()3 Dublin Street. 557 0480. Tue Sat

1 lam 5pm.

Festival Exhibition Thu 23 Aug Sun 9 Sep. Paintings by Jonathan Shearer. Michelle Knight. Angela Martin. ('atriona Sheil. Alison Williams. Biddy Nicolson and Iidmund (‘olvillez textile design by l.ouisa 'l‘ebbutt. l.i/a (ireen and Iimma Barlow and sculpture by Tom Allan.


l5 Rutland Square. 33‘) 7545. Mon l‘ri 9am 5pm; Sat |()am 4pm.

What Didn’t They Build? 100 Years Of The Dick Peddie and McKay Drawings Collection t'niil l-"ri 3| .Aug. ()riginal drawings and photographs illustrating some of the best examples from the hundreds of buildings designed by one ol‘ Scotland's greatest architectural practices. Dick l’eddie and McKay. Featured projects include lidinburgh's ('aledonian Ilotel and Binns Department Store and the Morgan Academy in Dundee.

RIVERSIDE GALLERY @ ATELIER 3‘) llowe Street. 558 1963. Mon I-‘ri 10am 6pm: Sat ltlam 4pm; Sun

I lam 4pm.

Riverside - Take 2 Sun 36 Aug Sun 3 Sep. Stonehaven's Riverside (iallcry present a Festival exhibition of contemporary Scottish art by artists trom the North liast including (iordon Bryce. Alexander Fraser. .\lary (iillies. Robert .\chulay and Kathryn .\lonteith.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Inverleith House. 553 7171. Daily

llam 5.30pm.

0 Ed Ruscha - The Mountains I'ntil Sun 14 ()et. £3 (£3). A leading ligure in the (‘alil'ornia Pop Art movement. l.os Angeles-based artist lid Ruscha presents an exhibition of recent paintings. Inspired by road signs and billboards as he drove through the dramatic landscapes ol‘ America's west coast. Ruscha's hyper-real- ist paintings of snow-capped mountain ranges are encoded with his trademark cryptic text. See review and llitlist. Franz West - Meeting Points t'niil l4 ()ct. Renowned for his interactive art and sculptures. one of liurope’s leading contemporary sculptors. Austrian artist liranz West. installs lottt' aluminium sculptures within the (iardens. Placing two in water. two on land. \Vest deliberately employs artificial colours in an attempt to clash with the natural environment. See review.

Onetree I'ntil Sun 33 Sep ilixhibition Hall J. A touring exhibition ol work by over 7() established artists. designers and cral‘tspeople creating work from a single native oak tree l'elled at 'l‘atton Park in l‘)‘)8.

Dawyck Through The Seasons I'ntil Thu 33 Aug ((‘aledonian Hall I. Oil paintings of Dawy'ek Botanic (iarden by Joanna Johnson.

ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS 9 Hill Square. 537 l()(l(l. .\Ion l’ri

Illam 4pm: Sat 10am lpm.

Sir Jules Thorn Exhibition And Menzies Campbell Dental Museum I'ntil Sat I Sep. An exhibition looking at the history of surgery o\ er the past 5()() years. highlighting major discoveries.

ROYAL FINE ART COMMISSION Bakehouse ('losc. l4(i ('anongate. 550 (369‘). Daily l lam 4pm.

for Scotland I’ntil Sat 1 Sep. In conjunction with the National Trust l'or Scotland. this exhibition. curated by lidinburgh-based (iross..\lax Landscape Architects. focuses on the land as a source ol' identity. inspiration and expression in the built environment. The work of geologist James llutton is highlighted along with aerial photographs by Patricia .\lacdonald and the architectural projects of linric .\liralles. Malcolm Fraser. Reiach a Ilall. l‘ranky (iehry and Munkenbeck + Marshall.

Come To The Minds Meetings Thu 33 Aug. 530 7pm. ()pen discussions led by professionals in the lield. relating to the for Scotland exhibition.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE l.itlltllltgs (iallery. lllll Princes Street. 335 I501. Daily l()am (ipm.

Reflected Glories - Adrian Davidson I'ntil Fri 38 Sep. An exhibition of mirrors by Adrian Davidson on the theme ol' great writers including Dante. Shakespeare. Robert l.ouis Stevenson. Burns and Joyce.

ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH 33 3b (ieorgc Street. 340 SHIN). .\lon Iiri 9am 5pm.

Graphic Poster Arts Exhibition l'ntil Hi 34 Aug. The Japan Iixperiencc presents an exhibition ol' graphic posters from the Mind A l-‘orm ol' lx'ana/awa. lsltikaw a.

Mieko Nishimmura t‘niil l‘ri 2-1 Aug. Mieko .\'ishinimura‘s paintings ol heavenly beings. flowers and birds presented by The Japan lixperiencc. l’url NIL/(rpm: 31ml. Keisuke Watanabe t‘niil lit 34 Aug. The Japan lixperience presents an exhibition ol work by Keisuke \Vatanabe.

SCOTCH MALT WHISKY SOCIETY 'I‘he \‘ztttlls. «ST (itles Street. 55-1 .545 l. .\Ion \Ved Illam 5pm; 'l‘hu Sat

lllani llpm.

Dead And Alive Art Exhibition I‘lllll .il .'\llf~'. .\ two—berson slit)“ (il- portrait paintings ol' comedians and celebrities past and present by Ron

('hadw ick and Stewart Smith.


lb Dundas Street. 558 I300. .\lon l'i'i Illam (ipm; Sat lllam 4pm.

Victoria Crowe t‘niil wea 5 Sep. \t-w painting by Borders-Imscd artist Victoria

(‘rowe. llav ing studied at the Royal (‘ollegc

of Art in l.ondon. (‘rowe went on to teach at Iidinburgh (‘ollegc ol' Art lor many years. This new body ol' work is the result ol a sel‘les til-jitltl'tte} s It‘ .\Ill;ttt. \eltlee illltl India.

Catherine Martin l‘niil wed 5 Sep. \ew jewellery.

Sarah Jane Selwood I‘ntil wed 5 Sep. New ceramics.


(io‘) 9443. Tue Sat lllam 5pm.

Linda Green l'ntil Sat l Sep. New work by textile artist l.inda (irecn who combines a range ol' textile media and processes in her work.


5 Barony Street. 473 7440. Inc Sat

Illam (ipni.

Contemporary Scottish Art And Design A gallery and shop l'caturing a changing selection ol hand-wox cn and embroidered rugs and textiles l'rom the 'l'urkmen. l'lbek. lleluch and Aimaq tribes ol ('entt‘al Asia.


(ill (ieorge Street. 55" 345‘). Mon Sat

i lam (ipm: Sun noon 5pm.

Festival Art l'ntil l'il'l .il Aug. located next door to the Assembly Rooms. lidinburgh l’rintmakers presents a l’estixal exhibition ol' line art and design with all works lor sale.


Reiach and Ilall .-\rchitects. (i Darnaway Street. 335 S444. .\Ion Hi 3 5pm. Roger Ackling l'niil l’ri 11 Aug. I’amed lor scorching pieces ol tound wood by catching the sun’s rays through a magnifying glass. Roger Ackling combines this technique with colour. in a \Vttll-ltttsetl piece littl‘ the gallery space.

IASI CllANCI l() SI l.

For hour by hour

daily listings see Listings Supplement.

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index Art

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