
INTIMACY Stage translation doesn‘t disappoint 0000

ll'j”,)\:,:.y," 3: ,_, Una} , . 7).,(2i tins: 2:31,)“ .,\ bland K. :rfllgh'}; (:xvrfyyrlnyin ably“ 00 filial”, its“ rnn‘rlnr fatal ""‘t>5‘°"“. ::..f ‘1'!";:;'. .2:: i§\..'".‘!).".'.7‘.‘. to". h”: protagonist l.‘./t"!e Pate/W Chereal i's ste'w‘v t'l'i‘ translat'on "“-<"’“'.-”.’t " it" x: :':1. ' ::::'. :03.“ '13: (1"{l‘.:ftt"e that W; was more a rest)“ of the New: "outth than the valirlltv "it *l‘“ ' -' F‘xr‘effixtt'fitrx; ‘0“ this stage ittiflll’ft'."l" nlli'wretert f)" hear'r‘g ‘l‘e "em: that the lead Ttt‘?"" "'21" H s‘. :t'n'e tfr‘fere “"7 she ' "as Ill l“ ‘r'\ flee"

. ' f" ::'\"’;':."_r'/?':. Jax has rte-("H.Nl to leave his 771l7"l\,/ ""‘.i_ll.,',’t‘.’\(i in tlm '1‘r\<:t part by a

W V , , . . -, ,\ NW“; A” ms ,Mn'. amt rm. a WWW, (WA arrfier! t-glmw he has l‘illli a rather sh:th NH I: I ; ', t .. an.“ ,.,..,.\:,M, I fivayfit'l. TH}. DEDCQ riflru.‘ 9”!er '1] \‘n'rli‘nfr‘. to, (“gun l(‘,.’l(‘{‘- rth itnlrywi hV *ht‘, “N?! “‘21! . °' ' N “rt-6"" " "1‘ 7' '::‘:."r‘,""<! lm: «wont er the opening for] rlavs a'vl trvlav l‘3 ll”: “’8? ll'l‘l? “V'l‘tl u a r - rim/wt " , “fltl’, "‘(“Y‘W‘W t}"e"{t":e‘l itl"l <I'il‘l>""?lll(l“v' “lWi- MQ'V’V ammo” 'mWOSSH'IO'y .i‘ -*‘ r: 9::"5" 'Y‘l‘fffefis l\l!".a ‘.‘.'t"lr= film-r l fllltl’i’Vl offers It.“- 'll"l“tt‘~'?t’t‘tt llhdfiWVV‘C“ t“; fry." :' "M ' e t‘n't'. '

[ v ' t" \ ( n n ' .- sunfisnww N, rm: np/ggngH‘IIV mm (linwwmvwml (‘lmrar‘tnrisation t‘tli Th0“? IS slum w r " ~"rir7. " ,.“:: ':""‘ere rah/3'." tlt'" ft’iillflatvvy they have-ht wandered to the eralit‘a of lllf‘.

. t"‘:"“'1“‘. "lose to the twek Itself. tvlr l<I2rer<:h: shorild be proud. (Anna tvlrllarl ‘92: _)'C',) I.’.".‘" I”: Al/(l ’gflflnmg Ht " If) UR WK);

Metro *“"

hung-.1: 31‘

The Herald

i.- 7')


'VENUE 191

Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh. Box Office



Bonnie and Clyde meet Romeo and Juliet COO

Dublin's local mob bosses are at each others throats. When one asks for the others daughter's hand in marriage. all goes well until she kidnaps one of her would-be husband's rnobsters and begins an emotionally unstable road-trio across Ireland. warring factions In hot pursuit.

Paul Mercer's play Is tare-packed with Irish wit and real emotional (tenth both of ‘,‘_lhl(‘,h are sadly lost at times beneath the thick arir‘el‘ts. through which at best. only profansties are readily discernible. Much of the plot ls thus lost. but the action Is mererlihlv dynamic and slirtk. Shame It's 'lOt alt-Jays filly appreciable. lGareth Dr't‘.’l(?f§l I Assemblv Rooms, (9006(er Street. z.'”.t:/ 17 Aug. 5,373pr7‘. .l‘lO—H l (F‘Q—f‘mi.


Prison drama deserves a big house 0...

With the first appearance of drama x-Jorker Eva. arm'ng at a men's pr-sov‘. arn‘ed w'th :etelligent giiestions like 'Ever been to the theatre?" you expect Ron Hait<:tunsor‘.'s play To be the heart ‘.‘.'arn‘ing tale ot five harrlened er'nwv’tals discovering their humanitx throtigl‘ theatre (tall‘OS. Happily. / agsls nothing so (tr; ss or sentimental.

Though the men's response to Fva's arty exercises occasionally appears unlikely. Hutchinson and the

Thurs 15 - Sat 24 August (not Mon 19) benchtours presents

Tickets £8 (£4 cone)

Love, lust, bankruptcy and brittle furniture hilariously served up in a chaotic night of passion, anger and

strong ensemble east use the relationship between the drama unlerker and the five n‘er‘ to raise :ssues ot pols/er arid rehabilitation. placing Fva's tenar‘itv in direct opposition to the Cynical warden and hardened top dog. Burdock.

lAllae Radcllttel

I Pleasaectu 5‘36 8550. until 26 Al/Q WOT QOI. 17.75am. £749 (rs—£7).


No excuse for bad theatre O.

Responding to trag-rt world events threiigh art is an adeg' late methori of coping as rit‘sinq It‘.‘.’£tr(}l‘t?t;f2_ You can‘t knock a group of people for express-rig their feelings through theatre; the same goes for spectators. This doesn't necessarlk make good an. Jumpers is set in NYC .n 9003. where a group of friends are (tom-rig t". terrr‘s with the 1 1 September attacks on"; tr) tztrtré {l'lfDTi167r horrifying prospect as the draft is reinstated. If you can battle through the “awed layers leheesy and (werly ‘\.~./e|l-made' text. \‘xeak (:haraeterlsat:or‘s and some below ax'arage pertorn‘ar‘eesi. mt: n‘ight possibly get to the heart of what '5: being said. Otherrx-se. you heroine :imritehtlohallv Diif§f§7‘((‘,. lMerorio’ Williams: I (Jederbellv. earn 7 (3083. until 25 Aug We? 90), 9pm, £7 We».

for GLASGOW THEATRE see non—festival magazine

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