
Stitched Up Roi let ’0 Sou/Ii Illa/gt Retort/t e ('entre. raitrl // Aug. Spin \\ casing a tangled web ol deceit. Antrpodcar: thespians (‘icsc cnt lheatrc explore the depths ot the human psyche. Their latest black comedy double bill. Stiuhed ( 'p brings together two stories ol double-dealing and duplicity. And there's es en a tree Anssie wine tasting session in the iiiteryal. Stoned Ilare and Ragged lIlt'tll/‘t’. ly’ot Let W South [fridge Reyoun e (‘entre. IJ’ IS Aug. 4pm. A nostalgic black comedy abotrt a dy stunctional family. with an this setting. Stories lenue I3. until II Aug. 6.30pm. 'l'wo physical theatre companies Jtllll forces in force ioiirts. Storytime 0.. Birthll'rite Theatre. (' venue. until 26 Aug. 6pm. The incredible brnuhaha over the recent HI'UM live special illustrates what a difficult subject paedophilia is to conlront. When combined with incest. you have a can of worms that. it not handled correctly. cart merely sicken rather than make any valid point.

l‘tillllllillL‘l}. Storytime handles both issues

exceptionally well. Molly. abused by her lather

tor years. relied on her brother Sam to protect her by making up stories to take her out of the dark place she was in. Now grown up. they lirrd themselves hay trig to confront the past and its consequences in order to set them both lrce. Dark and disturbing. this is nonetheless a compelling play that gives an insight into the minds ol those we autnrrratically judge as monsters. tKirsty Knaggs).

Stuffing the Turkey (alt/at Ital/mm l/ - Ieviot. until 27Aug. I. I5/im. ('onlessions and rev clatinns lill the air as a traditional lamtly lunch turns blackly humorous.

Sugar and Spice A'i’neiv Degrees I'lat Theatre (TUNINHIV, until II Aug. 9..y’()pni. Accrrsaliorts lly between friends at a university reunion.

Supper With Robert Burns [Ilt‘ .Vi'IIti’I'Imri' 'I'Iti'itll'i‘. I5 .‘lllk’ / SUP- (’--‘)()I”"~ 'l'raditional lare with song and poetry in a celebration ol. the bard.

The Surrendered Wile Show I’leyieit itttd Ill‘mr‘it. Rtu‘kel (0 S! John a Hall. ttItIiI I8 Aug. 6. I 5pm. The people behind ( 'arol Smillie 'l'rashed My Room return with a show abntrt the joys of tirarriage.

Swallow ll'it'kt'd TItt’itlI'e. (- t'eltttt'. until 20 Aug. noon. Sex. death and triple sec combine in this black comedy.

Sweeney Todd Stage By Stage lz‘dinburgh Academy. until 18 Aug. 5. l5pm. The demon barber looks for revenge in Sondheim's musical.

Sweet Bobabola IIoi/mlloi Theatre. I’Ieavanee. until 27Aug. 5.50pm. Double-act creating a world w here alien bakers atterrrpt to destroy the planet with their irresistible cakes. Sweet Charity“esters'liire linith A rts. St Ann 'y ('aiiiiiiunity ('entre. I4 25 Aug. noon. With hits like 'Big Spender’ and ‘Rhythm Of lilt"

A Tale of No Cities ting/ii (‘hai‘t-e I’I'odiu‘tions. Randolph Studio (0 The FIZ’IH‘II Institute. 13—18 Aug. 3.30pm. Cambridge l'niversity-based company perform [)ickens' classic tale.

Tales of the Fat Cat [Edinburgh

( ’niversity Theatre Company; Bedlam Theatre. [3- 25 Aug. [2.45pm. The Bedlam Fat (‘at tells

Taming of the Shrew The ('ambridge .Ilummers. Augustine 's. until 27 Aug. 5.10pm. Shakespeare‘s battle-of—the-sexes cnrrtedy turned into cabaret and self-help mamral. Tartulfe Stage By Stage Edinburgh Aeadenry. until I 8 Aug. times vary. New adaptation of the :‘sloliere cnrnedy performed by the Theatre l‘aclnry'.

