ALISTAIR BARRIE: CHOICE Bush-baiting tortured liberal 000

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{with at ,’,'il '.'./|l.’l(1‘)‘:|‘t’.fit/" (1f ‘:.‘:") alte' laiiriltinri tor, t‘ar'l And inrleert. ltl‘:

intirnar , of tili- Plfril‘dlll’t‘ lifrllfrt,it, Ullll‘i Harrie", “troll fillil’flélll’fll of issues surrounding the political lili.’.’.‘.’ril(l 'rillrilrrr'.

A sell rr/rllessed (’illr'll’lii'l'l aficionado and "tortured illieial'. the understated Harrer makes. i.'.rrj,l\, amusing points about the woeful state of our political cl; sses on hoth sides of the Atlantic. Though some of the Bushisnis he rlredges up are a hil past then sell hy date. (Allan Radclillel I P/easance ()orirtia’rrd. 33:36 ($5530, lint/l (£0 Aug. r‘i‘.".’.")/)/n, 5‘10»?! I {51950—5‘5).50).

DUTCH ELM CONSERVATOIRE Pacy blur of surrealist situations 000

The first thing you notice about the Dutch Elm (3rinservatoiie's sketch ensemhle is that they‘ve skilfully managed to recruit live men of such divergent shapes and sixes that when they stand in a row they resemble the Manhattan skyline. Then act is a fast- oaced hlui' of vaguely surreal premises. some of which have a real spark of originality. including an argument between Colonel Sanders and the Little Chef tdoes anyone actually know whether the Colonel was a real military man’?l.

There's rather too much resorting to mere shouting for my delicate ears. but overall the talented quintet commit to these Silly Situations With verve. rAllan Radcliffei I P/easance COLA/hard. 556 6550. MW 30 Aug. 70..15prii. 9950—2 7050 rES—i‘Qi.


One man, two shows. seven stars

A mere pair of shows to last year‘s three and a half: could Simon Munnery's mojo be on the wane? Of course it's not. The former captain of the League Against Tedium is practically incapable of delivering sub-par goods. and these offerings are equal and opposite manifestations of a formidable comic force. Munnery himself billed the AGM as ‘freewheeling banter‘. and those are the mots justes: a ruthlessly informal meeting between people with an Interest in Things, one of whom just happens to be on stage and to have organised the whole affair. Spurning the mic for almost the entire show, Munnery chatted. mused, dropped cerebral one-liners. ‘played' the harmonica and turned in an excellent Bob Dylan pastiche. At the halfway point, the audience was asked to table motions which were then discussed by all with SM dutifully chairing. The intentional waywardness of the format made some of the improvised sections a little too rickety, but it was far from a zero-sum game as the bemused participants would happily avow. Far more structured - and thematically darker - was Buckethead. an entertaining and slyly thought-provoking humorous play about escape. cultural rapine, not seeing and not being seen. In the near future, a fad of bucket- wearing has swept the globe for reasons of metaphysical serenity and much to the distress of the Ministry of Interrogation. Deftly bounding from role to role. exhibiting an acting talent he himself would strenuously deny. Munnery created a tense. slightly menacing and wholly funny virtual surreality which matched each laugh with a gently sobering thought. The gist of this was: ‘If you think

this show is weird, take a l

'*"(Il.r, \)-x: A.

JIMEOIN End of the pier blandness O.

8. all accounts \Jllllr’ktilt‘. i.'.'as xerr. lunni, around tiltitt. \‘r’ell. it seems the years naxe not heei‘ kind. With a slo‘.‘.'. lumhering opening he (l(?ll\.t}l'f; his material [H a low mumhle as it he himself knox‘xs that this stutt is not that gootl.

From Australian acceots to tractors. he meanders on. It's all pretty harmless and the audience It“, hard to 0”th themselves; i.'.'ei|. \,ou do it you‘xe forked out a tenner. But this is hland endot-the pier stuff ‘.'.lll(3ll is fine it you’re stuck on a wet week in Clacton-on-Sea but here. With so much eiso axailahle. Jinieoin r'ealix. doesn't cut it. lGordon Elqirettr I Poo Deco. UP 777' 559 " 70:3. and 3:) Aug.

b.-1:>;i'n. .2 rte:

r: 0.00.


Silly walks and fat cats 0..

This do some comed‘,

in the form of a sere / Ci‘ Mona P\tt‘oi‘-esgce sketenes certorn‘eo h. and a

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28 THE LIST FESTIVAL MAGAZINE :1 pr; ix...) -.

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this man, imi, asst”. .'.'tli a :lr>.'el: r‘r‘ ahsuidis’. skits. .'.'~:<:r‘ include sil", ‘.'.’a ks. horntiess arr;a'ru:r‘tt\ a".i a corporate 'a’. rat ginir‘gi hirth to [tone Harrow-f (Eeriatrrts (Imus Heat and Barr, l was st'r'f'; the sketcr‘ {git-t'iur

.'.'itt‘ a runneixi gag; at/ r.

heing old codgers. ‘.'.rhicli gives their sons. its Ir‘ather (illittll‘lttt; sulétitle: “Guarar‘teeti Perrwrr Winner IELTCNJ 0' Douliie Your Mc’uu‘. Back: Pom the" Pensiorisf

Miles l:|(:‘l(}(:"

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In honour of onanism COO

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tor a rlisaorioritn‘ertt. l‘.

tonaezer. ‘.()u like wank gags h; the tissarg—‘rzari.

then got surefire winner, Jr‘.‘


rld.‘ (Sam Healy)

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How clutter makes us nostalgic 000

brill. (JfIf)t(ik}"/,'!(If‘ 'r A”

is n‘ or”; *‘rwtisr: amt-r rl‘ao. .ears and '2‘,” ctt'sr,r'i'i:; has tee." nani‘r; a cut-arreat in: t ixes H3 1

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Domestics rather than politics 0000

Mir: A \. A,.A 1 (L II . " r4 ,1 I 0: . r I ¢ 5...“





Definitely not for the

kids 0..
