
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

>3: Indicates Hitlist entry



253 .-\rg_\le Street. 5(i5 11K)“.

Black Cats and Blue Angels (hill in 2951a}. 7pm. £7 t£5i A series oi solo cabaret pieces spread o\ er the nights periorrned b) a selection ol )tillllg Postgraduate Mtistcal Theatre stttderiis lrorii the RSAMI).

Scratch Moves .\lon I Jun. 7.30pm. l’a} w liai sou cart. Join well known and up-and—coining pcl'lttl'tlich at this special Scratch Night de\oted to phssical theatre. lixe music and iiimemeni.

Contact Jam Sun 7 Jun. 1 4pm. £3. A chance i'or dancers and musicians to jam and collaborate.


3511Satichiehall Street. 352 4000.

Gut l'niil Sat 31) Ma}; 1.15pm. £5 (£3). lt's marriage \erstis i'riendship in ('iaran ('r'uikshank's short play as part ol‘ l'iendish l’loi's lunchtime series. Doors open 1pm. See w w lot‘ It!” details. Ages 12+.

Daisies Tue 2 Sat (i Jun. 1.15pm. £5 (£3). Lunchtime drama by Lisa Nicol] about wishing upon a star. Doors open lpiii. Ages 12+. See preview. page ()1. Fairy Dog Tue 9 Sat 1.3 Jun. 1.15pm. £5 (£31. Karen Bar'cla} 's short play abottt tw'o women's iatel'ttl journe} tip a mountain. Doors open 1pm. Ages 12+. Sec [Wm iew. Pttgc U l.

I CITIZENS’ THEATRE I l‘) (iot‘hals Slt‘ccl. 42‘) 0022.

Ghosts O... l'ntil Sat .30 Ma)". * 7.30pm. £0.50 £17. The ('iti/ens’ ('oinpan) takes on one oi‘ llenrick lbsen's most conirmer'sial works: a l'ascinating portrayal ol~ a lamiI} haunted by reVelaiions ol' the moral cori'upiions in its past. Signed on Thu 28 Ma}; See reView', page ()1 .

Titus '

FIE! LIPA Up North Acting Showcase Thu 28 .\la_\ 1.30pm. Tickeied. lind oi )c‘ar showcase irotn iinal )ear acting students at l.i\erpoo| Institute i'or l’erlormmg .-\rts. Tickets Irolli 07754 213632.

Red Shoes in 2‘) is Sat in .\la_\ See Kids listings.

The Hot Mikado Wed 10 Sat 13 Jun 7.3(1pm tSat mat 2.3(iprni. £111. (Mimi and Sullnan's classic send-tip oi I'lit Milan/n is periorrned b} students oi the Musical Theatre course l'roin The Dance School ol Scotland.


() l'nisersit) Axenue. 3.30 5522. Company l'ntil Sat 3(151a}. 7.30pm. £11) (£7i. Stow aw a}s presents Stephen Sondheirn's musical corned) about to e couples and their mutual l'rtend Bobb}.


297 Bull] Street. 0870061) N343.

Le Grande Cirque Fantazie 1'iitil Suit .31 Ma}. 7.3(1pm; lt‘ri 5pm is Spin; Sat 2.30pm & 7.30pm; Suit 2.30pm. £11)- £30. An international cast of world champion acrobats and jugglers pct'lor‘itis teats _\oti ne\er thought possible in this theatrical circus show. Ages 5+. Ouadrophenia Tue 2 —Sat (i Jun. 7.30pm tSat mat 2.3(ipini; l-‘ri 5.30pm is 8.30pm. £15 £32. The album-turned-iiliii now turns into a musical and hits Scottish stages on its sis-month tour. l-our actors 1R)an ()‘l)onnell. Jack Roth. (ieorge Maguire and Rob Kendricki share the lead role of Jimm} while Sydne) Rae White is ‘The (iirl'.

Shaolin Warriors: Legends of Kung-Fu Mon S at Tue 9 Jun. Spin. £1‘).5()-£2(i. llailittg i'rom (‘hina. tltis internationall} acclaimed production mixes kung-l’u with theatre.

Puccini: Turandot Tim I 1 Jun. See ('lassical listings.