Teacher! Karter- l' Productions. Augustine 7y, until 27 Aug. 11.15pm. New mtrsical black comedy set in a girls school.

Teechers The Rep Theatre Company. (' too. I2 26 Aug. times vary. Predictable John (iodber comedy.

Teechers Harland Hamstrings Theatre ('ompany. The Subway. until I 9Aug. I pm. See above

For hour by hour

daily listings see Listings Supplement.


'2 l i: '/I'ti s \(ll\. .-\s

The Well Being oooo I t w I' well as sh erng sey ‘.al [‘l.‘\".‘.'l«‘ll\ theatre .t-htlds in their home \I‘llIIIl\. the South

\tii. art trio behind It". Hi «'I It. trig hayc also picked up three I rtngc l trsts between them Ilow ey er. the past has too otten prov en that there's always room lot laurel resting

inediocr II\ and rust as sure as newcomers can ha\c a smash hit. odds on layourrtes cart lall llat To put it bluntly. the parable tnarratcd by lt‘ogsl ot a traumatised rape y ictrrn in a remote town who spends most other time digging a big hole does not immediater scream 'big hit' l'urtherrnore. that the plethora ol fairytale characters in the play is perlornied by two overall clad blokes w rtlr only a w aterruelorr and w rapping paper tor props seems inst a bit too mtrclr to bear. l'rrbelieyably. however. the result is nigh on perlect theatre This is captiyating storytelling .it its unadulterated best" espertly timed comic acting. poignant. striking dramatics and an utterly srwllbrnding plot The intensity and charisma ol' the pertorincis is a veritable master class. the script oby iously the product ol many months ol l’ocrrscd work. the end product. though aesthetically simplistic. nothing short nl inspired A magical. vibrant celebration ol tx‘rltu‘rltarrcc art. and an undoubted l‘ringe triumph “Mb I assmani.

Tell Me You Love Me oo

(TrIninway Pl'tttlllt‘llth. (' venue. ('nit/ II Aug. 4pm. Imagine being a gay titan in a long term relationship desperately wanting tn become a father. llow yvnuld British adoption agencies treat you'.’ What strain would it put on your relationship w ith your lover and lamin '.' London playwright Weston explores such a situation with wry humour and tenderness. l'nlortuirately he over-eggs the pudding and into the mixture he adds too rtrany subplots. ittyolving bisexuality. physical abuse and most disastrously. a suicidal sister. lt'only he could have stuck tn the subject and treated it with real insight. The production is not directed sharply enough to cover over the script implausablities. and lour‘ competent actors are left floundering in increasingly implausible situations. It's a pity because the dramatist has obvious skills. and l'rbariway Productions' hean is in the right place.

(John Binnie).

Temporarily Yours Distilled Spirits Theatre. Augustine 's. until I9 Aug. times vary. Hailing from New York but now residing in London. enterprising husband and wife team. director David Scott and actress Lynn Marie Macy make their European debut with the bittersweet drama Temporarily l’ours . Written by yoting actor/writer. Kevin (‘nnnel|. who also co-stars. the play explores the relationship between a gay rent boy and a straight-laced. female book editor.

Terry Pratchett’s Wyrd Sisters Bimderland I’rmliu'tianx. (' venue. until 2r) Aug. 2.40pm. (‘omic antics with the Discworld witches. Three stars in The .S‘eatsman. Testing 1, 2, 4 . . . ()n ('ue Prmluetionv. Hill Street Theatre. until 27 Aug. II.-I()pm. With thousand of guests and no performers what will happen?

Theatre Rep - The Mercators DII't'I‘M' Atiraeiimis. until II Aug. 5.30pm. Performing a mix of plays.

Theseus Datintsey 's School. Augustine 's. until 12 Aug. 3.30/mi. l‘amily musical with original snrrgs based on the rninntaur myth. They Smelt Music . . Stage By Stage Edinburgh Academy. until I I Aug. I 2.30pm. Adaptation of Shakespeare's The 'Iempest. suitable for children and adults. performed by a new company of liseter University drama gradutes.

