
situations and cxplicit humour. (ii'm'm/ I‘t'lt'uw.

Hannah Montana - The Movie it‘i O tPctcr (’hclsom. l'S. 2009i .\lilc} ('_\'rus. Billy Ra} (‘}i'iis. liinil} ()smcnt. llllmin. This ncw adwntut‘c comcd) shim s hon- thc rising starlct dcals \\ ith lamc. \Vli}. hy hanging out \\ ith a hunch ot' rcdnccks in 'l‘cimcsscc and rcalising “hat mattcrs most. ol' cottt'sc. Ahsolutc c‘t‘ttd. Si’lt'i‘lt'i/ I‘i’lt'uu'. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince t IDA) (David Yatcs. l’K. 300‘)! Scc Also Rclcascd. pagc 4‘). (iwu'm/ ri'lmst'. Hotel for Dogs (U 0. i'l‘hor lircudcnthal. l‘S/(icrman). 2009i liinina Rohcrts. Lisa Kudrtm. Jakc 'l‘ Anstiii. 09min. ()rphancd sihliiigs turn lliCll' ncxs l'ostci‘ hoiiic into a dog rctrcat. (‘utc lamil) coincd} hascd on thc nchl h_\' l.ois Duncan. undonc h} lamc dialoguc and htil'l'oonish adult pcrl‘ormanccs. liu' I'ftliiilmrgli ()i'nui. I'ftli'IiImrg/i.

Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs tl'i 0.. ((‘ai'los Saldanha/ .\likc 'l‘hurincicr. l'S. 2000i Voiccs of Simon chg. Scann William Scott. John l.cgui/aiiio. (Bruin. l.ilc is changing for Sci'at. .\lann}. lillic and co in man) dit‘lcrcnt \\;t)s in this thc latcst installmcnt of popular animatcd scrtc's. (it'lti'l‘u/ I'¢'/('u.s('.

In the Shadow of the Moon Wt 00.. (Dasid Sington. l'ls'. loom Bti/l Aldrin. Alan Bcan. litigcnc ('crnaii. ltltliiiin. ’l'his cxhilarating British-inadc doctinicntar) ahout thc Amcrican lunar programmc of thc l‘)(i()s and 7()s spliccs togcthcr tascinating. unsccii archis c i'ootagc \\ ith llllL‘t'\ icxs s \\ ith most of thc slli'\‘l\ ing astronauts t.\'cil Armstrong csccptcdi. It's a poignant rcinindcr that sincc thc last lunar landing in 1972. mankind has tnrncd its lahours iimards in a horrihly scllldcstrtictis c iiianiicr. I'i/rii/imm'. lat/inburu/i.

Kambakkht Ishq l 13m iSahir Khan. India. 2009) Aksha) Kumar. Sylxcstcr Stallonc. 125mm. Action coincd) ahout an Indian stunt man in llollsxsood. Svlu'ii-il I'(’/('(l.\(’.

Katyn t l8) 0... (Andr/cj \Vajda. Poland. 2007i Artur Zniijcu ski. .\laja ()stas/cxs ska. Andr/cj ('h) ra. l liS'inin. \ctcran Polish lilmiiiakcr \Vaida cxamincs thc 19-“) Sm ict slaughtcr ol' thousands ol' Polish olliccrs and citi/cns in thc K;it_\n l-‘orcst through thc €st oi' ol‘l'icci‘ Andr/cj Mimic“ ski) and his \s'ii‘c Anna (()stas/cwskai. with scnstltVll) and a \cr) particular Polish litiiiianisni. film/mun: Edinburgh.

