall. 32 MauerI A\enire. lieatvlett. ”7533 57I 3N). Weekl} all (law to ereate [\l'lllIS. \L‘IIIPIUIL' and paintingx. Agex 7 I2.

Project Ability Evening Art Classes Thu 28 Ma}. £3. ('rarihill Beaeon. 200 BeIIt'oek Street. 5.52 2S22. Vixiial art elaxxex loi )oung people \HIII a thxabiht} and their siblingx. Booking exxential. Doctor Who Activities Sat & Sun untiI Sat 7 No\. lllllL‘\ \ai'). I'r‘ee urth exhibition tieket: £7.50 t£4.50).

Keb ingrm e Art Uilllt'l'} (k Muxeum. Arg}le Street. 27b 05‘)”. A \ar'iet) ol eralt ilL‘IlHIlL‘S and tourx. ('hooxe Iron) I‘antnS} \ Realit}. ('ult ('onuex. I’antax) \ Imagination. Still Searxex. Time Tra\el Tour. ('ult ('ralt and Starx and I’Ianetx Tour.

Latte and Paint Tue 2 Jun & Tue ‘) .lun, I Iain. £4. Tapa (‘ol'l'eehouxo 72I I’oIIokxhaxxx Road. 554 (NSI. Painting aetiVitIex IetI It} littx) IIL'L‘S ('t'aII Studio. FREE Back to the Drawing Board Sun 3| Ma}. 2pm. Mtixeum ol 'I‘r'anxport. Kehin Hall. I lItlltItUllSL' Road. 287 2(i5l. Sketeh some ol the obieetx on dixpla}. FREE It’s a l-loot! Sat it) & Stin 3| May. I Iain. (‘ranhill Beaeon. 200 Bellroek Street. 27b I5‘II. Make a “ISL‘ (MI in a lim ei'eature~making \Htt’k'SllUp. Twit tuool

FREE Family Weekend - Science Weekend Sat 30 & Sun 3I Ma).

I Iain 4pm. Keh ingroi'e Art (iallei'y & Mtixeum. Arg} Ie Street. 27b 059‘). Have a baxh at eonxti'ueting thingx otit ol‘ K'ne\ kll\. ”1"! HI (”theme ('Ittt‘i'l'\tl\"\ .SFU'IU‘!’ I‘i'xlii'tiI

FREE Kelvingrove Museum Nature Club Sat 30 Ma}. I I.30am. Kelvingrox'e Art (iaIIer') & Muxeum. Argyle Street. 27o 950‘). Shou ot‘l' \\ hat _\‘ou'\ e learned \o lar about the man} dil'lerent typex ol' \k‘iIdIiIt‘. .Age\ t' I2

Music for Early Ears Sat 30 Ma} & Sat () Jun. I.30pm it 2.30pm. £ I 2 lor IUUI‘ \xeekx. ('it} IIalIx. ('andleriggx. 353 S000. A tour-xxeek bloek ol' er'eatixe muxie elaxxex I’m young ehildren and their parentx/earerx 1.30pm l'or‘ age 2; 2 lor agex .3 4.

FREE Burrell for Families: Marvellous mosaics Sat (t .ltttt. 2pm. Burrell ('olleetion. 2060 PUIIUkSIttt\\\ Road. 2S7 2550. l'xe the Roman eoekerel litUSith at the Btii'r'eII :tx Ithplrilllttlt for your own inoxaie dexign.


Theatre & Dance

FREE Red Shoes In 20 & Sat .30 Ma); I'ri I.30pni; Sat I.I5pm & 3.45pm. 'l‘ieketed. (‘tti/ens' Theatre. I I‘) (iorbaIx Street. 42‘) 0022. An enehanting retelling ol~ the IIartx ('hrNian Ander\en \tor} prexented tt\ a \i'ork-in-progrexx. Age\ S+. What a Load 01 Rubbish Sat .30 Ma}. I..30pm. £8 (£3.50 £4.50). Platl'orm. The Bridge. I000 \Vexterhouxe‘ Road. Iiaxterhouxe. 27b 05%. A pla) l'or youngsterx about the environment. Agex 5 -I2.

The Singing Ringing Tree Sat 30 May. 2pm. £4.05 (children £4.75). Seottixh Maxk and Puppet (‘entre. S l0 Balearre~ Ayenue. Kelxindale. .330 M85. Folding Theatre ('ompan} retunis \\ ith their mueh- oned glox'e-puppet tale. Age\ 3+.

