MITCH BENN AND THE DISTRACTIONS Bridges the divide between Bruce Forsyth and Eminem

Music and cemed, nae always beer r‘ratura bt';(lr‘(:3")‘.'."; 9.4,“ BIN]: RIMS ALT/J! Cl, '70”! about "songs at (my? aw: "tears of ;at,gr‘te" ‘t're, are Elli .2": "0‘: l i’; Hf? ’al.’ hearts. appa'en‘.|,. Which makes Mitrm Benr‘ anrl tt;f; shes: rr‘

t‘urner'rlhrs rl:tt:es a natural nelrler of the muse comerlrr: lame a'. this year's testrvar.

And with a new Rarlrn .1 senes rn front of mm anrl a rlrummer. \.'.rhr)se r,rerlrts include a Busterl B srtle, behrnrl him on stage. Benn rs well egurppetl fer the big trrne. Hell. the man shares the same management as Bruce Forsyth. Se what rs that sharle‘w/y artrstrr: area between Busted anrl l-ersyth like? ‘lt sums me up somehow and describes where I am at artistically' he says. 'lt's a strange cross between r<)<:k'n'r()ll anrl (terny shewbr/f

Benn's shew tlrts between musical genres like an attention-rletterent reenru collector. Rockabilly and hip hop vre for mus‘real space wrth a lost Beatles song. ‘My Name is Macbeth. an Eminem pastiche. should keep Seamus Heaney happy. iErld McCracken.

I (Sr/(led Hal/gen Tevrot. 923 $9157. I- 24 Aug that (9/), 10.30pm. .‘U—u“ IO r’fk‘l AS‘SL.

CHARLIE ROSS Welcome to Munchkinland

Charlie Ross wants to know why gay men love the l‘l/r/ara' of Oz. ‘lt could be that we connect with the

. see non-festival magazrne

loneliness of [)eretnl. er rt may Just be a big pile at camp nensense.‘ (leerrles the Glaswegran. Proving that not all gay comedians fit into the outrageous Graham

28 THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE lit Jul-T Aug 20?},

Hats off to the king of cringe

Ne'ten ana Crag Hrl' stereotypes. Rest; Intends to she:. ".I).'. .zx. (:ar‘: like neth urgbj. anrl musicals. Basea amuse Hess' past as a PE teacher. aw: the ‘a::’. that he rs a butch. spurt |()\.’lll§} gar. man at‘ a (:amp werlrj. fracas. its and .‘xfu/x‘hkrns plays with people's preconeerxrerl rueas ar‘rl

Powwow with the Jingleberries


Penis envy. pig's ears and subversive politics

Now. here's a proud boast: at the climax of every performance of his 2002 Fringe show. Canadian stand-up Glenn Wool succeeded in reducing every male in the audience to a grimacing. dewy-eyed wreck. The reason? The excruciating true story of Wool's painful biopsy. which involved the insertion of an endoscope into his member.

'I feel sorry for a couple of comics I know who've had to go through the same thing. but can‘t even use it as material.‘ laughs Wool. reminiscing. 'They're like: “Aw. that's Glenn

Wool‘s stuff“.‘

And delightful stuff it is too. But don‘t trot along to the Pleasance expecting an hour of gratuitous knob gags. As the deliberately ambiguous title of last year‘s show, Bizarre Cocktail. implies. Wool‘s material is an unnerving brew of laid-back observations and subversive political ranting ('Yeah. I do a tight ten on Christianity.‘ he quips) while his onstage disposition ranges from easygoing to eyebrow-cocked incredulity.

This approach has already earned him comparisons to such greats as Bill Hicks and Bill Cosby. Yet Wool admits he may have to tone down his material should the big time come calling. ‘Yeah. talking in such graphic detail about my cock problems might not be to everyone‘s taste.‘ he says. ‘You don‘t want to throw the sow’s ear before the silk purses.’

(Allan Radcliffe)

I Pleasance (loll/hard, frat; err-w, urrtr/ .‘ ’7’) Am .1

met 5). 7.", ans/m. 52") .“Hlfifl.

compares the journey rlrmn the ‘,(?l:l}.'. >rrrik rr>a’l tr: the ptrr'iey we all take it fife.

N’>.'.' Wary; ill l «tritium Hess can't wait t<; p‘a. tr a Scntts" ':r<;.'.'r: and be askerl that all familiar (Hill curler! guest'rx‘: ‘Are I.’)ll a tnenrl r)t Derntt“. 's’r“ A guestre'l that Hess s ()rtl‘, tea delighterl tr, answer wrtl‘ ‘,es' rJane Hanwlter“

I C. (>870 I'()' :7? 7(7‘. Urn/l. an IUAu'g. 70,017). E 7.50 $15330


THE JINGLEBERRIES They kid you not

Remember wner‘ alrl’l‘y. Frank Beugl‘. was, (:atapulterl from breakfast TV arlalat e" tr, the rteghnase ‘(,?l’,,‘.'lt"; the revelatren feat his earl, rr‘mrtrng peppzr‘ess was largely ’."‘ar‘ks tr, B()ll\.1£il‘ marching pen-:rler’? lrnagrne saw; a plummet from grace "art befalren the angelrrgall. goo“, cast at Ryan/xx; and you ha.e The measure of The Jrngleberrres' sheekrnr;


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surrro ,w. . (, rams

{.‘f'f’fl'llW'U ‘.1't,"," Might :Jtltf, ll‘. ,rLr’te l a" asbes’xm x'lrrl'rxer va.. 'rt;:;',rtr."t. ‘; 'gitrwr a knrrck "1 arm t'w' aurit‘. f'l'ees’wr‘x: were seen trotted f"ar‘ lirrl anr: Barnum trunks tr. tne' Jrr‘r’;/eberr'. 'lrrrre l't’tfl‘flill. T'V: Ber'er' lIr .s'nnus ’.£l":‘:.' was b. and re.ela‘. armuf rlrngzs. ';a. sex an?) r' :J‘anne’l p":f;r‘a'tr.res

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