ames the dark

Torn Dawson meets JAMES MCAVOY, the versatile young actor who stars in Damien O’Donnell’s INSIDE I’M DANCIN

I made me leel humhlef \a_\\ (ilaxxxegian aetor .lamex .\Ie.\\o_\

ol Inx leading role a\ a )otiiig Irithan \xith I)uehenne muxeular

d_\\tioph} lll I)amien (l'I)onnelI\ hitterxueet hudd_\ ino\ie /ll\/(/(’ /'m Hum 1/111. 'I \\a\ \itting in the \ineeIeItair l'or I2 hour\ a da_\_ not out ol a .\Iethod teehnidue to \ta} in eharaeter. hut heeathe I max in neai|_\ exert \eeue and it \\a\ easier lor heing Iit and l'oeuxxed. .\n_\\\a_\. I \\a\ getting the \}rriptoin\. to a tin_\ degree. ol \omehod} eonlined to a \xlieelehair But I eould \\a|k aua}. \xhereax \omehod} lll in} ehaiaeter'x poxitioii eouIdn't. 'I'hat reall) opellx _\our mindf

In /I1\lr/t' I'm Hum mg. .\Ie.\\o_\ play the rehellioux and \xitheringl} \aleaxlle Ror}. \\ho\ dexperate to exeape l'rom l't'\ltIL‘llIl;lI eare. and uher ioined in his mission to |i\e independent!) in I)uhlin h} the eerehraI pals) \ul'lerer .\Iiehael tneueoiuer Ste\ en Rohertxonl. \\ho\e o\\lt \peeeh eapaeitiex are \e\erel_\ impaired. ‘It\ not a lilm ahout the dixahled eommtmit).~ e\p|ain\ the 25 war old .\Ie.l\\o_\. It's a lilm in \xhieh t\\o ol the three main eharaeterx happen to he ph_\\iea||} dixahled in \ignilieant may. I think it‘s ahout groung tip. ahout Iil‘\l Io\e\ and mortalit} all the thing\ that eu‘i'}hod§ leeI\. .-\nd it'\ a liunn} lilm.‘

During the pre produetion period. .\Ie;\\'o_\ spent time in the eompam ol indi\iduaI\ \ul‘l‘ering lrom Rorfx degenerative \xaxting eondilion. It “as thexe eueounterx that taught him that 'the last thing that \ueh people \xant ix Ior _\ou to take pit} on them. 'I'hat'x uh} Stewn and I tried our hardest to a\oid an} \eulimentalit) in our [X‘I'It>l'lllttllL‘L‘\. I’la}iiig lI1i\ \Hl'l HI. I't‘IL‘ ix ahout oning _\our ego and \impl} rexpeeting lIle \Itll‘_\..

'I'he Seotxtoun- horn .\Ie.-\\o_\ \\a\ IllNI Io \xhen he appeared in Ill\ Ilt’\I lilm. I)a\id IIa}man\ 'liln' Nair Room. l-ortuitouxl) the direetor happened to |i\e ne\t door to the _\oung\ter\ Iinglixh teaeher and notieed .\Ie;\\o'\ \xhen he eame to gi\ e a talk ahotit .\Iaeheth at the \ehool. Ila\ ing studied at the I{o_\al Seottixh .\eadem) ol' .\quie and Drama. the aetor Il;t\ huilt tip \ome imprexxne ereditx in telexixion and einema. \Ilo\\itlg a master} ol

dil'l'erent aeeentx. IIe\ heen the middle-elaxx ear thiel Stew in the I’auI .-\IWI‘UI \eripted drama .\i/lrllllt'h'n. IIIL‘ \L‘L‘UlltI \L‘I'IL‘\ UI- “Ille‘Il he's reeentl_\ eompleted lihning this ol‘l' \ereen relationship \\ith eo— \tar .\nne .\Iarie I)ul'l' made tahloid headlines.) IIe\ LII\H heen an amhitioux iournalixt in the BBC thriller .X'Iult' o/ l’/u\'. and a doomed tll'l\IHL‘l';lI in Stex en l'r_\ \ li’ri'e/i/ lining 'l’ln'ngx. .~\nd thix autumn \ee\ the releaxe ol' llinrh/i't/on. the Working 'I‘itle romantie eomed} in \\hieh he appearx alongxide I’aul Bettam and Kirsten I)un\t.

IIe'x _\et to make a lilm in hix nati\e Seotland ho\\e\er. and right non ha\ headed to .\'e\\ /eaIand tor a \e\en—month \tint on the

I)ream\\ork\ \erxion ol l/it' lion. r/n' III/("ll (HUI Illt‘ Him/robe. It\ i one ol hix l'axourite hookx l‘rom ehiIdhood. and it \xill make a ehange. he helie\e\. l'rom ‘the quite dark role\ that I‘\e done. I i al\\a_\ \ \eem to he killing m_\ sell". or d_\ ing or getting \hot. or pla} ing a rent ho_\. 'I'hi\ \\ i|| he \ottlething I eau \Ito\\ a kid ol‘ mine.‘ .\‘o \\ hat\ the mo ing loree hehind thix hard-\xorking 35—}ear-old. ; \\ho\ heing tipped ax a \ueeexxor to Iiuan .\Ie(iregor and I)ougra_\ .\‘eott'.’ '\\'e||. a eouple ol yum haek I \\a\ talking to the aetrexx linda Bawett i(}r/t'Iii/trr‘ (Hr/s). and I told her that I \\otIIdn't he a f aetor l'or mueh longer heeatrxe it’x l'ull ol~ \hit and that I \\a\ going to . do \omething \\ot'lIl\\IliIe. She told me that il‘ )oti don‘t rexpeet it. and don‘t underxtand that people need \toriex to he told. then it \xill , he \hit. But il‘ _\ou \xork hard. _\ou'II lind it‘s an important part ol -’ \oeiel}. .\‘o I guexx I reaI|_\ “ant to tell \toriex.' j

UGC 623 8030, Mon 23 Aug, 7pm and Wed 25 Aug, 7pm.