Left: An Actor’s Revenge, this picture: Conflagration, right: Harp of Burma and Fires on the Plain

t'r':rr‘rnal<«:;r‘ Korma-I l\/1trrr(lr‘tr(:/o':;arrfrxm' to Kris. Just a Kiss .0. (It'rrrrao. :':..’-}();)rrr. It ,otr".'~:: .'.'at;t(:(l orro too rr‘arr‘, portend; good (:‘.<;rr.rr<_r:; .'.'£il(‘l‘il‘.(l \(itfix’ .'.‘<:- ()3; . Ax". r'fldioa, and or firm/tux. actor lllt'ltffl <t.r<2<:‘.<>' l ml‘rn Strung! <l<:lr:rt luattrrr: ‘.'."r‘ irr; t'l(}ll‘.t.‘ll I.()1l."81d'l>l.fll<f;f31!(:‘.'.'lifrlli:(37. l rr<13;(3!§, flOCllll‘tfl‘lrllll tlrr‘: loom: f;(}X;)l()llf; of a loom,- rrr'rgtrrr 0‘ sort Ell)f;()"l)(:fl Manhattan A K133 (,‘Xélll‘lli‘:f3 flrr: rrtrr-tztlg, (Létlétfill’);)l‘..(; f;()llf;(j(ll.(;l‘(.‘(:f5 of arr ill

york r;lr‘,t;. ./a.‘;:‘

llt()tl<_}.’ll(1_:'. ilé‘rlfmlt(Lt)!"lt‘lll(:(i'l‘£t now-l roorr‘ rrr lirr f;f;(3lf;. AT; tlrrr, farr rrr and out of km; and r:a(;rr mums l)(:(lf3.

tlw: illfd tzrr‘r: (lrr'r;(;tor falif; to anti out of

kill to clairrr as their own 7 were 'terrihle l'ailures. r'ea|l_\” ).

:;I:‘ n u o - u u . . . t I He also smoked like a tram. ()1 course he is larnous tor thrs: l'\‘e nex'er seen a shot of lehikawa without the trademark cigarette hanging from his lower lip. Now. having rrret him. I’m prepared to accept that some constitutions (Keith Richards. for 1’ example) may not (Usl he untouched h_\~ the consurnptron ol .- nicotine. hut actually holstered and sustained by it. :\ Veritahle ' "” i" poster—child for the tohacco lohh}. he managed. in the course of our conversation (which lasted just under three hours) to consume an entire packet ol‘ (‘amel Lights. .-\nd still seemed more truly arrirrrated and ali\'e than anyone I’d met in months. .-\s the interview concltrded. he agreed to pose for a photograph (the shot reproduced here). He drained his tea and stood and looked at me: where did I want him'.’ I directed him to the blank white wall and he stood against it ohedientl}; waiting s ' l'or' rrre to locus my camera. ._ i. A But looking through the viewfinder. something scented odd: 13-1-5; ;- x- . tor a moment. he seemed almost naked. .-\nd then he if - M»; . . . . . ' . v mu 1.— remembered. lle returned to the tahle and took the last cigarette t“ 'F A": . ‘A—vw . . . . . . k - _.._ 4-3-2» ‘4“: trom the packet and placed it hetween his lips. ()kaV. he sard. 1:: . Mam-.3 -. - , . . - . I: ?: .‘H. -‘ deadpan. .\ow. please. I took the shot and he howed and so did " .-‘ - '“f‘kj‘ I. Some days are really Very good indeed. w -::*«5.:« ‘:~~.~» , , ‘. 1 k“ The Kon Ichrkawa retrospective plays throughout the .' _- 4W~ - Film Festival, 15-25 Aug. See listings. ti'rr: ‘r'ofov‘otrorr‘ a:rrr"at:r:'r t<2<:!‘,r"<rrr<> (trrrslzrrt‘, <:::.rr)l<2. Director [(Eitl‘tllt} rrr'oxokrr‘gr <:.,'r<:-'r‘a "at'rror‘ t'rar‘.