Thick as a Brick Harland Hamstringy Theatre ('ompany, The Subway. until I9Aug. 8pm. (indber comedy mirsical about a failing high school.

3 Dark Tales Theatre 0, Assembly Rooms. until 27Aug. 6pm. Return run for the Total Theatre winner 2000. a collection of three mini-dramas about lives gone wrong. Performed with perfect precision.

Three Fat Ladies: A Murder Mystery The Stand Comedy Club. until 26 Aug. times vary. Free cake. espletives and an interactive mystery.


The Three Lives of Lucie Cabrol II Iy'oval \. ottivi lt tit/t no at Thu]: tilitl Ilia-ma \enui Ir' ttII.'tI IS lag. .‘llli'r R\ \\ll) students ieslag. the play tirade taiiious by lhe tire

dc ('omplrt rte a haunting. phy sit al and \t‘lllls talc ol the Irlc arid alterlrlc ol an out. ast arid siriugglcr

The Threepenny Opera It i. t a. tyII."i Ion/Ii .llly, St -liin'y ('o/ninun ,'\ (t Ill/t II 2‘ .lug. 8pm l'he Brecht '\\cil| standard Tiny Dynamite no. Iran/s. until 2" .lug, tiiiu y tart Sec to tea panel

TO Be Frank ... IL". til Ii’i Iiyon I’Iitiytiritt Ilomt until 2” lug Ipm l'arric is a transient thing. and l).r‘. rd Benson thinks ll has passed lirrit by Alter a spell in ropy sitcoiii (nun/night Sn it [In at! arid gigs .rl the Assembly Rooms. ltc ts now reduced to but hing about (irahaiir Norton and doing what he said he'd ncyer do irupcrsonatc l'rairkie llowcrd lrr la.t he docs so rather well in this stand up turn theatre show. which cyploics the lrycs oi both lloweid and Benson through iiiipeisonarioii and llooi‘ discussions twliich allow the l'iankieplriles in the audience to drum -\t times. though. he seems rather too happy to slot into the stereotype ol the catty queen. and as he tlits troiir urbanc to crude arid bac k again he makes the cardinal error ol showing trs his knob rlairrcs Smarti

Tom Jones II I). Stage by Ster I'tIiiiIrngIi .‘lt'tltlt'lIH. until ISAug, 9pm .'\\l.tlltrll ol llcrrry l-ieldiiig's bawdy ioiiip

Tom 1110"“) II'IlIItutIi‘H I’ioiIu. Irons Augustine's. I-I 27.liig. I2 5pm ()II the wall conterirporaiy icstaging ol the laiiytalc Tomorrow Never Knows Plantain “Unit. until 22 Aug. 1.20pm. Story ot‘ loy e and deceit with music

Tonight, Matthew, I’m . . . on North. ('o2. until Io'Aug. noon l'itlor‘tunalcly not a backstage look at Stars In )oury [2m in

w hrch 'l‘reddy .\lercury' ltlrpalcs the head ol' (‘hrrs l)e Burgh on a sharpened eyeliner .\o. this is about rnderwndcnt. solvent. successtril Susie. her cat Matthew tgeddit ,’i and her nuiiieious dates chosen hour the lonely hearts columns This two haiidei is nicely pcrlormed by l‘.lllll\ l'owlct and Jim llaitley both handling the gaping stereotypes and stodgy dialogue w itli

lhc trouble hcrc lies iii ('

."II viii

considerable storcisrn Byr‘ncs‘ script W itli its sisth toiiir allusions to the romantic poets and B list [‘lllltlstrpllels it's all a bit pretentious a little like Ilia/err Ion. y uyritteiz by Adrian .‘slole \lcrcitully short how c‘. ci. at 4* minutes tl’aul l)a|ci

Too Late for Logic II It I Aw at / i am Thea/re ('oin/nniy. King's ,lll rli'lt’ Ir' It\ Aug. 7 ill/mi See prcy icw panel

Touching Soft Things \‘oi (jun I". .i/"‘ Theatre ('o. Her/Iain Ihetitie. until /I ltt'e ISO/int. Adaptation ol Stciiibet k's (It .lIit . And Men.