A Kind of Loving 1 Hr 0000 (John Schlcsingcr. l'K. l‘lhli Alan Batcs. Junc Ritchic. 'l‘hora llird. 103mm. 'l‘his adaptation of Stan Barstoss 's popular nos cl l'octiscs on Northcrn draughtsinan .\'ic Brown (Batcsi. “ho is l'orccd to marr} his attractisc-htit-dull girll‘i‘icnd Ingrid (Ritchici \shcn shc uncxpcctcdl} lalls pi'cgnant. .\'ic soon has to L‘ltoosc hctss L‘cn ltis dcsit‘cs and ltis rcsponsihilitics. Part of thc British .\'c\\ “are scason. I'llniIiuust'. Ifiliii/Jiirg/i.

King and Country i I.s’i (Joscplt l.U\L‘}. l'K. 1904i Tom (‘ourtcna_\. Dirk Bogai'dc. 86min. Not a million milcs aisa} irom l.osc‘)"s oun liliii 'l'lit' .S't'ri'iuit. this WWI mm ic also pla)s thc class card. ('otii'tcna} is a \s'orking-class dcscrtcr \sliosc dilcmma compromiscs thc lihcral olticcr iBogai‘dci assigncd to dclciid him at his court martial. A ltlllc loo tln-L‘lttctttttlic. l’al'l ol' Joseph I.osc_\' scason. Him/must: lat/iiiliiu'gli.

=i< Lake Tahoe 1 12A. 0000 tl'ici’nando liimhckc. .\lcxico. 2008i l)icgo ('atano. llcctor llcrrcra. Danicla \‘alcntina. Slmin. Scc rcricxs. pagc 47. (ilmguii' I’ilni 'I'lii'uin'. (ilusgmi‘.

Last Chance Harvey 1 12m 00

tJocl llopkins. IS. 2008) Dtistiii lloll‘man. limma 'l‘hompson. Ulmin. A loungc hai' mccting hct“ ccn crtimplcd llar\‘c_\' Shinc (Hoffman). a [S htisincssman arrix ing at llcathroxs' on a trip to his daughtci"s \scdding. \sith los clorn hut mothcr- dominatcd Katc Walkcr t’l‘hoiiipson i. ti'iggci's somc drah i'om-coiii shcnanigaiis that surclx onl) thc most out-ol-totich could lind I palatahlc. 'l‘his supposcd comcd) romancc i'aiscs tic“ laughs and ol‘lci's a trtil} hi/ari‘c scrial-killci' stihplot. “hich docsn't lit tlic lic}ltcss til. lltc pi'ojcct, l“ CC itttd \ilillllSL‘tl sttil‘l'. l'ilIii/iuiisi'. I'fili'iiliiu‘g/i.

Let the Right One In t ISi COO.

i'l’homas Allt‘cdsoit. Ssscdcn. Zlillxi Karc llcdchi‘ant. l.ina l.candcrsson. Pci‘ Ragiia. l l-liiiin. Adaptcd l'i'om his dchtit nox cl h}

Sucdisli horror \H'llL‘l' John Ap idc l.indq\ ist.

this chilling coming ol' agc stoi‘) hi'cathcs ncu lilc into a tii'cd \anipirc gcnrc. lt's thc carI) [Visits in llic Stockholm suhurh ol' Blackchui‘g and a lilc-clianging li‘lL‘lidSlllp is struck hctuccn loncl} l2-_\car-old ()skar illcdchranti and palc ncxscomcr lili il.candcrssoni. A \sork ot‘ nnancc. sophistication and caltttncss thc hlood soakcd poctr} oi' “inch is not cas} to t'orgct. (Mum A! Iii/Iv Quilt. (ilusgmi.

Look Back in Anger l ISi i'l'ons Richardson. l'ls'. 1950i Richard Burton. ('laii'c Bloom. (Ear) R;i_\moiid. llltliiiin. Burton is thc iti'L‘liL‘lHittl ‘angrs )oting man‘ in thc lilm \crsion of John ()shoui‘nc‘s groiiiid-hrcaking p|a_\. llc storms his ua) through thc dialoguc. dclixcring hlistci'ing diati’ihcs against thc iiiiddlc-classcs and thc \sorld in gcncral. ()l~ coui‘sc. much ol it is datcd titm. hut \\ c can still tap into ilic passion. Part of tlic British .\'c\\ “as c scason. Film/must: lat/iltlmi'g/i.

