Festival Front

[:93 Wall

..: 2. Pleasance '

Nicholas Parsons

Hacks v Jokers: tho comedians (in orange) got the last laugh

mirthful and charming : .‘ " v ;‘ ,.,rv,.} ..'-r' '-.l..v It. a, '1! : . -' : Jason Byrne. may . .flgo

:1" : ' Four Poofs and a Piano~ r- .rre

“1". compound his balls up : . tll'h'itlfllfilllt/l for ttirdt:ttrrrti

r“; then .‘.’(‘lll on to

‘l er Ptrtilf, and a l unemt'.

lit! 13‘» hr :t all cakes in paper doilies and srtihed "arrlltanlxs doxzn at the Book Festival fitttl L\llt )(Lk

at 'eglular and St Mirren

irtrnt; t‘vrme st‘nlie

l rurr‘r Christopher Brookmyre

° let Insider in on

tend Iitl‘w .t> t: details ahout the minim-ht TV adaptation of " ~; ltwri‘rx k)” 70 it’d". ()"U

New it and Daniela Nardini. He :atrd; 'lt's not t-xrtctli. :zla‘.;sltr\. tttrtlttul to the

shitlu stars James

\lK‘l‘i‘r l‘ltl\.t\‘ (l mischievous quality that

"Klbl‘aml. also hasa

l '\, l\lli


Brendon Burns lll~tempered Aussie raconteur has mellowed

little over the years and looks like he wrote the handbook for gouging. biting and scratching. In da club? A romper stomper.

.,-‘=,;\ l?

rl'lerjObbie fr" it " illllftll rlft’lj. .'.'l‘r .'* ‘ili'rtl"l

keel, the thrusts


til Swine trer‘or'r‘ers mount: in Edinburgh with a concrete idea of \.'.'rat ttre‘,'re (l()|ll(_} hut It doesn't £ll‘.‘.’£l‘,f; end up like that. l rrst. Tim Fountain had to rurhlrsh a retraction when (lillllltl ‘.'.tet)srte Gaydar.com accused hrrn of rnxadrnt; the origac‘, of the so had to so as to not include them. Despite the fact that the site got more free publicity from hrrn than anything else. Shame he had to admit that all of the :1har‘.’t<:ters in his show were invented. and his 'catch'

users on the site.

change his sho'x.

Janey Cotilt-y

Tongue like a red-hot poker and has been known to Slice up hecklers to sprinkle on her porridge. Has the power but not the kung fu skills. In da club? Bark is worse than her bite.


Daniel Kitson

He's not never backward in coming forward when he's not happy (just ask his audience or former PR agencies). Looks fitter than in previous years.

In da club? Hell yeah! Bring 'em all on.

."t the atirt‘e'vtw .'.as actually a friend their tr‘erei» Laurie Kilmartin .'.'tt:, marl to rrtakr’: serr‘e rathe' hasty adjustments to her set after a r‘e'xrex. accused her of making rnflarnrnatorfi, remarks. Finally. Full Frontal Laboratory had to get the word out that The“, weren't actuailg. torturing kittens for laughs as in their promotional material. rt Just pretend.

Insider donned his sheepskin carcoat and trill); to torn other assorted l()tllll()f3 on the sidelines of the Comedians versus Hacks football match last weekend. Desorte someone declaring that a tune—star comedian couldn't make a fourstar central midfielder rt was a surprisingly close match wrth Rt ssell Howard. Janet Godley, Milton Jones. John Bishop and Al Pitcher among the golden-booted gag gang. After a 1-1 draw at full time. the jokers came away; xictorrous after penalties. not hefore mild- mannered Adam Hills ‘.'./as reduced to a manic rage after referee Brian H<-:rinrgah lost count after three

Rich Hall All drawl but no br the man who is Ot

walk. ln da club? Too m bourbon to bother.

Crenshaw. Talks the talk but lS smart enough to never have to walk the

l"tl it." W" t ' ll<i."l/“"' it"l‘

I Heeki‘r‘i t,’ the ‘Give us a fag’ was. puffer Reginald 0 Hunter almost mistook this request

cigarette for f;()lll(,‘ll‘lltt_l else entirele He did due him a (giggle though. Such a air e char), ‘You pushed me out the way’ huddle air- 2 man to Sarah Kendal! .'.'her she Jostled him as the

lil‘: '.'./ent off rust as she started her set last \.“./ednesda,. ‘You’re really fucking funny’ iadj. To l ee Mack .'.'ho .-.reaie 1 his re.ende fer her

Pleasance atarrns

sarcasm h, <lt:llllit} the crowd to shout ‘cocksuckeflgn her when she returned from the toilet.

I \‘.’hen tot) f;l‘.’)‘.‘.’ hr/ stand up


il l) (din/Ir” .(j‘t

U’./}lltf). l)l|(f() .1

Bolivian Marching

Jimmy Carr

Only the James Bond school of polite English combat here. Restricted to the occasional karate chop and tussles with ladies in their bras.

ln da club? Would rather

awl from is Lee


run a book on the winner.

O S I é Who’s apologising profusely for spilling their pint down the blazer of Nicholas Parsons

Powder -.~ :" :'-

Ed Byrne

North Bridge

:"» irate staff '- : r' "' four- letter expletives "

‘r : : ‘food poisoning

Bil : disagreeable nosh' E 1': 3:"

ll'l'50'ltrl.:K‘t2 ,l,,

Gomito Productions

.rreltm‘w'r'; ' : ' :-*1

Garden of Fools 1'

Nice cake

Tina C

Got the height and reach and if her uppercut's a scathing as her put downs we could have a rough outside bet.

ln da club? Might jUSl scratch the crown away from Brendon.