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Political graffiti scrawler DAN PERJOVSCHI is the first (unofficial) Festival artist in residence. Ruth Hedges takes a peak at what he brings to the party.

an I’erimxchi ix a Romanian artixt haxed

in Bucharext. (‘laxxicalh trained. he

grew up under (‘eaucexcu‘x reprexxix e (‘nmmunixt regime. ‘lt wax a wry. \er} [Hugh time.’ he .xtt_\'.x. Nearl} l5 )L‘ill‘x nn li‘nm I989‘x t‘e\'nltitinn. I’etjimxchi ix in lidinhnrgh ax ttnnl‘licial artixt in rexidence. lle xketchex what he xeex. what he readx and. whether xatirical. .\llh\'L‘l‘.\l\'L‘ or will} there'x an edge. Ile‘x constantly engaging with what ix going on around. l'uelled partl} h} the exxential l‘act that he can. Hix pnlitical gral‘liti and commentary hax adorned pax‘emenlx. the wallx (it old minex. a Hour of the Romanian pa\ilinn at the Venice Biennale I999. and now the lidinhnrgh Bunk liextival and the (‘nllcctive (ialler): Sketchex (in paper will he collated tn Int‘m a free xheet dixtrihtited in the laxt week til the I"cxti\al.

(‘nmment and nhxerx'atinn cnmc together in ximple linex r xttmming up what a rambling jnurnalixt might xay with many xtrnkex of a pen. The whole. maxxch. complex ixxue ()I newl} democratic cnttntriex being pulled in dil'l'erenl directionx. caught between idenlngiex. needx and prexxurex. l'nr example. xummed up in one image.

Thexe are drawingx that he'x made in the lirxt week of arriving in the city. The w hole clamnuring Inr attention. hednnixm. rain. and cnnl‘uxinn ax xeen h} an e}e and mind that ix xharp and quextinning tn hix xurrntmdingx and the world in itx higgext and man minute detail.

Dan Perjovschi is drawing at spaces in the Book Festival, Spiegeltent and the Collective Gallery, as part of the Collective Off-Site programme, until Sat 28 Aug. A free sheet of his collected sketches will be available in the last week of the Festival.