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that. when \Im.’( H: [tn/I: In I‘I"\ II \mx .1 yuan uppunnnn} In h.:\; Inng \[Xn‘C \Ingc Ihcn In Ihc I IIIIIIIIttIhCI \InII haw 11th \‘UIIIC

Ixnk IIHIII IhI' \Itguxlh Hn'nnnlc Ihc (RIIII‘I'IIMN

Ixc \hn'xkn

I'Ihm III‘I‘III \IIIIIMI'IIII; cntctgln; ‘nIthx 1x \‘I'ngml .III\I II hm It \Ixxml plays. IIIung \\.nh II.ttI\llII\\I\‘II Ihc III-InmmIn \_\ \h'III Inaqu II IIIII‘I‘II‘IIII IUI Ihc \thIc wt \gnIIInIII I Ihnhtnghk II'IIII} I‘ILhk'kI up ItxcnII} .tnII tlIIIl.tII\I'\ hkc Ihc I IIII‘.I\\_\ Inc gtmII cmntplcx wt \‘.II.II the ( 'uIIu'Inc l\ Itht‘lttllf.‘


lttztt (“LII /\ I.(/‘( ’Ifw. WINK/INS 1" .’1(

/m 23m“.

Joanne Tatham & Tom O’Sullivan

li/uv. wau Illa." I.I.tnn.n_\ I‘I‘IM \mx Ullt Inxt wIn k'\IIII‘lIIIIII In \I‘HIIIInII. \IIhunjgh \M'XI Iwcn \xtnktn; III},‘I'IIICI \Inpc “5 \\\'II.1\III.I II\.IIIIIII'\ \IIIMIIIILII IIIIIK‘IIIII\U‘II.1IIIIIIIIIIIII [‘HIIIIJIIIIHIIjJII \kx'XI \IHIIC \lIIIIk' .t IIII HI [II‘IIII'I'h CI\L‘\\IIUIC. “C Ik'tlII} IIIIIIICI‘IIIICII Ih.II Ihc ('uIII-I'Itw :JIIIICI} II'l|\ICII II\ It‘ IIH \\II.tI\‘\CI' \\k' \\.IIIIC\I III IIH IIIIII I‘\I‘I'_\IMII_\ IhI'I'I' \\;I\ \I‘I‘} \nplnn’tnc. \\c .Ilw IIIIII Inunq In III) ;I \nmll pnhlitxnmn and um \\;I\ IIIL' Inxt tune \\\'.\I gut Innunc In \xt'III' nhnnt HIlt \wl'k \\III III.I\II\‘_\ mute .In InxpnnI lc\l IUI' Il\_ that l\ III/It/ t\ .In ultihilmn th.II \IIII Inx \wII nlungmlc I‘III UIIICI.

\IlII nwtnl III! In nmx‘ />’/un )um

Inun‘ ICCCIII plntcptx I'hc mhthttiun IImI tnnntl hnngcx IC\I\ nnII IIIII\I\' In unNI'ngl wnn‘lhtny that \\c Icynttl nx n III‘IIHIMI ;II'I\‘.In'I\. II \\;t\ pt‘nhnhh ;III qnnc nthhxnhng.

frat/tin [Ill/HUN (HII/ lum () MIN/Inn lmu' (I w/u \/Iun u/u'umg \/1u/'//\ (H XIII/~11 lum; [um/u)! (HII/ I'IIIII' (I tumnnM/um't/ put/ml (1/ [III-("1' (Ill III/I; [JUN/(’HIIlHt'I//>/1(///-\///('HII\.I'll-MIII/'\.//I(I/\I(/\.

Moyna Flannigan

.\I_\ Inxt \hmx ;II Ihc ('nlIccliw \\;t\ n W95 and \\;l\ :In iInpnI‘Innt IIIt'lIIth.‘ [mint hctuccn :IthI‘nI'I ;InII II}:IH‘;III\C \wt‘k. I‘II (unn- hack II'IIIII talc and had ImI In_\ pccl‘ pinup nnII \mnn'II In IinII nnv ;I;_';nn. 'I'hcn In IUIF I IIIII n \htm I'nIIcII II/u'u ’I'rI/III' /,.’I/\(‘ (N I/I’I'I I’I'H/I/I' Ill/u It'll. I IIIII III n nn\ nt hnnginnt'} ;II'II\I\ nnII nunlcnnw II‘unI Rnntc \\IIUI'C I‘II hu‘n on n \uhhnliutl. II \\;I\ Inn'qu in HM /.I'\l h} Snxnnnn [Scnttnmnt [\xhn IIH\\ I‘IIn\ IInggI'I'tIxth' nnII I‘I‘pt‘cwnIx I'Innnignnl. Hut I’w hccn Inm'c III\III\L‘II \\IIh trying; «Int nmx iIIcnx IhI‘nngh Ihc cmnnnttct‘. Ihc (‘nllcclixc guru and chunng \xhcn Snl‘nh IIHII\ (HCI'. II had Iwcn n \L'I‘) IzIIinhIn‘gh [IIncI‘ mm Int‘gch IxtIinhIn‘gh ;II'II\I\ ;t\ Incmhct‘x hnI \hc UPCIICKI II up n hit. II gin-x _\nn n

