
classical Indian Hindu

Iemnle Ilances 6-28 Aug 12 nuun [12:50] £7 [£6]

Dramatlc movements and powerful footwork. Dance of the Gods.

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Dhyanls wnth her troupe of 8 beautlful dancers put on a show of hlgh energy danclng revealing the secrets and passuon of belly dance.

An evenlng of sheer excutement and exhllaratlon!


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- Illa Woman in the Ilunes

0-20 Aug 20:30 [21:30] 00 [£7]

Based on the novel by Kobo Abe. Orlglnal mUSIC by Steven Severln. An exlstentlal SUFPBBIISCIC plece

deplctlng the concept of survwal, love.

and death taklng place m the sand dunes of the mlnd. A dance that challenges the perceptlons of eros and ecstacy.

Venue 81, Crindlay Court Centre

Crindlay Street Court Box Office 0131 221 9009

17—24 Aug 2000 THE lIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 25