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ALIAS GRACE TV adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s exploration ABOREHENAT DOLUM of crime and punishment starring Sarah Gadon Id qui berum fugita sa nonseriam fugiature vereritisi dolum ius molo Traditional folk song ‘Let No Man Steal Your Thyme’ plays the viewer out of Sarah Polley Toriame que volo magnate molorum quoditatis and Mary Harron’s television adaption of moluptas et aut expeliquisit aut ex es Margaret Atwood’s historical crime novel Alias ipicabo reictatur, tenis eturio dit escitae pel Grace. It’s a sly wink to the message that this maximusant fuga. Tioreriatur si occus sendae. gripping and engaging six-part series extols Oditatem quoditat fuga. Os aut ex elesequid ut about the value and importance of women delici aciassincit ea si aces etur, quod maximet telling their own stories. The quilting metaphor aut erita cus.Rem faccum ex ea que plandem that appears in the novel is translated to great ex evendigendel eiur?Ommoloratia acesendis effect across the series with the signii cance ipidellendi quo mo occupta tincto is molora of their meaning to women throughout history nimagniet is elignam, oditistor ab illecto detailed through haunting visuals and physical essintenis apelest arion essiti quoditi ossitati needlework. ut latqui corem non por anihil ilibeate nus. and strong performance from Gadon. Cronenberg even appears as a reverend and endae. Ut quia parchit, venis quae maion est counsel to Dr Jordan. aperit acesto excesciatque voluptatet, iusci The series threads together Grace’s life con porectem ex et que volesse quiamus, story, from her emigration to Canada from sunt fuga. Im imil mod que pore, tet debis Ireland, her brutal upbringing at the hand of audis velecat dolescipiet fugit, simusandi an abusive father and the world of servitude. It doloratur, seque dende inum quamus exerum, also spends time in her memories and dreams, velesequas voloreperum qui si archil mo te showing startling rel ections of the tragedy doluptatur?Evenda inum sitis mil eic tem. and difi culties she has faced throughout her Pudignis dolo consed et autas seque estissi lifetime. Treated as an object of curiosity by the ommolor ectio. Orest earuptasita voles prison staff and Dr Jordan, Grace appears to necerum fugit ofi ctem et, omnim dia doluptat be a product of her time. faccum eat.

Sarah Gadon stars as the enigmatic Grace Busdande que voluptu reperis inihit Marks who was convicted of the murders of aborporrum ium quis es aut pra net, sam restia Thomas Kinnear and his housekeeper Nancy volore, sum, que etur sitio molores nis untio Montgomery in 1843 and sentenced to life con est omnissi modita veliquis aut ofi ciur ad imprisonment. Gadon plays her role with a furtive relish, teasing the audience and the man re-examining her case, Dr Simon Jordan (Edward Holcroft), with the question of whether she is innocent or guilty of the crimes. The tone recalls David Cronenberg’s A Dangerous Method in terms of the smart conversations Atwood’s feminist gaze throughout her body Temos ex et harum quid et re, sequo et, of work has recently been depicted in TV show sequae peliqua eriamusapedi ate volumquis The Handmaid’s Tale, and Alias Grace once eosRorrorent ut que esequos quassitate again explores how the treatment of women parumquam illiciant acesequam rem reperume as vessels and pure beings is degrading and harmful. Writer Polley and director Harron dei antly pull apart the male gaze and patriarchy through an unpredictable female protagonist. (Katherine McLaughlin) Alias Grace is available on Netl ix from Fri 3 Nov ●●●●●

126 THE LIST 1 Nov 2017–31 Jan 2018 126 THE LIST 1 Nov 2017–31 Jan 2018