:r:;(:<i :11. HIC’iétf'fl l tomato: r'r 'lrf3 ‘.'./arx,'7;,r / r‘o. (:éll‘lt;('ll‘<) li'()l‘ll(l“,:

The Fire Within .0

lrr'rrv'orso. Orr/rt l'ro tro'r‘o "‘()‘.I(} o‘

)0", r‘.::t,~ f;()_rl}l(: Hot; arrzr fflél'f." Honors. Hot: irat; l)-.":(3l‘ HIV l)()f;'ll‘.(‘: for l.'l.i:£llf;.ll€:fill'1).'.f3tliHllOféil‘fi Slraxflr. .'.x'r<;:‘ tar-:3"; rrrr rré;j.<tli<;arra;'.srrrr; ‘lrt; (Var, r;..t at <2‘.<:r‘,tlr'rgr. ’1;‘rl'(:f;‘f1"'ri'l‘. Srt<:;rt><;sor‘ a sponsored rrrkr: fiflit a'irl (Holman. <:r:'rrrrar(;~t; not sulfur or; f:: rrrs.

lll()tl(_ll‘ taarl arrrl ‘.(:.'j, ‘_-,or‘..'r,. t s; rrr‘fr(:rr't to t'rrrrk or a non: 'r‘arrrrxrlatr'x} (lo::rr"‘<:ritarj, t"orr‘ tin,- Iaist t<:.'.' j,<:art;. l-‘mrr arrrl f'Slra'xzr <l(:f;(:l‘.(: lllfal rrrr‘.a<:j.. tar. t'rrf; llr'llf; that" r'r‘x: a !‘(?i(:('f) HIV

\. ."tztrrr‘a. ::<>rr‘r)<>trr‘:i5; tin:- rr‘rso'fl. t)‘, rrr'-::~:;<:rrr: ;‘.(Z' t; r“"‘ar\rr‘;r. |<:<>"t::

.'.'<)r:;t E3(}l~f}(iil(>" ot lrarrrr‘. r:<>rt<:"'r‘a KTEEE; ‘r‘o't‘ a cast 0‘ rror‘


honor: "him: oxor. Voxtatrrrotrr: In two actors. a'r (inocattxo scar-“:- ‘r':)"‘ ‘.'.‘ors;t r:o:;t;~r>l<: Par Dart: l- storm" (1(T"‘l)(>t3(}"r\"‘.() Part and Japén O... /~'rr."r>;,:;t>. 3;)”: A fill.l\'li"£_ll :tr'rorr‘atoorarat“. that

(iéllilth’Ff; 7.7K} ll‘lNWIEfifSt‘J} f§\:(}."=(}"‘l. " {i

rr'._.s.ar, arm on otror‘al. (,rrr,r,r<;(l "‘ar‘. l(?il‘.(}f3 trrr: ::rt‘. to (:orr‘rr‘rt t;r.r(:r<r~:> tat-"<33; or pa'rov'ar‘ric 5;! oté; ::<>r“r>r'r-:> to

rtrotrtrrto a *.'.’(>"'\ of "an: : ltoatay. Cat."<>"rt<3 Brawler.

All or Nothing 0... UGO.

Alto." trrt; 5;trr‘r\,r":;(é (rrt-rtart..r<? “it: no" (3::

:r‘ for: <:<>tr'r'.",. \.".'.*r<3rr 'rr1- ar'r1‘.<:s; at a ('(Elt‘(>l(3 ‘.rll£l'§l(? and finds; t(:-rr‘r>:)ra"‘;. slroltor '.'.';ttr a f§l<)r(12il oirl .'.'<>'r‘arr. “as; (ltrllrxr fkéfllfaff; a'tt- r‘<}‘.".(3<l tr, lror 'rt'rrito llllll‘tl'lll‘, a'rrr' t'rr; :;a:ag;<:~ rota! :rra'r‘a '.'.'rtr‘ fairs; . la't::3;<:a_r><a of l\/l<:>< m3; lrgrlr <:o.rrrtrfi.. l)£l(7r\ o'r 'a'r‘: ra' fermion: -;:-rr‘;,t o' a: Notlrrtrr to (to ‘.'.rtl‘ .Jarrarr tiror‘. (Iarlot; llt:j,<_ra<l; :55; <r<>l>rrt loattrrtt- arrr‘s.

rt:r)r-.:5»:,.>rr .rr‘rr ttt'r‘rx t:\.s.t.'rt,.ro'r .: rt

south east 1 .rrrrro" . ....r or usartt;

lg'r‘trlt“, 5H

".rr"rrr‘tr :7" (‘tl“l?l‘,, So ‘:; 'rrt; ;‘::""“;:" b

at; illt? llllt? :;rr(r(r(}5;tf;. at <>‘.<:(:atr<:rr a'rrr’ "r; rr‘r'rr carr :t' ‘.<:-' :; al>i;tra<:l rrxr:rr(>:;:;r<:'rr:;rr‘. t’rotrrrl‘l