CuckooOO! Looking Out! Looking In! Tue 2 Sat b Jun. I I I5arn Ltbe Tiarnua}. 25 Albert I)ri\e. 0x45 330 35M An interattixe. rnulti \Cltxtil} iotirne} denxed b\ Vanexxa Rigg tor agex 0 4 '

Iqbal the Child Weaver Sat o .llIlI. 2pm £4 ”5 iehrldren £4 75) Seottixh Maxk and Puppet ('entre. S 10 Balearrex A\enue. Kelundale. 33‘) ()IS5 Sokobaurio IISL'S name and puppetr) to IeII the \tt)t'} (ll lqbaI .\Igt\tlt x\ge\ 3+


Activities and Fun

Mini Movers Thu 23 Ma}. Thu 4 .lun & Thu I I .Iun. Illam. l'lt’SI ehiId £3.50 ladditronal ehildren £3). ()iit ol the Blue Drill Hall. 30 3o I)a|rnen_\ Street. I.eith. 077740 420430. Drop in eteatn e mowment and danee elaxx lor toddler'\ to pre-xehool.

Susan's Art Club l'l'l 2‘) Ma). Hi 5 Jun. I‘ri I2 Jun. In I‘) .Iun & l'l'l 20 Jun. 2pm. £7 lor ()0 min \L‘\\lttlt. St ('atherine'x Arg}ll (‘hureIL (il ()3 Grange Road. (i(i7 722”. Art\ and eraltx lot' S I2- '\ear~oldx.

Wriggle, Rattle and Rhyme Thu 23 Ma). Thu 4 .Itin & Thu I I .Iun. I Iain. £3. ()iit ol' the Blue Drill Hall. 30 V) I)aIn)en_\ Street. I.eith. 555 7Illl. Singing and rhyming lor tots aged 0 5 and their eai'erx.

Drama Club Sat .30 Ma} & Sal () .Iun. Timex Var}. £I i£50p). North Iidinburgh Artx (‘entre. I5a Pennyuell ('ourt. 315 2I5 I. DI'UDIII elaxxex lor agex S l2 tI030am) and 5 S lnoon). Booking evettltal.

Gardening 4 Kids I-‘ri 2‘) Ma) t\' In 5 .lun. Ipm. £I. Bridgend Allotinentx. 4| ()Id Dalkeith Road. ()va 055‘). An intro to horticulture IUI' agex b I0. ('hildren rnuxt be aeeornpanied. Booking t‘xSL‘ItItitl. Arthur’s Secrets Wed 3 .ltin & Wetl It) .lun. Ipm. llt)I_\t'ood Park Iidueation ('entre. I ()ueen'x Drive. 052 b’I5I). Take a \xalk tip Iidinbtirgh'x our) \oleanie plug. Meet at Ilolyrood Park Inlorniation (‘L‘Illl'tfl Agex 8+.

Saturday Morning Craft Workshops Sat 30 May & Sat (i Jun. I0am. £I5. Imagination \Vorkxhop, l3(i Marehinont Road. 4m 0I4S. Make a dil‘ler'ent thing lor _\our rootn eaeh \xeek (30 May ('ooI ('Ioek; (i Jun l.ll\e't()tt\ I.atn ixhade). Ages 7+.

FR E Painted Postcards Sat 30 & Sun 3| Ma). Sat () & Stir) 7 Jun. 2 4pm. National (iallery (‘omple\. The Mound. (i24 (i200. Take inspiration l'rom Turner to ereate a \peeial poxteard. Ages 5+. FREE Jacobites Alive! Strn .3I Ma). I2.45pm. l.45pm & 2.45pm. National Museum ol~ Seotland. ('hamberx Street. 225 7534. (‘otne Iaee to Iaee with a .laeobite elanxnian \\ ith Alba Adventure ('om tan}.

FRE Outdoor Food! Sat 6 Jan.

I Iain. Bridgend Allotmentx. 4| ()Id Dalkeith Road. 604 055‘). llitt'VL'SI l‘rexh ingredientx l'rom the allotment then eook them tip in the outdoor kitehen. Booking exxential. l'nder on must be aeeornpanied.

Marchmont Playgroup Summer Fair Sat (i Jun. 2.30pm. £I l5llpl. St (iilex' (‘hureh. la Kilgraxton Road. I-‘aee— painting. balloons. eral‘tx. home baking. \tallx. storie\ and \lltg-it-Inngx \\ ith Jo Jinglex.

FREE Treemendous Fun! Sat (t Jun. .3pm. Royal Boianie (iarden. 20a Inx'erleith Row. 552 7I7I. Find out all about treex through games and aett\ itiex. Suitable for all ages.

Nature's Pharmacy 3. Folklore Sun 7 Jun. l..30pm. £5 (£3 £3.50). Hopetoun Home. Shore Road. South Queenxl‘err)‘. .3 I9 .3956. Nature walk to find out about natural remedies. l'oIoni ed b} a taxter xexxion. Age\ 8+; under on muxt be aeeompanied. Booking exsential.