Looking for Eric 1 Hr COO iis'cn

l.oach. l'ls'. 200‘)! Stc\c li\cts. liric (’aiitona.

Stcphanic Bishop. l-loinin. Shot \sitliout l‘rills. this scntimcntal. l'ccl good coincd} is much lcss conspicuousl} political than l.oach‘s prc\ iotis lilms. lt ccnti‘cs tipoii protagonist lii'ic Bishop ilisctsi. a middlc- agcd Mancunian postman. “ho is pi'onc to panic attacks. (ia/ing tip mic night ox cr a splill at a hcdroom postci‘ ol' ('aiitona. liric is aina/cd to scc thc l‘rcnchiiian appcai'. and ('antoiia procccds to act as a lil'c coach to thc miscd-iip liric. ('iinii'u. Iii/iii/iurg/i. Modesty Blaise iP(ii O... lJoscpli low}, l‘ls'. mom .\lonica \'itti. Dirk Bogardc. ‘lcrcncc Stamp. 1 10mm. Aiiiidst a \scltcr ol~ sill} ()(l\ comic strip capcrs. this l}plc‘ttll} titllt'c l.U\C_\ cl'l'oi't slill sccltts a \scirdic. Starring glacial Aiitoiiioiii rcgulai‘ \‘itti as thc cpon} mous hcroinc us ing to stop Bogai'dc‘s caiiipci‘ than camp criminal mastcrmiiid l'i'om taking ox ci‘ tlic \Hil'ltl. it’s lhc \sondci‘lul op-art scts and dclightlull} datcd costuiiicric that still hold tlic itllL‘lillttli. Part ol Joscph l.osc} scason. l'ilnilinim'. [Jilin/Hugh.

* Momma’s Man 1 lSi 0000 l.'\/;t/L‘l Jacohs. l’S. 2003i .\latt Borcn. Kcii Jacohs. Richard lidsoii. 98min. .\lood). touching and ultiinatcl} mm ing c‘ttlliL‘tl} drama ahout onc man's attciiipt to rcconncct \\ ith his adolcsccnt scll~ on a di'au n out \ isit to his parcnis housc. l.o\\ hiidgct gcm hcholdcii of sonic \cr} uni\crsal truths and concci'ns. l'l/Hl/IUHH’. [Jilin/Hugh.

Moon 1 l5! 0... (Duncan Joiics. l'ls'. 2003i Sam Rocksscll. ls'cxin Spacc}. Doiiiiniquc .\lclilligott. 07min. Scc pi'c\ic\s. pagc «lo and rcx icss. pagc .18. Sv/i'i‘ii'il I't'll'tlu'.

My Sister’s Keeper i 12A» ifs‘ick (‘assa\clcs. l‘S. 2000i (‘aiiicroii Dial. Alcc Balduin. Ahigail Bi'csliii. l()‘)iiiin. \Vlicn tlic daughtcr ol' scciiiingl} pci'lcct parcnts Sara iDia/i and Brian iPati'ici rcqucsts not to carr} on \sith thc mcdical donations that kccp hci' lctikaciiiia sti‘ickcn sistci‘ ali\ c lllC} arc l'oi'ccd to dcal \\ ith sonic dccp moral and cthical tiucstions. 'l'cai' icrking adaptation ol' Jodi Picotilt's popular nos cl. (it'm'm/ It’lt'HH'.

