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WATCHMEN Damon Lindelof ‘remixes’ comic book classic for a new TV adaptation

For some, the idea of a TV adaptation of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon’s magnum opus Watchmen is sacrilegious, as it’s considered by many to be the pinnacle of superhero comics. Originally published by DC in 1986, its themes still resonate today as a supremely intelligent satire of the modern world and, in particular, our appetite for war and violence. Historically, Moore has despised adaptations of his work (especially truly horrible

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versions of From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) and now refuses to collaborate with producers, writers and directors (and won’t even accept payment, turning down millions over the years). Zack Snyder turned the material into a semi-successful lm in 2009, but now, with a Game of Thrones-shaped hole in their schedule, HBO have called on Damon Lindelof (Lost, The Leftovers) for a TV version.

Lindelof is a huge fan and his reverence of Watchmen is obvious in his open letter to

sequae peliqua eriamusapedi ate volumquis eosRorrorent ut que esequos quassitate parumquam illiciant acesequam rem reperume fans posted on Instagram. While characters like Doctor Manhattan, Silk Spectre and Ozymandias (played by Jeremy Irons) will make an appearance, this is more inspired by the comic rather than a literal adaptation a semi-sequel that takes place after the events of the original where vigilantes and white supremacists clash. ‘We have no desire to “adapt” the twelve issues Mr Moore and Mr Gibbons created 30 years ago,’ says Lindelof. ‘Those issues are sacred ground and they will not be retread nor recreated nor reproduced nor rebooted. They will, however, be remixed.’ (Henry Northmore) Sky Atlantic, Oct (date tbc).

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