This week’s underage entertainment

MARTHA - w i 1/ Comic solitude by the sea“ ,7 O

Martha is a ‘miserable auld «if I x . wee house by the sea, takes “7‘ a ‘i an a string. hates folk littering her beach and has ‘GO AWAY' emblazoned across her welcome mat. Catherine Wheels' colourful modern fairytale follows Martha's gradual encouragement into society by a mischievous goose and a big-hearted postie, against the backdrop of her versatile little sand castle. The piece contains a delightful balance of slapstick comedy and pathos. with a wonderfully grouchy performance from Pauline Knowles as the reclusive heroine. (Allan Radcliffe)

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Blending poetry. slide sho

world wuth a notepad and the five best and worst thi

Good Thing: .12Ll can play Bad Thing: "lull stuff start

Good Thing: you car: buy Bad Thing: .55 "ant affor

Bad Thing: .1);l" I 4%.. :: And-

i ' o be alone. She lives'in'a '2

ws. stand-up comedy and more

poetry PAUL LYALLS‘ Fringe show is pitched at ages 7—777. A great introduction to poetry for children, and a good laugh for adults. Are We Nearly There Yet? (00.. ) looks at the life changes we all go through. and invites us to change the

an lkea pencil. Here. Lyalls tells us ngs about growing up.

Good Thing: . u tie? to stay up late Bad Thing: u Want wake up in the morning.

your music louder and louder. s to sound like a noise and hurts

anything you .vant. d Eill‘flillllg.

Good Thing: "it. we tells ,ou .-:hat to do.

Bad Thing: uou :lo"'t knox.‘ what youre doing.

Good Thing: 1.0;; get to feel all responsmle and grown-up. ;:a'efree days get less and less.

There Yet’.«’, Pleasance Dome. 556

50—5. 7 91130-53350,,


‘Adults are obsolete children' Dr Seuss

I Jazz Mouse l earning an instrument can be a fun, funky affair, if you've got a Parisian mouse as your teacher. Imaginative and fun puppetry from Allie Cohen. Assembly Rooms, 226 2428. until 30 Aug (not 23) 7 7.30am, 5‘6 (5‘4).

a Private Peaceful A stunning piece of theatre for the over—eights. detailing the life of a World War I soldier facing execution. See review. Assembly Rooms, 226 2428, until 29 Aug (not 23) 70.45am, 88—89 (IV—f8).

The 3 Bananas Charming puppetry. magic and witty banter from lan Savrlle, in a show that's obsessed with bananas. See review. Komedia Roman Eagle Lodge. 226 7207, until 29 Aug, 7 7.45am, [‘5 (ff/7). I Martha A tale of loneliness. friendship and an interfering goose from the acclaimed Catherine Wheels Theatre Company. See review. Scotland's Theatre Gateway 226 0000, until 29 Aug (not 23), 77am, £6 ($4).

I Are We Nearly There Yet? Poetry, comedy. slide shows and a chance to change the world. See Poet's Choice. P/easance Dome, 556 6550. until 30 Aug, 7pm, EG—E 7 (84.50—25.50).

I Dude! Where’s My Teddy Bear? This fun musical is a real winner. You'll be singing the songs for days afterwards. C. 0870 707 5705, until 30 Aug. 70am, £6.50 (84.504550).

I The Owl & The Pussycat Tall Stories delivers another helping of wonderful stOrytelling, performed by character actors who have the grown-ups hooked as much as the kids. C, 0870 707 5705. until 30 Aug (not 75), 3pm.

£37. 50 (8550-650).