Baby Loves Disco Sun 7 Jun. 2pm. £8 (non-walking babies l'ree). (‘om Iixehange. I I New Market Road. 477 .3500. See review

The Legacy of Charles Darwin \lltt 7 Jun. 2 30pm £4 Ro}al Botanu (iartlen. 20a Inxerleith Rou. 24S 2037 Meet wine ot the \\L'll\l and \xontleitiil plant\ that tell the \tor} ot e\olution Booking reeornnientletl

Bobby Roberts Super Circus \ton .S Sun I4 .Iun. £I5 L2llitl2 LIN) RH}.II Highland (‘entre. IIIfJIlSIHII. 335 M200 TIJtIlIIUILtI \ II\II\ \Itim \\IIII miniature [‘(‘IIIL‘S and Iibert} Iti)t\t‘\ The Big Toddle 'I hit I I .Iun. Illairi Ro_\al Botanie (iaitlen. 20a In\erleith Rt)“. 552 ‘I‘I Annual \Iiort \ponxiiretl \\.tIk \lt‘t‘l .tI RI“ iI .\ \l‘llll ( l.ll\' Reghter at

\k\\\\ barnardm org tik 'bigtotltlle or PITUIIC TIN-l5 «()‘lfi‘Ni—i


Transgression Sessions Sat 30 Ma}. Spin £5, 'Ir'anxgrexxion Skate I’aik. ()eean 'I’erriiinal. I eith. 55.5 3255 I l\t‘ name at Ti'arixgrmxion Skate Park (‘heek \\ \\ xi.tranxgrexxiiinxexxiiinx eo tik lor line-up detail\ Agex S4

Theatre & Dance

Bank of Scotland Imaginate Festival I'ntil Mon I .Iun. I'irnex. prieex & \enuex \ai'}. 'I‘ieketx 225 S050


\niiiial te\tr\al piexeiiting e\eeIIent \\\III\I theatre .tIIIIL'xI at ehiltlien and won: .thlIIlS I’Ieaxe \ee

\\\\\\ tinagiitate oig irk lot more inloiiriation. antl \\\\\\ IISI eo iik tot IIIII II\IIII‘._'\


FREE Keith Harvey \at 1o \t.i_\. noon Bottlerx Himkx. Ioit T\IllllJIl\l Retail Park. (\5" bill ('Iiiltlren‘x author Keith Haney til the Iibetim \erte\. drop in tor a meet and greet

FREE Books for Babies \\ul 1 III”. III 30am \ortli | tIiiibiirin \rt\ (entre. I5a I’enninell (hurt. 3I5 .‘ l 5I Storrex. \origx .llI\l rliiiiit'x \\ ith limikxlatt \1't‘\ l) ~1}t‘.tt\ A FREE Robert Muchamore Sat o Inn. 2er llt‘ltlt'l\ Bookx. Ioit l\IIIlI.III\I Retail I'atk. 05 40H \Illk Iiarrioie I.IlIII\IIt‘\ IIIS t)e\\ title. Irl’._"i Itm


Story Space Ihir II liin. Haiti 15 Seotthh Stoutelltng (‘entie. I3 45 High Street. 550 ”52" Stiiiitelliiig' iii the eoriitiaril \\IIII gaiiiex. \thL‘\ and irioxernent to get the iiriaginatioii |llltt‘\ llomng I eil bx ('Iaiie \l\ \ltlll -\ge\

5 ipliix earerxi

,Qih “I m ,I . Oligo'


Corn Exchange, Edinburgh. Sun 7 Jun; Tiger, Tiger, Glasgow, Sun 28 Jun

Given that most small children have a compulsion to dance, it took a long time for someone to come up with the smart idea of a hang-out for dancefloor-addicted tinys. But in a few short years, Baby Loves Disco has grown dramatically to become an international concern with events happening across the US, UK and beyond.

The idea is simple, but effective: take a space - in this case a couple of small ante-rooms at the Corn Exchange - blackout one room, set up those flashing lights, bubble machines and turntables, dish out the random percussion instruments, stick on some serious party tunes and fill it full of excitable 1-7-year-olds. There’s also a chill-out room for when it all gets a bit too much, filled with Gymboree toys and inflatables and room for breathless parents to catch a moment’s respite.

Add on free face painting, healthy snacks (fruit, Organix bars and juice), a bar for the grown-ups and you’ve got a pretty fine way to spend a soggy Sunday afternoon. A note to the musos among you though, the music isn’t strictly disco all the way, the DJ bringing things up to date with a smattering of Girls Aloud and Britney, but for the most part it’s all frighteningly authentic. Think of this as a kind of junior Studio 54 but without the cocaine or nudity. And everyone knows how much fun that

was. (Mark Robertson)

2‘1 Ma, M 27;? TH! LIST 07