Hottest Restaurants

The best places to eat in Edinburgh and Glasgow

We’ve filled six pages with just a few of the exceptional restaurants awarded a Hitlist in our Eating and Drinking Guide in recent years. If you haven’t tried them yet, what are you waiting for? Check out our website for informed, independent reviews of over 800 restaurants. cafes and bars.

twofatladies at the Buttery 652 Argyle Street Glasgow G3 8UF Tel: 0141 221 8188 Fax: 0141 221 0901 theshandonbelles 652 Argyle Street Glasgow G3 8UF Tel: 0141 221 8188 Fax: 0141 221 0901

twofatladies in the West End 88 Dumbarton Road Glasgow G11 6NX Tel/Fax: 0141 339 1944

twofatladies in the City 118a Blythswood Street Glasgow G2 4EG Tel/Fax: 0141 847 0088

Website: Email: Hitlisted in The List Eating & Drinking Guide 2010/11

“Sapporo Teppanyaki provides the ideal mix of great food, theatre and comfortable surroundings” (Sunday Post, January 2010)

0141 553 4060 2 6 Ingram Street, Merchant City, Glasgow

16 Dec 2010 6 Jan 2011 THE LIST 35