73177.35 (ireai Western Road. 357 (£00. For all A Play. a l’ie & a l’int / ('lassic ('uts performances. the plat} starts at 1.()5pm arid ticket price includes a pie and drink.

A Play, a Pie & a Pint: According to Ben l’ntil Sat 30 Ma); 12.30pm. £7~£12.5(). Founding Father Benjamin Franklin shares a few secrets with its in

l’l’l’ stalwart John Iiclts iiew pla} Classic Cuts: Medea Mon 1 Sat o Jun 12 3tlprn £2 £12511 ()ran \lor's summer season oi strippeddown cl.i\\l\ s. lll\KIllcllcl.t\\1cl‘l.i}\ttlclUlllIcSSl} chopped to 45 minutes to iit tlte lengtli oi time it takes .‘““ to eat sour lunch. returns with I‘tll‘ll‘tdt‘s traged} oi riiairiar'clial re\enge. adapted 1‘) l’add} ('tiniieen See pre\ iew. page ”11

Classic Cuts: Lady Windermere's Fan .\lon S Sat 1 3Jun 12 311pm

£2 £12 .511 Shakespeare's credo that 'br‘ent} is the soul oi wit‘ is ptit to the test as ()scar \Vrlde's tnar‘ital satire is adapted to iii into 45 minutes h} \lichael l‘or'd. See prex iew. page ”it


l2l Rcillicld Street. .552 l.\4(i

The Naked Truth Thu 1 1 Sat 1 3 .lim 2.311pm. Sat Spin £15 £1.\‘ 511i£1t~ 511i (‘omed_\ hour the w riter oi (ii/i’x' \ie/ir ()ul. about a group oi women struggling to conquer pole dancing tor a charit_\ e\ent. with hilarious results Starting 1 isa Rile}. :\hi Trlrnuss and Il'lltllt' (ioodw in


The lit‘ldgc. lllllil \Vcslci'ltoltsc Road. littSIL‘l‘littllst'. 22,20 ()(i‘Ni

What a Load of Rubbish Sat to .\la_\. See Kids listings

Story of a Family (and Everyday Things) Tue 2.1tin. 111.3t1am & 1.311pm. £3 (£3.50 £4.511i. .-\ look at laiiiilies. iii all their shapes and loi‘ins. though the

C} cs ol ti child. Ages 111+. I’ttl'l HI I/it' “(III/s of St otlum/ [miter/rule l't'\/lltll. The Tragical Life of Cheeseboy Wed 3 Jun. 1.30pm. £S (£351) £4511). We're promised ‘()edipus ineets lidwai‘d Scissorhands’ iii this tale ol a despoiident ho} whose home planet has melted into l'ondue. Ages 10+. l’ttrt of [/I(' ”(III/s of Sent/tutti Inrttertitilt' I't'srii'til.


()8 Ingram Street. 54S 3444.

Titus Andronicus I'l'l 2‘) Ma} Sat o Jun (not Suni. 7.30pm. £(i £0 i£3 £5i. Sliakespe‘ar'e"s gor‘} tale oi Romans \er'stis (ioths is presented b) Strathclsde Theatre Group.


2 Sattcliieliall Street. .35.3 soon. Derren Brown Thu 4. Hi 5 is Sun 7

The Strathclyde Theatre Group takes on Shakespeare’s gory early tragedy, Titus Andronicus, which depicts the bloody running battle between the titular Roman

general and his mortal enemy, Tamora, Queen of the Goths, and her devious sons. The production features Mark Coleman as Titus, Frankie MacEachen as Tamora, and Natalie Clark as Lavinia. I Rams/torn Theatre. Glasgow. Fri 29 May—Sat 6 Jun (not Sun).