\\;IIL‘I' I'nIuIn'x mt [\‘Itltlc

\\;I} ;I\ ;I )HIIIIj.‘ ;tl'II\l In nlccl pcnplc nnII \IHI'I tn IInIIcI'xtnnII hmx Ihc ;n‘I \xnt'III \\I)I'I\\ Ihu‘cK n \\ hulc nw. \ct HI \kiII\ In Icnrn.

.I/mmt I‘ltIH/I/L'tzn'x ’urlml'l ,I/I'HI'III/m'x (In an \/1un (H [/II' .S‘I'nlll'x/I XIII/ulm/ (in/NH u/ .IIIHII’I'H Ir! unit/Sun 5M1).

_\Hll I‘cnhxc

Beagles & Ramsay

\VL‘ hnII UIII‘ III'xt \UIH \hmx In Scotland at IIIC (‘nllcctnc in WW". II gnw nx Lt gran nppnrlnnit} In \hmx it \nthnnIinI hml} III mn'k including HIn‘ hIIIIch lungs IIHIIhIc—lwt'lh cnt’IIn \xhich hm I‘cccntl} hccn ptn‘chnml It} the I)c\ij_'n \IIIxctnn in I.unIInn. [frag/m (Im/ RIHHHH (II'I' I‘HI'I'I'HI/I ('I/Il‘ln'I/‘ng _\'¢'n .III u! (1/ (VIII/m7; (km/I'M.

Collective director. Sarah Munro, looks back over her ten years with the gallery.


now 7W." Hurt. I: n any. I'Ittnhtun", ItntI‘ I'u- II‘IIIIH III‘ II’II' 'z‘du". tawn- I:II7I\:I~*. at an all I 't‘z‘ IIi-fi “"'\I;II\.I|51I"I‘H'"_ (II"II";III‘, 'II'IHLI II“ Inntu'trtz .II‘ :t v‘wn‘ni ‘J' tine)! t'w union-3‘ III I'tz". IE'W'IIIII":ET.ITIII"II I‘Imlt ta'tltgtt; c:

(III‘JII \tnttttf. li' I I.’ '7

Ilthl't‘t‘ ff My ‘.‘.'|II '1 haw. r“ IIIa'IIHItIr‘II. tax In: I_L)"L'}' SH ')7 I] ('13:): w; I '1. n :iuptmrt attnrtttw; In: .: ‘.’II)t.’I"T (.'|Il(2iii rirt'I‘IIxH t»; SII‘IIJI‘,’ (III'II ‘EXIST. Inn ‘,'t2(1ti;()I‘I'I{II:EILIIII/ZI'IIIQIEE (L'Ittt‘.I}(:LI'.}'£IIII;II(I;I'I‘,’ I'M,- I: t\,’:; (gnltn'ai Iexzt'é1-tirxmrx w s;‘_I|| HRHIJIHQIIISU 1. IIIII (Waste are ."(>‘.'.' staying, arr?! (L'YXXHI‘Q it) reintxtft: t1, II'HIIIII'III‘ a?) (II ft) (I'm/0km thm I)t(:(37lf,tf, V‘JIIh t'te Cutest w,- lit,- amt-rt In create a mar r; ‘0' the QIESIJUIIITM‘H r;‘ :2,” (I’IISIEL IIIeI' (IIJIYIIIIIIYI‘UIII. an‘I; tun anrt energy. I a'rt Interesten In creatn‘tg SUSSIIIIHIKI relatinnuntpm thh armsts; Ir: t'ILIItIILIIIIIth an npmnrxm to new (teas; and (grime; Throttgh p'fteut‘i ltkr: Nrm Work Santian’I. nth/<2 defined a uarttrgtla' agenda tov mamng ‘.'./()I'I<, amt/0:1 at; (:XIIIIHI'HQ It. | Itét‘.’f-B£1!'I‘HIIIUILI'BthtéI sfrnetnre that 3.9 Internatonazly aware hut room-(1 In '18 "eqwta‘ context ar .(1 IUILEIIIUK Collective was ongtnall/ Astabltshed as :1." mm In.” space ano we COI‘IIIIIIO TO work (:05;er 'mth our committee. selmtew Ix; the members and responsuble ‘or curatmg about a third at the programme. Hecer‘tty tor). a new ecology of antsts' tntttattves IS emergmg. making It eager to be an artISt Iwung here than for many years and Jlttmatety Creattng new Challenges for the Collectzve as IIS rote wrthtn the Cultural ecotogy of the City contznues to EVOIVG.