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RIPPLES ON THE POND Glasgow’s female artists are explored through this new group exhibition An exhibition of work from the Glasgow and political topics, as well as more personal

Museums collection, Ripples on the Pond and poetic stories. ‘This was the inspiration for

takes as its starting point 11 works purchased the show’s title,’ she says. ‘I wanted something

from Glasgow Women’s Library’s ‘21 that would relate to the exhibition’s feminist

Revolutions’ project. ‘The project germinated theme, but also open up the conversations

from a desire to promote and celebrate 20 around the women artists in the collection,

years of Scotland’s sole women’s library their work and their relationships.’

archive and museum,’ says Katie Bruce, the Visitors to the gallery are invited to be

show’s curator. ‘And also to showcase the part of a conversation, with the exhibition

best of women’s contemporary visual art and being seen as an essay to be read, critiqued

writing, and highlight the unique museum, and rethought. ‘Themes of play, landscape,

library and archive resources at Glasgow feminism, place and visibility emerge,’ says

Women’s Library.’ Bruce. ‘And as the exhibition is coming

From works by artists including Sam Ainsley, into being, we’re learning more about the

Claire Barclay, Kate Davis, Shauna McMullan, works in the collection and understanding

Jacki Parry, Ciara Phillips, Lucy Skaer and Amanda Thomson, Bruce picks out pieces

from Helen de Main’s ‘21 Spare Ribs’ series. Based on the January issues of Spare Rib

magazine, her prints cover a range of feminist

the genealogy of practice, both locally and internationally, of women artists living and working in Glasgow.’ (David Pollock) Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, until Sun 3 Apr 2016.

98 THE LIST 4 Jun–3 Sep 2015

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