Nancy Drew «Ho 0 tAitdt‘c“ l-‘lcining. l‘S. 2007i linima Rohci'ts. Josli l'ilittci'. .\las 'lliici'iot. Racliacl l.cig|i (‘ook. ‘Nmin. llast} updatc of thc \ciici'ahlc tccnagc gtiiiishoc littllc‘lilsc. iii \shich l-lcming nim iscl} attciiipts to ramp tip tlic charm ol ('ai'iilsii ls'ccnc's old-lashioiicd gal h} thi'oxsing hcr into gliII} iiiodci'n-da) l.A. Dcspitc lltc pct‘ks ol :1 polisltcd studio production. .\‘um'i l)ri'ii l‘ccls unloriiicd. hollms and \acuotis. lint/tin (JUIt’I’tI/lk. ('luli'liiuik.

National Treasure: Book of Secrets tl’( it 0. (Jon 'I‘ni‘tcltauh. l'S. 2007i Jiistiii Bartha. '1‘) Marc”. Nicolas (‘agc. IZJmin. lischaiigc thc i'cligiotis suh- plot l'roin 'I'lit' l)ii lint-i" (‘m/i' \sith sonic spurious hlathcr ahotit thc histor} ol' thc l'S ('onstittition and son ha\ c thc succcssl'ul l'oi'mula l'oi' tlic .\‘uliu/iu/ 'Ii'z'iisiiri' l'ranchisc. 'l‘hc sccoiid instalmciit has adscntni'cr Bcn (iatcs ((‘agci chasing around \ai‘ious

\soridss idc tourist traps \shilc dodging thc attcntions ol‘ his risal .\litch Wilkinson lllat‘l’isl. 'l‘ltc slittt'cd ohjcct till lltL‘it' dcsit'c is a scini-iiisthical tomc that supposcdl} contains thc diarics ol cxcr) Amcrican prcsidcnt. Rcttii'ning dii'cctor 'l‘urtcltauh's scr\ iccahlc adxcnturc i'cattircs a constant cscalation ol action. htit thc ciidlcss clicci'lcading l‘oi' Amcrica pro\ cs tircsomc. limp/Tr (‘lulv/nuik. ('lult'lnuik.

New Town Killers l Hi .0.

(Richard Johson. l’K. 2008i l)ougi‘a_\ Scott. Jamcs Pcarsoii. 98min. Scan tPcarsoni i‘cluctantl} agrccs lo pla} a siiiistcr gaiiic of tag \\ ith a pair ol' prixatc hankci‘s. ll hc can cuidc his pni'sncrs t'or ll hours oxci‘night hc'll \sin {llllllllz it" hch caught. hc quickl} dlsL‘t)\ L‘t‘s l0 ltls littt'l'tit'. ltc \Mtti'l scc lltc morning light. Johsoii's lidinhui'gh-sct crcdit crunch thrillcr makcs csccllcnt iisc ol thc cit). shooting in thc nooks and crannics hctn ccn its o\ crl_\ laiiiiliai‘ picturc postcard \ icss s. \iu' Iii/iiiliiirg/i ()ni/ii. Iii/iii/iui'uli. New York 1 ISA) tls'ahir Khan. India. 2()()‘)i John Ahrahani. Ri/u an Alxi. 127mm. l‘isli- out-oi-“atci' culturc clash Boll} \sood L‘Ulttcd} lltt‘lllL‘t'. (itltt'ti‘iu'lt/ Rt'It/I‘t'ti .S'll‘i't’l. (i/iiwmi.

Night at the Museum 2 mm 0.0 iShaxsn Ln}. l'S. 2009i Bcn Stillcr. Am} Adams. ()ucn \Vilson. 104mm. Sill} htit cnjosahlc sctlticl to 3()()(i coiiicd). Bcn Stillcr's night \satchman joins charactcrs l'rom thc lirst lilm in a hattlc to sa\ c thc Smithsonian muscum. (ii'iii'm/ l'('/('(l\('. North By Northwest d’( it .0000 iAlli'cd llitclicock. l'S. WSW (‘ai's (irant. li\c .\laric Saint. Jaincs .\lason. .\lartiii Landau. lfitimin. Hitchcock‘s c\ ci‘gi‘ccn 105‘) llil'lllL‘l' starring (‘ai's (irant. Jatncs Mason and Jim .\laric Saint on a ncss digital print. I'i/ni/iuim'. lat/iii/iiiru/i.