92 THE LIST 28 May—i 1 Jun 2009

.lim 2 3itprri S01 1) U1 1 licrren Brown plass ttiirid gariies with his audience and himseli rising r‘sscliiilogs. illusion and show tiianship and then hopeiiills e\plairis how he did ll \ges 12o


l”H Rt'llllt‘“ \llt't'l. :2‘.‘ 21122

Dying for Itl titrl \al 311 \la) 2 31lpiii {.5 tun \drian (lsriiond directs \loiia litriiini's adaptation oi \ikolai l-rdmati‘s lit. \zirt rift . a itagr coriieds about situations where oiiiiig orieseli is the onls rational response


1-innieston ()tia}. ”SW 1141! Joint Magic of the Musicals Sat in .\1a_\ 2 311pm £ 12 \ \L'ILKIIUII oi the i'iiiesi and best lo\ ed songs and dances hour the most sticcessitil “est 1 rid musicals oi all time. periorrned 1w \I.lllll\L‘ ('larke atid (‘atrie 1 His

Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version 0! The War of the Worlds Illll l 1 .Illll Si‘lll £41 5” £55 lake coxet it's the original iptog rock: score tor the IN} \\ells riosel adaptation. periorrned lr\e

I THEATRE ROYAL 2S2 Hope Slim-i.llS2lllltilltih-12 Scottish Opera: Cosi tan Tutte Illll 23 Va) t\ Sal 311.\l,t} See (‘lassical lISIlligs Scottish Opera: Manon I'll 2" \las is Stiti 31 .\la_\. See ('lassical listings

A View From the Bridge Mon

1 Sat (i .ltiii 2 311pm 1 Thu .\ Sat riiat 3, illpllll. to £oo Kt‘ll Stott. \lau l:|i/.ibetli .\I.i\ll.tlilttllttt and |la_\le} :\iwe1| star in :\l'llltll \Illlchs iaieliil stor'} ol Izddie and the tiiiiaselling oi his ll\clllitttid. See [\tt‘\ Ic\\. PdgL‘ ”ll Cinderella on Ice Iltt‘ ‘1 Sat I K .Illll. 2.311pin i\\ed t\ Sat mai 2 3Hprni £5 £34511. ('iriders dances through her eternal struggle to meteorite those nasis stepsisters and get ilie riiaii oi her dreams. this time on ice. t‘ttllllt'S} ol the Imperial lce Stats


25 Albert l)ri\e. (LS-15 Ht) 351ll. CuckooOO! Looking Out! Looking In! The 2 Sat o .Itlll. See KItIS listings. Maria-Magdalena Illlt 4 Sat o Jtiii 2.30pm. £12 i£Si. I'ollowiiig on lroin .Uttrrir-Ihi/o/i‘s'tlll’lf(1/’1I\ll'. ‘l‘t‘amwa'x presents the [Is premiere ol the Itillgr;i\\;illctl third part oi \Vaut Il'llllli‘S ir'ilog}. .iliirtti Hirer/ulnar. Sec pt'e\ IL‘\\. ptigc 011.

The Tragical Life of Cheeseboy I‘l'l 5 Jun. 2pm. £2 i£5i. See (ilasgow. l’latiorm.


(i3 'l‘r'ongate. 552 42(i7.

floors .0 Hull Sat 0 .ltiii (not Sun/Mont. 7.311pnitSat inat 2.31lptni.

L ill U4 1U) £ I”). This litill} *;i\'~;tllt'tl new work b} (iregor') Burke is a dar'kl) humorous portrait oi a group oi l'ile 311 somethings caught tip iii a w edding gone seriousl} aw r_\.

The Allotment '1 hit ZS Sat to Ma}. 7.3tipm. U). The It'titLS adult ctillilllllllll} workshop shows its green lingers in Lawrence ('r‘aw lord's tale ol gardening iii (ilasgow.

The Manifesto Stiii 31 Ma}. Spin. £5 t£3i. l’olitikal kabaret night hosted b} Tam l)eari Burn. leatur'ing exerwthing lrorn li\ e music to short theatre perlormances.

Rehearsal Room 15 Mon 1 Wed t Jun. 7.30pm. £o t£4i. Stellar ()tiines 'l'heatre (‘ompam returns w ith a rexamped \ersion oi' their Rehearsal Run/II series. lusing well established artists with i'resh ialeiit to present three contrasting p1a_\s and draw )ott closer to the deseloping process through the opportunit} to witness rehearsals. ask questions and gise sour own ieedback. Vision / Aria Thu 1 1 Sat 13 Jun. 7.30pm. £6 i£4i. Stories of line and obsession b} Pala/lo 'l‘heaire. loosel) based on A Lover’s I)I\('llllr\(’ ti'ragmentsi b} Roland Barthes.

- ”7 w-v‘." ".‘i" Mi—