The Tragedian Ila I’l'ruI/ijitl Irwin (Trill/HUM; I‘he l'ntIt-rIu IIy. until I.\ lug. noon. l)rariratisrnj_' the lite ol l'tllllltlltl Kean. 19th century actor and hellrarsci


T/t/H .\e\\

Travis’ Prophecy this. ( alum Sin «'1 lb. (III! ItlllII ." lug psyt ltodiarrra about .r psyt llls \ allctl

has is

The Trenches Inn / a trim. nuns, until II .lug, ' y'tI/wr l:\plorirrg the reality ol lll'll\ h Irlc during \\oi|d \\arl

Les Trois Mousquetaires IIuatit liinAs/io/i. ‘1 22 |)trrrias' swashbru klrrig cpit pcilorrircd rri l'rcrrch. l'nglish and Spanish

The Trojan War Will Not Take Place I'.y .'lllllllrli', ('o2. until IS lug,

III 2lltini l (irraudotis's talc ol 'lroy Trouble I’Iettsiiiit e. llIl/II 2 ' 53 yk'dt Ulrl lt‘ttr’llt‘l llt'lr‘lt ( irirulysay recounts her titre Irlc e\pcr rcnce ol being told she might have canch And she still titles” I blll'\\

TWelfth Night Iti'nro/ (en/is. ('too. tlIlIII 2!) .lug. noon In e/ttIi .\iin/ has oltcn been seen as a holiday. or t .iriiryal spirited

lug. IIIII(’\ ItI/\

.lug. I/Htl

show. so its appeal drrrrng thc testr‘.al season rcriiaiirs tirrdirrrrrrrshcd Youthlril sestial rrrisadycritrircs and the desire to liirish up with the ll_‘__'lll pcisoii iii Irlc lies at the heart ol the adventures ol Utah and lciirale tw tits in lllyiia

Nelfth Night in.» the lat/gr. Augustine 'y. until 27 Aug. /. I i/nn Acclarriicd live at tor [\llh ari ycrsiorr ol Shakespeare's coriicdy. horny and ingenious [In II\I gave it hurt stars last year

20th Century Legends: The Lives, Loves 8. Music of Frank Sinatra 8: Judy Garland Aabai‘uy. .llettftey Ili'I/ol‘tl IIIiIeI. ttItIII 27xlttg. IIIII(‘\ vary. l-‘rank and .lrrdy 's lives esplorcd w ith songs pcr'lor'rticd by Jack Julie and ('athy McMartariroit.

20th Century Legends: The Lives, Loves & Music of Rodgers 8. Hart C .labaruy. .IIeiig'tes Hello/d IIoteI. until 27Aug. It/ney rary. Rodgers arid “art were one ol the greatest songwriting teams in the history ol popular lllll\lv . giy trig its such riiasterprec cs as ‘.'\l_\ l‘rrnlty \alcntiiic‘. ‘Bewrtched. Bothered Arid Bewrldercd' and "The l ady Is A 'l'rariip‘. So how do Aabacris productions rirakc \lls It a pig's carol the material .’

l'rr‘stly they present it in a ton. tron suite ol a hotel w rtli no lights. set or atrirospheie lhc iiralc and lcriialc singer lor rritrch ol the show slk‘ll‘-k'l the w rttiest. iiiost heartbreaking songs w hrlc sitting dow II. a music stand between thcrri and the audience 'I’Irc pc-rltiittrattu's llayL' tlti passion and little insight Biographical details ol the coiiiposci's' Irv cs delry cred between songs is purely standard This is a dry lecture. not theatre. Buy ltlla l'it/gcrald‘s niagriiliccrit Rodgers and Hart Songbook instead (John Binnie)