Paris Nous Appartienti l:.'\l 00.0 iJacqiics Ri\cttc. l‘rancc. l‘)(i()i Bctt} Sc‘ltiicldc‘l'. l)l;llit lisptislltt. l-llltilll. Stccpcd in a mood ol' (’old \Vai‘ paranoia. \\ hich atiiiosphcricall} tinl'olds in a sci'ics ol' l.cl't littnk Citl'LI‘s. littsclttclils and c‘llc‘dp llUlL'l rooms. Bctt} Sclincidcr's litcrattii'c studcnt hccomcs cmhroilcd in thc hohcmian cii'clc oi~ lici' cldci' hi'otlici”s iricnds. onc ol \shom has coiiimittcd siiicidc. l.ah)i‘iiithiiic‘ plotting and rcams ol dialogtic crcatc a dcmanding \satcli. csploring thc l'ltiid houndarics hctnccn ‘rcalits‘ and artilicc. Part or La .\'ou\cllc \agtic scason. (i/iisgim l-i/ni 'I'lii'tilri'. (i/iisguii.

The Private Lives of Pippa Lee I lSi O. iRchccca .\lillcr. l'S. 2008i Rohin Wright Pciin. Blakc list-l}. Alan Arkin. 98min. SL‘C Alst) RL‘lCitst. [thc‘ 4‘). (itlu'iini‘li/ Ni'lt/l'i'ii .\‘Il't't‘l. (i/tlwuii .‘ (‘tlHH'lk I'filiIi/iurg/i.

The Proposal l 12m 0. t:\litlL‘ l-lctchcr. l'S. letl‘h Sandra Bullock. R};tll Rc)nolds. .\lai'} Stcciilnirgcn. l()7min. Scc i'c\ icu. pagc 4‘). (ii'iii'm/ H'lt'tlH' 1mm Bid 33 ./ii/.

* Public Enemies I IS: 0000 i.\licliacl .\lanii. l‘S. 2000i Johnn) Dcpp. (‘hi'istian Balc. .\larion ('otillai'd. l-limin. Dcpp is t_\pic;ill) iiicsnicrising as dcprcssion- ci‘a hank rohhcr John Dilliiigci‘. a l'olk lici'o to a discnchantcd pnhlic. and iiumhcr onc tai'gct olJ lidgar llom cr's l‘lcdgling liBl. .\laiiii's gripping hand-hcld st} lc and i'cal locations hciglitcii tlic anthcnticit} and immcdiac} and o\ ci'coinc iiiinoi' nigglcs. such as thc occasional distortion ol' histoi'}. tor a

po\\ ci‘l'ul rcstilt as .\lanii docs \\ hat hc docs lk‘sl. (it’lti'ru/ I'('/t’tl\t’.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show tl5i 0... (Jim Shariiian. l'ls'. l‘lTSi 'l‘iiii ('ui‘r). Stisan Sai'aiidoii. Barr} Bostuick. .\lcal l.oal. ltitlmin. 'l'lii' cult lilm to cnd all othci‘s. this rock spool on old horror mm ics has crcatcd a hrccd ol' RIM/H I/urmr ci'a/ics. and packs thcm in at latc \llti\\s c\ci'_\ \slicrc. 'l‘hc lilm has its momcnts. and (‘tii‘i‘} is splcndidl} camp as tlic hiscstial l-iank .\' l‘urtci'. ()t/(‘UIL lat/iiiliiiru/i.

