

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Norman Chalmers.

=l< Indicates l-litlist entry


I Nathan Rogers St .-\ndrew's in the Square. St Andrew‘s Square. 559 5902. 8pm. £8 (£6). 'I‘raditional and original music mixing folk. blues. country and rock. from the guitarist son of (‘anadian folk singer Stan Rogers.


FREE Live Music Now National (iallery (omples. lhe Mound. 624 6200. 6 6 30pm. ( Iaisach player Jennilet Port performs plays pieces on the theme ol tt'ayel.

I Stretch Dawrson 8. the Mending Hearts Queen ('harlotte Rooms. Qtteen (‘harlotte Street. l.eith. 555 6660. 7.30pm. £l0 (£8.50). (iet on down to Scotland's only Western Swing band. I’III'I III'I/III I.III!/I I'IIs'IIt'IIl.

I Sylvain Ayite lso Bar. Bernard Street. l.eith. 467 8904. 8pm. £5. Guitarist. singer and songwriter. Ayite was born in Senegal from a (ihanaian father and (‘ape Verdian mother. liyes in l.eith. and sings in his natiye Wolof. and in French. Portuguese ('reole and linglish. I’III‘I (II-Illt‘ I.IIIIII I'I’.\‘II\‘(l/.


I Balkanarama The Arches. Midland Street. 565 l()()(). 9pm 3am. £6. Night of gypsy/Balkan/kle/mer madness. film. visuals and live music featttring Black (‘at. lirdogan ()rkestar. belly dancers and Balkan heats I)Js.

I Neil Wilson llillhead Baptist Church. (‘resswell Street. 339 I588. 9pm. £9 (£7). The (‘lassical guitarist performs some popular classics and world tnusic. including works by Bach. Albeniz. de l’alla. tango master l’iauolla and more. Part (III/III llI's‘! [27H] I'II.\‘II\‘II/.

I Voyage De Nuit ()ran Mor. (Treat Western Road. 357 6200. 9pm.

£10 £12.50. A dynamic. imaginatiye union of traditional (‘eltic music. flamenco and Ian. bringing together members of French flamenco-jun outlit A/ulejos. with Scots/Brazilian bassist Mario (‘aribe and lidinbut‘gh/lrish singer and flute player Nuala Kennedy and her Trio. The Scottish Arts ('ouneil sponsors this as part of their Tune l'p touring presentation. I’III'I III'I/II' ll'I'sI Iz‘IIII I'I’s'lit‘Ill.


I African Melodies Fundraiser The Lot. (irassmarket. 225 9922. 7.30pm. £10 (£8). A night of African music. jit. guitar. dance and song from Xiiiibahwe and Scotland. starring legendary ‘Bhundu Boy‘ Rise Kagona with Scotland’s hlueser ('hampion Doug Veitch. plus thumb-piano gang lidinmbira and special guest limily Hall. I Bluetlint, Andy Lang 8. The Well, Dream Tobacco and Inge Leith Dockers (‘luh. Academy Street. Leith. 8pm. £7. l)ancey bluegrass/country-rock line-up. I’III'I (III/10 I.IIII/I I'IIsIIt‘IIl. FREE Spangleshifters 'l‘he (‘ompass Bar. Queen (’harlotte Street l.eith. 554 I979. l()pm. (ontemporary lolk. I’ II” III (III I.II III/I lI’.\IIl(l/.


I Fundraising Ceilidh Dance (‘orn lixchangc. Main Street. 429 0022. 7.30pm. £6.50 (£4; under 5s free). Night of Use music and dancing to raise funds for the liast l.othian (‘are 8; Repair (‘haritable Trust which was set tip to help

Folk Music.

elderly & disabled folk experiencing financial hardship. BYQB and nibbles. (‘all 0l620 828437 or email careandrepaireastlothian.co.uk for tickets.


FRE Ceilidhs at Lauries l auries Bar. King Street. 552 7l23. 8pm. the Riverside ('eilidh dances have a new residency at Lauries.

I Cheyenne Brown & Seylan Baxter and Strathclyde Pipe Band Quartet (‘ollege of Piping. ()tago Street. 334 3587. 8pm. £8 (£6). Songs and harp and cello in contemporary settings of traditional tunes and songs. I’III'I (II-[[10 Wm! Iz'ItIl I'I’.\'II\‘III.

I Scottish Samba Showcase 4 Queen Margaret l'nion. l7niyersity (iardens. 339 9784. 9pm. £8 (£6). SambaYaBaInba add hreakbeat. rappers and drum 8; bass to the mix. plus Mtiluketu. the Behado I)Js and friends. I’III'I (II-IIN’ llI’sI IfIII/ I'I’.\'II\'II/.


I Scottish Fiddle Orchestra Festival Theatre. Nicolson Street. 529 6000. 7.30pm. £9 £2]. An evening of

jigs. reels. strathspeys. walt/es. songs

and slow airs. conducted by John Mason and compered by Jim Mc('oll of 'I‘IIII BI'III'IIgI‘IIt'I' (Ian/I'll.

I Voyage De Nuit The Bongo (‘luh. Moray House. llolyrood Road. 558 7604. 7.30pm. £l(). Sec l’ri I2.

I Balkanarama The llMV l’icture House. Lothian Road. ()844 847 I740. 9pm 3am. £7 before l0.30pm; £9 alter. Midsummer special eight-piece gypsy hrass hand lirdogan ()rkestra. Balkan female choir Kuchke. liye jam sessions (at 9pm). Balkan films. dancers. Black (‘at and a fusion of fusion. electro. reggae. gypsy. punk and more from 1)] ()ne.

Sunday 14


I Orkestra Del Sol ()ran Mor. (ireat Western Road. 357 6200. 7pm. £l()~£l2.5(). linergetic world music from Scotland. incorporating samba. gypsy polka. carniyal anthems. Slayic waltzes and calypso. I’I III III the “I s/ I III]


I From Russia with Lev (‘afe (‘ossachok. Russian (‘ultural (‘cntre. Albion Street. 553 0733. 9pm. £6. Russian. classical and gypsy IneloLlies from superb Violinist l.cy Atlas.


I Arbelos and Kitchen Stools The l’leasance (‘aharet Bar. l’leasance. 650 2458. 7.30pm. £5 (£4). l-‘olk/prog/rock Arhelos launch their new (‘1) Songs- III' .Il/HII/II 'x (III/(ll'flll.

FREE Dagda Folk Session Dagda Bar. Buccleuch Street. 667 9773. 7.30pm. ()pen session.

I The Edinburgh Originals and Rantum Scantum Queen (‘harlotte Rooms. Queen ('harlotte Street. Leith. 555 6660 7 30pm. £7. 50 (£6) Traditional tunes and Atnericana I’ III! III IIIII l.I IIII II .sIIt III.

I Tam White’s Shoestring Band and The Last Tree Leith Dockers (‘lub. Academy Street. l.eith. 7.30pm. £l(). Modern jazz-blues from legendary yocalist Tam White. backed by ace harmonica player l‘raser Spiers and Neil WardLn on guitar I’ III! III IIIII II IIII

II slit III.

Monday 1 5


FREE Mygaelic.com at WEF Brel. Ashton Lane. 342 4966. 7.30pm. The (iaelic w ehsitc hosts a night of liyc music featuring singers Maeyc Mackinnon and James (irahI tlll - with the mygaeliL. com house band I’ III! III IIIII llII s! I.IIII II .\IIl(l/.


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1 1-25 Jun 2009 THE LIST 85