La Bondine tP(ii t(il';lli;llll \‘ick. Ital}. Illtlls’i l’ci'nando Poi'tai'i. l-‘ioi'cn/a ('cdolins. Sandra Pastrana. lJllinin. Puccini‘s lSth cciittir} Parisian talc ol' hittci'succt lo\ c liliiicd lix c \cnicc's lamcd opcra hotisc l.a l‘ciiicc and hrouglit to thc hig scrccn in digital clai'it}. l’ai‘t ol Ital} 's (ii'cal ()pct‘as scason. l-‘i/ni/iuim'. lat/iiilnu‘g/i.

Bope t ISi O... tAllrcd Hitchcock. l‘S. 19-181 Jamcs Stcn‘art. John Dall. l‘arlc)‘ (irangcr. Slmin. Jtist as thc txso )(illllg gay protagonists pla} an intcllcctual gamc ol‘ murdcr to mm c thcii' supcriorit}. llitchcock slit)\\s till his skills h} constructing thc mo\ic in uncut Ill-iiiinutc takcs. Sonic of thc dialogtic is a littlc philosophicall} lica\ _\'. \sliich \scighs dossn thc parlour litlll of thc conccpl. but it doc‘s pt'm’idc anothcr cxamplc ol' thc strangcl} pcrscrsc l'ascinations of thc dit‘cctot‘. .S'i‘nlsniun .Si'rt'i'iii'iig Rim/n. lat/in/iiirg/i.

* Hudo 8. Cursi (Rudo y Cursi) i I5) 0... i('arlos ('uai'oii. l'S/Mcsico. 3008) l)icgo Luna. (iacl (iai‘cia Bci‘nal. Jcssica .\las. llllmin. Latin Aiiici'ican stipcrstars Bci'nal and Luna i‘cunitc on scrccn in this likcahlc and cngi'ossing talc ol hrothcrl} risalr}. pt'olcssiottal l'oothall and cclchi‘it} culttirc. A timcl}. humorous and coiiipclling sports drama. ('uaron clcsatcs a hasic rags to richcs shit} to somcthing mot‘c satirical.

c|c\ cr and tuna}. am it thc conclusion is cliched. (itllt'tt (Ir/(l Rt’ltfl'i'ii’ $1”va (II/HTQUH',‘ (‘iinim Iii/titliurgli.

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning 1 iii .00.. iis‘arct Rcisl. t‘ls'. l‘)(il)i Alhcrt l’innc}. Rachcl Rohcrts. Shirlc) Annc l‘icld. 89min. A dcliiiing monicnt in British cincma histor). madc at a tinic \shcn thc [K “as linding its l'cct in thc postuar industi‘} h} transloi‘ming tic“ stagc sttcccsscs ittlo ttim lL‘\. l‘innc} is lltc Nottingham factor) \mrkcr dctcrniincd hc \son't 'lct thc hastards grind _\ou doun'. as hc i'ails at tlic dcad-cnd naturc ol his lil'c. Part ol' thc British .\‘cu \\'a\ c scason. l'l/lN/lumt‘. lat/inlmrgli.

Satya i ISi iRam (iopal Varina. lndia. l‘NS’i (‘harka\art_\. l'rmila .\latondkar. Parcsh Rtt\\ttl. |(i5iiiin. Atti'actcd to thc hi'ight lights of .\lumhai. shad) oiitsidcr Salsa i(‘harka\art} l linds liiiiiscll lis ing in a crampcd shant). norking in a har. and gctting dcspci‘atcl} iii\o|\cd \\ ith a hrau ling gang. l’ut‘l til. (‘latsslc BUll)\\ti()tl scason. I'iliii/iouu'. I'Lt/i/i/mrg/r


Falklrk Town Hall Falkirk Council

The 400 Blows (PG)

Wed 29th Jul 7:30pm

Encounters at the End of the World (PG)

Fri 31 st Jul

11am, 7:30pm

Is Anybody There? (12A)

Mon 3rd Aug 7:30pm

Wed 5th Aug 11am, 7:30pm

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